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1 <?php
2 /* $Id$ */
4 // first created 2002/04/29 Arthit Suriyawongkul & Warit Wanasathian
5 // last modified 2004/08/22 Arthit Suriyawongkul
7 $charset = 'utf-8';
8 $text_dir = 'ltr';
9 $number_thousands_separator = ',';
10 $number_decimal_separator = '.';
11 // shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
12 $byteUnits = array('ไบต์', 'กิโลไบต์', 'เมกกะไบต์', 'กิกะไบต์', 'เทอราไบต์', 'เพตตะไบต์', 'เอกซะไบต์');
14 $day_of_week = array('อา.', 'จ.', 'อ.', 'พ.', 'พฤ.', 'ศ.', 'ส.');
15 $month = array('ม.ค.', 'ก.พ.', 'มี.ค.', 'เม.ย.', 'พ.ค.', 'มิ.ย.', 'ก.ค.', 'ส.ค.', 'ก.ย.', 'ต.ค.', 'พ.ย.', 'ธ.ค.');
16 // See to define the
17 // variable below
18 $datefmt = '%d %B %Y %Rน.';
20 $timespanfmt = '%s วัน, %s ชั่วโมง, %s นาที, %s วินาที';
22 $strAbortedClients = 'ยกเลิก';
23 $strAccessDenied = 'ไม่อนุญาตให้ใช้งาน';
24 $strAction = 'กระทำการ';
25 $strAddAutoIncrement = 'เพิ่มค่า AUTO_INCREMENT';
26 $strAddDeleteColumn = 'เพิ่ม/ลบ คอลัมน์ (ฟิลด์)';
27 $strAddDeleteRow = 'เพิ่ม/ลบ แถว';
28 $strAddNewField = 'เพิ่มฟิลด์ใหม่';
29 $strAddPrivilegesOnDb = 'เพิ่มสิทธิของฐานข้อมูลต่อไปนี้';
30 $strAddPrivilegesOnTbl = 'เพิ่มสิทธิของตารางต่อไปนี้';
31 $strAddSearchConditions = 'เพิ่มเงื่อนไขในการค้นหา:';
32 $strAddToIndex = 'เพิ่มดัชนีคอลัมน์ %s';
33 $strAddUser = 'เพิ่มผู้ใช้ใหม่';
34 $strAddUserMessage = 'เพิ่มผู้ใช้ใหม่เรียบร้อยแล้ว';
35 $strAdministration = 'การดูแลระบบ';
36 $strAfterInsertBack = 'ส่งกลับ';
37 $strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'แทรกระเบียนใหม่';
38 $strAfter = 'หลัง %s';
39 $strAll = 'ทั้งหมด';
40 $strAllTableSameWidth = 'ให้แสดงตารางทุกอัน ด้วยความกว้างเท่ากันหรือไม่?';
41 $strAlterOrderBy = 'เรียงค่าในตารางตาม';
42 $strAnalyzeTable = 'วิเคราะห์ตาราง';
43 $strAnd = 'และ';
44 $strAnIndex = 'ได้เพิ่มดัชนีแล้วใน %s';
45 $strAny = 'ใดๆ';
46 $strAnyHost = 'โฮสต์ใดๆ';
47 $strAnyUser = 'ผู้ใช้ใดๆ';
48 $strAPrimaryKey = 'ได้เพิ่มไพรมารีคีย์แล้วใน %s';
49 $strArabic = 'อารบิค';
50 $strArmenian = 'อาร์เมเนีย';
51 $strAscending = 'น้อยไปมาก';
52 $strAtBeginningOfTable = 'ที่จุดเริ่มต้นของตาราง';
53 $strAtEndOfTable = 'ที่จุดสุดท้ายของตาราง';
54 $strAttr = 'แอตทริบิวต์';
55 $strAutomaticLayout = 'จัดตำแหน่งอัตโนมัติ';
57 $strBack = 'ย้อนกลับ';
58 $strBaltic = 'บอลติก';
59 $strBeginCut = 'เริ่มจุดตัด';
60 $strBeginRaw = 'เริ่มข้อมูลดิบ';
61 $strBinary = ' ข้อมูลไบนารี ';
62 $strBinaryDoNotEdit = ' ข้อมูลไบนารี - ห้ามแก้ไข ';
63 $strBookmarkDeleted = 'ลบคำค้นที่จดไว้เรียบร้อยแล้ว';
64 $strBookmarkLabel = 'ป้ายชื่อ';
65 $strBookmarkQuery = 'คำค้นนี้ถูกจดไว้แล้ว';
66 $strBookmarkThis = 'จดคำค้นนี้ไว้';
67 $strBookmarkView = 'ดูอย่างเดียว';
68 $strBrowse = 'เปิดดู';
69 $strBulgarian = 'บัลเกเรีย';
70 $strBzip = '"bzipped"';
72 $strCalendar = 'ปฏิทิน';
73 $strCannotLogin = 'ไม่สามารถล็อกอินเข้าเซิร์ฟเวอร์ MySQL ได้';
74 $strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'ไม่สามารถเรียกใช้ตัวช่วย iconv หรือ recode เพื่อแปลงชุดตัวอักษร, ทางเลือก: 1) ตั้งค่าให้ PHP สามารถใช้ตัวช่วยเหล่านี้ได้ หรือ 2) ตั้งค่าให้ phpMyAdmin ไม่ต้องแปลงชุดตัวอักษร';
75 $strCantLoad = 'ไม่สามารถเรียกส่วนขยาย %s,<br />กรุณาตรวจสอบการตั้งค่าของ PHP';
76 $strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'เปลี่ยนชื่อดัชนีเป็น PRIMARY ไม่ได้!';
77 $strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'ไม่สามารถใช้ฟังก์ชั่น iconv หรือ libiconv หรือ recode_string ทั้งๆ ที่สามารถเรียกตัวช่วย สำหรับฟังก์ชั่นเหล่านั้นขึ้นมาได้แล้ว. ลองตรวจสอบการตั้งค่าของ PHP';
78 $strCardinality = 'Cardinality';
79 $strCaseInsensitive = 'ไม่สนใจตัวเล็กตัวใหญ่';
80 $strCaseSensitive = 'สนใจตัวเล็กตัวใหญ่';
81 $strCentralEuropean = 'ยุโรปกลาง';
82 $strColComFeat = 'แสดงหมายเหตุของคอลัมน์';
83 $strCollation = 'การเรียงลำดับ';
84 $strColumnNames = 'ชื่อคอลัมน์';
85 $strColumnPrivileges = 'สิทธิเฉพาะคอลัมน์';
86 $strCommand = 'คำสั่ง';
87 $strComments = 'หมายเหตุ';
88 $strCompleteInserts = 'คำสั่ง INSERT เต็มรูปแบบ';
89 $strCompression = 'บีบอัดข้อมูล';
90 $strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin ไม่สามารถอ่านแฟ้มคอนฟิกูเรชั่นของคุณได้<br />โดยปกติ อาจจะเป็นเพราะตัว PHP หาไฟล์ไม่เจอ หรือไม่สามารถประมวลผล (parse) ไฟล์ได้<br />ลองเรียกไฟล์คอนฟิกูเรชั่นขึ้นมาโดยตรง (กดลิงค์ด้านล่าง) และดูว่ามี error message อะไรหรือไม่ ลองตรวจสอบดูเครื่องหมาย quote หรือ semicolon ว่าใส่ครบหรือเปล่า<br />ถ้าคุณเห็นหน้าว่างๆ แสดงว่าทุกอย่างเป็นปกติดี';
91 $strConfigureTableCoord = 'กรุณาตั้งค่าโคออร์ดิเนตของตาราง %s';
92 $strConnections = 'การเชื่อมต่อ';
93 $strCookiesRequired = 'ต้องอนุญาตใช้ใช้ \'คุ๊กกี้\' (cookie) เสียก่อน จึงจะผ่านจุดนี้ไปได้';
94 $strCopyTable = 'คัดลอกตารางไปยัง (ฐานข้อมูล<b>.</b>ตาราง):';
95 $strCopyTableOK = 'คัดลอกตาราง %s ไปเก็บในชื่อ %s เรียบร้อยแล้ว.';
96 $strCopyTableSameNames = 'คัดลอกตารางไปที่เดิมไม่ได้';
97 $strCouldNotKill = 'phpMyAdmin ไม่สามารถฆ่าเธรด %s. บางทีมันอาจจะถูกปิดไปแล้วก็ได้.';
98 $strCreate = 'สร้าง';
99 $strCreateIndex = 'สร้างดัชนีโดยคอลัมน์ %s';
100 $strCreateIndexTopic = 'สร้างดัชนีใหม่';
101 $strCreateNewDatabase = 'สร้างฐานข้อมูลใหม่';
102 $strCreateNewTable = 'สร้างตารางในฐานข้อมูลนี้ %s';
103 $strCreatePage = 'เริ่มหน้าใหม่';
104 $strCreatePdfFeat = 'การสร้างเอกสาร PDF';
105 $strCriteria = 'เงื่อนไข';
106 $strCroatian = 'โครเอเชีย';
107 $strCyrillic = 'ซิริลิค';
108 $strCzech = 'เช็ค';
109 $strCzechSlovak = 'เช็ค-สโลวัก';
110 $strChange = 'เปลี่ยน';
111 $strChangeCopyMode = 'สร้างผู้ใช้ใหม่ ให้มีสิทธิเหมือนกัน และ ...';
112 $strChangeCopyModeCopy = '... เก็บของเก่าไว้.';
113 $strChangeCopyModeDeleteAndReload = ' ... ลบของเก่าจากตารางผู้ใช้ แล้วเรียกใช้รายการสิทธิ์ใหม่หลังจากนั้น.';
114 $strChangeCopyModeJustDelete = ' ... ลบของเก่าทิ้งไปจากตารางผู้ใช้.';
115 $strChangeCopyModeRevoke = ' ... เรียกคืนสิทธิ์ทั้งหมดจากเดิม แล้วลบมันหลังจากนั้น.';
116 $strChangeCopyUser = 'เปลี่ยนข้อมูลล็อกอิน / ทำสำเนาผู้ใช้';
117 $strChangeDisplay = 'เลือกฟิลด์ที่ต้องการแสดง';
118 $strChangePassword = 'เปลี่ยนรหัสผ่าน';
119 $strCharset = 'ชุดตัวอักษร';
120 $strCharsetOfFile = 'ชุดอักขระของไฟล์ (character set):';
121 $strCharsets = 'ชุดตัวอักษร';
122 $strCharsetsAndCollations = 'ชุดตัวอักษร และการเรียงลำดับ';
123 $strCheckAll = 'เลือกทั้งหมด';
124 $strCheckPrivs = 'ตรวจสอบสิทธิ';
125 $strCheckPrivsLong = 'ตรวจสอบสิทธิสำหรับฐานข้อมูล &quot;%s&quot;.';
126 $strCheckTable = 'ตรวจสอบตาราง';
127 $strChoosePage = 'เลือกหน้าที่ต้องการแก้ไข';
129 $strDanish = 'เดนมาร์ก';
130 $strData = 'ข้อมูล';
131 $strDatabase = 'ฐานข้อมูล';
132 $strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'โยนฐานข้อมูล %s ทิ้งไปเรียบร้อยแล้ว';
133 $strDatabases = 'ฐานข้อมูล';
134 $strDatabasesDropped = '%s ฐานข้อมูลได้ถูกทิ้งไปเรียบร้อยแล้ว.';
135 $strDatabasesStats = 'สถิติฐานข้อมูล';
136 $strDatabasesStatsDisable = 'ยกเลิกการเก็บสถิติ';
137 $strDatabasesStatsEnable = 'ให้มีการเก็บสถิติ';
138 $strDatabasesStatsHeavyTraffic = 'โปรดทราบ: การเปิดใช้การเก็บสถิติของฐานข้อมูล อาจจะทำให้มีปริมาณการถ่ายโอนข้อมูลจำนวนมาก ระหว่างเว็บเซิร์ฟเวอร์ และเซิร์ฟเวอร์ MySQL.';
139 $strDataDict = 'พจนานุกรมข้อมูล';
140 $strDataOnly = 'เฉพาะข้อมูล';
141 $strDBComment = 'หมายเหตุของฐานข้อมูล: ';
142 $strDbPrivileges = 'สิทธิเจาะจงเฉพาะฐานข้อมูล';
143 $strDBRename = 'เปลี่ยนชื่อฐานข้อมูลเป็น';
144 $strDbSpecific = 'เฉพาะฐานข้อมูล';
145 $strDefault = 'ค่าปริยาย';
146 $strDefragment = 'จัดระเบียบตาราง';
147 $strDelete = 'ลบ';
148 $strDeleteAndFlush = 'ลบผู้ใช้ และเรียกใช้รายการสิทธิ์ใหม่หลังจากนั้น.';
149 $strDeleteAndFlushDescr = 'นี่เป็นวิธีที่หมดจดที่สุด แต่การโหลดสิทธิใช้งานใหม่ จะต้องใช้เวลาสักระยะ.';
150 $strDeleted = 'ลบเรียบร้อยแล้ว';
151 $strDeleting = 'กำลังลบ %s';
152 $strDescending = 'มากไปน้อย';
153 $strDescription = 'รายละเอียด';
154 $strDictionary = 'พจนานุกรม';
155 $strDisabled = 'ระงับการใช้อยู่';
156 $strDisplayFeat = 'ความสามารถด้านการแสดงผล';
157 $strDisplayOrder = 'ลำดับการแสดง:';
158 $strDisplayPDF = 'แสดงสกีมาของ PDF';
159 $strDoAQuery = 'ทำ "คำค้นจากตัวอย่าง" (wildcard: "%")';
160 $strDocu = 'เอกสารอ้างอิง';
161 $strDoYouReally = 'ต้องการจะ ';
162 $strDrop = 'โยนทิ้ง';
163 $strDropUsersDb = 'โยนฐานข้อมูลที่มีชื่อเดียวกับผู้ใช้ทิ้ง.';
164 $strDumpingData = 'dump ตาราง';
165 $strDumpXRows = 'ดัมพ์แถว %s แถว เริ่มที่แถว %s';
166 $strDynamic = 'ไม่คงที่';
168 $strEdit = 'แก้ไข';
169 $strEditPDFPages = 'แก้ไขหน้า PDF';
170 $strEditPrivileges = 'แก้ไขสิทธิ';
171 $strEffective = 'มีผล';
172 $strEmpty = 'ลบข้อมูล';
173 $strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL คืนผลลัพธ์ว่างเปล่ากลับมา (null / 0 แถว).';
174 $strEnabled = 'เปิดใช้อยู่';
175 $strEnd = 'ท้ายสุด';
176 $strEndCut = 'สิ้นสุดจุดตัด';
177 $strEndRaw = 'สิ้นสุดข้อมูลดิบ';
178 $strEnglish = 'อังกฤษ';
179 $strEnglishPrivileges = ' โปรดทราบ: ชื่อของสิทธิใน MySQL จะแสดงเป็นภาษาอังกฤษ ';
180 $strError = 'ผิดพลาด';
181 $strEstonian = 'เอสโตเนีย';
182 $strExplain = 'อธิบาย SQL';
183 $strExport = 'ส่งออก';
184 $strExtendedInserts = 'แทรกหลายระเบียนในคราวเดียว';
185 $strExtra = 'เพิ่มเติม';
187 $strFailedAttempts = 'ความพยายามล้มเหลว';
188 $strField = 'ฟิลด์';
189 $strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'โยนฟิลด์ %s ทิ้งไปเรียบร้อยแล้ว';
190 $strFields = 'จำนวนฟิลด์';
191 $strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'คร่อมฟิลด์ด้วย';
192 $strFieldsEscapedBy = 'เครื่องหมายสำหรับ escape char';
193 $strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'จบฟิลด์ด้วย';
194 $strFileCouldNotBeRead = 'อ่านไฟล์ไม่ได้';
195 $strFileNameTemplate = 'รูปแบบของชื่อไฟล์';
196 $strFileNameTemplateRemember = 'จำรูปแบบ';
197 $strFlushTable = 'ล้างตาราง (flush)';
198 $strFormat = 'รูปแบบ';
199 $strFormEmpty = 'ค่าในแบบฟอร์มหายไป !';
200 $strFullText = 'ทั้งข้อความ';
201 $strFunction = 'ฟังก์ชั่น';
203 $strGenBy = 'สร้างโดย';
204 $strGeneralRelationFeat = 'ความสามารถด้านรีเลชันทั่วไป';
205 $strGenTime = 'เวลาในการสร้าง';
206 $strGeorgian = 'จอร์เจีย';
207 $strGerman = 'เยอรมัน';
208 $strGlobal = 'โกลบอล';
209 $strGlobalPrivileges = 'สิทธิแบบโกลบอล';
210 $strGlobalValue = 'ค่าแบบโกลบอล';
211 $strGo = 'ลงมือ';
212 $strGrantOption = 'มอบสิทธิ';
213 $strGreek = 'กรีก';
214 $strGzip = '"gzipped"';
216 $strHasBeenAltered = 'เปลี่ยนเสร็จแล้ว';
217 $strHaveToShow = 'ต้องเลือกให้แสดงอย่างน้อยหนึ่งคอลัมน์';
218 $strHebrew = 'ฮิบรู';
219 $strHome = 'หน้าบ้าน';
220 $strHomepageOfficial = 'โฮมเพจอย่างเป็นทางการของ phpMyAdmin';
221 $strHost = 'โฮสต์';
222 $strHostEmpty = 'ชื่อโฮสต์ยังว่างอยู่!';
223 $strHungarian = 'ฮังการี';
225 $strIcelandic = 'ไอซ์แลนด์';
226 $strId = 'ID';
227 $strIdxFulltext = 'ข้อความเต็ม (fulltext)';
228 $strIgnore = 'ไม่สนใจ';
229 $strImportFiles = 'นำเข้าไฟล์';
230 $strIndex = 'ดัชนี';
231 $strIndexes = 'ดัชนี';
232 $strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'โยนดัชนี %s ทิ้งไปเรียบร้อยแล้ว';
233 $strIndexName = 'ชื่อดัชนี :';
234 $strIndexType = 'ชนิดของดัชนี :';
235 $strInnodbStat = 'สถานะของ InnoDB';
236 $strInsecureMySQL = 'จากไฟล์เก็บค่ากำหนดของคุณ คุณไม่ได้ตั้งรหัสผ่านสำหรับ root ซึ่งจะถูกใช้เป็นชื่อปริยายซึ่งมีสิทธิพิเศษ. เซิร์ฟเวอร์ MySQL ที่ทำงานด้วยค่าปริยายนี้ อาจถูกบุกรุกได้ คุณควรจะแก้ไขรูรั่วอันนี้ทันที เพื่อความปลอดภัย';
237 $strInsert = 'แทรก';
238 $strInsertAsNewRow = 'แทรกเป็นแถวใหม่';
239 $strInternalRelations = 'รีเลชันภายใน';
240 $strInUse = 'ใช้อยู่';
242 $strJapanese = 'ญี่ปุ่น';
243 $strJumpToDB = 'กระโดดไปที่ฐานข้อมูล &quot;%s&quot;.';
244 $strJustDelete = 'แค่ลบผู้ใช้ออกจากตารางแสดงสิทธิเข้าถึง';
246 $strKeepPass = 'กรุณาอย่าเปลี่ยนรหัสผ่าน';
247 $strKeyname = 'ชื่อคีย์';
248 $strKill = 'ฆ่าทิ้ง';
249 $strKorean = 'เกาหลี';
251 $strLandscape = 'แนวนอน';
252 $strLatexCaption = 'คำอธิบายตาราง';
253 $strLatexContinued = '(ต่อ)';
254 $strLaTeX = 'LaTeX';
255 $strLatvian = 'ลัตเวีย';
256 $strLengthSet = 'ความยาว/เซต*';
257 $strLimitNumRows = 'ระเบียนต่อหน้า';
258 $strLinesTerminatedBy = 'จบแถวด้วย';
259 $strLinkNotFound = 'ไม่พบลิงก์';
260 $strLinksTo = 'เชื่อมไปยัง';
261 $strLithuanian = 'ลิธัวเนีย';
262 $strLocalhost = 'โลคอล';
263 $strLocationTextfile = 'เลือกไฟล์ข้อความจาก';
264 $strLogin = 'เข้าสู่ระบบ';
265 $strLoginInformation = 'ข้อมูลล็อกอิน';
266 $strLogout = 'ออกจากระบบ';
267 $strLogPassword = 'รหัสผ่าน:';
268 $strLogServer = 'เซิร์ฟเวอร์';
269 $strLogUsername = 'ชื่อผู้ใช้:';
271 $strMaximumSize = 'ขนาดใหญ่สุด: %s%s';
272 $strMIME_available_mime = 'MIME-types ที่มีอยู่';
273 $strMIME_available_transform = 'การแปลงที่เรียกใช้ได้';
274 $strMIME_description = 'รายละเอียด';
275 $strMIME_MIMEtype = 'MIME-type';
276 $strMIME_nodescription = 'ไม่ปรากฏรายละเอียดสำหรับการแปลงนี้.<br />กรุณาสอบถามผู้เขียนว่า, %s ทำอะไร.';
277 $strMIME_transformation_options = 'ตัวเลือกการแปลง';
278 $strModifications = 'บันทึกการแก้ไขเรียบร้อยแล้ว';
279 $strModify = 'แก้ไข';
280 $strModifyIndexTopic = 'แก้ไขดัชนี';
281 $strMoveTable = 'ย้ายตารางไป (database<b>.</b>table):';
282 $strMoveTableOK = 'ตาราง %s ถูกย้ายไป %s แล้ว';
283 $strMoveTableSameNames = 'ย้ายตารางไปที่เดิมไม่ได้';
284 $strMultilingual = 'หลายภาษา';
285 $strMySQLCharset = 'ชุดตัวอักษร (charset) ของ MySQL';
286 $strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL แสดง: ';
287 $strMySQLShowProcess = 'แสดงงานที่ทำอยู่ของ MySQL';
289 $strName = 'ชื่อ';
290 $strNext = 'ต่อไป';
291 $strNo = 'ไม่';
292 $strNoDatabases = 'ไม่มีฐานข้อมูล';
293 $strNoDatabasesSelected = 'ยังไม่ได้เลือกฐานข้อมูล.';
294 $strNoDescription = 'ไม่มีรายละเอียด';
295 $strNoDropDatabases = 'คำสั่ง "DROP DATABASE" ถูกปิดไว้';
296 $strNoExplain = 'ไม่ต้องอธิบาย SQL';
297 $strNoFrames = 'เบราเซอร์ที่<b>ใช้เฟรมได้</b> จะช่วยให้ใช้ phpMyAdmin ได้ง่ายขึ้น';
298 $strNoIndex = 'ยังไม่ได้กำหนดดัชนีใดๆ!';
299 $strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'ไม่ได้กำหนดส่วนใดๆ ของดัชนี!';
300 $strNoModification = 'ไม่มีการเปลี่ยนแปลง';
301 $strNone = 'ไม่มี';
302 $strNoOptions = 'รูปแบบนี้ไม่มีตัวเลือก';
303 $strNoPassword = 'ไม่มีรหัสผ่าน';
304 $strNoPhp = 'ไม่เอาโค้ด PHP';
305 $strNoPrivileges = 'ไม่มีสิทธิ';
306 $strNoRights = 'คุณไม่มีสิทธิที่จะเข้ามาตรงนี้!';
307 $strNoRowsSelected = 'ยังไม่ได้เลือกแถว';
308 $strNoTablesFound = 'ไม่พบตารางใด ๆ ในฐานข้อมูล';
309 $strNotNumber = 'ค่านี้ไม่ใช่ตัวเลข!';
310 $strNotOK = 'ไม่ตกลง';
311 $strNotSet = 'ไม่พบตาราง <b>%s</b> ใน %s';
312 $strNoUsersFound = 'ไม่พบผู้ใช้ใดๆ.';
313 $strNoValidateSQL = 'ไม่ต้องตรวจสอบ SQL';
314 $strNull = 'ว่างเปล่า (null)';
315 $strNumSearchResultsInTable = 'พบ %s ผลลัพธ์ที่ตรงในตาราง <i>%s</i>';
316 $strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>รวม:</b> <i>%s</i> ผลลัพธ์ที่ตรง';
317 $strNumTables = 'ตาราง';
319 $strOK = 'ตกลง';
320 $strOperations = 'กระบวนการ';
321 $strOptimizeTable = 'ปรับแต่งตาราง';
322 $strOr = 'หรือ';
323 $strOverhead = 'เกินความจำเป็น';
324 $strOverwriteExisting = 'เขียนทับแฟ้มที่มีอยู่แล้ว';
326 $strPageNumber = 'หมายเลขหน้า:';
327 $strPaperSize = 'ขนาดกระดาษ';
328 $strPartialText = 'ข้อความบางส่วน';
329 $strPassword = 'รหัสผ่าน';
330 $strPasswordEmpty = 'รหัสผ่านยังว่างอยู่!';
331 $strPasswordChanged = 'เปลี่ยนรหัสผ่านของ %s เรียบร้อยแล้ว';
332 $strPasswordNotSame = 'รหัสผ่านไม่ตรงกัน!';
333 $strPdfDbSchema = 'schema ของฐานข้อมูล "%s" - หน้า %s';
334 $strPdfInvalidTblName = 'ไม่มีตาราง "%s"!';
335 $strPdfNoTables = 'ไม่มีตาราง';
336 $strPerHour = 'ต่อชั่วโมง';
337 $strPerMinute = 'ต่อนาที';
338 $strPerSecond = 'ต่อวินาที';
339 $strPhoneBook = 'สมุดโทรศัพท์';
340 $strPhp = 'สร้างโค้ด PHP';
341 $strPHPVersion = 'รุ่นของ PHP';
342 $strPmaDocumentation = 'เอกสารการใช้ phpMyAdmin';
343 $strPmaUriError = '<b>ต้อง</b>กำหนดค่า <tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> ในไฟล์คอนฟิกูเรชั่นเสียก่อน';
344 $strPolish = 'โปแลนด์';
345 $strPortrait = 'แนวตั้ง';
346 $strPos1 = 'จุดเริ่มต้น';
347 $strPrevious = 'ก่อนหน้า';
348 $strPrimary = 'ไพรมารี';
349 $strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'โยนไพรมารีคีย์ทิ้งไปเรียบร้อยแล้ว';
350 $strPrimaryKeyName = 'ชื่อของไพรมารีคีย์ จะต้องเป็น PRIMARY เท่านั้น';
351 $strPrimaryKeyWarning = '(ชื่อของไพรมารีคีย์<b>จะต้องเป็น</b> "PRIMARY" เท่านั้น!)';
352 $strPrint = 'พิมพ์';
353 $strPrintView = 'แสดง';
354 $strPrivDescAllPrivileges = 'ให้สิทธิทุกอย่าง ยกเว้นการให้สิทธิแก่ผู้อื่น (GRANT).';
355 $strPrivDescAlter = 'อนุญาตให้เปลี่ยนโครงสร้างของตารางที่มีอยู่เดิม.';
356 $strPrivDescCreateDb = 'อนุญาตให้สร้างฐานข้อมูล และตารางใหม่.';
357 $strPrivDescCreateTbl = 'อนุญาตให้สร้างตารางใหม่.';
358 $strPrivDescCreateTmpTable = 'อนุญาตให้สร้างตารางชั่วคราว.';
359 $strPrivDescDelete = 'อนุญาตให้ลบข้อมูล';
360 $strPrivDescDropDb = 'อนุญาตให้ทิ้งฐานข้อมูล และตาราง';
361 $strPrivDescDropTbl = 'อนุญาตให้ทิ้งตาราง';
