2 /* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
4 * Exporting of translated messages from PHP to Javascript
12 header('Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=UTF-8');
14 // Cache output in client - the nocache query parameter makes sure that this
15 // file is reloaded when config changes
16 header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() +
3600) . ' GMT');
18 // Avoid loading the full common.inc.php because this would add many
19 // non-js-compatible stuff like DOCTYPE
20 define('PMA_MINIMUM_COMMON', true);
21 require_once './libraries/common.inc.php';
22 // Close session early as we won't write anything there
23 session_write_close();
24 // But this one is needed for PMA_escapeJsString()
25 require_once './libraries/js_escape.lib.php';
27 $js_messages['strClickToSelect'] = __('Click to select');
28 $js_messages['strClickToUnselect'] = __('Click to unselect');
29 $js_messages['strNoDropDatabases'] = $cfg['AllowUserDropDatabase'] ?
'' : __('"DROP DATABASE" statements are disabled.');
31 /* For confirmations */
32 $js_messages['strDoYouReally'] = __('Do you really want to ');
33 $js_messages['strDropDatabaseStrongWarning'] = __('You are about to DESTROY a complete database!');
34 $js_messages['strDropTableStrongWarning'] = __('You are about to DESTROY a complete table!');
35 $js_messages['strTruncateTableStrongWarning'] = __('You are about to TRUNCATE a complete table!');
36 $js_messages['strDeleteTrackingData'] = __('Delete tracking data for this table');
37 $js_messages['strDeletingTrackingData'] = __('Deleting tracking data');
38 $js_messages['strDroppingPrimaryKeyIndex'] = __('Dropping Primary Key/Index');
39 $js_messages['strOperationTakesLongTime'] = __('This operation could take a long time. Proceed anyway?');
41 /* For blobstreaming */
42 $js_messages['strBLOBRepositoryDisableStrongWarning'] = __('You are about to DISABLE a BLOB Repository!');
43 $js_messages['strBLOBRepositoryDisableAreYouSure'] = sprintf(__('Are you sure you want to disable all BLOB references for database %s?'), PMA_escapeJsString($GLOBALS['db']));
46 $js_messages['strFormEmpty'] = __('Missing value in the form!');
47 $js_messages['strNotNumber'] = __('This is not a number!');
50 /* l10n: Default description for the y-Axis of Charts */
51 $js_messages['strTotalCount'] = __('Total count');
53 /* For server_privileges.js */
54 $js_messages['strHostEmpty'] = __('The host name is empty!');
55 $js_messages['strUserEmpty'] = __('The user name is empty!');
56 $js_messages['strPasswordEmpty'] = __('The password is empty!');
57 $js_messages['strPasswordNotSame'] = __('The passwords aren\'t the same!');
58 $js_messages['strAddUser'] = __('Add user');
59 $js_messages['strReloadingPrivileges'] = __('Reloading Privileges');
60 $js_messages['strRemovingSelectedUsers'] = __('Removing Selected Users');
61 $js_messages['strClose'] = __('Close');
63 /* for server_status.js */
64 $js_messages['strEdit'] = __('Edit');
66 $js_messages['strLiveTrafficChart'] = __('Live traffic chart');
67 $js_messages['strLiveConnChart'] = __('Live conn./process chart');
68 $js_messages['strLiveQueryChart'] = __('Live query chart');
70 $js_messages['strStaticData'] = __('Static data');
71 /* l10n: Total number of queries */
72 $js_messages['strTotal'] = __('Total');
73 /* l10n: Other, small valued, queries */
74 $js_messages['strOther'] = __('Other');
75 /* l10n: Thousands separator */
76 $js_messages['strThousandsSeperator'] = __(',');
77 /* l10n: Decimal separator */
78 $js_messages['strDecimalSeperator'] = __('.');
80 $js_messages['strChartKBSent'] = __('KiB sent since last refresh');
81 $js_messages['strChartKBReceived'] = __('KiB received since last refresh');
82 $js_messages['strChartServerTraffic'] = __('Server traffic (in KiB)');
83 $js_messages['strChartConnections'] = __('Connections since last refresh');
84 $js_messages['strChartProcesses'] = __('Processes');
85 $js_messages['strChartConnectionsTitle'] = __('Connections / Processes');
