Minor changelog updates
[pidgin-git.git] / pidgin.spec.in
1 # Older RPM doesn't define these by default
2 %{!?perl_vendorlib: %define perl_vendorlib %(eval "`%{__perl} -V:installvendorlib`"; echo $installvendorlib)}
3 %{!?perl_vendorarch: %define perl_vendorarch %(eval "`%{__perl} -V:installvendorarch`"; echo $installvendorarch)}
4 %{!?perl_archlib: %define perl_archlib %(eval "`%{__perl} -V:installarchlib`"; echo $installarchlib)}
6 # When not doing betas comment this out
7 # NOTE: %defines in spec files are evaluated in comments so the correct
8 # way to comment it out is to replace the % with #
9 #define beta 7
11 %if 0%{?beta}
12 %define pidginver %(echo "@VERSION@"|sed -e 's/dev.*//; s/beta.*//')
13 %else
14 %define pidginver @VERSION@
15 %endif
17 Summary: A GTK+ based multiprotocol instant messaging client
18 Name: @PACKAGE@
19 Version: %pidginver
20 Release: 0%{?beta:.beta%{beta}}
21 License: GPL
22 Group: Applications/Internet
23 URL: http://pidgin.im/
24 Source: %{name}-@VERSION@.tar.bz2
25 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
27 # Generic build requirements
28 BuildRequires: libtool, pkgconfig, intltool, gettext, libxml2-devel
29 BuildRequires: gtk2-devel
31 %{!?_without_startupnotification:BuildRequires: startup-notification-devel}
32 %{?_with_avahi:BuildRequires: avahi-compat-howl-devel}
33 %{!?_without_gtkspell:BuildRequires: gtkspell-devel}
34 %{?_with_howl:BuildRequires: howl-devel}
35 %{?_with_meanwhile:BuildRequires: meanwhile-devel}
36 %{?_with_mono:BuildRequires: mono-devel}
37 %{?_with_sasl:BuildRequires: cyrus-sasl-devel >= 2}
38 %{!?_without_silc:BuildRequires: /usr/include/silc/silcclient.h}
39 %{!?_without_tcl:BuildRequires: tcl, tk, /usr/include/tcl.h}
40 %{!?_without_text:BuildRequires: ncurses-devel}
42 %if "%{_vendor}" == "suse"
43 # For SuSE:
44 BuildRequires: gnutls-devel
45 %{?_with_dbus:BuildRequires: dbus-1-devel >= 0.35}
46 %{!?_without_gstreamer:BuildRequires: gstreamer010-devel >= 0.10}
47 Requires(pre): gconf2
48 Requires(post): gconf2
49 Requires(preun): gconf2
50 %else
51 %{?_with_dbus:BuildRequires: dbus-devel >= 0.35}
52 %{!?_without_gstreamer:BuildRequires: gstreamer-devel >= 0.10}
53 Requires(pre): GConf2
54 Requires(post): GConf2
55 Requires(preun): GConf2
56 %endif
58 # Mandrake 10.1 and lower || Mandrake 10.2 (and higher?)
