1 Conversation with #pidgin at Pá 26. září 2008, 19:33:24 CEST on mcepl@irc.freenode.net (irc)
2 (19:40:31) tokam-|-away je teď znám jako tokam
3 (19:46:12) Ghost je teď znám jako Plasmastar
4 (19:59:52) Getty je teď znám jako _Getty
5 (20:00:24) _Getty je teď znám jako Getty
6 (20:26:48) dryOut23: hello
7 (20:27:43) dryOut23: is it possible to add a vhost for pidgin at the .purplpe/accounts.xml
8 (20:29:16) Err: what exactly might that mean?
10 (20:31:55) dryOut23: you know hostserv
11 (20:32:05) dryOut23: i wanna pass my password for vhost after login to the server
12 (20:32:28) Err: actually, I have no idea what hostserv is, or vhost
13 (20:32:34) Err: is this with a particular protocol?
14 (20:32:54) dryOut23: HostServ allows users to use their own unique host
15 (20:33:27) dryOut23: while on the Network. IRC Operators add them to the database and upon connection the user gets their vhost.
16 (20:33:39) Err: oh, you're talking about IRC-specific junk
17 (20:33:47) dryOut23: indeed
18 (20:33:49) dryOut23: it is
19 (20:34:38) Err: is the registration for a vhost similar to identifying with nickserv - that is, you just send a message to a bot that handles the rest of the junk?
20 (20:35:00) dryOut23: yes
21 (20:35:09) dryOut23: nickserv is in the accounts.xml
22 (20:35:16) dryOut23: with <password>
23 (20:35:39) dryOut23: now the same for hostserv
24 (20:35:45) Err: there's an FAQ entry about this
25 (20:35:48) dryOut23: is it/
26 (20:35:52) dryOut23: didnt find it
27 (20:36:07) Err: (and I don't believe that the <password> field is for nickserv, but rather another IRC authentication protocol)
28 (20:36:23) dryOut23: well it works
29 (20:36:25) Err: "How do I send a message to a user or bot on login?" sure seems like your question
30 (20:36:32) dryOut23: nickserv will accept the password
31 (20:36:44) dryOut23: ok thanks man
32 (20:37:43) dryOut23: ahh thats even better than this password tag
33 (20:37:52) dryOut23: very nice
34 (20:37:56) dryOut23: big thanks for the help
35 (20:39:42) tokam je teď znám jako tokam-|-away
36 (20:42:20) abinader: has anyone ever tried to create python bindings for libpurple?
37 (20:44:24) datallah: abinader: I bet google knows the answer to that
38 (20:46:50) dryOut23: ahh i got another question on my heart
39 (20:47:21) dryOut23: is there the glance of a chance that pixbuff will once be able to resize gif/jpeg for icq
40 (20:47:34) dryOut23: i would say please with sugar on top of it
41 (20:57:35) wjt: i'm sure that's already meant to work
42 (21:01:40) ndy je teď znám jako ndyzzz
43 (21:28:51) danage: who is the coder of the pidgin libnotify plugin?
44 (21:57:42) robin je teď znám jako robin_k
45 (22:08:05) Vorondil: danage: If you have it, and it's showing in the plugins list, the plugin details should say. Otherwise, google.
46 (22:09:19) danage: excellent, it does
47 (22:09:23) danage: d'oh
48 (22:17:45) mcepl: all: I was told that if I want to send and read IQ messages in XMPP I need xmpp-receiving-xml signal in DBUS -- the only I found is writing-im-msg, wrote-im-msg, sending-im-msg, sent-im-msg, receiving-im-msg, received-im-msg, Is any one of these the right signal?
49 (22:19:29) issyl0 je teď znám jako issyl0|phone
50 (22:19:59) issyl0|phone je teď znám jako issyl0
51 (22:25:01) GeekWannabe1: I am windows user and I like pidgin. It's pure, simple, minimalistic and overall great, gtk+ seems stable on windows also these days. One simple question please. How the hell do I change background color of all my text windows to black and font to light gray? Thanks
52 (22:25:45) Vorondil: Pidgin's colors and whatnot come from your gtk theme.
53 (22:26:37) GeekWannabe1: Yeah I googled that, so what do I need to enter into this .gtkrc-2.0 file in order to get black bg and light gray font?
54 (22:27:07) GeekWannabe1: If one of you guys would write frontend for this it would be great
55 (22:33:39) Vorondil: You'll need to type in the name of a theme you have installed with aforementioned colors.
56 (22:34:24) Vorondil: Clearly, I sensed his departure and was moved to say something useful.
57 (22:35:40) ktdreyer: I'm looking for meanwhile folks, but #meanwhile is empty. Any ideas?
58 (22:58:25) nosnilmot: mcepl: it's actually "jabber-receiving-xmlnode" and doesn't appear to be documented anywhere I can find, it appears to be emitted with two parameters: (PurpleConnection *gc, xmlnode **node) ("jabber-sending-xmlnode" is the sending equivalent, emitted in the same way)
59 (23:08:43) mcepl: nosnilmot: oh thanks? And the method to send raw XMPP packet out is ServSendIm ?
60 (23:10:20) datallah: mcepl: check out the XMPP Console plugin
61 (23:11:56) mcepl: hmm, a then is using DBUS?
62 (23:12:00) mcepl: *that
63 (23:12:04) datallah: no
64 (23:12:10) mcepl: that's a problem
65 (23:12:43) datallah: Well, it is a good reference for how to do it in a C plugin - you just need to figure out the dbus equivalent.
66 (23:12:56) mcepl: well, I hoped to do a Perl/Python plugin
67 (23:13:35) datallah: I doubt the API is exposed to Perl, but you could fix that if it isn't.
68 (23:13:47) mcepl: or to DBUS?
69 (23:13:58) datallah: I really don't know much about the dbus api
70 (23:14:13) mcepl: I guess Perl could use DBUS as well, right?
71 (23:14:31) mcepl: OK, I guess I should read you reply as "Use the Source, Luke!" ;-)
72 (23:14:51) datallah: There is an internal Perl API, I'm not sure why you're talking about dbus in relation to perl.
73 (23:15:32) mcepl: well, I thought if some method is exported via DBUS and not via Perl, I could DBUS in Perl.
74 (23:15:50) datallah: or you could fix the Perl API
75 (23:16:08) mcepl: well, I am not sure much about programming in C ... I will think about it.