362 $strPrivDescExecute = 'อนุญาตให้รัน stored procedure (ไม่มีผลใน MySQL รุ่นนี้)';
363 $strPrivDescFile = 'อนุญาตให้นำเข้าข้อมูล และส่งออกข้อมูล ไปที่ไฟล์';
364 $strPrivDescGrant = 'อนุญาตให้เพิ่มผู้ใช้ และสิทธิเข้าถึง โดยไม่ต้องเรียกใช้ตารางสิทธิใหม่';
365 $strPrivDescIndex = 'อนุญาตให้สร้าง และทิ้ง ดัชนี';
366 $strPrivDescInsert = 'อนุญาตให้เพิ่ม และแทนที่ ข้อมูล';
367 $strPrivDescLockTables = 'อนุญาตให้ล็อกตารางสำหรับเธรดปัจจุบัน';
368 $strPrivDescMaxConnections = 'จำกัดจำนวนการเชื่อมต่อใหม่ ที่ผู้ใช้จะสามารถเปิดได้ ต่อชั่วโมง';
369 $strPrivDescMaxQuestions = 'จำกัดจำนวนของคำค้น ที่ผู้ใช้จะสามารถส่งมาที่เซิร์ฟเวอร์ได้ ต่อชั่วโมง';
370 $strPrivDescMaxUpdates = 'จำกัดจำนวนของคำสั่ง ที่จะเปลี่ยนแปลงตาราง หรือฐานข้อมูลใดๆ ที่ผู้ใช้จะสามารถสั่งได้ ต่อชั่วโมง';
371 $strPrivDescReferences = 'ไม่มีผลใน MySQL รุ่นนี้';
372 $strPrivDescReload = 'อนุญาตให้เรียกใช้ค่ากำหนดของเซิร์ฟเวอร์ใหม่ และล้างแคชของเซิร์ฟเวอร์';
373 $strPrivDescReplClient = 'มอบสิทธิให้ผู้ใช้ ในการถามว่า slaves หรือ masters อยู่ที่ไหน.';
374 $strPrivDescSelect = 'อนุญาตให้อ่านข้อมูลได้.';
375 $strPrivDescShowDb = 'สามารถเรียกดูรายการฐานข้อมูลทั้งหมดได้';
376 $strPrivDescShutdown = 'อนุญาตให้ปิดเซิร์ฟเวอร์ได้';
377 $strPrivDescUpdate = 'อนุญาตให้เปลี่ยนข้อมูลได้.';
378 $strPrivDescUsage = 'ไม่มีสิทธิใดๆ.';
379 $strPrivileges = 'สิทธิ';
380 $strPrivilegesReloaded = 'สิทธิได้ถูกเรียกใช้ใหม่เรียบร้อยแล้ว';
381 $strProcesses = 'โพรเซส';
382 $strProcesslist = 'รายการโพรเซส';
383 $strPutColNames = 'ใส่ชื่อฟิลด์ที่แถวแรก';
385 $strQBE = 'คำค้นจากตัวอย่าง';
386 $strQBEDel = 'ลบ';
387 $strQBEIns = 'เพิ่ม';
388 $strQueryFrame = 'หน้าต่างคำค้น';
389 $strQueryOnDb = 'คำค้นบนฐานข้อมูล <b>%s</b>:';
390 $strQuerySQLHistory = 'SQL-history';
391 $strQueryStatistics = '<b>สถิติคำค้น</b>: มี %s คำค้น ถูกส่งไปที่เซิร์ฟเวอร์ นับตั้งแต่เริ่มระบบ.';
392 $strQueryTime = 'คำค้นใช้เวลา %01.4f วินาที';
393 $strQueryType = 'ชนิดคำค้น';
395 $strReceived = 'ได้รับ';
396 $strRecords = 'ระเบียน';
397 $strReferentialIntegrity = 'ตรวจสอบความสมบูรณ์ของการอ้างถึง:';
398 $strRefresh = 'เรียกใหม่';
399 $strRelationalSchema = 'รีเลชันแนล สกีมา';
400 $strRelationNotWorking = 'ความสามารถเพิ่มเติมสำหรับ linked Tables ได้ถูกระงับเอาไว้ ตามเหตุผลที่แจ้งไว้ใน %shere%s';
401 $strRelations = 'รีเลชัน';
402 $strRelationView = 'มุมมองรีเลชัน';
403 $strReloadingThePrivileges = 'ปรับปรุงสิทธิเข้าถึงใหม่อีกรอบ';
404 $strRemoveSelectedUsers = 'ถอนผู้ใช้ที่เลือก';
405 $strRenameTable = 'เปลี่ยนชื่อตารางเป็น';
406 $strRenameTableOK = 'ตาราง %s ได้ถูกเปลี่ยนชื่อเป็น %s';
407 $strRepairTable = 'ซ่อมแซมตาราง';
408 $strReplaceNULLBy = 'แทนที่ NULL เป็น';
409 $strReplaceTable = 'เขียนทับด้วยข้อมูลจากไฟล์';
410 $strReset = 'เริ่มใหม่';
411 $strResourceLimits = 'ขีดจำกัดของทรัพยากร';
412 $strReType = 'พิมพ์ใหม่';
413 $strRevoke = 'เพิกถอน';
414 $strRevokeAndDelete = 'เพิกถอน active privileges ทั้งหมดจากผู้ใช้ และลบผู้ใช้ทิ้งหลังจากนั้น.';
415 $strRevokeAndDeleteDescr = 'ผู้ใช้ต่างๆ ยังคงมีสิทธิ USAGE จนกว่า ข้อมูลสิทธิ จะถูกเรียกใช้ใหม่อีกที.';
416 $strRevokeMessage = 'คุณได้เพิกถอนสิทธิของ %s';
417 $strRomanian = 'โรมาเนีย';
418 $strRowLength = 'ความยาวแถว';
419 $strRows = 'แถว';
420 $strRowsFrom = 'แถว เริ่มจากแถวที่';
421 $strRowSize = ' ขนาดแถว ';
422 $strRowsModeFlippedHorizontal = 'แนวนอน (หมุนหัวเรื่อง)';
423 $strRowsModeHorizontal = 'แนวนอน';
424 $strRowsModeOptions = 'อยู่ใน %s และซ้ำหัวแถวทุกๆ %s เซลล์';
425 $strRowsModeVertical = 'แนวตั้ง';
426 $strRowsStatistic = 'สถิติของแถว';
427 $strRunning = 'ทำงานอยู่บน %s';
428 $strRunQuery = 'ประมวลผลคำค้น';
429 $strRunSQLQuery = 'ประมวลผลคำค้นบนฐานข้อมูล %s';
430 $strRussian = 'รัสเซีย';
432 $strSave = 'บันทึก';
433 $strScaleFactorSmall = 'อัตราย่อน้อยเกินไป ที่จะจัดให้สกีมาอยู่ในหน้าเดียว';
434 $strSearch = 'ค้นหา';
435 $strSearchFormTitle = 'ค้นหาในฐานข้อมูล';
436 $strSearchInTables = 'ในตาราง:';
437 $strSearchNeedle = 'คำ หรือ ค่าที่ต้องการค้นหา (wildcard: "%"):';
438 $strSearchOption1 = 'อย่างน้อยหนึ่งคำ';
439 $strSearchOption2 = 'ทุกคำ';
440 $strSearchOption3 = 'เหมือนทั้งวลี';
441 $strSearchOption4 = 'รูปแบบคำพ้อง (regular expression)';
442 $strSearchResultsFor = 'ผลการค้นหา "<i>%s</i>" %s:';
443 $strSearchType = 'ค้น:';
444 $strSelectADb = 'โปรดเลือกฐานข้อมูล';
445 $strSelectAll = 'เลือกทั้งหมด';
446 $strSelectFields = 'เลือกฟิลด์ (อย่างน้อยหนึ่งฟิลด์):';
447 $strSelectNumRows = 'ในคำค้น';
448 $strSelectTables = 'เลือกตาราง';
449 $strSend = 'ส่งมาเป็นไฟล์';
450 $strSent = 'ถูกส่ง';
451 $strServer = 'เซิร์ฟเวอร์';
452 $strServerChoice = 'ตัวเลือกเซิร์ฟเวอร์';
453 $strServerNotResponding = 'เซิร์ฟเวอร์ดังกล่าวไม่ตอบสนอง';
454 $strServerStatus = 'ข้อมูลรันไทม์';
455 $strServerStatusUptime = 'เซิร์ฟเวอร์ MySQL นี้รันมาเป็นเวลา %s. เริ่มตอน %s.';
456 $strServerTabVariables = 'ตัวแปร';
457 $strServerTrafficNotes = '<b>การจราจรของเซิร์ฟเวอร์</b>: ตารางนี้แสดงสถิติของการจราจรบนเครือข่าย สำหรับเซิร์ฟเวอร์ MySQL นี้ ตั้งแต่มันเริ่มทำงาน.';
458 $strServerVars = 'ตัวแปร และค่ากำหนด ของเซิร์ฟเวอร์';
459 $strServerVersion = 'รุ่นของเซิร์ฟเวอร์';
460 $strSessionValue = 'ค่าเซสชั่น';
461 $strSetEnumVal = 'ถ้าชนิดของฟิลด์เป็น "enum" หรือ "set" โปรดใส่ค่าตามรูปแบบ: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />ถ้าต้องการใส่เครื่องหมาย backslash ("\\") หรือ อัญประกาศเดี่ยว ("\'") เข้าไปในค่าเหล่านั้น ให้ใส่เครื่องหมาย แบ๊กแสลช นำหน้า (ตัวอย่าง: \'\\\\xyz\' or \'a\\\'b\')';
462 $strSetupExport_asfile_name = 'ส่งมาเป็นไฟล์';
463 $strSetupExport_compression_name = 'บีบอัดข้อมูล';
464 $strSetupExport_format_name = 'รูปแบบ';
465 $strSetupExport_onserver_overwrite_name = 'เขียนทับแฟ้มที่มีอยู่แล้ว';
466 $strSetupForm_Left_databases = 'ฐานข้อมูล';
467 $strSetupForm_Left_tables = 'ตาราง';
468 $strSetupForm_Query_window = 'หน้าต่างคำค้น';
469 $strSetupSQLQuery_Edit_name = 'แก้ไข';
470 $strSetupSQLQuery_Explain_name = 'อธิบาย SQL';
471 $strSetupSQLQuery_Refresh_name = 'เรียกใหม่';
472 $strSetupSQLQuery_ShowAsPHP_name = 'สร้างโค้ด PHP';
473 $strShow = 'แสดง';
474 $strShowAll = 'แสดงทั้งหมด';
475 $strShowColor = 'แสดงสี';
476 $strShowDatadictAs = 'รูปแบบพจนานุกรมข้อมูล';
477 $strShowFullQueries = 'แสดงคำค้นแบบเต็ม';
478 $strShowGrid = 'แสดงกริด';
479 $strShowingRecords = 'แสดงระเบียนที่ ';
480 $strShowPHPInfo = 'แสดงข้อมูลของ PHP';
481 $strShowStatusReset = 'เริ่มใหม่';
482 $strShowTableDimension = 'แสดงมิติของตาราง';
483 $strShowTables = 'แสดงตาราง';
484 $strShowThisQuery = ' แสดงคำค้นนี้อีกที ';
485 $strSimplifiedChinese = 'จีน (แผ่นดินใหญ่)';
486 $strSingly = '(เดี่ยว)';
487 $strSize = 'ขนาด';
488 $strSlovak = 'สโลวัก';
489 $strSlovenian = 'สโลเวเนีย';
490 $strSort = 'เรียง';
491 $strSortByKey = 'เรียงโดยคีย์';
492 $strSpaceUsage = 'เนื้อที่ที่ใช้';
493 $strSpanish = 'สเปน';
494 $strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'คำถูกแบ่งด้วยช่องว่าง (" ").';
495 $strSQLParserBugMessage = 'อาจจะมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงบางอย่าง ที่คุณพบว่ามันเป็นข้อผิดพลาดของตัวอ่านคำสั่ง SQL. กรุณาตรวจสอบคำค้นของคุณให้ถี่ถ้วน โดยเฉพาะการเปิด/ปิดเครื่องหมายคำพูด (quotes) ให้ถูกต้อง. อีกสาเหตุหนึ่งที่เป็นไปได้คือ คุณอาจจะอัพโหลดแฟ้มไบนารีข้างนอกช่วงของเครื่องหมายคำพูด. คุณสามารถที่จะลองคำค้นของคุณที่คอมมานด์ไลน์ของ MySQL ซึ่งคุณอาจจะพบข้อผิดพลาดบางอย่างในนั้น. หากเซิร์ฟเวอร์ MySQL แจ้งข้อผิดพลาดมา, ให้ลองอ่านดู มันอาจจะช่วยให้คุณวินิจฉัยปัญหาได้ดีขึ้น. ถ้าคุณยังพบปัญหากับ parser ใน phpMyAdmin อยู่ แต่ไม่พบปัญหากับ parser ในคอมมานด์ไลน์, ให้ลองลดความยาวของคำค้น SQL ลง จนกระทั่งเหลือคำค้น SQL เดี่ยวๆ ที่ยังทำให้เกิดปัญหาอยู่อีก, แล้วแจ้งข้อผิดพลาดดังกล่าวมาที่เรา, ส่งมันมาพร้อมกับตัวข้อมูลที่คุณค้น ซึ่งได้จากส่วนของ CUT ด้านล่าง.';
496 $strSQLParserUserError = 'อาจจะมีข้อผิดพลาดบางอย่างในคำค้น SQL ของคุณ. หาก MySQL server ได้แจ้งข้อผิดพลาดมาด้านล่างนี้ ให้ลองอ่านดู มันอาจจะช่วยให้คุณวินิจฉัยปัญหาได้ดีขึ้น';
497 $strSQLQuery = 'คำค้น SQL';
498 $strSQLResult = 'ผลลัพธ์ SQL';
499 $strSQL = 'SQL';
500 $strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'ชื่อตัวแปรไม่ถูกต้อง';
501 $strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'ไม่ได้ปิดเครื่องหมายคำพูด';
502 $strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'มีเครื่องหมายวรรคตอนที่ไม่รู้จัก';
503 $strStatCreateTime = 'สร้างเมื่อ';
504 $strStatement = 'คำสั่ง';
505 $strStatCheckTime = 'ตรวจสอบครั้งสุดท้ายเมื่อ';
506 $strStatUpdateTime = 'ปรับปรุงครั้งสุดท้ายเมื่อ';
507 $strStatus = 'สถานะ';
508 $strStrucCSV = 'ข้อมูล CSV (คั่นด้วยเครื่องหมายลูกน้ำ ",")';
509 $strStrucData = 'ทั้งโครงสร้างและข้อมูล';
510 $strStrucExcelCSV = 'ข้อมูล CSV สำหรับไมโครซอฟต์เอ็กเซล';
511 $strStrucOnly = 'เฉพาะโครงสร้าง';
512 $strStructPropose = 'เสนอโครงสร้างตาราง';
513 $strStructure = 'โครงสร้าง';
514 $strSubmit = 'ส่ง';
515 $strSuccess = 'ทำคำค้นเสร็จเรียบร้อยแล้ว';
516 $strSum = 'ผลรวม';
517 $strSwedish = 'สวีเดน';
518 $strSwitchToTable = 'สลับไปที่ตารางที่ถูกทำสำเนาไว้';
520 $strTable = 'ตาราง ';
521 $strTableComments = 'หมายเหตุของตาราง';
522 $strTableEmpty = 'ชื่อตารางยังว่างอยู่!';
523 $strTableHasBeenDropped = 'โยนตาราง %s ทิ้งไปเรียบร้อยแล้ว';
524 $strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'ลบข้อมูลในตาราง %s เรียบร้อยแล้ว';
525 $strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'ล้างตาราง %s เรียบร้อยแล้ว';
526 $strTableMaintenance = 'การดูแลรักษาตาราง';
527 $strTableOfContents = 'สารบัญ';
528 $strTableOptions = 'ตัวเลือกตาราง';
529 $strTables = '%s ตาราง';
530 $strTableStructure = 'โครงสร้างตาราง';
531 $strTblPrivileges = 'สิทธิเจาะจงเฉพาะตาราง';
532 $strTextAreaLength = 'เนื่องจากความยาวของมัน <br />ฟิลด์นี้ ไม่อาจแก้ไขได้';
533 $strThai = 'ไทย';
534 $strTheme = 'หน้าตา';
535 $strThisHost = 'โฮสต์นี้';
536 $strThreadSuccessfullyKilled = 'เธรด %s ถูกทำลายเรียบร้อยแล้ว.';
537 $strTime = 'เวลา';
538 $strTotal = 'ทั้งหมด';
539 $strTotalUC = 'รวม';
540 $strTraditionalChinese = 'จีน (ไต้หวัน)';
541 $strTraditionalSpanish = 'สเปน (ดั้งเดิม)';
542 $strTraffic = 'การจราจร';
543 $strTransformation_image_jpeg__inline = 'แสดงรูปขนาดเล็กที่กดเข้าไปดูภาพใหญ่ได้; ตัวเลือก: ความกว้าง, ความสูง หน่วยเป็นพิกเซล (คงสัดส่วนเดิม)';
544 $strTransformation_image_jpeg__link = 'แสดงลิงก์ไปยังรูป (ดาวน์โหลดข้อมูลไบนารีโดยตรง/blob).';
545 $strTransformation_image_png__inline = 'ดูรูปชนิด image/jpeg ทันที';
546 $strTransformation_text_plain__formatted = 'สงวนการจัดรูปแบบเดิมในฟิลด์ไว้ -- ไม่แทรก escape character.';
547 $strTruncateQueries = 'ตัดทอนคำค้นที่แสดง';
548 $strTurkish = 'ตุรกี';
549 $strType = 'ชนิด';
551 $strUkrainian = 'ยูเครน';
552 $strUncheckAll = 'ไม่เลือกเลย';
553 $strUnicode = 'ยูนิโค้ด';
554 $strUnique = 'เอกลักษณ์';
555 $strUnknown = 'ไม่ระบุ';
556 $strUnselectAll = 'ไม่เลือกเลย';
557 $strUpdatePrivMessage = 'คุณได้ปรับปรุงสิทธิสำหรับ %s แล้ว';
558 $strUpdateProfileMessage = 'ปรับปรุงโพรไฟล์เรียบร้อยแล้ว';
559 $strUpdateQuery = 'ปรับปรุงคำค้น';
560 $strUpdComTab = 'โปรดอ่านเอกสารเกี่ยวกับ วิธีการปรับปรุงตาราง Column_comments (เก็บหมายเหตุของคอลัมน์) ของคุณ';
561 $strUsage = 'ใช้งาน';
562 $strUseBackquotes = 'ใส่ \'backqoute\' ให้กับชื่อตารางและฟิลด์';
563 $strUser = 'ผู้ใช้';
564 $strUserAlreadyExists = 'มีผู้ใช้ %s อยู่แล้ว!';
565 $strUserEmpty = 'ชื่อผู้ใช้ยังว่างอยู่!';
566 $strUserName = 'ชื่อผู้ใช้';
567 $strUserNotFound = 'ไม่พบผู้ใช้ที่เลือกในตารางแสดงสิทธิ';
568 $strUserOverview = 'ข้อมูลทั่วไปของผู้ใช้';
569 $strUsersDeleted = 'ลบผู้ใช้ที่เลือกไว้เรียบร้อยแล้ว.';
570 $strUsersHavingAccessToDb = 'ผู้ใช้มีสิทธิเข้าถึงฐานข้อมูล &quot;%s&quot;';
571 $strUseTables = 'ใช้ตาราง';
572 $strUseTextField = 'ใช้ช่องใส่ข้อความ (text field)';
573 $strUseThisValue = 'ใช้ค่านี้';
575 $strValidateSQL = 'ตรวจสอบ SQL';
576 $strValidatorError = 'ไม่สามารถเริ่มตัวตรวจสอบ SQL ได้. กรุณาตรวจสอบว่า คุณได้ติดตั้ง php extensions ที่จำเป็น ดังที่อธิบายไว้ใน %sdocumentation%s เรียบร้อยแล้ว';
577 $strValue = 'ค่า';
578 $strVar = 'ตัวแปร';
579 $strViewDump = 'ดูโครงสร้างของตาราง';
580 $strViewDumpDB = 'ดูโครงสร้างของฐานข้อมูล';
582 $strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'ไดเรกทอรีสำหรับอัพโหลด ที่เว็บเซิร์ฟเวอร์';
583 $strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'ไม่สามารถใช้งาน ไดเรกทอรีที่ตั้งไว้สำหรับอัพโหลดได้';
584 $strWelcome = '%s ยินดีต้อนรับ';
585 $strWestEuropean = 'ยุโรปตะวันตก';
586 $strWildcard = 'ไวล์การ์ด';
587 $strWithChecked = 'ทำกับที่เลือก:';
588 $strWrongUser = 'อนุญาตให้เข้าใช้ไม่ได้ ชื่อผู้ใช้หรือรหัสผ่านผิด';
590 $strXML = 'XML';
592 $strYes = 'ใช่';
594 $strZeroRemovesTheLimit = 'โปรดทราบ: ถ้าเปลี่ยนค่าเหล่านี้เป็น 0 (ศูนย์) จะหมายถึง ไม่มีขีดจำกัด.';
595 $strZip = '"ถูกบีบอัดอยู่ (zip)"';
597 // To translate:
598 $strAccessDeniedCreateConfig = 'Probably reason of this is that you did not create configuration file. You might want to use %1$ssetup script%2$s to create one.'; //to translate
599 $strAccessDeniedExplanation = 'phpMyAdmin tried to connect to the MySQL server, and the server rejected the connection. You should check the host, username and password in your configuration and make sure that they correspond to the information given by the administrator of the MySQL server.'; //to translate
600 $strActions = 'Actions'; //to translate
601 $strAddClause = 'Add %s'; //to translate
602 $strAddConstraints = 'Add constraints'; //to translate
603 $strAddFields = 'Add %s field(s)'; //to translate
604 $strAddHeaderComment = 'Add custom comment into header (\\n splits lines)'; //to translate
605 $strAddIntoComments = 'Add into comments';//to translate
606 $strAfterInsertNext = 'Edit next row'; //to translate
607 $strAfterInsertSame = 'Go back to this page'; //to translate
608 $strAllowInterrupt = 'Allow interrupt of import in case script detects it is close to time limit. This might be good way to import large files, however it can break transactions.'; //to translate
609 $strAnalyze = 'Analyze'; //to translate
610 $strAndSmall = 'and'; //to translate
611 $strAndThen = 'and then'; //to translate
612 $strAngularLinks = 'Angular links'; //to translate
613 $strApplyChanges = 'Apply Selected Changes'; //to translate
614 $strApproximateCount = 'May be approximate. See FAQ 3.11'; //to translate
615 $strAsDefined = 'As defined:'; //to translate
617 $strBinaryLog = 'Binary log'; //to translate
618 $strBinLogEventType = 'Event type'; //to translate
619 $strBinLogInfo = 'Information'; //to translate
620 $strBinLogName = 'Log name'; //to translate
621 $strBinLogOriginalPosition = 'Original position'; //to translate
622 $strBinLogPosition = 'Position'; //to translate
623 $strBinLogServerId = 'Server ID'; //to translate
624 $strBLOBRepository = 'BLOB Repository'; //to translate
625 $strBLOBRepositoryDamaged = 'Damaged'; //to translate
626 $strBLOBRepositoryDisableAreYouSure = 'Are you sure you want to disable all BLOB references for database %s?'; //to translate
627 $strBLOBRepositoryDisabled = 'Disabled'; //to translate
628 $strBLOBRepositoryDisable = 'Disable'; //to translate
629 $strBLOBRepositoryDisableStrongWarning = 'You are about to DISABLE a BLOB Repository!'; //to translate
630 $strBLOBRepositoryEnabled = 'Enabled'; //to translate
631 $strBLOBRepositoryEnable = 'Enable'; //to translate
632 $strBLOBRepositoryRemove = 'Remove BLOB Repository Reference'; //to translate
633 $strBLOBRepositoryRepair = 'Repair'; //to translate
634 $strBLOBRepositoryUpload = 'Upload to BLOB repository'; //to translate
635 $strBookmarkAllUsers = 'Let every user access this bookmark'; //to translate
636 $strBookmarkCreated = 'Bookmark %s created'; //to translate
637 $strBookmarkReplace = 'Replace existing bookmark of same name'; //to translate
638 $strBrowseDistinctValues = 'Browse distinct values'; //to translate
639 $strBrowseForeignValues = 'Browse foreign values'; //to translate
640 $strBufferPoolActivity = 'Buffer Pool Activity'; //to translate
641 $strBufferPool = 'Buffer Pool'; //to translate
642 $strBufferPoolUsage = 'Buffer Pool Usage'; //to translate
643 $strBufferReadMissesInPercent = 'Read misses in %'; //to translate
644 $strBufferReadMisses = 'Read misses'; //to translate
645 $strBufferWriteWaitsInPercent = 'Write waits in %'; //to translate
646 $strBufferWriteWaits = 'Write waits'; //to translate
647 $strBusyPages = 'Busy pages'; //to translate
649 $strCancel = 'Cancel'; //to translate
650 $strCanNotLoadExportPlugins = 'Could not load export plugins, please check your installation!'; //to translate
651 $strCanNotLoadImportPlugins = 'Could not load import plugins, please check your installation!'; //to translate
652 $strClickToSelect = 'Click to select'; //to translate
653 $strClickToUnselect = 'Click to unselect'; //to translate
