Just some notes and SPEC stuff.
[pineappletracker.git] / pineapple-merge / functions-to-change
1 These functions will be polymorphic,overloaded,whatever....in other words they
2 will change depending on whether you load a .mod,.song,or .ahx.
5 actions.c
6 ----------
7 act_trackinc
8 act_trackdec
9 act_transpinc
10 act_transpdec
11 act_noteinc
12 act_notedec
13 act_octaveinc
14 act_octavedec
15 act_instrinc
16 act_instrdec
17 act_fxinc
18 act_fxdec
19 act_paraminc
20 act_paramdec
21 act_addline
22 act_delline
23 act_clronething
24 act_clritall
25 act_clrinsongtab
26 act_clrintracktab
27 act_clrininstrtab
29 gui.c
30 ------
31 initsonglines
32 inittracks
33 initinstrs
34 readsong?
35 readtrack?
36 readinstr
37 drawsonged
38 drawtracked
39 drawinstred
40 drawgui?
42 modes.c
43 -------
44 _nextfreetrack
45 _nextfreeinstr
46 _insertc
47 _parsecmd
48 normalmode
49 cmdlinemode
50 insertmode
51 visualmode
52 visuallinemode
54 (musicchip)file.c
55 ------------------
56 savefile
57 loadfile
59 chip.c
60 ------
61 silence
62 iedplonk
63 startplaytrack
64 startplaysong
65 playroutine?
66 initchip?
67 interrupthandler?
70 also we need a struct that can hold any of the module types....
71 struct pineapple_tune{
72         char *type; //pineapple, mod, hively
74         char *filename; //ht_Name[128] ??
75         u8 callbacktime; //ht_speedmultiplier,bpm, etc ht_Tempo
76         char comment[1024];
77         struct oscillator osc[4]; //ht_Channels || ht_Voices[MAX_CHANNELS]
78         struct instrument instr[256]; //*ht_Instruments
79         struct track trk[256]; //ht_Tracks[256][64]
80         struct song song[256]; //*ht_Positions
81         u8 trackpos;
82         u8 songpos; //ht_PosNr
83         int songlen;
84         int instrx, instry, instroffs;
85         int songx, songy, songoffs;
86         int trackx, tracky, trackoffs;
87         int currtrack, currinstr; //ht_TrackNr, ht_InstrumentNr, 
88         int currtab;
89         int saved;
92 Also once we get different audio drivers going we need to make that configurable so we can know which callback function to use, etc.