Bug: Live query chart always zero
[phpmyadmin/tyronm.git] / libraries / config / setup.forms.php
1 <?php
2 /* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
3 /**
4 * List of avaible forms, each form is described as an array of fields to display.
5 * Fields MUST have their counterparts in the $cfg array.
7 * There are two possible notations:
8 * $forms['Form group']['Form name'] = array('Servers' => array(1 => array('host')));
9 * can be written as
10 * $forms['Form group']['Form name'] = array('Servers/1/host');
12 * You can assign default values set by special button ("set value: ..."), eg.:
13 * 'Servers/1/pmadb' => 'phpmyadmin'
15 * To group options, use:
16 * ':group:' . __('group name') // just define a group
17 * or
18 * 'option' => ':group' // group starting from this option
19 * End group blocks with:
20 * ':group:end'
22 * @package phpMyAdmin-setup
25 $forms = array();
26 $forms['_config.php'] = array(
27 'DefaultLang',
28 'ServerDefault');
29 $forms['Servers']['Server'] = array('Servers' => array(1 => array(
30 'verbose',
31 'host',
32 'port',
33 'socket',
34 'ssl',
35 'connect_type',
36 'extension',
37 'compress',
38 'nopassword')));
39 $forms['Servers']['Server_auth'] = array('Servers' => array(1 => array(
40 'auth_type',
41 ':group:' . __('Config authentication'),
42 'user',
43 'password',
44 ':group:end',
45 ':group:' . __('Cookie authentication'),
46 'auth_swekey_config' => './swekey.conf',
47 ':group:end',
48 ':group:' . __('HTTP authentication'),
49 'auth_http_realm',
50 ':group:end',
51 ':group:' . __('Signon authentication'),
52 'SignonSession',
53 'SignonURL',
54 'LogoutURL')));
55 $forms['Servers']['Server_config'] = array('Servers' => array(1 => array(
56 'only_db',
57 'hide_db',
58 'AllowRoot',
59 'AllowNoPassword',
60 'DisableIS',
61 'AllowDeny/order',
62 'AllowDeny/rules',
63 'ShowDatabasesCommand',
64 'CountTables')));
65 $forms['Servers']['Server_pmadb'] = array('Servers' => array(1 => array(
66 'pmadb' => 'phpmyadmin',
67 'controluser',
68 'controlpass',
69 'verbose_check',
70 'bookmarktable' => 'pma_bookmark',
71 'relation' => 'pma_relation',
72 'userconfig' => 'pma_userconfig',
73 'table_info' => 'pma_table_info',
74 'column_info' => 'pma_column_info',
75 'history' => 'pma_history',
76 'recent' => 'pma_recent',
77 'table_uiprefs' => 'pma_table_uiprefs',
78 'tracking' => 'pma_tracking',
79 'table_coords' => 'pma_table_coords',
80 'pdf_pages' => 'pma_pdf_pages',
81 'designer_coords' => 'pma_designer_coords',
82 'MaxTableUiprefs' => 100)));
83 $forms['Servers']['Server_tracking'] = array('Servers' => array(1 => array(
84 'tracking_version_auto_create',
85 'tracking_default_statements',
86 'tracking_add_drop_view',
87 'tracking_add_drop_table',
88 'tracking_add_drop_database',
89 )));
90 $forms['Features']['Import_export'] = array(
91 'UploadDir',
92 'SaveDir',
93 'RecodingEngine' => ':group',
94 'IconvExtraParams',
95 ':group:end',
96 'ZipDump',
97 'GZipDump',
98 'BZipDump',
99 'CompressOnFly');
100 $forms['Features']['Security'] = array(
101 'blowfish_secret',
102 'ForceSSL',
103 'CheckConfigurationPermissions',
104 'TrustedProxies',
105 'AllowUserDropDatabase',
106 'AllowArbitraryServer',
107 'LoginCookieRecall',
108 'LoginCookieValidity',
109 'LoginCookieStore',
110 'LoginCookieDeleteAll');
111 $forms['Features']['Page_titles'] = array(
112 'TitleDefault',
113 'TitleTable',
114 'TitleDatabase',
115 'TitleServer');
116 $forms['Features']['Warnings'] = array(