654 $strComment = 'Comment'; //to translate
655 $strCompatibleHashing = 'MySQL&nbsp;4.0 compatible'; //to translate
656 $strCompressionWillBeDetected = 'Imported file compression will be automatically detected from: %s'; //to translate
657 $strConfigDefaultFileError = 'Could not load default configuration from: "%1$s"'; //to translate
658 $strConfigDirectoryWarning = 'Directory [code]config[/code], which is used by the setup script, still exists in your phpMyAdmin directory. You should remove it once phpMyAdmin has been configured.'; //to translate
659 $strConnectionError = 'Cannot connect: invalid settings.'; //to translate
660 $strConstraintsForDumped = 'Constraints for dumped tables'; //to translate
661 $strConstraintsForTable = 'Constraints for table'; //to translate
662 $strControluserFailed = 'Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed.'; //to translate
663 $strCopy = 'Copy'; //to translate
664 $strCopyDatabaseOK = 'Database %s has been copied to %s'; //to translate
665 $strCouldNotConnectSource = 'Could not connect to the source'; //to translate
666 $strCouldNotConnectTarget = 'Could not connect to the target'; //to translate
667 $strCreateDatabaseBeforeCopying = 'CREATE DATABASE before copying'; //to translate
668 $strCreateRelation = 'Create relation'; //to translate
669 $strCreateTable = 'Create table'; //to translate
670 $strCreateUserDatabase = 'Database for user'; //to translate
671 $strCreateUserDatabaseName = 'Create database with same name and grant all privileges'; //to translate
672 $strCreateUserDatabaseNone = 'None'; //to translate
673 $strCreateUserDatabasePrivileges = 'Grant all privileges on database &quot;%s&quot;'; //to translate
674 $strCreateUserDatabaseWildcard = 'Grant all privileges on wildcard name (username\_%)'; //to translate
675 $strCreationDates = 'Creation/Update/Check dates'; //to translate
676 $strCSV = 'CSV'; //to translate
677 $strCurrentServer = 'Current server'; //to translate
678 $strCustomColor = 'Custom color'; //to translate
679 $strCheck = 'Check'; //to translate
680 $strCheckOverhead = 'Check tables with overhead'; //to translate
682 $strDatabaseEmpty = 'The database name is empty!'; //to translate
683 $strDatabaseExportOptions = 'Database export options';//to translate
684 $strDatabaseHasBeenCreated = 'Database %1$s has been created.'; //to translate
685 $strDatabaseNotExisting = '\'%s\' database does not exist.'; //to translate
686 $strDatabase_src = 'Source database'; //to translate
687 $strDatabase_trg = 'Target database'; //to translate
688 $strDataDiff = 'Data Difference'; //to translate
689 $strDataPages = 'Pages containing data'; //to translate
690 $strDataSyn = 'Data Synchronization'; //to translate
691 $strDBCopy = 'Copy database to'; //to translate
692 $strDbIsEmpty = 'Database seems to be empty!'; //to translate
693 $strDefaultEngine = '%s is the default storage engine on this MySQL server.'; //to translate
694 $strDefaultValueHelp = 'For default values, please enter just a single value, without backslash escaping or quotes, using this format: a'; //to translate
695 $strDelayedInserts = 'ใช้ delayed inserts'; //to translate
696 $strDeleteNoUsersSelected = 'No users selected for deleting!'; //to translate
697 $strDeleteRelation = 'Delete relation'; //to translate
698 $strDeleteTrackingData = 'Delete tracking data for this table'; //to translate
699 $strDelimiter = 'Delimiter'; //to translate
700 $strDelOld = 'The current Page has References to Tables that no longer exist. Would you like to delete those References?'; //to translate
701 $strDesigner = 'Designer'; //to translate
702 $strDesignerHelpDisplayField = 'The display field is shown in pink. To set/unset a field as the display field, click the "Choose field to display" icon, then click on the appropriate field name.'; //to translate
703 $strDetails = 'Details...'; //to translate
704 $strDifference = 'Difference'; //to translate
705 $strDirectLinks = 'Direct links'; //to translate
706 $strDirtyPages = 'Dirty pages'; //to translate
707 $strDisableForeignChecks = 'Disable foreign key checks'; //to translate
708 $strDocSQL = 'DocSQL'; //to translate
709 $strDoNotAutoIncrementZeroValues = 'Do not use AUTO_INCREMENT for zero values'; //to translate
710 $strDownloadFile = 'Download file'; //to translate
711 $strDropDatabaseStrongWarning = 'You are about to DESTROY a complete database!'; //to translate
712 $strDumpAllRows = 'Dump all rows'; //to translate
713 $strDumpSaved = 'Dump has been saved to file %s.'; //to translate
715 $strEncloseInTransaction = 'Enclose export in a transaction'; //to translate
716 $strEngineAvailable = '%s is available on this MySQL server.'; //to translate
717 $strEngineDisabled = '%s has been disabled for this MySQL server.'; //to translate
718 $strEngines = 'Engines'; //to translate
719 $strEngineUnsupported = 'This MySQL server does not support the %s storage engine.'; //to translate
720 $strErrorInZipFile = 'Error in ZIP archive:'; //to translate
721 $strErrorRelationAdded = 'Error: Relation not added.'; //to translate
722 $strErrorRelationExists = 'Error: relation already exists.'; //to translate
723 $strErrorRenamingTable = 'Error renaming table %1$s to %2$s'; //to translate
724 $strErrorSaveTable = 'Error saving coordinates for Designer.'; //to translate
725 $strEscapeWildcards = 'Wildcards _ and % should be escaped with a \ to use them literally'; //to translate
726 $strEsperanto = 'Esperanto'; //to translate
727 $strEvent = 'Event'; //to translate
728 $strEvents = 'Events'; //to translate
729 $strExcelEdition = 'Excel edition'; //to translate
730 $strExecuteBookmarked = 'Execute bookmarked query'; //to translate
731 $strExportImportToScale = 'Export/Import to scale'; //to translate
732 $strExportMustBeFile = 'Selected export type has to be saved in file!'; //to translate
734 $strFieldInsertFromFileTempDirNotExists = 'Error moving the uploaded file, see FAQ 1.11'; //to translate
735 $strFileAlreadyExists = 'File %s already exists on server, change filename or check overwrite option.'; //to translate
736 $strFileNameTemplateDescriptionDatabase = 'database name'; //to translate
737 $strFileNameTemplateDescriptionServer = 'server name'; //to translate
738 $strFileNameTemplateDescriptionTable = 'table name'; //to translate
739 $strFileNameTemplateDescription = 'This value is interpreted using %1$sstrftime%2$s, so you can use time formatting strings. Additionally the following transformations will happen: %3$s. Other text will be kept as is.'; //to translate
740 $strFiles = 'Files'; //to translate
741 $strFileToImport = 'File to import'; //to translate
742 $strFlushPrivilegesNote = 'โปรดทราบ: phpMyAdmin gets the users\' privileges directly from MySQL\'s privilege tables. The content of this tables may differ from the privileges the server uses if manual changes have made to it. In this case, you should %sreload the privileges%s before you continue.'; //to translate
743 $strFlushQueryCache = 'Flush query cache'; //to translate
744 $strFlushTables = 'Flush (close) all tables'; //to translate
745 $strFontSize = 'Font size'; //to translate
746 $strForeignKeyError = 'Error creating foreign key on %1$s (check data types)'; //to translate
747 $strForeignKeyRelationAdded = 'FOREIGN KEY relation added'; //to translate
748 $strFreePages = 'Free pages'; //to translate
749 $strFullStart = 'Full start'; //to translate
750 $strFullStop = 'Full stop'; //to translate
751 $strFunctions = 'Functions'; //to translate
753 $strGenerate = 'Generate'; //to translate
754 $strGeneratePassword = 'Generate Password'; //to translate
755 $strGetMoreThemes = 'Get more themes!'; //to translate
756 $strGoToDatabase = 'Go to database'; //to translate
757 $strGoToTable = 'Go to table'; //to translate
758 $strGoToView = 'Go to view'; //to translate
760 $strHandler = 'Handler'; //to translate
761 $strHaveBeenSynchronized = 'Selected target tables have been synchronized with source tables.'; //to translate
762 $strHelp = 'Help'; //to translate
763 $strHexForBLOB = 'Use hexadecimal for BLOB'; //to translate
764 $strHide = 'Hide'; //to translate
765 $strHideShowAll = 'Hide/Show all'; //to translate
766 $strHideShowNoRelation = 'Hide/Show Tables with no relation'; //to translate
767 $strHostTableExplanation = 'When Host table is used, this field is ignored and values stored in Host table are used instead.'; //to translate
768 $strHTMLExcel = 'Microsoft Excel 2000'; //to translate
769 $strHTMLWord = 'Microsoft Word 2000'; //to translate
771 $strIEUnsupported = 'Internet Explorer does not support this function.'; //to translate
772 $strIgnoreDuplicates = 'Ignore duplicate rows'; //to translate
773 $strIgnoreInserts = 'Use ignore inserts'; //to translate
774 $strImportColNames = 'Column names in first row'; //to translate
775 $strImportEmptyRows = 'Do not import empty rows'; //to translate
776 $strImportExportCoords = 'Import/Export coordinates for PDF schema'; //to translate
777 $strImportFormat = 'Format of imported file'; //to translate
778 $strImport = 'Import'; //to translate
779 $strImportLargeFileUploading = 'The file being uploaded is probably larger than the maximum allowed size or this is a known bug in webkit based (Safari, Google Chrome, Arora etc.) browsers.'; //to translate
780 $strImportNoticePt1 = 'The following structures have either been created or altered. Here you can:'; //to translate
781 $strImportNoticePt2 = 'View a structure`s contents by clicking on its name'; //to translate
782 $strImportNoticePt3 = 'Change any of its settings by clicking the corresponding "Options" link'; //to translate
783 $strImportNoticePt4 = 'Edit its structure by following the "Structure" link'; //to translate
784 $strImportODSCurrency = 'Import currencies ($5.00 to 5.00)'; //to translate
785 $strImportODS = 'Open Document Spreadsheet'; //to translate
786 $strImportODSPercents = 'Import percentages as proper decimals (12.00% to .12)'; //to translate
787 $strImportProceedingFile = 'The file is being processed, please be patient.'; //to translate
788 $strImportSuccessfullyFinished = 'Import has been successfully finished, %d queries executed.'; //to translate
789 $strImportUploadInfoNotAvailable = 'Please be patient, the file is being uploaded. Details about the upload are not available.'; //to translate
790 $strImportXLS = 'Excel 97-2003 XLS Workbook'; //to translate
791 $strImportXLSX = 'Excel 2007 XLSX Workbook'; //to translate
792 $strIndexesSeemEqual = 'The indexes %1$s and %2$s seem to be equal and one of them could possibly be removed.'; //to translate
793 $strIndexWarningTable = 'Problems with indexes of table `%s`';//to translate
794 $strInnoDBAutoextendIncrement = 'Autoextend increment'; //to translate
795 $strInnoDBAutoextendIncrementDesc = ' The increment size for extending the size of an autoextending tablespace when it becomes full.'; //to translate
796 $strInnoDBBufferPoolSize = 'Buffer pool size'; //to translate
797 $strInnoDBBufferPoolSizeDesc = 'The size of the memory buffer InnoDB uses to cache data and indexes of its tables.'; //to translate
798 $strInnoDBDataFilePath = 'Data files'; //to translate
799 $strInnoDBDataHomeDir = 'Data home directory'; //to translate
800 $strInnoDBDataHomeDirDesc = 'The common part of the directory path for all InnoDB data files.'; //to translate
801 $strInnoDBPages = 'pages'; //to translate
802 $strInsertedRowId = 'Inserted row id: %1$d'; //to translate
803 $strInterface = 'Interface'; //to translate
804 $strInternalAndForeign = 'An internal relation is not necessary when a corresponding FOREIGN KEY relation exists.'; //to translate
805 $strInternalRelationAdded = 'Internal relation added'; //to translate
806 $strInvalidAuthMethod = 'Invalid authentication method set in configuration:'; //to translate
807 $strInvalidColumnCount = 'Column count has to be larger than zero.'; //to translate
808 $strInvalidColumn = 'Invalid column (%s) specified!'; //to translate
809 $strInvalidCSVFieldCount = 'Invalid field count in CSV input on line %d.'; //to translate
810 $strInvalidCSVFormat = 'Invalid format of CSV input on line %d.'; //to translate
811 $strInvalidCSVParameter = 'Invalid parameter for CSV import: %s'; //to translate
812 $strInvalidDatabase = 'Invalid database'; //to translate
813 $strInvalidFieldAddCount = 'You have to add at least one field.'; //to translate
814 $strInvalidFieldCount = 'Table must have at least one field.'; //to translate
815 $strInvalidLDIImport = 'This plugin does not support compressed imports!'; //to translate
816 $strInvalidRowNumber = '%d is not valid row number.'; //to translate
817 $strInvalidServerHostname = 'Invalid hostname for server %1$s. Please review your configuration.'; //to translate
818 $strInvalidServerIndex = 'Invalid server index: "%s"'; //to translate
819 $strInvalidTableName = 'Invalid table name'; //to translate
821 $strJoins = 'Joins'; //to translate
822 $strJustDeleteDescr = 'The &quot;deleted&quot; users will still be able to access the server as usual until the privileges are reloaded.'; //to translate
824 $strKeyCache = 'Key cache'; //to translate
825 $strKnownExternalBug = 'The %s functionality is affected by a known bug, see %s'; //to translate
827 $strLanguage = 'Language'; //to translate
828 $strLanguageUnknown = 'Unknown language: %1$s.'; //to translate
829 $strLatexContent = 'Content of table __TABLE__';//to translate
830 $strLatexContinuedCaption = 'Continued table caption';//to translate
831 $strLatexIncludeCaption = 'Include table caption';//to translate
832 $strLatexLabel = 'Label key';//to translate
833 $strLatexStructure = 'Structure of table __TABLE__';//to translate
834 $strLatchedPages = 'Latched pages'; //to translate
835 $strLDI = 'CSV using LOAD DATA'; //to translate
836 $strLDILocal = 'Use LOCAL keyword'; //to translate
837 $strLoginWithoutPassword = 'Login without a password is forbidden by configuration (see AllowNoPassword)'; //to translate
838 $strLogServerHelp = 'You can enter hostname/IP address and port separated by space.'; //to translate
839 $strLongOperation = 'This operation could be long. Proceed anyway?'; //to translate
841 $strMaxConnects = 'max. concurrent connections'; //to translate
842 $strMaximalQueryLength = 'Maximal length of created query'; //to translate
843 $strMbExtensionMissing = 'The mbstring PHP extension was not found and you seem to be using multibyte charset. Without mbstring extension phpMyAdmin is unable to split strings correctly and it may result in unexpected results.'; //to translate
844 $strMbOverloadWarning = 'You have enabled mbstring.func_overload in your PHP configuration. This option is incompatible with phpMyAdmin and might cause breaking of some data!'; //to translate
845 $strMediaWiki = 'MediaWiki Table'; //to translate
846 $strMIME_transformation = 'Browser transformation';//to translate
847 $strMIME_transformation_note = 'For a list of available transformation options and their MIME-type transformations, click on %stransformation descriptions%s';//to translate
848 $strMIME_transformation_options_note = 'Please enter the values for transformation options using this format: \'a\', 100, b,\'c\'...<br />If you ever need to put a backslash ("\") or a single quote ("\'") amongst those values, backslashes it (for example \'\\\\xyz\' or \'a\\\'b\').';//to translate
849 $strMIMETypesForTable = 'MIME TYPES FOR TABLE'; //to translate
850 $strMIME_without = 'MIME-types printed in italics do not have a seperate transformation function';//to translate
851 $strMoveMenu = 'Move Menu'; //to translate
852 $strMyISAMDataPointerSize = 'Data pointer size'; //to translate
853 $strMyISAMDataPointerSizeDesc = 'The default pointer size in bytes, to be used by CREATE TABLE for MyISAM tables when no MAX_ROWS option is specified.'; //to translate
854 $strMyISAMMaxExtraSortFileSizeDesc = 'If the temporary file used for fast MyISAM index creation would be larger than using the key cache by the amount specified here, prefer the key cache method.'; //to translate
855 $strMyISAMMaxExtraSortFileSize = 'Maximum size for temporary files on index creation'; //to translate
856 $strMyISAMMaxSortFileSizeDesc = 'The maximum size of the temporary file MySQL is allowed to use while re-creating a MyISAM index (during REPAIR TABLE, ALTER TABLE, or LOAD DATA INFILE).'; //to translate
857 $strMyISAMMaxSortFileSize = 'Maximum size for temporary sort files'; //to translate
