9 from subprocess import check_call
10 from textwrap import dedent
12 CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR_CHOICES = [None, 'lib', 'lib32', 'lib64']
15 DESCRIPTION = dedent("""\
16 Test that the main piglit script, when installed, successfully imports
17 the correct framework module.
20 1. The script fails to find any framework module and dies.
21 2. The script finds and imports a framework module that belongs to
24 This test installs and verifies the piglit script with all combinations
25 of the following CMake configuration variables:
30 This test must be run from a git work tree. Due to the warned behavior below,
31 the test will run only if given the '--force' option.
34 - This test may remove any changes not committed to git, including ignored
37 - This test may make changes to files in the git work tree (but it won't
38 make any changes to the git directory itself).
40 - This test will build and install Piglit multiple times to multiple
41 temporary directories named 'tmp/piglit.XXXXXX'. This test will not
42 clean up its temporary directories. That's your responsibility.
48 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
49 parser.formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
50 parser.description = DESCRIPTION
51 parser.add_argument('-f', '--force',
53 help='really run the test')
54 parser.add_argument('srcdir',
55 help='top of piglit source tree')
56 return (parser.prog, parser.parse_args())
59 prog, args = parse_args()
61 parser.error("skipping test because '--force' option is missing")
63 for piglit_install_version in PIGLIT_INSTALL_VERSION_CHOICES:
65 test_once(args.srcdir, piglit_install_version, libdir)
67 print('{0}: all tests passed'.format(prog))
69 def shell(command, cwd=None):
70 check_call(command, shell=True, cwd=cwd)
72 def test_once(srcdir, piglit_install_version, libdir):
75 srcdir = os.path.abspath(srcdir)
76 build_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='piglit-build.')
77 prefix = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='piglit-prefix.')
79 def print_test_info():
80 print(' srcdir: {0!r}'.format(srcdir))
81 print(' libdir: {0!r}'.format(libdir))
82 print(' piglit_install_version: {0!r}'.format(piglit_install_version))
83 print(' build_dir: {0!r}'.format(build_dir))
84 print(' prefix: {0!r}'.format(prefix))
86 def print_test_result():
98 # Scrub the source tree.
99 shell('git reset --hard', cwd=srcdir)
100 shell('git clean -xfd', cwd=srcdir)
102 # Make it build fast. We want to test the Python, not the C.
103 shell("sed -i '/add_subdirectory/d' CMakeLists.txt", cwd=srcdir)
108 '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=' + prefix,
111 if libdir is not None:
112 cmake_args.append('-DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=' + libdir)
113 if piglit_install_version is not None:
114 cmake_args.append('-DPIGLIT_INSTALL_VERSION=' + piglit_install_version)
116 cmake_args.append(srcdir)
118 check_call(cmake_args, cwd=build_dir)
119 shell('ninja install', cwd=build_dir)
121 # To prevent the false positive case when the installed script
122 # accidentally imports the framework module located in git work tree,
123 # execute the installed script with cwd=srcdir and fill the framework
124 # module in srcdir with garbage. If the installed piglit script tries
125 # to import it, then script will raise a Python exception and fail.
126 shell("find framework -type f -exec echo GARBAGE '>' '{}' ';'", cwd=srcdir)
128 # Append install version, if any, onto script name.
129 script_name = 'piglit'
130 if piglit_install_version is not None:
131 script_name += '-' + piglit_install_version
133 # Check script works when called with explicit filepath.
134 bindir = os.path.join(prefix, 'bin')
135 script_path = os.path.join(bindir, script_name)
136 check_call([script_path, '--help'], cwd=srcdir)
138 # Check script works when called through a PATH search.
139 new_env = os.environ.copy()
140 new_env['PATH'] = '{0}:{1}'.format(bindir, new_env['PATH'])
141 check_call([script_name, '--help'], env=new_env, cwd=srcdir)
147 shell('git reset --hard', cwd=srcdir)
148 shutil.rmtree(build_dir)
149 shutil.rmtree(prefix)