86 /* l10n: Questions is the name of a MySQL Status variable */
87 $js_messages['strChartIssuedQueries'] = __('Questions since last refresh');
88 /* l10n: Questions is the name of a MySQL Status variable */
89 $js_messages['strChartIssuedQueriesTitle'] = __('Questions (executed statements by the server)');
91 $js_messages['strChartQueryPie'] = __('Query statistics');
93 /* server status monitor */
94 $js_messages['strSystemCPUUsage'] = __('System CPU Usage');
95 $js_messages['strSystemMemory'] = __('System memory');
96 $js_messages['strSystemSwap'] = __('System swap');
97 $js_messages['strMiB'] = __('MiB');
98 $js_messages['strKiB'] = __('KiB');
100 $js_messages['strAverageLoad'] = __('Average load');
101 /* l10n: Questions is the name of a MySQL Status variable */
102 $js_messages['strQuestions'] = __('Questions');
103 $js_messages['strTraffic'] = __('Traffic');
104 $js_messages['strSettings'] = __('Settings');
105 $js_messages['strRemoveChart'] = __('Remove chart');
106 $js_messages['strEditChart'] = __('Edit labels and series');
107 $js_messages['strAddChart'] = __('Add chart to grid');
108 $js_messages['strClose'] = __('Close');
109 $js_messages['strAddOneSeriesWarning'] = __('Please add at least one variable to the series');
110 $js_messages['strNone'] = __('None');
111 $js_messages['strResumeMonitor'] = __('Resume monitor');
112 $js_messages['strPauseMonitor'] = __('Pause monitor');
113 /* Monitor: Instructions Dialog */
114 $js_messages['strBothLogOn'] = __('general_log and slow_query_log are enabled.');
115 $js_messages['strGenLogOn'] = __('general_log is enabled.');
116 $js_messages['strSlowLogOn'] = __('slow_query_log is enabled.');
117 $js_messages['strBothLogOff'] = __('slow_query_log and general_log are disabled.');
118 $js_messages['strLogOutNotTable'] = __('log_output is not set to TABLE.');
119 $js_messages['strLogOutIsTable'] = __('log_output is set to TABLE.');
120 $js_messages['strSmallerLongQueryTimeAdvice'] = __('slow_query_log is enabled, but the server logs only queries that take longer than %d seconds. It is advisable to set this long_query_time 0-2 seconds, depending on your system.');
121 $js_messages['strLongQueryTimeSet'] = __('long_query_time is set to %d second(s).');
122 $js_messages['strSettingsAppliedGlobal'] = __('Following settings will be applied globally and reset to default on server restart:');
123 /* l10n: %s is FILE or TABLE */
124 $js_messages['strSetLogOutput'] = __('Set log_output to %s');
125 /* l10n: Enable in this context means setting a status variable to ON */
126 $js_messages['strEnableVar'] = __('Enable %s');
127 /* l10n: Disable in this context means setting a status variable to OFF */
128 $js_messages['strDisableVar'] = __('Disable %s');
129 /* l10n: %d seconds */
130 $js_messages['setSetLongQueryTime'] = __('Set long_query_time to %ds');
131 $js_messages['strNoSuperUser'] = __('You can\'t change these variables. Please log in as root or contact your database administrator.');
132 $js_messages['strChangeSettings'] = __('Change settings');
133 $js_messages['strCurrentSettings'] = __('Current settings');
135 $js_messages['strChartTitle'] = __('Chart Title');
136 /* l10n: As in differential values */
137 $js_messages['strDifferential'] = __('Differential');
138 $js_messages['strDividedBy'] = __('Divided by %s:');
140 $js_messages['strFromSlowLog'] = __('From slow log');
141 $js_messages['strFromGeneralLog'] = __('From general log');
142 $js_messages['strAnalysingLogs'] = __('Analysing & loading logs. This may take a while.');
143 $js_messages['strCountColumnExplanation'] = __('This columns shows the amount of identical queries that are grouped together. However only the SQL Text is being compared, thus the queries other attributes such as start time may differ.');
144 $js_messages['strMoreCountColumnExplanation'] = __('Since grouping of INSERTs queries has been selected, INSERT queries into the same table are also being grouped together, disregarding of the inserted data.');