858 $strMyISAMRecoverOptions = 'Automatic recovery mode'; //to translate
859 $strMyISAMRecoverOptionsDesc = 'The mode for automatic recovery of crashed MyISAM tables, as set via the --myisam-recover server startup option.'; //to translate
860 $strMyISAMRepairThreadsDesc = 'If this value is greater than 1, MyISAM table indexes are created in parallel (each index in its own thread) during the Repair by sorting process.'; //to translate
861 $strMyISAMRepairThreads = 'Repair threads'; //to translate
862 $strMyISAMSortBufferSizeDesc = 'The buffer that is allocated when sorting MyISAM indexes during a REPAIR TABLE or when creating indexes with CREATE INDEX or ALTER TABLE.'; //to translate
863 $strMyISAMSortBufferSize = 'Sort buffer size'; //to translate
864 $strMysqlClientVersion = 'MySQL client version'; //to translate
865 $strMySQLConnectionCollation = 'MySQL connection collation'; //to translate
866 $strMysqlLibDiffersServerVersion = 'Your PHP MySQL library version %s differs from your MySQL server version %s. This may cause unpredictable behavior.'; //to translate
868 $strNavTableFilter = 'Filter'; //to translate
869 $strNoActivity = 'No activity since %s seconds or more, please login again'; //to translate
870 $strNoDataReceived = 'No data was received to import. Either no file name was submitted, or the file size exceeded the maximum size permitted by your PHP configuration. See FAQ 1.16.'; //to translate
871 $strNoDetailsForEngine = 'There is no detailed status information available for this storage engine.'; //to translate
872 $strNoFilesFoundInZip = 'No files found inside ZIP archive!'; //to translate
873 $strNoneDefault = 'None'; //to translate
874 $strNoPermission = 'The web server does not have permission to save the file %s.'; //to translate
875 $strNoSpace = 'Insufficient space to save the file %s.'; //to translate
876 $strNoThemeSupport = 'No themes support, please check your configuration and/or your themes in directory %s.'; //to translate
877 $strNotPresent = 'not present'; //to translate
878 $strNumberOfFields = 'Number of fields'; //to translate
879 $strNumberOfTables = 'Number of tables'; //to translate
881 $strOpenDocumentSpreadsheet = 'Open Document Spreadsheet'; //to translate
882 $strOpenDocumentText = 'Open Document Text'; //to translate
883 $strOpenNewWindow = 'Open new phpMyAdmin window'; //to translate
884 $strOperator = 'Operator'; //to translate
885 $strOptimize = 'Optimize'; //to translate
886 $strOptions = 'Options'; //to translate
888 $strPacked = 'Packed'; //to translate
889 $strPagesToBeFlushed = 'Pages to be flushed'; //to translate
890 $strPartialImport = 'Partial import'; //to translate
891 $strPartitionDefinition = 'PARTITION definition'; //to translate
892 $strPartitioned = 'partitioned'; //to translate
893 $strPartitionMaintenance = 'Partition maintenance'; //to translate
894 $strPartition = 'Partition %s'; //to translate
895 $strPasswordHashing = 'Password Hashing'; //to translate
896 $strPBXTDataFileGrowSize = 'Data file grow size'; //to translate
897 $strPBXTDataFileGrowSizeDesc = 'The grow size of the handle data (.xtd) files.'; //to translate
898 $strPBXTDataLogThreshold = 'Data log threshold'; //to translate
899 $strPBXTDataLogThresholdDesc = 'The maximum size of a data log file. The default value is 64MB. PBXT can create a maximum of 32000 data logs, which are used by all tables. So the value of this variable can be increased to increase the total amount of data that can be stored in the database.'; //to translate
900 $strPBXTGarbageThresholdDesc = 'The percentage of garbage in a data log file before it is compacted. This is a value between 1 and 99. The default is 50.'; //to translate
901 $strPBXTGarbageThreshold = 'Garbage threshold'; //to translate
902 $strPBXTCheckpointFrequencyDesc = 'The amount of data written to the transaction log before a checkpoint is performed. The default value is 24MB.'; //to translate
903 $strPBXTCheckpointFrequency = 'Checkpoint frequency'; //to translate
904 $strPBXTIndexCacheSizeDesc = 'This is the amount of memory allocated to the index cache. Default value is 32MB. The memory allocated here is used only for caching index pages.'; //to translate
905 $strPBXTIndexCacheSize = 'Index cache size'; //to translate
906 $strPBXTLogBufferSizeDesc = 'The size of the buffer used when writing a data log. The default is 256MB. The engine allocates one buffer per thread, but only if the thread is required to write a data log.'; //to translate
907 $strPBXTLogBufferSize = 'Log buffer size'; //to translate
908 $strPBXTLogCacheSizeDesc = 'The amount of memory allocated to the transaction log cache used to cache on transaction log data. The default is 16MB.'; //to translate
909 $strPBXTLogCacheSize = 'Log cache size'; //to translate
910 $strPBXTLogFileCountDesc = 'This is the number of transaction log files (pbxt/system/xlog*.xt) the system will maintain. If the number of logs exceeds this value then old logs will be deleted, otherwise they are renamed and given the next highest number.'; //to translate
911 $strPBXTLogFileCount = 'Log file count'; //to translate
912 $strPBXTLogFileThresholdDesc = 'The size of a transaction log before rollover, and a new log is created. The default value is 16MB.'; //to translate
913 $strPBXTLogFileThreshold = 'Log file threshold'; //to translate
914 $strPBXTRecordCacheSizeDesc = 'This is the amount of memory allocated to the record cache used to cache table data. The default value is 32MB. This memory is used to cache changes to the handle data (.xtd) and row pointer (.xtr) files.'; //to translate
915 $strPBXTRecordCacheSize = 'Record cache size'; //to translate
916 $strPBXTRowFileGrowSizeDesc = 'The grow size of the row pointer (.xtr) files.'; //to translate
917 $strPBXTRowFileGrowSize = 'Row file grow size'; //to translate
918 $strPBXTTransactionBufferSizeDesc = 'The size of the global transaction log buffer (the engine allocates 2 buffers of this size). The default is 1MB.'; //to translate
919 $strPBXTTransactionBufferSize = 'Transaction buffer size'; //to translate
920 $strPDF = 'PDF'; //to translate
921 $strPDFReportExplanation = '(Generates a report containing the data of a single table)'; //to translate
922 $strPDFReportTitle = 'Report title'; //to translate
923 $strPersian = 'Persian'; //to translate
924 $strPhpArray = 'PHP array'; //to translate
925 $strPHPExtension = 'PHP extension'; //to translate
926 $strPlayAudio = 'Play audio'; //to translate
927 $strPleaseSelectPrimaryOrUniqueKey = 'Please select the primary key or a unique key'; //to translate
928 $strPort = 'Port'; //to translate
929 $strPrintViewFull = 'Print view (with full texts)'; //to translate
930 $strPrivDescAlterRoutine = 'Allows altering and dropping stored routines.'; //to translate
931 $strPrivDescCreateRoutine = 'Allows creating stored routines.'; //to translate
932 $strPrivDescCreateUser = 'Allows creating, dropping and renaming user accounts.'; //to translate
933 $strPrivDescCreateView = 'Allows creating new views.'; //to translate
934 $strPrivDescEvent = 'Allows to set up events for the event scheduler'; //to translate
935 $strPrivDescExecute5 = 'Allows executing stored routines.'; //to translate
936 $strPrivDescMaxUserConnections = 'Limits the number of simultaneous connections the user may have.'; //to translate
937 $strPrivDescProcess = 'Allows viewing processes of all users'; //to translate
938 $strPrivDescReplSlave = 'Needed for the replication slaves.'; //to translate
939 $strPrivDescShowView = 'Allows performing SHOW CREATE VIEW queries.'; //to translate
940 $strPrivDescSuper = 'อนุญาตให้เชื่อมต่อ, แม้ว่าจำนวนการเชื่อมต่อจะถึงระดับสูงสุดแล้ว; Required for most administrative operations like setting global variables or killing threads of other users.'; //to translate
941 $strPrivDescTrigger = 'Allows creating and dropping triggers'; //to translate
942 $strProcedures = 'Procedures'; //to translate
943 $strProfiling = 'Profiling'; //to translate
944 $strProtocolVersion = 'Protocol version'; //to translate
946 $strQueriesExecuted = 'The following queries have been executed:'; //to translate
947 $strQueryCache = 'Query cache'; //to translate
948 $strQueryResultsOperations = 'Query results operations'; //to translate
949 $strQueryWindowLock = 'Do not overwrite this query from outside the window'; //to translate
951 $strReadRequests = 'Read requests'; //to translate
952 $strRebuild = 'Rebuild'; //to translate
953 $strRecommended = 'recommended'; //to translate
954 $strRelationalDisplayField = 'Relational display field'; //to translate
955 $strRelationalKey = 'Relational key'; //to translate
956 $strRelationDeleted = 'Relation deleted'; //to translate
957 $strRelationsForTable = 'RELATIONS FOR TABLE'; //to translate
958 $strReloadPrivileges = 'Reload privileges'; //to translate
959 $strReload = 'Reload'; //to translate
960 $strRemoteServer = 'Remote server'; //to translate
961 $strRemoveCRLF = 'Remove CRLF characters within fields'; //to translate
962 $strRemovePartitioning = 'Remove partitioning'; //to translate
963 $strRenameDatabaseOK = 'Database %s has been renamed to %s'; //to translate
964 $strRepair = 'Repair'; //to translate
965 $strReplicationAddLines = 'Now, add the following lines at the end of your my.cnf and please restart the MySQL server afterwards.'; //to translate
966 $strReplicationAddSlaveUser = 'Add slave replication user'; //to translate
967 $strReplicationConfiguredMaster = 'This server is configured as master in a replication process.'; //to translate
968 $strReplicationControlSlave = 'Control slave:'; //to translate
969 $strReplicationErrorGetPosition = 'Unable to read master log position. Possible privilege problem on master.'; //to translate
970 $strReplicationErrorMasterConnect = 'Unable to connect to master %s.'; //to translate
971 $strReplicationChangedSuccesfully = 'Master server changed succesfully to %s'; //to translate
972 $strReplicationMasterConfiguration = 'Master configuration'; //to translate
973 $strReplicationMasterChooseAll = 'Replicate all databases; Ignore:'; //to translate
974 $strReplicationMasterChooseIgn = 'Ignore all databases; Replicate:'; //to translate
975 $strReplicationMasterChooseMode = 'This server is not configured as master server in a replication process. You can choose from either replicating all databases and ignoring certain (useful if you want to replicate majority of databases) or you can choose to ignore all databases by default and allow only certain databases to be replicated. Please select the mode:'; //to translate
976 $strReplicationMaster = 'Master replication'; //to translate
977 $strReplication = 'Replication'; //to translate
978 $strReplicationRestartServer = 'Once you restarted MySQL server, please click on Go button. Afterwards, you should see a message informing you, that this server <b>is</b> configured as master'; //to translate
979 $strReplicationSelectDatabases = 'Please select databases:'; //to translate
980 $strReplicationServernConfiguredMaster = 'This server is not configured as master in a replication process. Would you like to <a href="%s">configure</a> it?'; //to translate
981 $strReplicationShowConnectedSlavesNote = 'Only slaves started with the --report-host=host_name option are visible in this list.'; //to translate
982 $strReplicationShowConnectedSlaves = 'Show connected slaves'; //to translate
983 $strReplicationShowMasterStatus = 'Show master status'; //to translate
984 $strReplicationSkippingErrorWarn = 'Skipping error(s) might lead into unsynchronized master and slave!'; //to translate
985 $strReplicationSlaveConfiguration = 'Slave configuration'; //to translate
986 $strReplicationSlaveConfigured = 'Server is configured as slave in a replication process. Would you like to:'; //to translate
987 $strReplicationSlaveErrorManagement = 'Error management:'; //to translate
988 $strReplicationSlaveChangeMaster = 'Change or reconfigure master server'; //to translate
989 $strReplicationSlaveIOThread = 'IO Thread %s only'; //to translate
990 $strReplicationSlaveIOThreadNotRunning = 'Slave IO Thread not running!'; //to translate
991 $strReplicationSlaveNotConfigured = 'This server is not configured as slave in a replication process. Would you like to <a href="%s">configure</a> it?'; //to translate
992 $strReplicationSlaveReset = 'Reset slave'; //to translate
993 $strReplicationSlaveSeeStatus = 'See slave status table'; //to translate
994 $strReplicationSlaveSkipCurrentError = 'Skip current error'; //to translate
995 $strReplicationSlaveSkipNextErrors = 'errors.'; //to translate
996 $strReplicationSlaveSkipNext = 'Skip next'; //to translate
997 $strReplicationSlave = 'Slave replication'; //to translate
998 $strReplicationSlaveSQLThreadNotRunning = 'Slave SQL Thread not running!'; //to translate
999 $strReplicationSlaveSQLThread = 'SQL Thread %s only'; //to translate
1000 $strReplicationStatusInfo = 'This MySQL server works as %s in <b>replication</b> process. For further information about replication status on the server, please visit the <a href="#replication">replication section</a>.'; //to translate
1001 $strReplicationStatus_master = 'Master status'; //to translate
1002 $strReplicationStatus = 'Replication status'; //to translate
1003 $strReplicationStatus_slave = 'Slave status'; //to translate
1004 $strReplicationSynchronize = 'Synchronize databases with master'; //to translate
1005 $strReplicationUnableToChange = 'Unable to change master'; //to translate
1006 $strReplicationUnknownError = 'Unknown error'; //to translate
1007 $strRestartInsertion = 'Restart insertion with %s rows'; //to translate
1008 $strRoutineReturnType = 'Return type'; //to translate
1009 $strRoutines = 'Routines'; //to translate
1010 $strRowsAffected = '%1$d row(s) affected.'; //to translate
1011 $strRowsDeleted = '%1$d row(s) deleted.'; //to translate
1012 $strRowsInserted = '%1$d row(s) inserted.'; //to translate
1013 $strRunSQLQueryOnServer = 'Run SQL query/queries on server %s'; //to translate
1015 $strSaveOnServer = 'Save on server in %s directory'; //to translate
1016 $strSavePosition = 'Save position'; //to translate
1017 $strSearchInField = 'Inside field:'; //to translate
1018 $strSecretRequired = 'The configuration file now needs a secret passphrase (blowfish_secret).'; //to translate
1019 $strSelectBinaryLog = 'Select binary log to view'; //to translate
1020 $strSelectForeignKey = 'Select Foreign Key'; //to translate
1021 $strSelectReferencedKey = 'Select referenced key'; //to translate
1022 $strServers = 'Servers'; //to translate
1023 $strServerStatusDelayedInserts = 'Delayed inserts'; //to translate
1024 $strSessionGCWarning = 'Your PHP parameter [a@]session.gc_maxlifetime[/a] is lower that cookie validity configured in phpMyAdmin, because of this, your login will expire sooner than configured in phpMyAdmin.'; //to translate
1025 $strSessionStartupErrorGeneral = 'Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly.'; //to translate
1026 $strSettings = 'settings'; //to translate
1027 $strSetupAllowAnywhereRecoding_name = 'Allow character set conversion'; //to translate
1028 $strSetupAllowArbitraryServer_desc = 'If enabled user can enter any MySQL server in login form for cookie auth'; //to translate
1029 $strSetupAllowArbitraryServerMsg = 'This [a@?page=form&amp;formset=features#tab_Security]option[/a] should be disabled as it allows attackers to bruteforce login to any MySQL server. If you feel this is necessary, use [a@?page=form&amp;formset=features#tab_Security]trusted proxies list[/a]. However, IP-based protection may not be reliable if your IP belongs to an ISP where thousands of users, including you, are connected to.'; //to translate
1030 $strSetupAllowArbitraryServer_name = 'Allow login to any MySQL server'; //to translate
1031 $strSetupAllowUserDropDatabase_name = 'Show &quot;Drop database&quot; link to normal users'; //to translate
1032 $strSetupblowfish_secret_desc = 'Secret passphrase used for encrypting cookies in [kbd]cookie[/kbd] authentication'; //to translate
1033 $strSetupBlowfishSecretCharsMsg = 'Key should contain letters, numbers [em]and[/em] special characters'; //to translate
1034 $strSetupBlowfishSecretLengthMsg = 'Key is too short, it should have at least 8 characters'; //to translate