59 %if "%{_vendor}" == "MandrakeSoft" || "%{_vendor}" == "Mandrakesoft" || "%{_vendor}" == "Mandriva"
60 # For Mandrake/Mandriva:
61 BuildRequires: libnss3-devel, perl-devel
62 Obsoletes: libgaim-remote0
63 %{!?_without_modularx:BuildRequires: libsm-devel, libxscrnsaver-devel}
64 %else
65 # For !Mandriva
66 %{!?_without_modularx:BuildRequires: libSM-devel, libXScrnSaver-devel}
67 # For SuSE, Red Hat, Fedora and others:
68 %if "%{_vendor}" != "suse"
69 # For Red Hat, Fedora and others:
70 # let's assume RH & FC1 are the only brain-dead distros missing the
71 # perl-XML-Parser dependency on intltool and that other RH/FC releases
72 # don't care if we specify it here
73 BuildRequires: perl-XML-Parser
74 BuildRequires: mozilla-nss-devel
75 %endif
76 %endif
78 # For some reason perl isn't always automatically detected as a requirement :(
79 Requires: perl
81 Requires: libpurple = %{version}
83 Obsoletes: gaim
84 Provides: gaim
86 %package devel
87 Summary: Development headers, documentation, and libraries for Pidgin
88 Group: Applications/Internet
89 Requires: pidgin = %{version}, libpurple-devel = %{version}
90 Requires: gtk2-devel
91 Requires: pkgconfig
92 Obsoletes: gaim-devel
93 Provides: gaim-devel
95 %package -n libpurple
96 Summary: libpurple library for IM clients like Pidgin and Finch
97 Group: Applications/Internet
98 Obsoletes: gaim-silc
99 Obsoletes: gaim-tcl
100 Obsoletes: gaim-gadugadu
101 Obsoletes: pidgin-tcl < 2.0.0
102 Obsoletes: pidgin-silc < 2.0.0
103 %{?_with_sasl:Requires: cyrus-sasl-plain, cyrus-sasl-md5}
105 %package -n libpurple-devel
106 Summary: Development headers, documentation, and libraries for libpurple
107 Group: Applications/Internet
108 Requires: libpurple = %{version}
109 Requires: pkgconfig
110 %if "%{_vendor}" == "suse"
111 # For SuSE:
112 %{?_with_dbus:Requires: dbus-1-devel >= 0.35}
113 %else
114 %{?_with_dbus:Requires: dbus-devel >= 0.35}
115 %endif
117 %if 0%{?_with_howl:1} || 0%{?_with_avahi:1}
118 %package -n libpurple-bonjour
119 Summary: Bonjour plugin for Pidgin
120 Group: Applications/Internet
121 Requires: libpurple = %{version}
122 %endif
124 %if 0%{?_with_meanwhile:1}
125 %package -n libpurple-meanwhile
126 Summary: Lotus Sametime plugin for Pidgin using the Meanwhile library
127 Group: Applications/Internet
128 Requires: libpurple = %{version}
129 %endif
131 %if 0%{?_with_mono:1}
132 %package -n libpurple-mono
133 Summary: Mono .NET plugin support for Pidgin
134 Group: Applications/Internet
135 Requires: libpurple = %{version}
136 %endif
138 %if 0%{!?_without_text:1}
139 %package -n finch
140 Summary: A text-based user interface for Pidgin
141 Group: Applications/Internet
142 Requires: libpurple = %{version}
144 %package -n finch-devel
145 Summary: Headers etc. for finch stuffs
146 Group: Applications/Internet
147 Requires: finch = %{version}, libpurple-devel = %{version}
148 Requires: ncurses-devel
149 Requires: pkgconfig
150 %endif
152 %description
153 Pidgin allows you to talk to anyone using a variety of messaging
154 protocols including AIM, MSN, Yahoo!, XMPP, Bonjour, Gadu-Gadu,
155 ICQ, IRC, Novell Groupwise, QQ, Lotus Sametime, SILC, Simple and
156 Zephyr. These protocols are implemented using a modular, easy to
157 use design. To use a protocol, just add an account using the
158 account editor.
160 Pidgin supports many common features of other clients, as well as many
161 unique features, such as perl scripting, TCL scripting and C plugins.
163 Pidgin is not affiliated with or endorsed by America Online, Inc.,
164 Microsoft Corporation, Yahoo! Inc., or ICQ Inc.
166 %description devel
167 The pidgin-devel package contains the header files, developer
168 documentation, and libraries required for development of Pidgin scripts
169 and plugins.
171 %description -n libpurple
172 libpurple contains the core IM support for IM clients such as Pidgin
173 and Finch.
175 libpurple supports a variety of messaging protocols including AIM, MSN,
176 Yahoo!, XMPP, Bonjour, Gadu-Gadu, ICQ, IRC, Novell Groupwise, QQ,
177 Lotus Sametime, SILC, Simple and Zephyr.
179 %description -n libpurple-devel
180 The libpurple-devel package contains the header files, developer
181 documentation, and libraries required for development of libpurple based
182 instant messaging clients or plugins for any libpurple based client.