117 'PmaNoRelation_DisableWarning',
118 'SuhosinDisableWarning',
119 'McryptDisableWarning');
120 $forms['Features']['Developer'] = array(
121 'UserprefsDeveloperTab',
122 'Error_Handler/display',
123 'Error_Handler/gather',
124 'DBG/sql');
125 $forms['Features']['Other_core_settings'] = array(
126 'AjaxEnable',
127 'VersionCheck',
128 'NaturalOrder',
129 'InitialSlidersState',
130 'ErrorIconic',
131 'ReplaceHelpImg',
132 'MaxDbList',
133 'MaxTableList',
134 'ShowHint',
135 'OBGzip',
136 'PersistentConnections',
137 'ExecTimeLimit',
138 'MemoryLimit',
139 'SkipLockedTables',
140 'DisableMultiTableMaintenance',
141 'UseDbSearch',
142 'AllowThirdPartyFraming');
143 $forms['Sql_queries']['Sql_queries'] = array(
144 'ShowSQL',
145 'Confirm',
146 'QueryHistoryDB',
147 'QueryHistoryMax',
148 'IgnoreMultiSubmitErrors',
149 'VerboseMultiSubmit',
150 'MaxCharactersInDisplayedSQL',
151 'EditInWindow',
152 //'QueryWindowWidth', // overridden in theme
153 //'QueryWindowHeight',
154 'QueryWindowDefTab');
155 $forms['Sql_queries']['Sql_box'] = array('SQLQuery' => array(
156 'Edit',
157 'Explain',
158 'ShowAsPHP',
159 'Validate',
160 'Refresh'));
161 $forms['Sql_queries']['Sql_validator'] = array('SQLValidator' => array(
162 'use',
163 'username',
164 'password'));
165 $forms['Left_frame']['Left_frame'] = array(
166 'LeftFrameLight',
167 'LeftDisplayLogo',
168 'LeftLogoLink',
169 'LeftLogoLinkWindow',
170 'LeftPointerEnable',
171 'LeftRecentTable');
172 $forms['Left_frame']['Left_servers'] = array(
173 'LeftDisplayServers',
174 'DisplayServersList');
175 $forms['Left_frame']['Left_databases'] = array(
176 'DisplayDatabasesList',
177 'LeftFrameDBTree',
178 'LeftFrameDBSeparator',
179 'ShowTooltipAliasDB');
180 $forms['Left_frame']['Left_tables'] = array(
181 'LeftDisplayTableFilterMinimum',
182 'LeftDefaultTabTable',
183 'LeftFrameTableSeparator',
184 'LeftFrameTableLevel',
185 'ShowTooltip',
186 'ShowTooltipAliasTB');
187 $forms['Main_frame']['Startup'] = array(
188 'MainPageIconic',
189 'ShowCreateDb' => ':group',
190 'SuggestDBName',
191 ':group:end',
192 'ShowStats',
193 'ShowServerInfo',
194 'ShowPhpInfo',
195 'ShowChgPassword');
196 $forms['Main_frame']['Browse'] = array(
197 'NavigationBarIconic',
198 'ShowAll',
199 'MaxRows',
200 'Order',
201 'BrowsePointerEnable',
202 'BrowseMarkerEnable',
203 'SaveCellsAtOnce',
204 'ShowDisplayDirection',
205 'RepeatCells',
206 'LimitChars',
207 'RowActionLinks',
208 'DefaultDisplay',
209 'RememberSorting');
210 $forms['Main_frame']['Edit'] = array(
211 'ProtectBinary',
212 'ShowFunctionFields',
213 'ShowFieldTypesInDataEditView',
214 'CharEditing',
215 'CharTextareaCols',
216 'CharTextareaRows',
217 'TextareaCols',
218 'TextareaRows',
219 'LongtextDoubleTextarea',
220 'InsertRows',
221 'ForeignKeyDropdownOrder',
222 'ForeignKeyMaxLimit',
223 'DefaultPropDisplay');
224 $forms['Main_frame']['Tabs'] = array(
225 'LightTabs',
226 'PropertiesIconic',
227 'DefaultTabServer',
228 'DefaultTabDatabase',
229 'DefaultTabTable',
230 'QueryWindowDefTab');
231 $forms['Import']['Import_defaults'] = array('Import' => array(
232 'format',
233 'charset',
234 'allow_interrupt',
235 'skip_queries'));
236 $forms['Import']['Sql'] = array('Import' => array(
237 'sql_compatibility',
238 'sql_no_auto_value_on_zero'));
239 $forms['Import']['Csv'] = array('Import' => array(
240 ':group:' . __('CSV'),
241 'csv_replace',
242 'csv_ignore',
243 'csv_terminated',