1035 $strSetupBlowfishSecretMsg = 'You didn\'t have blowfish secret set and have enabled cookie authentication, so a key was automatically generated for you. It is used to encrypt cookies; you don\'t need to remember it.'; //to translate
1036 $strSetupblowfish_secret_name = 'Blowfish secret'; //to translate
1037 $strSetupBrowseMarkerEnable_desc = 'Highlight selected rows'; //to translate
1038 $strSetupBrowseMarkerEnable_name = 'Row marker'; //to translate
1039 $strSetupBrowsePointerEnable_desc = 'Highlight row pointed by the mouse cursor'; //to translate
1040 $strSetupBrowsePointerEnable_name = 'Highlight pointer'; //to translate
1041 $strSetupBZipDump_desc = 'Enable [a@]bzip2[/a] compression for import and export operations'; //to translate
1042 $strSetupBZipDump_name = 'Bzip2'; //to translate
1043 $strSetupBZipDumpWarning = '[a@?page=form&amp;formset=features#tab_Import_export]Bzip2 compression and decompression[/a] requires functions (%s) which are unavailable on this system.'; //to translate
1044 $strSetupCannotLoadConfig = 'Cannot load or save configuration'; //to translate
1045 $strSetupCannotLoadConfigMsg = 'Please create web server writable folder [em]config[/em] in phpMyAdmin top level directory as described in [a@../Documentation.html#setup_script]documentation[/a]. Otherwise you will be only able to download or display it.'; //to translate
1046 $strSetupClear = 'Clear'; //to translate
1047 $strSetupCompressOnFly_desc = 'Compress gzip/bzip2 exports on the fly without the need for much memory; if you encounter problems with created gzip/bzip2 files disable this feature'; //to translate
1048 $strSetupCompressOnFly_name = 'Compress on the fly'; //to translate
1049 $strSetupConfigurationFile = 'Configuration file'; //to translate
1050 $strSetupConfirm_desc = 'Whether a warning (&quot;Are your really sure...&quot;) should be displayed when you\'re about to lose data'; //to translate
1051 $strSetupConfirm_name = 'Confirm DROP queries'; //to translate
1052 $strSetupDefaultCharset_desc = 'Default character set used for conversions'; //to translate
1053 $strSetupDefaultCharset_name = 'Default character set'; //to translate
1054 $strSetupDefaultLanguage = 'Default language'; //to translate
1055 $strSetupDefaultServer = 'Default server'; //to translate
1056 $strSetupDefaultTabDatabase_desc = 'Tab that is displayed when entering a database'; //to translate
1057 $strSetupDefaultTabDatabase_name = 'Default database tab'; //to translate
1058 $strSetupDefaultTabServer_desc = 'Tab that is displayed when entering a server'; //to translate
1059 $strSetupDefaultTabServer_name = 'Default server tab'; //to translate
1060 $strSetupDefaultTabTable_desc = 'Tab that is displayed when entering a table'; //to translate
1061 $strSetupDefaultTabTable_name = 'Default table tab'; //to translate
1062 $strSetupDirectoryNotice = 'This value should be double checked to ensure that this directory is neither world accessible nor readable or writable by other users on your server.'; //to translate
1063 $strSetupDisplayDatabasesList_desc = 'Show database listing as a list instead of a drop down'; //to translate
1064 $strSetupDisplayDatabasesList_name = 'Display databases as a list'; //to translate
1065 $strSetupDisplay = 'Display'; //to translate
1066 $strSetupDisplayServersList_desc = 'Show server listing as a list instead of a drop down'; //to translate
1067 $strSetupDisplayServersList_name = 'Display servers as a list'; //to translate
1068 $strSetupDonateLink = 'Donate'; //to translate
1069 $strSetupDownload = 'Download'; //to translate
1070 $strSetupEndOfLine = 'End of line'; //to translate
1071 $strSetuperror_connection = 'Could not connect to MySQL server'; //to translate
1072 $strSetuperror_empty_pmadb_password = 'Empty phpMyAdmin control user password while using pmadb'; //to translate
1073 $strSetuperror_empty_pmadb_user = 'Empty phpMyAdmin control user while using pmadb'; //to translate
1074 $strSetuperror_empty_signon_session = 'Empty signon session name while using signon authentication method'; //to translate
1075 $strSetuperror_empty_signon_url = 'Empty signon URL while using signon authentication method'; //to translate
1076 $strSetuperror_empty_user_for_config_auth = 'Empty username while using config authentication method'; //to translate
1077 $strSetuperror_form = 'Submitted form contains errors'; //to translate
1078 $strSetuperror_incorrect_ip_address = 'Incorrect IP address: %s'; //to translate
1079 $strSetuperror_incorrect_port = 'Not a valid port number'; //to translate
1080 $strSetuperror_incorrect_value = 'Incorrect value'; //to translate
1081 $strSetuperror_missing_field_data = 'Missing data for %s'; //to translate
1082 $strSetuperror_nan_nneg = 'Not a non-negative number'; //to translate
1083 $strSetuperror_nan_p = 'Not a positive number'; //to translate
1084 $strSetupExecTimeLimit_desc = 'Set the number of seconds a script is allowed to run ([kbd]0[/kbd] for no limit)'; //to translate
1085 $strSetupExecTimeLimit_name = 'Maximum execution time'; //to translate
1086 $strSetupExport_file_template_database_name = 'Database name template'; //to translate
1087 $strSetupExport_file_template_server_name = 'Server name template'; //to translate
1088 $strSetupExport_file_template_table_name = 'Table name template'; //to translate
1089 $strSetupExport_charset_name = 'Character set of the file'; //to translate
1090 $strSetupExport_onserver_name = 'Save on server'; //to translate
1091 $strSetupExport_remember_file_template_name = 'Remember file name template'; //to translate
1092 $strSetupFalse = 'no'; //to translate
1093 $strSetupForceSSL_desc = 'Force secured connection while using phpMyAdmin'; //to translate
1094 $strSetupForceSSLMsg = 'This [a@?page=form&amp;formset=features#tab_Security]option[/a] should be enabled if your web server supports it'; //to translate
1095 $strSetupForceSSL_name = 'Force SSL connection'; //to translate
1096 $strSetupForeignKeyDropdownOrder_desc = 'Sort order for items in a foreign-key dropdown box; [kbd]content[/kbd] is the referenced data, [kbd]id[/kbd] is the key value'; //to translate
1097 $strSetupForeignKeyDropdownOrder_name = 'Foreign key dropdown order'; //to translate
1098 $strSetupForeignKeyMaxLimit_desc = 'A dropdown will be used if fewer items are present'; //to translate
1099 $strSetupForeignKeyMaxLimit_name = 'Foreign key limit'; //to translate
1100 $strSetupForm_Browse = 'Browse mode'; //to translate
1101 $strSetupForm_Browse_desc = 'Customize browse mode'; //to translate
1102 $strSetupForm_Edit_desc = 'Customize edit mode'; //to translate
1103 $strSetupForm_Edit = 'Edit mode'; //to translate
1104 $strSetupForm_Export_defaults_desc = 'Customize default export options'; //to translate
1105 $strSetupForm_Export_defaults = 'Export defaults'; //to translate
1106 $strSetupForm_Import_defaults_desc = 'Customize default common import options'; //to translate
1107 $strSetupForm_Import_defaults = 'Import defaults'; //to translate
1108 $strSetupForm_Import_export_desc = 'Set import and export directories and compression options'; //to translate
1109 $strSetupForm_Import_export = 'Import / export'; //to translate
1110 $strSetupForm_Left_databases_desc = 'Databases display options'; //to translate
1111 $strSetupForm_Left_frame_desc = 'Customize appearance of the navigation frame'; //to translate
1112 $strSetupForm_Left_frame = 'Navigation frame'; //to translate
1113 $strSetupForm_Left_servers_desc = 'Servers display options'; //to translate
1114 $strSetupForm_Left_servers = 'Servers'; //to translate
1115 $strSetupForm_Left_tables_desc = 'Tables display options'; //to translate
1116 $strSetupForm_Main_frame = 'Main frame'; //to translate
1117 $strSetupForm_Other_core_settings_desc = 'Settings that didn\'t fit enywhere else'; //to translate
1118 $strSetupForm_Other_core_settings = 'Other core settings'; //to translate
1119 $strSetupForm_Query_window_desc = 'Customize query window options'; //to translate
1120 $strSetupForm_Security_desc = 'Please note that phpMyAdmin is just a user interface and its features do not limit MySQL'; //to translate
1121 $strSetupForm_Security = 'Security'; //to translate
1122 $strSetupForm_Server = 'Basic settings'; //to translate
1123 $strSetupForm_Server_config_desc = 'Advanced server configuration, do not change these options unless you know what they are for'; //to translate
1124 $strSetupForm_Server_config = 'Server configuration'; //to translate
1125 $strSetupForm_Server_desc = 'Enter server connection parameters'; //to translate
1126 $strSetupForm_Server_login_options_desc = 'Enter login options for signon authentication'; //to translate
1127 $strSetupForm_Server_login_options = 'Signon login options'; //to translate
1128 $strSetupForm_Server_pmadb_desc = 'Configure phpMyAdmin database to gain access to additional features, see [a@../Documentation.html#linked-tables]linked-tables infrastructure[/a] in documentation'; //to translate
1129 $strSetupForm_Server_pmadb = 'PMA database'; //to translate
1130 $strSetupFormset_customization = 'Customization'; //to translate
1131 $strSetupFormset_export = 'Customize export options'; //to translate
1132 $strSetupFormset_features = 'Features'; //to translate
1133 $strSetupFormset_import = 'Customize import defaults'; //to translate
1134 $strSetupFormset_left_frame = 'Customize navigation frame'; //to translate
1135 $strSetupFormset_main_frame = 'Customize main frame'; //to translate
1136 $strSetupForm_Sql_box_desc = 'Customize links shown in SQL Query boxes'; //to translate
1137 $strSetupForm_Sql_box = 'SQL Query box'; //to translate
1138 $strSetupForm_Sql_queries_desc = 'SQL queries settings, for SQL Query box options see [a@?page=form&amp;formset=main_frame#tab_Sql_box]Navigation frame[/a] settings'; //to translate
1139 $strSetupForm_Sql_queries = 'SQL queries'; //to translate
1140 $strSetupForm_Startup_desc = 'Customize startup page'; //to translate
1141 $strSetupForm_Startup = 'Startup'; //to translate
1142 $strSetupForm_Tabs_desc = 'Choose how you want tabs to work'; //to translate
1143 $strSetupForm_Tabs = 'Tabs'; //to translate
1144 $strSetupGZipDump_desc = 'Enable [a@]gzip[/a] compression for import and export operations'; //to translate
1145 $strSetupGZipDump_name = 'GZip'; //to translate
1146 $strSetupGZipDumpWarning = '[a@?page=form&amp;formset=features#tab_Import_export]GZip compression and decompression[/a] requires functions (%s) which are unavailable on this system.'; //to translate
1147 $strSetupHomepageLink = 'phpMyAdmin homepage'; //to translate
1148 $strSetupCharEditing_desc = 'Defines which type of editing controls should be used for CHAR and VARCHAR fields; [kbd]input[/kbd] - allows limiting of input length, [kbd]textarea[/kbd] - allows newlines in fields'; //to translate
1149 $strSetupCharEditing_name = 'CHAR fields editing'; //to translate
1150 $strSetupCharTextareaCols_desc = 'Number of columns for CHAR/VARCHAR textareas'; //to translate
1151 $strSetupCharTextareaCols_name = 'CHAR textarea columns'; //to translate
1152 $strSetupCharTextareaRows_desc = 'Number of rows for CHAR/VARCHAR textareas'; //to translate
1153 $strSetupCharTextareaRows_name = 'CHAR textarea rows'; //to translate
1154 $strSetupCheckConfigurationPermissions_name = 'Check config file permissions'; //to translate
1155 $strSetupIconvExtraParams_name = 'Extra parameters for iconv'; //to translate
1156 $strSetupIgnoreErrors = 'Ignore errors'; //to translate
1157 $strSetupIgnoreMultiSubmitErrors_desc = 'If enabled, phpMyAdmin continues computing multiple-statement queries even if one of the queries failed'; //to translate
1158 $strSetupIgnoreMultiSubmitErrors_name = 'Ignore multiple statement errors'; //to translate
1159 $strSetupImport_allow_interrupt_desc = 'Allow interrupt of import in case script detects it is close to time limit. This might be good way to import large files, however it can break transactions.'; //to translate
1160 $strSetupImport_allow_interrupt_name = 'Partial import: allow interrupt'; //to translate
1161 $strSetupImport_format_desc = 'Default format; be aware that this list depends on location (database, table) and only SQL is always available'; //to translate
1162 $strSetupImport_format_name = 'Format of imported file'; //to translate
1163 $strSetupImport_skip_queries_desc = 'Number of records (queries) to skip from start'; //to translate
1164 $strSetupImport_skip_queries_name = 'Partial import: skip queries'; //to translate
1165 $strSetupInsecureConnection = 'Insecure connection'; //to translate
1166 $strSetupInsecureConnectionMsg1 = 'You are not using a secure connection; all data (including potentially sensitive information, like passwords) is transferred unencrypted!'; //to translate
1167 $strSetupInsecureConnectionMsg2 = 'If your server is also configured to accept HTTPS requests follow [a@%s]this link[/a] to use a secure connection.'; //to translate
1168 $strSetupInsertRows_desc = 'How many rows can be inserted at one time'; //to translate
1169 $strSetupInsertRows_name = 'Number of inserted rows'; //to translate
1170 $strSetupLeftDefaultTabTable_name = 'Target for quick access icon'; //to translate
1171 $strSetupLeftDisplayLogo_desc = 'Show logo in left frame'; //to translate
1172 $strSetupLeftDisplayLogo_name = 'Display logo'; //to translate
1173 $strSetupLeftDisplayServers_desc = 'Display server choice at the top of the left frame'; //to translate
1174 $strSetupLeftDisplayServers_name = 'Display servers selection'; //to translate
1175 $strSetupLeftFrameDBSeparator_desc = 'String that separates databases into different tree levels'; //to translate
1176 $strSetupLeftFrameDBSeparator_name = 'Database tree separator'; //to translate
1177 $strSetupLeftFrameDBTree_desc = 'Only light version; display databases in a tree (determined by the separator defined below)'; //to translate
1178 $strSetupLeftFrameDBTree_name = 'Display databases in a tree'; //to translate
1179 $strSetupLeftFrameLight_desc = 'Disable this if you want to see all databases at once'; //to translate
1180 $strSetupLeftFrameLight_name = 'Use light version'; //to translate
1181 $strSetupLeftFrameTableLevel_name = 'Maximum table tree depth'; //to translate
1182 $strSetupLeftFrameTableSeparator_desc = 'String that separates tables into different tree levels'; //to translate
1183 $strSetupLeftFrameTableSeparator_name = 'Table tree separator'; //to translate
1184 $strSetupLeftLogoLink_name = 'Logo link URL'; //to translate
1185 $strSetupLeftLogoLinkWindow_desc = 'Open the linked page in the main window ([kbd]main[/kbd]) or in a new one ([kbd]new[/kbd])'; //to translate
1186 $strSetupLeftLogoLinkWindow_name = 'Logo link target'; //to translate
1187 $strSetupLeftPointerEnable_desc = 'Highlight server under the mouse cursor'; //to translate
1188 $strSetupLeftPointerEnable_name = 'Enable highlighting'; //to translate
1189 $strSetupLetUserChoose = 'let the user choose'; //to translate
1190 $strSetupLightTabs_desc = 'Use less graphically intense tabs'; //to translate
1191 $strSetupLightTabs_name = 'Light tabs'; //to translate
1192 $strSetupLoad = 'Load'; //to translate
1193 $strSetupLoginCookieDeleteAll_desc = 'If TRUE, logout deletes cookies for all servers; when set to FALSE, logout only occurs for the current server. Setting this to FALSE makes it easy to forget to log out from other servers when connected to multiple servers.'; //to translate
1194 $strSetupLoginCookieDeleteAll_name = 'Delete all cookies on logout'; //to translate
1195 $strSetupLoginCookieRecall_desc = 'Define whether the previous login should be recalled or not in cookie authentication mode'; //to translate
1196 $strSetupLoginCookieRecall_name = 'Recall user name'; //to translate
1197 $strSetupLoginCookieStore_desc = 'Define how long (in seconds) a login cookie should be stored in browser. The default of 0 means that it will be kept for the existing session only, and will be deleted as soon as you close the browser window. This is recommended for non-trusted environments.'; //to translate
1198 $strSetupLoginCookieStore_name = 'Login cookie store'; //to translate
1199 $strSetupLoginCookieValidity_desc = 'Define how long (in seconds) a login cookie is valid'; //to translate
1200 $strSetupLoginCookieValidityMsg = '[a@?page=form&formset=features#tab_Security]Login cookie validity[/a] should be should be set to 1800 seconds (30 minutes) at most. Values larger than 1800 may pose a security risk such as impersonation.'; //to translate