145 $js_messages['strLogDataLoaded'] = __('Log data loaded. Queries executed in this time span:');
147 $js_messages['strJumpToTable'] = __('Jump to Log table');
148 $js_messages['strNoDataFound'] = __('Log analysed, but not data found in this time span.');
150 /* l10n: A collection of available filters */
151 $js_messages['strFilters'] = __('Filters');
152 /* l10n: Filter as in "Start Filtering" */
153 $js_messages['strFilter'] = __('Filter');
154 $js_messages['strFilterByWordRegexp'] = __('Filter queries by word/regexp:');
155 $js_messages['strIgnoreWhereAndGroup'] = __('Group queries, ignoring variable data in WHERE statements');
156 $js_messages['strSumRows'] = __('Sum of grouped rows:');
157 $js_messages['strTotal'] = __('Total:');
159 $js_messages['strLoadingLogs'] = __('Loading logs');
160 $js_messages['strRefreshFailed'] = __('Monitor refresh failed');
161 $js_messages['strInvalidResponseExplanation'] = __('While requesting new chart data the server returned an invalid response. This is most likely because your session expired. Reloading the page and reentering your credentials should help.');
162 $js_messages['strReloadPage'] = __('Reload page');
164 $js_messages['strAffectedRows'] = __('Affected rows: ');
166 /* For inline query editing */
167 $js_messages['strGo'] = __('Go');
168 $js_messages['strCancel'] = __('Cancel');
170 /* For Ajax Notifications */
171 $js_messages['strLoading'] = __('Loading');
172 $js_messages['strProcessingRequest'] = __('Processing Request');
173 $js_messages['strErrorProcessingRequest'] = __('Error in Processing Request');
174 $js_messages['strDroppingColumn'] = __('Dropping Column');
175 $js_messages['strAddingPrimaryKey'] = __('Adding Primary Key');
176 $js_messages['strOK'] = __('OK');
178 /* For db_operations.js */
179 $js_messages['strRenamingDatabases'] = __('Renaming Databases');
180 $js_messages['strReloadDatabase'] = __('Reload Database');
181 $js_messages['strCopyingDatabase'] = __('Copying Database');
182 $js_messages['strChangingCharset'] = __('Changing Charset');
183 $js_messages['strTableMustHaveAtleastOneColumn'] = __('Table must have at least one column');
184 $js_messages['strCreateTable'] = __('Create Table');
185 $js_messages['strYes'] = __('Yes');
186 $js_messages['strNo'] = __('No');
188 /* For db_stucture.js */
189 $js_messages['strInsertTable'] = __('Insert Table');
190 $js_messages['strHideIndexes'] = __('Hide indexes');
191 $js_messages['strShowIndexes'] = __('Show indexes');
193 /* For db_search.js */
194 $js_messages['strSearching'] = __('Searching');
195 $js_messages['strHideSearchResults'] = __('Hide search results');
196 $js_messages['strShowSearchResults'] = __('Show search results');
197 $js_messages['strBrowsing'] = __('Browsing');
198 $js_messages['strDeleting'] = __('Deleting');
200 /* For db_routines.js */
201 $js_messages['MissingReturn'] = __('The definition of a stored function must contain a RETURN statement!');
204 $js_messages['strImportCSV'] = __('Note: If the file contains multiple tables, they will be combined into one');
207 $js_messages['strHideQueryBox'] = __('Hide query box');
208 $js_messages['strShowQueryBox'] = __('Show query box');
209 $js_messages['strInlineEdit'] = __('Inline Edit');
210 $js_messages['strEdit'] = __('Edit');
211 $js_messages['strSave'] = __('Save');
212 $js_messages['strHide'] = __('Hide');
213 $js_messages['strNoRowSelected'] = __('No rows selected');
214 $js_messages['strChangeTbl'] = __('Change');
215 $js_messages['strQueryExecutionTime'] = __('Query execution time');
217 /* For tbl_select.js */
218 $js_messages['strHideSearchCriteria'] = __('Hide search criteria');
219 $js_messages['strShowSearchCriteria'] = __('Show search criteria');
221 /* For tbl_change.js */
222 $js_messages['strIgnore'] = __('Ignore');
224 /* For tbl_structure.js */
225 $js_messages['strAddColumns'] = __('Add columns');
227 /* Designer (pmd/scripts/move.js) */
228 $js_messages['strSelectReferencedKey'] = __('Select referenced key');