184 %if 0%{?_with_howl:1} || 0%{?_with_avahi:1}
185 %description -n libpurple-bonjour
186 Bonjour plugin for Pidgin.
187 %endif
189 %if 0%{?_with_meanwhile:1}
190 %description -n libpurple-meanwhile
191 Lotus Sametime plugin for Pidgin using the Meanwhile library.
192 %endif
194 %if 0%{?_with_mono:1}
195 %description -n libpurple-mono
196 Mono plugin loader for Pidgin. This package will allow you to write or
197 use Pidgin plugins written in the .NET programming language.
198 %endif
200 %if 0%{!?_without_text:1}
201 %description -n finch
202 A text-based user interface for using libpurple. This can be run from a
203 standard text console or from a terminal within X Windows. It
204 uses ncurses and our homegrown gnt library for drawing windows
205 and text.
207 %description -n finch-devel
208 The finch-devel package contains the header files, developer
209 documentation, and libraries required for development of Finch scripts
210 and plugins.
211 %endif
213 %prep
214 %setup -q -n %{name}-@VERSION@
216 %build
217 CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" ./configure --prefix=%{_prefix} \
218 --bindir=%{_bindir} \
219 --datadir=%{_datadir} \
220 --includedir=%{_includedir} \
221 --libdir=%{_libdir} \
222 --mandir=%{_mandir} \
223 --sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir} \
224 --disable-schemas-install \
225 %{!?_with_dbus:--disable-dbus} \
226 %{?_without_gstreamer:--disable-gstreamer} \
227 %{?_without_gtkspell:--disable-gtkspell} \
228 %{?_with_mono:--enable-mono} \
229 %{?_with_perlmakehack:--with-perl-lib=%{buildroot}%{_prefix}} \
230 %{!?_with_perlmakehack:--with-perl-lib=%{_prefix}} \
231 %{?_with_sasl:--enable-cyrus-sasl} \
232 %{?_without_tcl:--disable-tcl} \
233 %{?_without_text:--disable-consoleui}
235 make %{?_smp_mflags}
237 %install
238 rm -rf %{buildroot}
239 %if 0%{?_with_perlmakehack:1}
240 make prefix=%{buildroot}%{_prefix} bindir=%{buildroot}%{_bindir} \
241 datadir=%{buildroot}%{_datadir} includedir=%{buildroot}%{_includedir} \
242 libdir=%{buildroot}%{_libdir} mandir=%{buildroot}%{_mandir} \
243 sysconfdir=%{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir} \
244 install
245 %else
246 make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install
247 %endif
249 # Delete files that we don't want to put in any of the RPMs
250 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/finch/*.la
251 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/gnt/*.la
252 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pidgin/*.la
253 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/purple-2/*.la
254 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/purple-2/liboscar.so
255 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/purple-2/libjabber.so
256 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/*.la
257 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{perl_archlib}/perllocal.pod
258 find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type f -name .packlist -exec rm -f {} ';'
259 find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type f -name '*.bs' -empty -exec rm -f {} ';'
261 %if 0%{!?_with_howl:1} && 0%{!?_with_avahi:1}
262 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/purple-2/libbonjour.so
263 %endif
265 %if 0%{!?_with_meanwhile:1}
266 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/purple-2/libsametime.so
267 %endif
269 %if 0%{!?_with_mono:1}
270 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/purple-2/mono.so
271 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/purple-2/*.dll
272 %endif
274 %if 0%{?_without_silc:1}
275 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/purple-2/libsilcpurple.so
276 %endif
278 %if 0%{?_without_tcl:1}
279 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/purple-2/tcl.so
280 %endif
282 %if 0%{?_without_text:1}
283 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/finch.*
284 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/finch
285 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libgnt.so.*
286 %endif
288 %find_lang %{name}
290 find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/purple-2 -xtype f -print | \
291 sed "s@^$RPM_BUILD_ROOT@@g" | \
292 grep -v /libbonjour.so | \