1201 $strSetupLoginCookieValidity_name = 'Login cookie validity'; //to translate
1202 $strSetupMaxDbList_desc = 'Maximum number of databases displayed in left frame and database list'; //to translate
1203 $strSetupMaxDbList_name = 'Maximum databases'; //to translate
1204 $strSetupMaxCharactersInDisplayedSQL_desc = 'Maximum number of characters used when a SQL query is displayed'; //to translate
1205 $strSetupMaxCharactersInDisplayedSQL_name = 'Maximum displayed SQL length'; //to translate
1206 $strSetupMaxRows_desc = 'Number of rows displayed when browsing a result set. If the result set contains more rows, &quot;Previous&quot; and &quot;Next&quot; links will be shown.'; //to translate
1207 $strSetupMaxRows_name = 'Maximum number of rows to display'; //to translate
1208 $strSetupMaxTableList_desc = 'Maximum number of tables displayed in table list'; //to translate
1209 $strSetupMaxTableList_name = 'Maximum tables'; //to translate
1210 $strSetupMemoryLimit_desc = 'The number of bytes a script is allowed to allocate, eg. [kbd]32M[/kbd] ([kbd]0[/kbd] for no limit)'; //to translate
1211 $strSetupMemoryLimit_name = 'Memory limit'; //to translate
1212 $strSetupNavigationBarIconic_desc = 'Use only icons, only text or both'; //to translate
1213 $strSetupNavigationBarIconic_name = 'Iconic navigation bar'; //to translate
1214 $strSetupNewServer = 'New server'; //to translate
1215 $strSetupNoServers = 'There are no configured servers'; //to translate
1216 $strSetupOBGzip_desc = 'use GZip output buffering for increased speed in HTTP transfers'; //to translate
1217 $strSetupOBGzip_name = 'GZip output buffering'; //to translate
1218 $strSetupOptionNone = '- none -'; //to translate
1219 $strSetupOrder_desc = '[kbd]SMART[/kbd] - i.e. descending order for fields of type TIME, DATE, DATETIME and TIMESTAMP, ascending order otherwise'; //to translate
1220 $strSetupOrder_name = 'Default sorting order'; //to translate
1221 $strSetupOverview = 'Overview'; //to translate
1222 $strSetupPersistentConnections_desc = 'Use persistent connections to MySQL databases'; //to translate
1223 $strSetupPersistentConnections_name = 'Persistent connections'; //to translate
1224 $strSetupPropertiesIconic_desc = 'Use only icons, only text or both'; //to translate
1225 $strSetupPropertiesIconic_name = 'Iconic table operations'; //to translate
1226 $strSetupProtectBinary_desc = 'Disallow BLOB and BINARY fields from editing'; //to translate
1227 $strSetupProtectBinary_name = 'Protect binary fields'; //to translate
1228 $strSetupQueryHistoryDB_desc = 'Enable if you want DB-based query history (requires pmadb). If disabled, this utilizes JS-routines to display query history (lost by window close).'; //to translate
1229 $strSetupQueryHistoryDB_name = 'Permanent query history'; //to translate
1230 $strSetupQueryHistoryMax_desc = 'How many queries are kept in history'; //to translate
1231 $strSetupQueryHistoryMax_name = 'Query history length'; //to translate
1232 $strSetupQueryWindowDefTab_desc = 'Tab displayed when opening a new query window'; //to translate
1233 $strSetupQueryWindowDefTab_name = 'Default query window tab'; //to translate
1234 $strSetupRecodingEngine_desc = 'Select which functions will be used for character set conversion'; //to translate
1235 $strSetupRecodingEngine_name = 'Recoding engine'; //to translate
1236 $strSetupRestoreDefaultValue = 'Restore default value'; //to translate
1237 $strSetupRevertErroneousFields = 'Try to revert erroneous fields to their default values'; //to translate
1238 $strSetupSaveDir_desc = 'Directory where exports can be saved on server'; //to translate
1239 $strSetupSaveDir_name = 'Save directory'; //to translate
1240 $strSetupServerAuthConfigMsg = 'You set the [kbd]config[/kbd] authentication type and included username and password for auto-login, which is not a desirable option for live hosts. Anyone who knows or guesses your phpMyAdmin URL can directly access your phpMyAdmin panel. Set [a@?page=servers&amp;mode=edit&amp;id=%1$d#tab_Server]authentication type[/a] to [kbd]cookie[/kbd] or [kbd]http[/kbd].'; //to translate
1241 $strSetupServerExtensionMsg = 'You should use mysqli for performance reasons'; //to translate
1242 $strSetupServerNoPasswordMsg = 'You allow for connecting to the server without a password.'; //to translate
1243 $strSetupServersAdd = 'Add a new server'; //to translate
1244 $strSetupServers_AllowDeny_order_desc = 'Leave blank if not used'; //to translate
1245 $strSetupServers_AllowDeny_order_name = 'Host authentication order'; //to translate
1246 $strSetupServers_AllowDeny_rules_desc = 'Leave blank for defaults'; //to translate
1247 $strSetupServers_AllowDeny_rules_name = 'Host authentication rules'; //to translate
1248 $strSetupServers_AllowNoPassword_name = 'Allow logins without a password'; //to translate
1249 $strSetupServers_AllowRoot_name = 'Allow root login'; //to translate
1250 $strSetupServers_auth_swekey_config_desc = 'The path for the config file for [a@]SweKey hardware authentication[/a] (not located in your document root; suggested: /etc/swekey.conf)'; //to translate
1251 $strSetupServers_auth_swekey_config_name = 'SweKey config file'; //to translate
1252 $strSetupServers_auth_type_desc = 'Authentication method to use'; //to translate
1253 $strSetupServers_auth_type_name = 'Authentication type'; //to translate
1254 $strSetupServers_bookmarktable_desc = 'Leave blank for no [a@]bookmark[/a] support, suggested: [kbd]pma_bookmark[/kbd]'; //to translate
1255 $strSetupServers_bookmarktable_name = 'Bookmark table'; //to translate
1256 $strSetupServers_column_info_desc = 'Leave blank for no column comments/mime types, suggested: [kbd]pma_column_info[/kbd]'; //to translate
1257 $strSetupServers_column_info_name = 'Column information table'; //to translate
1258 $strSetupServers_compress_desc = 'Compress connection to MySQL server'; //to translate
1259 $strSetupServers_compress_name = 'Compress connection'; //to translate
1260 $strSetupServers_connect_type_desc = 'How to connect to server, keep tcp if unsure'; //to translate
1261 $strSetupServers_connect_type_name = 'Connection type'; //to translate
1262 $strSetupServers_controlpass_name = 'Control user password'; //to translate
1263 $strSetupServers_controluser_desc = 'A special MySQL user configured with limited permissions, more information available on [a@]wiki[/a]'; //to translate
1264 $strSetupServers_controluser_name = 'Control user'; //to translate
1265 $strSetupServers_CountTables_desc = 'Count tables when showing database list'; //to translate
1266 $strSetupServers_CountTables_name = 'Count tables'; //to translate
1267 $strSetupServers_designer_coords_desc = 'Leave blank for no Designer support, suggested: [kbd]pma_designer_coords[/kbd]'; //to translate
1268 $strSetupServers_designer_coords_name = 'Designer table'; //to translate
1269 $strSetupServers_DisableIS_desc = 'More information on [a@]PMA bug tracker[/a] and [a@]MySQL Bugs[/a]'; //to translate
1270 $strSetupServers_DisableIS_name = 'Disable use of INFORMATION_SCHEMA'; //to translate
1271 $strSetupServerSecurityInfoMsg = 'If you feel this is necessary, use additional protection settings - [a@?page=servers&amp;mode=edit&amp;id=%1$d#tab_Server_config]host authentication[/a] settings and [a@?page=form&amp;formset=features#tab_Security]trusted proxies list[/a]. However, IP-based protection may not be reliable if your IP belongs to an ISP where thousands of users, including you, are connected to.'; //to translate
1272 $strSetupServersEdit = 'Edit server'; //to translate
1273 $strSetupServers_extension_desc = 'What PHP extension to use; you should use mysqli if supported'; //to translate
1274 $strSetupServers_extension_name = 'PHP extension to use'; //to translate
1275 $strSetupServers_hide_db_desc = 'Hide databases matching regular expression (PCRE)'; //to translate
1276 $strSetupServers_hide_db_name = 'Hide databases'; //to translate
1277 $strSetupServers_history_desc = 'Leave blank for no SQL query history support, suggested: [kbd]pma_history[/kbd]'; //to translate
1278 $strSetupServers_history_name = 'SQL query history table'; //to translate
1279 $strSetupServers_host_desc = 'Hostname where MySQL server is running'; //to translate
1280 $strSetupServers_host_name = 'Server hostname'; //to translate
1281 $strSetupServers_LogoutURL_name = 'Logout URL'; //to translate
1282 $strSetupServers_nopassword_desc = 'Try to connect without password'; //to translate
1283 $strSetupServers_nopassword_name = 'Connect without password'; //to translate
1284 $strSetupServers_only_db_desc = 'You can use MySQL wildcard characters (% and _), escape them if you want to use their literal instances, i.e. use \'my\_db\' and not \'my_db\''; //to translate
1285 $strSetupServers_only_db_name = 'Show only listed databases'; //to translate
1286 $strSetupServers_password_desc = 'Leave empty if not using config auth'; //to translate
1287 $strSetupServers_password_name = 'Password for config auth'; //to translate
1288 $strSetupServers_pdf_pages_desc = 'Leave blank for no PDF schema support, suggested: [kbd]pma_pdf_pages[/kbd]'; //to translate
1289 $strSetupServers_pdf_pages_name = 'PDF schema: pages table'; //to translate
1290 $strSetupServers_pmadb_desc = 'Database used for relations, bookmarks, and PDF features. See [a@]pmadb[/a] for complete information. Leave blank for no support. Suggested: [kbd]phpmyadmin[/kbd]'; //to translate
1291 $strSetupServers_pmadb_name = 'PMA database'; //to translate
1292 $strSetupServers_port_desc = 'Port on which MySQL server is listening, leave empty for default'; //to translate
1293 $strSetupServers_port_name = 'Server port'; //to translate
1294 $strSetupServers_relation_desc = 'Leave blank for no [a@]relation-links[/a] support, suggested: [kbd]pma_relation[/kbd]'; //to translate
1295 $strSetupServers_relation_name = 'Relation table'; //to translate
1296 $strSetupServers_ShowDatabasesCommand_desc = 'SQL command to fetch available databases'; //to translate
1297 $strSetupServers_ShowDatabasesCommand_name = 'SHOW DATABASES command'; //to translate
1298 $strSetupServers_SignonSession_desc = 'See [a@]authentication types[/a] for an example'; //to translate
1299 $strSetupServers_SignonSession_name = 'Signon session name'; //to translate
1300 $strSetupServers_SignonURL_name = 'Signon URL'; //to translate
1301 $strSetupServerSslMsg = 'You should use SSL connections if your web server supports it'; //to translate
1302 $strSetupServers_socket_desc = 'Socket on which MySQL server is listening, leave empty for default'; //to translate
1303 $strSetupServers_socket_name = 'Server socket'; //to translate
1304 $strSetupServers_ssl_desc = 'Enable SSL for connection to MySQL server'; //to translate
1305 $strSetupServers_ssl_name = 'Use SSL'; //to translate
1306 $strSetupServers_table_coords_desc = 'Leave blank for no PDF schema support, suggested: [kbd]pma_table_coords[/kbd]'; //to translate
1307 $strSetupServers_table_coords_name = 'PDF schema: table coordinates'; //to translate
1308 $strSetupServers_table_info_desc = 'Table to describe the display fields, leave blank for no support; suggested: [kbd]pma_table_info[/kbd]'; //to translate
1309 $strSetupServers_table_info_name = 'Display fields table'; //to translate
1310 $strSetupServers_user_desc = 'Leave empty if not using config auth'; //to translate
1311 $strSetupServers_user_name = 'User for config auth'; //to translate
1312 $strSetupServers_verbose_desc = 'A user-friendly description of this server. Leave blank to display the hostname instead.'; //to translate
1313 $strSetupServers_verbose_check_desc = 'Disable if you know that your pma_* tables are up to date. This prevents compatibility checks and thereby increases performance'; //to translate
1314 $strSetupServers_verbose_check_name = 'Verbose check'; //to translate
1315 $strSetupServers_verbose_name = 'Verbose name of this server'; //to translate
1316 $strSetupSetValue = 'Set value: %s'; //to translate
1317 $strSetupShowAll_desc = 'Whether a user should be displayed a &quot;show all (records)&quot; button'; //to translate
1318 $strSetupShowAll_name = 'Allow to display all the rows'; //to translate
1319 $strSetupShowCreateDb_name = 'Show create database form'; //to translate
1320 $strSetupShowForm = 'Show form'; //to translate
1321 $strSetupShowFunctionFields_desc = 'Display the function fields in edit/insert mode'; //to translate
1322 $strSetupShowFunctionFields_name = 'Show function fields'; //to translate
1323 $strSetupShowHiddenMessages = 'Show hidden messages (#MSG_COUNT)'; //to translate
1324 $strSetupShowChgPassword_desc = 'Please note that enabling this has no effect with [kbd]config[/kbd] authentication mode because the password is hard coded in the configuration file; this does not limit the ability to execute the same command directly'; //to translate
1325 $strSetupShowChgPassword_name = 'Show password change form'; //to translate
1326 $strSetupShowPhpInfo_desc = 'Shows link to [a@]phpinfo()[/a] output'; //to translate
1327 $strSetupShowPhpInfo_name = 'Show phpinfo() link'; //to translate
1328 $strSetupShowServerInfo_name = 'Show detailed MySQL server information'; //to translate
1329 $strSetupShowSQL_desc = 'Defines whether SQL queries generated by phpMyAdmin should be displayed'; //to translate
1330 $strSetupShowSQL_name = 'Show SQL queries'; //to translate
1331 $strSetupShowStats_desc = 'Allow to display database and table statistics (eg. space usage)'; //to translate
1332 $strSetupShowStats_name = 'Show statistics'; //to translate
1333 $strSetupShowTooltipAliasDB_desc = 'If tooltips are enabled and a database comment is set, this will flip the comment and the real name'; //to translate
1334 $strSetupShowTooltipAliasDB_name = 'Display database comment instead of its name'; //to translate
1335 $strSetupShowTooltipAliasTB_desc = 'When setting this to [kbd]nested[/kbd], the alias of the table name is only used to split/nest the tables according to the $cfg[\'LeftFrameTableSeparator\'] directive, so only the folder is called like the alias, the table name itself stays unchanged'; //to translate
1336 $strSetupShowTooltipAliasTB_name = 'Display table comment instead of its name'; //to translate
1337 $strSetupShowTooltip_name = 'Display table comments in tooltips'; //to translate
1338 $strSetupSkipLockedTables_desc = 'Mark used tables and make it possible to show databases with locked tables'; //to translate
1339 $strSetupSkipLockedTables_name = 'Skip locked tables'; //to translate
1340 $strSetupSQLQuery_Validate_name = 'Validate SQL'; //to translate
1341 $strSetupSuggestDBName_desc = 'Suggest a database name on the &quot;Create Database&quot; form (if possible) or keep the text field empty'; //to translate
1342 $strSetupSuggestDBName_name = 'Suggest new database name'; //to translate
1343 $strSetupTrue = 'yes'; //to translate
1344 $strSetupTrustedProxies_desc = 'Input proxies as [kbd]IP: trusted HTTP header[/kbd]. The following example specifies that phpMyAdmin should trust a HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR (X-Forwarded-For) header coming from the proxy[br][kbd] HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR[/kbd]'; //to translate
1345 $strSetupTrustedProxies_name = 'List of trusted proxies for IP allow/deny'; //to translate
1346 $strSetupUploadDir_desc = 'Directory on server where you can upload files for import'; //to translate
1347 $strSetupUploadDir_name = 'Upload directory'; //to translate
1348 $strSetupUseDbSearch_desc = 'Allow for searching inside the entire database'; //to translate
1349 $strSetupUseDbSearch_name = 'Use database search'; //to translate
1350 $strSetupVerboseMultiSubmit_desc = 'Show affected rows of each statement on multiple-statement queries. See libraries/import.lib.php for defaults on how many queries a statement may contain.'; //to translate
1351 $strSetupVerboseMultiSubmit_name = 'Verbose multiple statements'; //to translate
1352 $strSetupVersionCheckDataError = 'Reading of version failed. Maybe you\'re offline or the upgrade server does not respond.'; //to translate
1353 $strSetupVersionCheckInvalid = 'Got invalid version string from server'; //to translate
1354 $strSetupVersionCheckLink = 'Check for latest version'; //to translate
1355 $strSetupVersionCheckNewAvailable = 'A newer version of phpMyAdmin is available and you should consider upgrading. The newest version is %s, released on %s.'; //to translate