229 $js_messages['strSelectForeignKey'] = __('Select Foreign Key');
230 $js_messages['strPleaseSelectPrimaryOrUniqueKey'] = __('Please select the primary key or a unique key');
231 $js_messages['strChangeDisplay'] = __('Choose column to display');
232 $js_messages['strLeavingDesigner'] = __('You haven\'t saved the changes in the layout. They will be lost if you don\'t save them.Do you want to continue?');
234 /* Visual query builder (pmd/scripts/move.js) */
235 $js_messages['strAddOption'] = __('Add an option for column ');
237 /* password generation */
238 $js_messages['strGeneratePassword'] = __('Generate password');
239 $js_messages['strGenerate'] = __('Generate');
240 $js_messages['strChangePassword'] = __('Change Password');
242 /* navigation tabs */
243 $js_messages['strMore'] = __('More');
246 $js_messages['strNewerVersion'] = __('A newer version of phpMyAdmin is available and you should consider upgrading. The newest version is %s, released on %s.');
247 /* l10n: Latest available phpMyAdmin version */
248 $js_messages['strLatestAvailable'] = __(', latest stable version:');
249 $js_messages['strUpToDate'] = __('up to date');
251 echo "var PMA_messages = new Array();\n";
252 foreach ($js_messages as $name => $js_message) {
253 PMA_printJsValue("PMA_messages['" . $name . "']", $js_message);
257 echo "var themeCalendarImage = '" . $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'] . 'b_calendar.png' . "';\n";
260 echo "var pmaThemeImage = '" . $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'] . "';\n";
263 echo "var pmaversion = '" . PMA_VERSION
. "';\n";
265 echo "if ($.datepicker) {\n";
266 /* l10n: Display text for calendar close link */
267 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['closeText']", __('Done'));
268 /* l10n: Display text for previous month link in calendar */
269 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['prevText']", __('Prev'));
270 /* l10n: Display text for next month link in calendar */
271 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['nextText']", __('Next'));
272 /* l10n: Display text for current month link in calendar */
273 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['currentText']", __('Today'));
274 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['monthNames']",
288 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['monthNamesShort']",
290 /* l10n: Short month name */
292 /* l10n: Short month name */
294 /* l10n: Short month name */
296 /* l10n: Short month name */
298 /* l10n: Short month name */
299 _pgettext('Short month name', 'May'),
300 /* l10n: Short month name */
302 /* l10n: Short month name */
304 /* l10n: Short month name */
306 /* l10n: Short month name */
308 /* l10n: Short month name */
310 /* l10n: Short month name */
312 /* l10n: Short month name */
314 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['dayNames']",
323 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['dayNamesShort']",
325 /* l10n: Short week day name */
327 /* l10n: Short week day name */
329 /* l10n: Short week day name */
331 /* l10n: Short week day name */
333 /* l10n: Short week day name */
335 /* l10n: Short week day name */
337 /* l10n: Short week day name */
339 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['dayNamesMin']",
341 /* l10n: Minimal week day name */
343 /* l10n: Minimal week day name */
345 /* l10n: Minimal week day name */
347 /* l10n: Minimal week day name */
349 /* l10n: Minimal week day name */
351 /* l10n: Minimal week day name */
353 /* l10n: Minimal week day name */
355 /* l10n: Column header for week of the year in calendar */
356 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['weekHeader']", __('Wk'));
358 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['hourText']", __('Hour'));
359 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['minuteText']", __('Minute'));
360 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['secondText']", __('Second'));
362 $
, $
363 } /* if ($.datepicker) */