244 'csv_enclosed',
245 'csv_escaped',
246 'csv_col_names',
247 ':group:end',
248 ':group:' . __('CSV using LOAD DATA'),
249 'ldi_replace',
250 'ldi_ignore',
251 'ldi_terminated',
252 'ldi_enclosed',
253 'ldi_escaped',
254 'ldi_local_option',
255 ':group:end'));
256 $forms['Import']['Open_Document'] = array('Import' => array(
257 ':group:' . __('Open Document Spreadsheet'),
258 'ods_col_names',
259 'ods_empty_rows',
260 'ods_recognize_percentages',
261 'ods_recognize_currency'));
262 $forms['Export']['Export_defaults'] = array('Export' => array(
263 'method',
264 ':group:' . __('Quick'),
265 'quick_export_onserver',
266 'quick_export_onserver_overwrite',
267 ':group:end',
268 ':group:' . __('Custom'),
269 'format',
270 'compression',
271 'charset',
272 'asfile' => ':group',
273 'onserver',
274 'onserver_overwrite',
275 ':group:end',
276 'remember_file_template',
277 'file_template_table',
278 'file_template_database',
279 'file_template_server'));
280 $forms['Export']['Sql'] = array('Export' => array(
281 'sql_include_comments' => ':group',
282 'sql_dates',
283 'sql_relation',
284 'sql_mime',
285 ':group:end',
286 'sql_use_transaction',
287 'sql_disable_fk',
288 'sql_compatibility',
289 ':group:' . __('Database export options'),
290 'sql_drop_database',
291 'sql_structure_or_data',
292 ':group:end',
293 ':group:' . __('Structure'),
294 'sql_drop_table',
295 'sql_procedure_function',
296 'sql_create_table_statements' => ':group',
297 'sql_if_not_exists',
298 'sql_auto_increment',
299 ':group:end',
300 'sql_backquotes',
301 ':group:end',
302 ':group:' . __('Data'),
303 'sql_delayed',
304 'sql_ignore',
305 'sql_type',
306 'sql_insert_syntax',
307 'sql_max_query_size',
308 'sql_hex_for_blob',
309 'sql_utc_time'));
310 $forms['Export']['CodeGen'] = array('Export' => array(
311 'codegen_format'));
312 $forms['Export']['Csv'] = array('Export' => array(
313 ':group:' . __('CSV'),
314 'csv_separator',
315 'csv_enclosed',
316 'csv_escaped',
317 'csv_terminated',
318 'csv_null',
319 'csv_removeCRLF',
320 'csv_columns',
321 ':group:end',
322 ':group:' . __('CSV for MS Excel'),
323 'excel_null',
324 'excel_removeCRLF',
325 'excel_columns',
326 'excel_edition'));
327 $forms['Export']['Latex'] = array('Export' => array(
328 'latex_caption',
329 'latex_structure_or_data',
330 ':group:' . __('Structure'),
331 'latex_structure_caption',
332 'latex_structure_continued_caption',
333 'latex_structure_label',
334 'latex_relation',
335 'latex_comments',
336 'latex_mime',
337 ':group:end',
338 ':group:' . __('Data'),
339 'latex_columns',
340 'latex_data_caption',
341 'latex_data_continued_caption',
342 'latex_data_label',
343 'latex_null'));
344 $forms['Export']['Microsoft_Office'] = array('Export' => array(
345 ':group:' . __('Microsoft Word 2000'),
346 'htmlword_structure_or_data',
347 'htmlword_null',
348 'htmlword_columns'));
349 $forms['Export']['Open_Document'] = array('Export' => array(
350 ':group:' . __('Open Document Spreadsheet'),
351 'ods_columns',
352 'ods_null',
353 ':group:end',
354 ':group:' . __('Open Document Text'),
355 'odt_structure_or_data',
356 ':group:' . __('Structure'),
357 'odt_relation',
358 'odt_comments',
359 'odt_mime',
360 ':group:end',
361 ':group:' . __('Data'),
362 'odt_columns',
363 'odt_null'));
364 $forms['Export']['Texy'] = array('Export' => array(
365 'texytext_structure_or_data',
366 ':group:' . __('Data'),
367 'texytext_null',
368 'texytext_columns'));