Update NEWS for 1.6.22
[pkg-k5-afs_openafs.git] / src / WINNT / client_exp / gui2fs.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
3 * All Rights Reserved.
5 * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public
6 * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source
7 * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html
8 */
10 #ifndef __GUI2FS_H__
11 #define __GUI2FS_H__
13 #include "volume_inf.h"
15 void Flush(const CStringArray& files);
16 void FlushVolume(const CStringArray& files);
17 void WSCellCmd();
18 void WhichCell(CStringArray& files);
19 BOOL CheckVolumes();
20 void SetCacheSize(LONG nNewCacheSize);
21 void WhereIs(CStringArray& files);
22 CString GetAfsError(int code, const TCHAR *filename = 0);
23 void CleanACL(CStringArray& names);
24 BOOL GetRights(const CString& strDir, CStringArray& strNormal, CStringArray& strNegative);
25 BOOL SaveACL(const CString& strCellName, const CString& strDir, const CStringArray& normal, const CStringArray& negative);
26 BOOL CopyACL(const CString& strToDir, const CStringArray& normal, const CStringArray& negative, BOOL bClear);
27 BOOL ListMount(CStringArray& files);
28 BOOL MakeMount(const CString& strDir, const CString& strVolName, const CString& strCellName, BOOL bRW);
29 BOOL RemoveMount(CStringArray& files);
30 BOOL RemoveSymlink(const CString& symlink);
31 BOOL GetVolumeInfo(CString strFile, CVolInfo& volInfo);
32 BOOL SetVolInfo(CVolInfo& volInfo);
34 BOOL CheckServers(const CString& strCellName, WHICH_CELLS nCellsToCheck, BOOL bFast);
35 BOOL GetTokenInfo(CStringArray& tokenInfo);
36 BOOL IsPathInAfs(const CString& strPath);
37 BOOL IsSymlink(const CString& name);
38 BOOL IsMountPoint(const CString& name);
39 UINT MakeSymbolicLink(const CString&,const CString&);
40 void ListSymbolicLinkPath(CString&,CString&,UINT nlenPath);
41 BOOL ListSymlink(CStringArray& files);
42 #endif //__GUI2FS_H__