293 grep -v /libsametime.so | \
294 grep -v /mono.so | \
295 grep -v ".dll$" > %{name}-%{version}-purpleplugins
297 find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pidgin -xtype f -print | \
298 sed "s@^$RPM_BUILD_ROOT@@g" > %{name}-%{version}-pidginplugins
300 find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/finch -xtype f -print | \
301 sed "s@^$RPM_BUILD_ROOT@@g" > %{name}-%{version}-finchplugins
303 # files -f file can only take one filename :(
304 cat %{name}.lang >> %{name}-%{version}-purpleplugins
306 %clean
307 rm -rf %{buildroot}
309 %pre
310 if [ "$1" -gt 1 -a -n "`which gconftool-2 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
311 export GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`gconftool-2 --get-default-source`
312 if [ -f %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/purple.schemas ]; then
313 gconftool-2 --makefile-uninstall-rule \
314 %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/purple.schemas >/dev/null || :
315 killall -HUP gconfd-2 &> /dev/null || :
319 %post
320 if [ -n "`which gconftool-2 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
321 export GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`gconftool-2 --get-default-source`
322 gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule \
323 %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/purple.schemas > /dev/null || :
324 killall -HUP gconfd-2 &> /dev/null || :
326 touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
327 %{_bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache --quiet %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &> /dev/null || :
329 %post -n libpurple -p /sbin/ldconfig
331 %post -n finch -p /sbin/ldconfig
333 %preun
334 if [ "$1" -eq 0 -a -n "`which gconftool-2 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
335 export GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`gconftool-2 --get-default-source`
336 gconftool-2 --makefile-uninstall-rule \
337 %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/purple.schemas > /dev/null || :
338 killall -HUP gconfd-2 &> /dev/null || :
341 %postun
342 touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
343 %{_bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache --quiet %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &> /dev/null || :
345 %postun -n libpurple -p /sbin/ldconfig
347 %postun -n finch -p /sbin/ldconfig
349 %files -f %{name}-%{version}-pidginplugins
350 %defattr(-, root, root)
352 %doc AUTHORS
353 %doc COPYING
354 %doc COPYRIGHT
355 %doc ChangeLog
356 %doc NEWS
357 %doc README
358 %doc README.MTN
359 %doc doc/the_penguin.txt
360 %doc %{_mandir}/man1/pidgin.*
361 %doc %{_mandir}/man3*/*
363 %dir %{_libdir}/pidgin
364 %attr(755, root, root) %{perl_vendorarch}/Pidgin.pm
365 %attr(755, root, root) %{perl_vendorarch}/auto/Pidgin
367 %{_bindir}/pidgin
368 %{_datadir}/pixmaps/pidgin
369 %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/pidgin.*
370 %{_datadir}/applications/*
371 %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/purple.schemas
374 %files -f %{name}-%{version}-purpleplugins -n libpurple
375 %defattr(-, root, root)
377 %{_libdir}/libpurple.so.*
378 %dir %{_libdir}/purple-2
379 %{_datadir}/purple
380 %{_datadir}/sounds/purple
381 %attr(755, root, root) %{perl_vendorarch}/Purple.pm
382 %attr(755, root, root) %{perl_vendorarch}/auto/Purple
384 %{_datadir}/pixmaps/purple
386 %if 0%{?_with_dbus:1}
387 %{_bindir}/purple-client-example
388 %{_bindir}/purple-remote
389 %{_bindir}/purple-send
390 %{_bindir}/purple-send-async
391 %{_bindir}/purple-url-handler
392 %{_libdir}/libpurple-client.so.*
393 %doc libpurple/purple-notifications-example
394 %endif
396 %files devel
397 %defattr(-, root, root)
398 %dir %{_includedir}/pidgin
399 %{_includedir}/pidgin/*.h
400 %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/pidgin.pc
402 %files -n libpurple-devel
403 %defattr(-, root, root)
405 %doc ChangeLog.API
406 %doc HACKING
409 %dir %{_includedir}/libpurple
410 %{_includedir}/libpurple/*.h
411 %{_libdir}/libpurple.so
412 %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/purple.pc
413 %{_datadir}/aclocal/purple.m4
414 %if 0%{?_with_dbus:1}
415 %{_libdir}/libpurple-client.so
416 %endif
