Update NEWS for 1.6.22
[pkg-k5-afs_openafs.git] / src / WINNT / afssvrmgr / cmdline.cpp
1 /*
2 * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
3 * All Rights Reserved.
5 * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public
6 * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source
7 * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html
8 */
10 #include <winsock2.h>
11 #include <ws2tcpip.h>
13 extern "C" {
14 #include <afs/param.h>
15 #include <afs/stds.h>
18 #include "../afsapplib/afsapplib.h"
20 #include "svrmgr.h"
21 #include "cmdline.h"
22 #include "action.h"
23 #include "creds.h"
27 * VARIABLES __________________________________________________________________
31 typedef enum {
32 swCELL,
33 swSUBSET,
34 swSERVER,
35 swRESET,
37 swUSER,
39 swLOOKUP,
41 } SWITCH;
43 static struct {
44 TCHAR szSwitch[ cchRESOURCE ];
45 BOOL fGetsValue;
46 BOOL fPresent;
47 TCHAR szValue[ cchRESOURCE ];
48 } aSWITCHES[] = {
49 { TEXT("cell"), TRUE, FALSE, TEXT("") },
50 { TEXT("subset"), TRUE, FALSE, TEXT("") },
51 { TEXT("server"), TRUE, FALSE, TEXT("") },
52 { TEXT("reset"), FALSE, FALSE, TEXT("") },
53 { TEXT("confirm"), FALSE, FALSE, TEXT("") },
54 { TEXT("user"), TRUE, FALSE, TEXT("") },
55 { TEXT("password"), TRUE, FALSE, TEXT("") },
56 { TEXT("lookup"), FALSE, FALSE, TEXT("") },
57 { TEXT("useexisting"), FALSE, FALSE, TEXT("") }
60 #define nSWITCHES (sizeof(aSWITCHES) / sizeof(aSWITCHES[0]))
64 * PROTOTYPES _________________________________________________________________
68 #define iswhite(_ch) ( ((_ch)==TEXT(' ')) || ((_ch)==TEXT('\t')) )
70 void cdecl CommandLineHelp (int ids, LPTSTR pszFormat = NULL, ...);
74 * ROUTINES ___________________________________________________________________
78 CMDLINEOP ParseCommandLine (LPTSTR pszCmdLine)
80 size_t ii;
81 for (ii = 0; ii < nSWITCHES; ++ii)
82 aSWITCHES[ ii ].fPresent = FALSE;
84 // Search through pszCmdLine for switches; each switch must be
85 // preceeded by "/" or "-".
87 while (pszCmdLine && *pszCmdLine)
89 while (iswhite(*pszCmdLine))
90 ++pszCmdLine;
91 if (!*pszCmdLine)
92 break;
94 if ( (*pszCmdLine != '-') && (*pszCmdLine != '/') )
96 CommandLineHelp (IDS_CMDLINE_SYNTAX);
97 return opCLOSEAPP;
100 ++pszCmdLine;
102 // Okay, we've found what is probably the start of a switch.
103 // See if it matches anything.
105 for (ii = 0; ii < nSWITCHES; ++ii)
107 size_t cch = lstrlen(aSWITCHES[ ii ].szSwitch);
108 if (lstrncmpi (pszCmdLine, aSWITCHES[ ii ].szSwitch, cch))
109 continue;
111 // If the switch wants a value, it must be followed by ":"
112 // or whitespace; if it doesn't, it must be followed by "/"
113 // or whitespace.
115 LPTSTR pszAfter = &pszCmdLine[ cch ];
116 if (iswhite (*pszAfter) || (!*pszAfter) ||
117 ((*pszAfter == TEXT(':')) && (aSWITCHES[ ii ].fGetsValue)) ||
118 ((*pszAfter == TEXT('/')) && (!aSWITCHES[ ii ].fGetsValue)) )
120 break; // found a switch!
124 if (ii >= nSWITCHES)
126 TCHAR szCopy[ cchRESOURCE ];
127 lstrcpy (szCopy, pszCmdLine);
128 LPTSTR pch;
129 for (pch = szCopy;
130 *pch && !iswhite(*pch) && !(*pch == TEXT('/')) && !(*pch == TEXT(':'));
131 ++pch)
133 *pch = TEXT('\0');
134 CommandLineHelp (IDS_CMDLINE_UNRECOGNIZED, TEXT("%s"), szCopy);
135 return opCLOSEAPP;
137 if (aSWITCHES[ ii ].fPresent)
139 CommandLineHelp (IDS_CMDLINE_DUPLICATE, TEXT("%s"), aSWITCHES[ ii ].szSwitch);
140 return opCLOSEAPP;
143 // Woo hoo! Found what appears to be a valid switch. Parse it now.