1356 $strSetupVersionCheckNewAvailableSvn = 'You are using subversion version, run [kbd]svn update[/kbd] :-)[br]The latest stable version is %s, released on %s.'; //to translate
1357 $strSetupVersionCheckNone = 'No newer stable version is available'; //to translate
1358 $strSetupVersionCheckUnparsable = 'Unparsable version string'; //to translate
1359 $strSetupVersionCheck = 'Version check'; //to translate
1360 $strSetupVersionCheckWrapperError = 'Neither URL wrapper nor CURL is available. Version check is not possible.'; //to translate
1361 $strSetupWarning = 'Warning'; //to translate
1362 $strSetupZipDump_desc = 'Enable [a@]ZIP[/a] compression for import and export operations'; //to translate
1363 $strSetupZipDumpExportWarning = '[a@?page=form&amp;formset=features#tab_Import_export]Zip compression[/a] requires functions (%s) which are unavailable on this system.'; //to translate
1364 $strSetupZipDumpImportWarning = '[a@?page=form&amp;formset=features#tab_Import_export]Zip decompression[/a] requires functions (%s) which are unavailable on this system.'; //to translate
1365 $strSetupZipDump_name = 'ZIP'; //to translate
1366 $strShowBinaryContentsAsHex = 'Show binary contents as HEX'; //to translate
1367 $strShowBinaryContents = 'Show binary contents'; //to translate
1368 $strShowBLOBContents = 'Show BLOB contents'; //to translate
1369 $strShowHideLeftMenu = 'Show/Hide left menu'; //to translate
1370 $strShowingBookmark = 'Showing bookmark'; //to translate
1371 $strShowingPhp = 'Showing as PHP code'; //to translate
1372 $strShowingSQL = 'Showing SQL query'; //to translate
1373 $strShowKeys = 'Only show keys'; //to translate
1374 $strShowMasterStatus = 'Show master status'; //to translate
1375 $strShowOpenTables = 'Show open tables'; //to translate
1376 $strShowSlaveHosts = 'Show slave hosts'; //to translate
1377 $strShowSlaveStatus = 'Show slave status'; //to translate
1378 $strShowStatusBinlog_cache_disk_useDescr = 'The number of transactions that used the temporary binary log cache but that exceeded the value of binlog_cache_size and used a temporary file to store statements from the transaction.'; //to translate
1379 $strShowStatusBinlog_cache_useDescr = 'The number of transactions that used the temporary binary log cache.'; //to translate
1380 $strShowStatusCreated_tmp_disk_tablesDescr = 'The number of temporary tables on disk created automatically by the server while executing statements. If Created_tmp_disk_tables is big, you may want to increase the tmp_table_size value to cause temporary tables to be memory-based instead of disk-based.'; //to translate
1381 $strShowStatusCreated_tmp_filesDescr = 'How many temporary files mysqld has created.'; //to translate
1382 $strShowStatusCreated_tmp_tablesDescr = 'The number of in-memory temporary tables created automatically by the server while executing statements.'; //to translate
1383 $strShowStatusDelayed_errorsDescr = 'The number of rows written with INSERT DELAYED for which some error occurred (probably duplicate key).'; //to translate
1384 $strShowStatusDelayed_insert_threadsDescr = 'The number of INSERT DELAYED handler threads in use. Every different table on which one uses INSERT DELAYED gets its own thread.'; //to translate
1385 $strShowStatusDelayed_writesDescr = 'The number of INSERT DELAYED rows written.'; //to translate
1386 $strShowStatusFlush_commandsDescr = 'The number of executed FLUSH statements.'; //to translate
1387 $strShowStatusHandler_commitDescr = 'The number of internal COMMIT statements.'; //to translate
1388 $strShowStatusHandler_deleteDescr = 'The number of times a row was deleted from a table.'; //to translate
1389 $strShowStatusHandler_discoverDescr = 'The MySQL server can ask the NDB Cluster storage engine if it knows about a table with a given name. This is called discovery. Handler_discover indicates the number of time tables have been discovered.'; //to translate
1390 $strShowStatusHandler_read_firstDescr = 'The number of times the first entry was read from an index. If this is high, it suggests that the server is doing a lot of full index scans; for example, SELECT col1 FROM foo, assuming that col1 is indexed.'; //to translate
1391 $strShowStatusHandler_read_keyDescr = 'The number of requests to read a row based on a key. If this is high, it is a good indication that your queries and tables are properly indexed.'; //to translate
1392 $strShowStatusHandler_read_nextDescr = 'The number of requests to read the next row in key order. This is incremented if you are querying an index column with a range constraint or if you are doing an index scan.'; //to translate
1393 $strShowStatusHandler_read_prevDescr = 'The number of requests to read the previous row in key order. This read method is mainly used to optimize ORDER BY ... DESC.'; //to translate
1394 $strShowStatusHandler_read_rndDescr = 'The number of requests to read a row based on a fixed position. This is high if you are doing a lot of queries that require sorting of the result. You probably have a lot of queries that require MySQL to scan whole tables or you have joins that don\'t use keys properly.'; //to translate
1395 $strShowStatusHandler_read_rnd_nextDescr = 'The number of requests to read the next row in the data file. This is high if you are doing a lot of table scans. Generally this suggests that your tables are not properly indexed or that your queries are not written to take advantage of the indexes you have.'; //to translate
1396 $strShowStatusHandler_rollbackDescr = 'The number of internal ROLLBACK statements.'; //to translate
1397 $strShowStatusHandler_updateDescr = 'The number of requests to update a row in a table.'; //to translate
1398 $strShowStatusHandler_writeDescr = 'The number of requests to insert a row in a table.'; //to translate
1399 $strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_dataDescr = 'The number of pages containing data (dirty or clean).'; //to translate
1400 $strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirtyDescr = 'The number of pages currently dirty.'; //to translate
1401 $strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushedDescr = 'The number of buffer pool pages that have been requested to be flushed.'; //to translate
1402 $strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_freeDescr = 'The number of free pages.'; //to translate
1403 $strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_latchedDescr = 'The number of latched pages in InnoDB buffer pool. These are pages currently being read or written or that can\'t be flushed or removed for some other reason.'; //to translate
1404 $strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_miscDescr = 'The number of pages busy because they have been allocated for administrative overhead such as row locks or the adaptive hash index. This value can also be calculated as Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total - Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free - Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data.'; //to translate
1405 $strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_totalDescr = 'Total size of buffer pool, in pages.'; //to translate
1406 $strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rndDescr = 'The number of "random" read-aheads InnoDB initiated. This happens when a query is to scan a large portion of a table but in random order.'; //to translate
1407 $strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_seqDescr = 'The number of sequential read-aheads InnoDB initiated. This happens when InnoDB does a sequential full table scan.'; //to translate
1408 $strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_read_requestsDescr = 'The number of logical read requests InnoDB has done.'; //to translate
1409 $strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_readsDescr = 'The number of logical reads that InnoDB could not satisfy from buffer pool and had to do a single-page read.'; //to translate
1410 $strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_wait_freeDescr = 'Normally, writes to the InnoDB buffer pool happen in the background. However, if it\'s necessary to read or create a page and no clean pages are available, it\'s necessary to wait for pages to be flushed first. This counter counts instances of these waits. If the buffer pool size was set properly, this value should be small.'; //to translate
1411 $strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_write_requestsDescr = 'The number writes done to the InnoDB buffer pool.'; //to translate
1412 $strShowStatusInnodb_data_fsyncsDescr = 'The number of fsync() operations so far.'; //to translate
1413 $strShowStatusInnodb_data_pending_fsyncsDescr = 'The current number of pending fsync() operations.'; //to translate
1414 $strShowStatusInnodb_data_pending_readsDescr = 'The current number of pending reads.'; //to translate
1415 $strShowStatusInnodb_data_pending_writesDescr = 'The current number of pending writes.'; //to translate
1416 $strShowStatusInnodb_data_readDescr = 'The amount of data read so far, in bytes.'; //to translate
1417 $strShowStatusInnodb_data_readsDescr = 'The total number of data reads.'; //to translate
1418 $strShowStatusInnodb_data_writesDescr = 'The total number of data writes.'; //to translate
1419 $strShowStatusInnodb_data_writtenDescr = 'The amount of data written so far, in bytes.'; //to translate
1420 $strShowStatusInnodb_dblwr_pages_writtenDescr = 'The number of doublewrite writes that have been performed and the number of pages that have been written for this purpose.'; //to translate
1421 $strShowStatusInnodb_dblwr_writesDescr = 'The number of doublewrite writes that have been performed and the number of pages that have been written for this purpose.'; //to translate
1422 $strShowStatusInnodb_log_waitsDescr = 'The number of waits we had because log buffer was too small and we had to wait for it to be flushed before continuing.'; //to translate
1423 $strShowStatusInnodb_log_write_requestsDescr = 'The number of log write requests.'; //to translate
1424 $strShowStatusInnodb_log_writesDescr = 'The number of physical writes to the log file.'; //to translate
1425 $strShowStatusInnodb_os_log_fsyncsDescr = 'The number of fsyncs writes done to the log file.'; //to translate
1426 $strShowStatusInnodb_os_log_pending_fsyncsDescr = 'The number of pending log file fsyncs.'; //to translate
1427 $strShowStatusInnodb_os_log_pending_writesDescr = 'Pending log file writes.'; //to translate
1428 $strShowStatusInnodb_os_log_writtenDescr = 'The number of bytes written to the log file.'; //to translate
1429 $strShowStatusInnodb_pages_createdDescr = 'The number of pages created.'; //to translate
1430 $strShowStatusInnodb_page_sizeDescr = 'The compiled-in InnoDB page size (default 16KB). Many values are counted in pages; the page size allows them to be easily converted to bytes.'; //to translate
1431 $strShowStatusInnodb_pages_readDescr = 'The number of pages read.'; //to translate
1432 $strShowStatusInnodb_pages_writtenDescr = 'The number of pages written.'; //to translate
1433 $strShowStatusInnodb_row_lock_current_waitsDescr = 'The number of row locks currently being waited for.'; //to translate
1434 $strShowStatusInnodb_row_lock_time_avgDescr = 'The average time to acquire a row lock, in milliseconds.'; //to translate
1435 $strShowStatusInnodb_row_lock_timeDescr = 'The total time spent in acquiring row locks, in milliseconds.'; //to translate
1436 $strShowStatusInnodb_row_lock_time_maxDescr = 'The maximum time to acquire a row lock, in milliseconds.'; //to translate
1437 $strShowStatusInnodb_row_lock_waitsDescr = 'The number of times a row lock had to be waited for.'; //to translate
1438 $strShowStatusInnodb_rows_deletedDescr = 'The number of rows deleted from InnoDB tables.'; //to translate
1439 $strShowStatusInnodb_rows_insertedDescr = 'The number of rows inserted in InnoDB tables.'; //to translate
1440 $strShowStatusInnodb_rows_readDescr = 'The number of rows read from InnoDB tables.'; //to translate
1441 $strShowStatusInnodb_rows_updatedDescr = 'The number of rows updated in InnoDB tables.'; //to translate
1442 $strShowStatusKey_blocks_not_flushedDescr = 'The number of key blocks in the key cache that have changed but haven\'t yet been flushed to disk. It used to be known as Not_flushed_key_blocks.'; //to translate
1443 $strShowStatusKey_blocks_unusedDescr = 'The number of unused blocks in the key cache. You can use this value to determine how much of the key cache is in use.'; //to translate
1444 $strShowStatusKey_blocks_usedDescr = 'The number of used blocks in the key cache. This value is a high-water mark that indicates the maximum number of blocks that have ever been in use at one time.'; //to translate
1445 $strShowStatusKey_read_requestsDescr = 'The number of requests to read a key block from the cache.'; //to translate
1446 $strShowStatusKey_readsDescr = 'The number of physical reads of a key block from disk. If Key_reads is big, then your key_buffer_size value is probably too small. The cache miss rate can be calculated as Key_reads/Key_read_requests.'; //to translate
1447 $strShowStatusKey_write_requestsDescr = 'The number of requests to write a key block to the cache.'; //to translate
1448 $strShowStatusKey_writesDescr = 'The number of physical writes of a key block to disk.'; //to translate
1449 $strShowStatusLast_query_costDescr = 'The total cost of the last compiled query as computed by the query optimizer. Useful for comparing the cost of different query plans for the same query. The default value of 0 means that no query has been compiled yet.'; //to translate
1450 $strShowStatusNot_flushed_delayed_rowsDescr = 'The number of rows waiting to be written in INSERT DELAYED queues.'; //to translate
1451 $strShowStatusOpened_tablesDescr = 'The number of tables that have been opened. If opened tables is big, your table cache value is probably too small.'; //to translate
1452 $strShowStatusOpen_filesDescr = 'The number of files that are open.'; //to translate
1453 $strShowStatusOpen_streamsDescr = 'The number of streams that are open (used mainly for logging).'; //to translate
1454 $strShowStatusOpen_tablesDescr = 'The number of tables that are open.'; //to translate
1455 $strShowStatusQcache_free_blocksDescr = 'The number of free memory blocks in query cache.'; //to translate
1456 $strShowStatusQcache_free_memoryDescr = 'The amount of free memory for query cache.'; //to translate
1457 $strShowStatusQcache_hitsDescr = 'The number of cache hits.'; //to translate
1458 $strShowStatusQcache_insertsDescr = 'The number of queries added to the cache.'; //to translate
1459 $strShowStatusQcache_lowmem_prunesDescr = 'The number of queries that have been removed from the cache to free up memory for caching new queries. This information can help you tune the query cache size. The query cache uses a least recently used (LRU) strategy to decide which queries to remove from the cache.'; //to translate
1460 $strShowStatusQcache_not_cachedDescr = 'The number of non-cached queries (not cachable, or not cached due to the query_cache_type setting).'; //to translate
1461 $strShowStatusQcache_queries_in_cacheDescr = 'The number of queries registered in the cache.'; //to translate
1462 $strShowStatusQcache_total_blocksDescr = 'The total number of blocks in the query cache.'; //to translate
1463 $strShowStatusRpl_statusDescr = 'The status of failsafe replication (not yet implemented).'; //to translate
1464 $strShowStatusSelect_full_joinDescr = 'The number of joins that do not use indexes. If this value is not 0, you should carefully check the indexes of your tables.'; //to translate
1465 $strShowStatusSelect_full_range_joinDescr = 'The number of joins that used a range search on a reference table.'; //to translate
1466 $strShowStatusSelect_rangeDescr = 'The number of joins that used ranges on the first table. (It\'s normally not critical even if this is big.)'; //to translate
1467 $strShowStatusSelect_range_checkDescr = 'The number of joins without keys that check for key usage after each row. (If this is not 0, you should carefully check the indexes of your tables.)'; //to translate
1468 $strShowStatusSelect_scanDescr = 'The number of joins that did a full scan of the first table.'; //to translate