419 %if 0%{?_with_howl:1} || 0%{?_with_avahi:1}
420 %files -n libpurple-bonjour
421 %defattr(-, root, root)
423 %{_libdir}/purple-2/libbonjour.*
424 %endif
426 %if 0%{?_with_meanwhile:1}
427 %files -n libpurple-meanwhile
428 %defattr(-, root, root)
430 %{_libdir}/purple-2/libsametime.*
431 %endif
433 %if 0%{?_with_mono:1}
434 %files -n libpurple-mono
435 %defattr(-, root, root)
437 %{_libdir}/purple-2/mono.so
438 %{_libdir}/purple-2/*.dll
439 %endif
441 %if 0%{!?_without_text:1}
442 %files -f %{name}-%{version}-finchplugins -n finch
443 %defattr(-, root, root)
445 %doc %{_mandir}/man1/finch.*
446 %{_bindir}/finch
447 %{_libdir}/libgnt.so.*
448 %{_libdir}/gnt/irssi.so
449 %{_libdir}/gnt/s.so
451 %files -n finch-devel
452 %defattr(-, root, root)
453 %dir %{_includedir}/finch
454 %{_includedir}/finch/*.h
455 # libgnt
456 %dir %{_includedir}/gnt
457 %{_includedir}/gnt/*.h
458 %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/gnt.pc
459 %{_libdir}/libgnt.so
461 %endif
463 %changelog
464 * Mon Sep 17 2007 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
465 - Add version dependency on libpurple for pidgin
466 - Support for OpenSuse lowercase package name for GConf2
468 * Fri Sep 14 2007 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
469 - Fix spec file for moved sounds & new CA certificates
471 * Thu Jul 12 2007 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
472 - Don't hardcode silc header locations, rely on pkg-config for those,
473 because I think I broke non-pkg-config detection of older silc
474 toolkit.
476 * Tue Jun 5 2007 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
477 - Add missing Requires for gtk2-devel, dbus-devel & ncurses-devel to
478 appropriate -devel subpackages
480 * Sun May 27 2007 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
481 - add cyrus-sasl-plain & cyrus-sasl-md5 to Requires
483 * Thu May 24 2007 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
484 - Silence errors from gtk-update-icon-cache
485 - Change Mandriva build dependencies to reflect the correct (lower case)
486 names for libSM-devel & libXScrnSaver-devel (Sunny Dubey)
488 * Thu May 10 2007 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
489 - Add scriptlet Requires for GConf2 to fix schema installation
490 - Silence harmless errors when gconfd-2 is not running at install time
492 * Thu May 3 2007 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
493 - Add missing BuildRequires: startup-notification-devel, if you really
494 need to build on a distro without it use --without startupnotification
495 - Add BuildRequires: libSM-devel, libXScrnSaver-devel for distros with
496 modular X. For those without, build with --without modularx
497 - Change Mandriva BuildRequires to gkt2-devel (reported by Götz Waschk)
499 * Tue May 1 2007 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
500 - Run gtk-update-icon-cache on installation/uninstallation
501 - Guard against errors when upgrading from Gaim/Pidgin 1.5.x which had
502 no schemas file
504 * Sun Apr 29 2007 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
505 - Update to reflect perl Purple::GtkUI -> Pidgin change
507 * Wed Apr 25 2007 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
508 - Update libpurple to pick up plugins in %%{_libdir}/purple
510 * Sun Apr 22 2007 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
511 - Remove Epoch because it's gone in Fedora now
512 - Add virtual provides for gaim & gaim-devel
514 * Thu Apr 19 2007 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
515 - Fix pkgconfig Requires
516 - Add ldconfig in pre/post scripts for libpurple & finch
517 - Bump Epoch to 2 because Fedora unfortunately forgot to drop the Epoch
518 during the rename :(
520 * Tue Apr 17 2007 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
521 - Add some Obsolete:s to help upgrades
522 - Remove explicit Packager: %%{packager} from spec, it was redundant
524 * Sun Apr 15 2007 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
525 - Fix for building without Finch
526 - Drop -tcl & -silc sub-packages, include them in the main libpurple
527 package (--without tcl and --without silc can be used to build libpurple
528 without support for these).