145 aSWITCHES[ ii ].fPresent = TRUE;
146 pszCmdLine += lstrlen( aSWITCHES[ ii ].szSwitch );
147 while (iswhite (*pszCmdLine))
148 ++pszCmdLine;
150 if (*pszCmdLine == TEXT(':'))
152 if (!aSWITCHES[ ii ].fGetsValue)
154 CommandLineHelp (IDS_CMDLINE_UNEXPECTVALUE, TEXT("%s"), aSWITCHES[ ii ].szSwitch);
155 return opCLOSEAPP;
157 for (++pszCmdLine; iswhite (*pszCmdLine); ++pszCmdLine)
161 if (aSWITCHES[ ii ].fGetsValue)
163 if ( (*pszCmdLine == TEXT('/')) || (*pszCmdLine == TEXT('\0')) )
165 CommandLineHelp (IDS_CMDLINE_MISSINGVAL, TEXT("%s"), aSWITCHES[ ii ].szSwitch);
166 return opCLOSEAPP;
168 BOOL fQuoted = FALSE;
169 LPTSTR pszTarget;
170 for (pszTarget = aSWITCHES[ ii ].szValue;
171 *pszCmdLine && !(*pszCmdLine == TEXT('/') && !fQuoted)
172 && !(iswhite(*pszCmdLine) && !fQuoted); )
174 if (*pszCmdLine == TEXT('"'))
176 ++pszCmdLine;
177 if (fQuoted)
178 break;
179 fQuoted = TRUE;
180 continue;
182 *pszTarget++ = *pszCmdLine++;
184 *pszTarget++ = TEXT('\0');
188 // Was the -CONFIRM switch given? It works with any other switch
189 // combination.
191 if (aSWITCHES[ swCONFIRM ].fPresent)
193 Action_ShowConfirmations (TRUE);
196 // Now test the command-line for syntactical correctness.
197 // First test: if the SUBSET switch is given, the CELL switch must
198 // be given as well.
200 if ( (aSWITCHES[ swSUBSET ].fPresent) &&
201 (!aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].fPresent) )
204 return opCLOSEAPP;
207 // Similarly, if the SERVER switch is given, the CELL switch must
208 // be given as well.
210 if ( (aSWITCHES[ swSERVER ].fPresent) &&
211 (!aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].fPresent) )
214 return opCLOSEAPP;
217 // And if the USER or PASSWORD switch is given, the other is required.
219 if ( (aSWITCHES[ swUSER ].fPresent && !aSWITCHES[ swPASSWORD ].fPresent) ||
220 (aSWITCHES[ swPASSWORD ].fPresent && !aSWITCHES[ swUSER ].fPresent) )
223 return opCLOSEAPP;
226 // Implement the command-line switches.
228 if (aSWITCHES[ swRESET ].fPresent)
230 if (aSWITCHES[ swSERVER ].fPresent)
232 ErasePreferences (aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].szValue, aSWITCHES[ swSERVER ].szValue);
234 else if (aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].fPresent)
236 ErasePreferences (aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].szValue);
238 else // neither cell nor server specified--kill just the general stuff
244 return opCLOSEAPP;
247 if (aSWITCHES[ swUSER ].fPresent)
249 LPTSTR pszCell = (aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].fPresent) ? (aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].szValue) : NULL;
251 ULONG status;
252 if (!AfsAppLib_SetCredentials (pszCell, aSWITCHES[ swUSER ].szValue, aSWITCHES[ swPASSWORD ].szValue, &status))
254 ImmediateErrorDialog (status, IDS_SVR_ERROR_BAD_CREDENTIALS);
255 return opCLOSEAPP;
259 if (aSWITCHES[ swLOOKUP ].fPresent)
264 if (aSWITCHES[ swUSEEXISTING ].fPresent)
266 ULONG ulStatus;
267 TCHAR szDefCell[ cchNAME ];
269 if (aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].fPresent)
271 lstrcpy(szDefCell,aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].szValue);
273 else
275 AfsAppLib_GetLocalCell(szDefCell);
277 g.hCreds = AfsAppLib_GetCredentials(szDefCell,&ulStatus);
278 if (g.hCreds != NULL)
282 memset(lpocp,0x00,sizeof(OPENCELL_PACKET));
283 lstrcpy(lpocp->szCell,szDefCell);
284 lpocp->fCloseAppOnFail = TRUE;
285 lpocp->hCreds = g.hCreds;
286 lpocp->sub = NULL;
287 StartTask(taskOPENCELL,NULL,lpocp);
288 return opNOCELLDIALOG;
290 else
291 return opCLOSEAPP;
294 if (aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].fPresent)
297 memset (lpp, 0x00, sizeof(OPENCELL_PACKET));
299 lstrcpy (lpp->szCell, aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].szValue);
300 lpp->fCloseAppOnFail = TRUE;
302 if (aSWITCHES[ swSUBSET ].fPresent)
304 lpp->sub = Subsets_LoadSubset (lpp->szCell, aSWITCHES[ swSUBSET ].szValue);
305 if (lpp->sub == NULL)
307 Delete (lpp);
308 lpp = NULL;
310 CommandLineHelp (IDS_CMDLINE_INVALIDSUBSET, TEXT("%s%s"), aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].szValue, aSWITCHES[ swSUBSET ].szValue);
311 return opCLOSEAPP;
314 else if (aSWITCHES[ swSERVER ].fPresent)
316 lpp->sub = New (SUBSET);
317 memset (lpp->sub, 0x0, sizeof(SUBSET));
318 FormatMultiString (&lpp->sub->pszMonitored, TRUE, TEXT("%1"), TEXT("%s"), aSWITCHES[ swSERVER ].szValue);
321 StartTask (taskOPENCELL, NULL, lpp);
322 return opNOCELLDIALOG;
325 // Okay--nothing sufficiently special took place to prevent us
326 // from running the tool normally.
328 return opNORMAL;
332 void cdecl CommandLineHelp (int ids, LPTSTR pszFormat, ...)
334 va_list arg;
335 va_start (arg, pszFormat);
336 vMessage (MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND, IDS_CMDLINE_TITLE, ids, pszFormat, arg);