1469 $strShowStatusSlave_open_temp_tablesDescr = 'The number of temporary tables currently open by the slave SQL thread.'; //to translate
1470 $strShowStatusSlave_retried_transactionsDescr = 'Total (since startup) number of times the replication slave SQL thread has retried transactions.'; //to translate
1471 $strShowStatusSlave_runningDescr = 'This is ON if this server is a slave that is connected to a master.'; //to translate
1472 $strShowStatusSlow_launch_threadsDescr = 'The number of threads that have taken more than slow_launch_time seconds to create.'; //to translate
1473 $strShowStatusSlow_queriesDescr = 'The number of queries that have taken more than long_query_time seconds.'; //to translate
1474 $strShowStatusSort_merge_passesDescr = 'The number of merge passes the sort algorithm has had to do. If this value is large, you should consider increasing the value of the sort_buffer_size system variable.'; //to translate
1475 $strShowStatusSort_rangeDescr = 'The number of sorts that were done with ranges.'; //to translate
1476 $strShowStatusSort_rowsDescr = 'The number of sorted rows.'; //to translate
1477 $strShowStatusSort_scanDescr = 'The number of sorts that were done by scanning the table.'; //to translate
1478 $strShowStatusTable_locks_immediateDescr = 'The number of times that a table lock was acquired immediately.'; //to translate
1479 $strShowStatusTable_locks_waitedDescr = 'The number of times that a table lock could not be acquired immediately and a wait was needed. If this is high, and you have performance problems, you should first optimize your queries, and then either split your table or tables or use replication.'; //to translate
1480 $strShowStatusThreads_cachedDescr = 'The number of threads in the thread cache. The cache hit rate can be calculated as Threads_created/Connections. If this value is red you should raise your thread_cache_size.'; //to translate
1481 $strShowStatusThreads_connectedDescr = 'The number of currently open connections.'; //to translate
1482 $strShowStatusThreads_createdDescr = 'The number of threads created to handle connections. If Threads_created is big, you may want to increase the thread_cache_size value. (Normally this doesn\'t give a notable performance improvement if you have a good thread implementation.)'; //to translate
1483 $strShowStatusThreads_runningDescr = 'The number of threads that are not sleeping.'; //to translate
1484 $strSkipQueries = 'Number of records(queries) to skip from start'; //to translate
1485 $strSlaveConfigure = 'Make sure, you have unique server-id in your configuration file (my.cnf). If not, please add the following line into [mysqld] section:'; //to translate
1486 $strSmallBigAll = 'Small/Big All'; //to translate
1487 $strSnapToGrid = 'Snap to grid'; //to translate
1488 $strSocketProblem = '(or the local MySQL server\'s socket is not correctly configured)'; //to translate
1489 $strSocket = 'Socket'; //to translate
1490 $strSorting = 'Sorting'; //to translate
1491 $strSQLCompatibility = 'SQL compatibility mode'; //to translate
1492 $strSQLExportType = 'Export type'; //to translate
1493 $strStandInStructureForView = 'Stand-in structure for view'; //to translate
1494 $strStart = 'Start'; //to translate
1495 $strStatic = 'static'; //to translate
1496 $strStatisticsOverrun = 'On a busy server, the byte counters may overrun, so those statistics as reported by the MySQL server may be incorrect.'; //to translate
1497 $strStop = 'Stop'; //to translate
1498 $strStorageEngines = 'Storage Engines'; //to translate
1499 $strStorageEngine = 'Storage Engine'; //to translate
1500 $strStructureDiff = 'Structure Difference' ; //to translate
1501 $strStructureForView = 'Structure for view'; //to translate
1502 $strStructureLC = 'structure'; //to translate
1503 $strStructureSyn = 'Structure Synchronization'; //to translate
1504 $strSuhosin = 'Server running with Suhosin. Please refer to %sdocumentation%s for possible issues.'; //to translate
1505 $strSwekeyAuthenticating = 'Authenticating...'; //to translate
1506 $strSwekeyAuthFailed = 'Hardware authentication failed'; //to translate
1507 $strSwekeyNoKeyId = 'File %s does not contain any key id'; //to translate
1508 $strSwekeyNoKey = 'No valid authentication key plugged'; //to translate
1509 $strSwitchToDatabase = 'Switch to copied database'; //to translate
1510 $strSynchronizationNote = 'Target database will be completely synchronized with source database. Source database will remain unchanged.'; //to translate
1511 $strSynchronizeDb = 'Synchronize Databases'; //to translate
1512 $strSynchronize = 'Synchronize'; //to translate
1514 $strTableAddColumn = 'Add column(s)'; //to translate
1515 $strTableAlreadyExists = 'Table %s already exists!'; //to translate
1516 $strTableAlterColumn = 'Alter column(s)'; //to translate
1517 $strTableAlteredSuccessfully = 'Table %1$s has been altered successfully'; //to translate
1518 $strTableAlterIndex = 'Alter index(s)'; //to translate
1519 $strTableApplyIndex = 'Apply index(s)'; //to translate
1520 $strTableDeleteRows = 'Would you like to delete all the previous rows from target tables?'; //to translate
1521 $strTableHasBeenCreated = 'Table %1$s has been created.'; //to translate
1522 $strTableInsertRow = 'Insert row(s)'; //to translate
1523 $strTableIsEmpty = 'Table seems to be empty!'; //to translate
1524 $strTableName = 'Table name'; //to translate
1525 $strTableRemoveColumn = 'Remove column(s)'; //to translate
1526 $strTableRemoveIndex = 'Remove index(s)'; //to translate
1527 $strTableUpdateRow = 'Update row(s)'; //to translate
1528 $strTakeIt = 'take it'; //to translate
1529 $strTargetDatabaseHasBeenSynchronized = 'Target database has been synchronized with source database'; //to translate
1530 $strTempData = 'Temporary data'; //to translate
1531 $strTexyText = 'Texy! text'; //to translate
1532 $strThemeDefaultNotFound = 'Default theme %s not found!'; //to translate
1533 $strThemeNoPreviewAvailable = 'No preview available.'; //to translate
1534 $strThemeNotFound = 'Theme %s not found!'; //to translate
1535 $strThemeNoValidImgPath = 'No valid image path for theme %s found!'; //to translate
1536 $strThemePathNotFound = 'Theme path not found for theme %s!'; //to translate
1537 $strThreads = 'Threads'; //to translate
1538 $strTimeoutInfo = 'Previous import timed out, after resubmitting will continue from position %d.'; //to translate
1539 $strTimeoutNothingParsed = 'However on last run no data has been parsed, this usually means phpMyAdmin won\'t be able to finish this import unless you increase php time limits.'; //to translate
1540 $strTimeoutPassed = 'Script timeout passed, if you want to finish import, please resubmit same file and import will resume.'; //to translate
1541 $strToFromPage = 'to/from page'; //to translate
1542 $strToggleScratchboard = 'toggle scratchboard'; //to translate
1543 $strToggleSmallBig = 'Toggle small/big'; //to translate
1544 $strToSelectRelation = 'To select relation, click :'; //to translate
1545 $strTrackingActivated = 'Tracking of %s.%s is activated.'; //to translate
1546 $strTrackingActivateNow = 'Activate now'; //to translate
1547 $strTrackingActivateTrackingFor = 'Activate tracking for %s.%s'; //to translate
1548 $strTrackingCommentOut = 'Comment out these two lines if you do not need them.'; //to translate
1549 $strTrackingCreateVersion = 'Create version'; //to translate
1550 $strTrackingCreateVersionOf = 'Create version %s of %s.%s'; //to translate
1551 $strTrackingDatabaseLog = 'Database Log'; //to translate
1552 $strTrackingDataDefinitionStatement = 'Data definition statement'; //to translate
1553 $strTrackingDataManipulationStatement = 'Data manipulation statement'; //to translate
1554 $strTrackingDate = 'Date'; //to translate
1555 $strTrackingDeactivateNow = 'Deactivate now'; //to translate
1556 $strTrackingDeactivateTrackingFor = 'Deactivate tracking for %s.%s'; //to translate
1557 $strTrackingExportAs = 'Export as %s'; //to translate
1558 $strTrackingIsActive = 'Tracking is active.'; //to translate
1559 $strTrackingIsNotActive = 'Tracking is not active.'; //to translate
1560 $strTrackingMechanism = 'Tracking Mechanism'; //to translate
1561 $strTrackingReportClose = 'Close'; //to translate
1562 $strTrackingReportForTable = 'Tracking report for table `%s`'; //to translate
1563 $strTrackingReport = 'Tracking report'; //to translate
1564 $strTrackingShowLogDateUsers = 'Show %s with dates from %s to %s by user %s %s'; //to translate
1565 $strTrackingShowVersions = 'Show versions'; //to translate
1566 $strTrackingSQLDumpFile = 'SQL dump (file download)'; //to translate
1567 $strTrackingSQLDump = 'SQL dump'; //to translate
1568 $strTrackingSQLExecuted = 'SQL statements executed.'; //to translate
1569 $strTrackingSQLExecutionAlert = 'This option will replace your table and contained data.'; //to translate
1570 $strTrackingSQLExecution = 'SQL execution'; //to translate
1571 $strTrackingSQLExported = 'SQL statements exported. Please copy the dump or execute it.'; //to translate
1572 $strTrackingStatements = 'Tracking statements'; //to translate
1573 $strTrackingStatusActive = 'active'; //to translate
1574 $strTrackingStatusNotActive = 'not active'; //to translate
1575 $strTrackingStructureSnapshot = 'Structure snapshot'; //to translate
1576 $strTrackingThCreated = 'Created'; //to translate
1577 $strTrackingThLastVersion = 'Last version'; //to translate
1578 $strTrackingThUpdated = 'Updated'; //to translate
1579 $strTrackingThVersion = 'Version'; //to translate
1580 $strTrackingTrackDDStatements = 'Track these data definition statements:'; //to translate
1581 $strTrackingTrackDMStatements = 'Track these data manipulation statements:'; //to translate
1582 $strTrackingTrackedTables = 'Tracked tables'; //to translate
1583 $strTracking = 'Tracking'; //to translate
1584 $strTrackingTrackTable = 'Track table'; //to translate
1585 $strTrackingUntrackedTables = 'Untracked tables'; //to translate
1586 $strTrackingUsername = 'Username'; //to translate
1587 $strTrackingVersionActivated = 'Tracking for %s.%s , version %s is activated.'; //to translate
1588 $strTrackingVersionCreated = 'Version %s is created, tracking for %s.%s is activated.'; //to translate
1589 $strTrackingVersionDeactivated = 'Tracking for %s.%s , version %s is deactivated.'; //to translate
1590 $strTrackingVersionSnapshotSQL = 'Version %s snapshot (SQL code)'; //to translate
1591 $strTrackingVersions = 'Versions'; //to translate
1592 $strTrackingYouCanExecute = 'You can execute the dump by creating and using a temporary database. Please ensure that you have the privileges to do so.'; //to translate
1593 $strTransactionCoordinator = 'Transaction coordinator'; //to translate
1594 $strTransformation_application_octetstream__download = 'Display a link to download the binary data of a field. First option is the filename of the binary file. Second option is a possible fieldname of a table row containing the filename. If you provide a second option you need to have the first option set to an empty string'; //to translate
1595 $strTransformation_application_octetstream__hex = 'Displays hexadecimal representation of data. Optional first parameter specifies how often space will be added (defaults to 2 nibbles).'; //to translate
1596 $strTransformation_text_plain__dateformat = 'Displays a TIME, TIMESTAMP, DATETIME or numeric unix timestamp field as formatted date. The first option is the offset (in hours) which will be added to the timestamp (Default: 0). Use second option to specify a different date/time format string. Third option determines whether you want to see local date or UTC one (use "local" or "utc" strings) for that. According to that, date format has different value - for "local" see the documentation for PHP\'s strftime() function and for "utc" it is done using gmdate() function.'; //to translate
1597 $strTransformation_text_plain__external = 'สำหรับ ลีนุกซ์ เท่านั้น: Launches an external application and feeds the fielddata via standard input. Returns standard output of the application. Default is Tidy, to pretty print HTML code. For security reasons, you have to manually edit the file libraries/transformations/ and insert the tools you allow to be run. The first option is then the number of the program you want to use and the second option are the parameters for the program. The third parameter, if set to 1 will convert the output using htmlspecialchars() (Default is 1). A fourth parameter, if set to 1 will put a NOWRAP to the content cell so that the whole output will be shown without reformatting (Default 1)';//to translate
1598 $strTransformation_text_plain__imagelink = 'Displays an image and a link, the field contains the filename; first option is a prefix like "", second option is the width in pixels, third is the height.'; //to translate
1599 $strTransformation_text_plain__link = 'Displays a link, the field contains the filename; first option is a prefix like "", second option is a title for the link.'; //to translate
1600 $strTransformation_text_plain__sql = 'Formats text as SQL query with syntax highlighting.'; //to translate
1601 $strTransformation_text_plain__substr = 'แสดงข้อความบางส่วนเท่านั้น. First option is an offset to define where the output of your text starts (Default 0). Second option is an offset how much text is returned. If empty, returns all the remaining text. The third option defines which chars will be appended to the output when a substring is returned (Default: ...) .';//to translate
1602 $strTriggers = 'Triggers'; //to translate
1604 $strUnsupportedCompressionDetected = 'You attempted to load file with unsupported compression (%s). Either support for it is not implemented or disabled by your configuration.'; //to translate
1605 $strUpgrade = 'You should upgrade to %s %s or later.'; //to translate
1606 $strUploadErrorCantWrite = 'Failed to write file to disk.'; //to translate
1607 $strUploadErrorExtension = 'File upload stopped by extension.'; //to translate
1608 $strUploadErrorFormSize = 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form.'; //to translate
1609 $strUploadErrorIniSize = 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.'; //to translate
1610 $strUploadErrorNoTempDir = 'Missing a temporary folder.'; //to translate
1611 $strUploadErrorPartial = 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.'; //to translate
1612 $strUploadErrorUnknown = 'Unknown error in file upload.'; //to translate
1613 $strUploadLimit = 'You probably tried to upload too large file. Please refer to %sdocumentation%s for ways to workaround this limit.'; //to translate
1614 $strUploadsNotAllowed = 'File uploads are not allowed on this server.'; //to translate
1615 $strUseHostTable = 'ใช้ Host Table'; //to translate
1616 $strUseTabKey = 'Use TAB key to move from value to value, or CTRL+arrows to move anywhere'; //to translate
1618 $strVersionInformation = 'Version information'; //to translate
1619 $strViewDumpDatabases = 'View dump (schema) of databases';//to translate
1620 $strViewHasAtLeast = 'This view has at least this number of rows. Please refer to %sdocumentation%s.'; //to translate
1621 $strViewHasBeenDropped = 'View %s has been dropped'; //to translate
1622 $strViewImage = 'View image'; //to translate
1623 $strViewName = 'VIEW name'; //to translate
1624 $strViewVideo = 'View video'; //to translate
1625 $strView = 'View'; //to translate
1627 $strWebServer = 'Web server'; //to translate
1628 $strWiki = 'Wiki'; //to translate
1629 $strWindowNotFound = 'The target browser window could not be updated. Maybe you have closed the parent window or your browser is blocking cross-window updates of your security settings'; //to translate
1630 $strWriteRequests = 'Write requests'; //to translate
1632 $strXMLError = 'The XML file specified was either malformed or incomplete. Please correct the issue and try again.'; //to translate
1633 $strXMLExportContents = 'Export contents'; //to translate
1634 $strXMLExportFunctions = 'Export functions'; //to translate
1635 $strXMLExportProcedures = 'Export procedures'; //to translate
1636 $strXMLExportStructs = 'Export Structure Schemas (recommended)'; //to translate
1637 $strXMLExportTables = 'Export tables'; //to translate
1638 $strXMLExportTriggers = 'Export triggers'; //to translate
1639 $strXMLExportViews = 'Export views'; //to translate