530 * Thu Apr 12 2007 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
531 - Actually move libpurple.so.* to the libpurple RPM
533 * Wed Apr 11 2007 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
534 - Separate out libpurple, libpurple-devel and finch-devel
536 * Sat Mar 24 2007 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
537 - Update to reflect renaming to pidgin/libpurple
539 * Sun Oct 1 2006 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
540 - We can build with internal gadu gadu again, so bring it back into the
541 main package
542 - Deal with gconf schame uninstallation on package upgrade and removal
544 * Sun Aug 20 2006 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
545 - Make the gstreamer-devel dependency overridable with '--without-gstreamer'
546 to allow building on older distributions without suitable gstreamer
548 * Tue Aug 15 2006 Mark Doliner <thekingant@users.sourceforge.net>
549 - Add a BuildRequire for gstreamer-devel
550 - Remove the BuildRequires for audiofile-devel and libao-devel
552 * Mon May 8 2006 Mark Doliner <thekingant@users.sourceforge.net>
553 - Add --with avahi option to compile the gaim-bonjour package against
554 Avahi's Howl compatibility layer
556 * Wed Mar 29 2006 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
557 - Source RPM uses tar.bz2 now to save space
558 - Update BuildRequires for new intltool dependencies
559 - Add a --with perlmakehack option to allow builds to succeed on RH9
560 - Add a --with gadugadu to build (separate) gaim-gadugadu package
562 * Sat Dec 17 2005 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
563 - Add support for beta versions so the subsequent releases are seen as newer
564 by RPM
565 - Split of sametime support to gaim-meanwhile
566 - Use make DESTDIR=... instead of overloading prefix etc. when installing
567 - Default build to include cyrus-sasl support in Jabber
568 - Add --with dbus to build with DBUS support
570 * Sun Dec 04 2005 Christopher O'Brien <siege@preoccupied.net>
571 - Added obsoletes gaim-meanwhile
573 * Sun Oct 30 2005 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
574 - Add separate gaim-bonjour package if built with --with-howl
575 - Add separate gaim-mono package if built with --with-mono
576 - Exclude some unwanted perl files
578 * Sat Aug 20 2005 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
579 - Include libgaimperl.so
580 - Include gaim.m4 in gaim-devel
582 * Thu Apr 28 2005 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
583 - Use perl_vendorlib & perl_archlib for better 64bit compat (Jeff Mahoney)
584 - Clean up Requires, most should be auto-detected
585 - Restore gtkspell-devel build requirement (and add --without gtkspell option)
586 - Fix Tcl build requirements to work across more distros
587 - Fix SILC build requirements to work across more distros
589 * Mon Oct 11 2004 John Jolly <john.jolly@gmail.com>
590 - Added if "%%{_vendor}" == "suse" to handle GnuTLS libraries for SuSE
592 * Sat Oct 2 2004 Stu Tomlinson <stu@nosnilmot.com>
593 - If --with tcl or silc are not specified, make sure the plugins don't
594 exist to prevent RPM complaining about unpackaged files
596 * Tue Jun 29 2004 Ethan Blanton <eblanton@cs.ohiou.edu>
597 - Change Tcl to use --with tcl, the same as SILC, and build a gaim-tcl
598 package if specified.
600 * Thu Jun 24 2004 Mark Doliner <thekingant@users.sourceforge.net>
601 - Add --with silc rebuild option for compiling a separate gaim-silc
602 RPM containing the silc protocol plugin (Stu Tomlinson).
604 * Wed Jun 23 2004 Ethan Blanton <eblanton@cs.ohiou.edu>
605 - Moved gaim headers and a pkgconfig configuration file into the
606 gaim-devel RPM (Stu Tomlinson).
608 * Thu Jan 15 2004 Ethan Blanton <eblanton@cs.ohiou.edu>
609 - Removed the manual strip command, as it seems to be unwarranted if
610 the necessary programs are properly installed. (For me, this was
611 elfutils.)
613 * Sun Jul 20 2003 Bjoern Voigt <bjoern@cs.tu-berlin.de>
614 - Added pkgconfig build dependency.
615 - if "%%{_vendor}" != "MandrakeSoft" now also works with rpm 3.x.
616 - Added Gaim-specific directories to list of Gaim's files.
618 * Wed Jul 16 2003 Ethan Blanton <eblanton@cs.ohiou.edu>
619 - Complete spec file rewrite to take advantage of "new" RPM features
620 and make things prettier.
621 - Use system-supplied %%{_prefix}, %%{_datadir}, etc. rather than
622 attempt to define our own.