LINUX: afs_create infinite fetchStatus loop
[pkg-k5-afs_openafs.git] / src / WINNT / license / main.cpp
1 /*
2 * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
3 * All Rights Reserved.
5 * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public
6 * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source
7 * directory or online at
8 */
10 #include <windows.h>
11 #include <stdio.h>
12 #include <stdlib.h>
13 #include "multistring.h"
15 #ifndef iswhite
16 #define iswhite(_ch) (((_ch)==' ') || ((_ch)=='\t'))
17 #endif
18 #ifndef iseol
19 #define iseol(_ch) (((_ch)=='\n') || ((_ch)=='\r'))
20 #endif
21 #ifndef iswhiteeol
22 #define iswhiteeol(_ch) (iswhite(_ch) || iseol(_ch))
23 #endif
25 namespace g
27 int CodePage;
31 LPTSTR EscapeSpecialCharacters (LPTSTR pachIn, size_t cchIn)
33 static LPTSTR pszOut = NULL;
34 static size_t cchOut = 0;
36 size_t cchReq = cchIn * 2 + 1;
37 if (pszOut && (cchOut < cchReq))
39 free(pszOut);
40 pszOut = NULL;
41 cchOut = 0;
44 if (!pszOut)
46 pszOut = (LPTSTR)malloc(cchReq);
47 cchOut = cchReq;
50 if (pszOut)
52 LPTSTR pchOut = pszOut;
54 for ( ; cchIn; --cchIn)
56 if (*pachIn == '}')
58 *pchOut++ = TEXT('\\');
59 *pchOut++ = TEXT('\'');
60 *pchOut++ = TEXT('7');
61 *pchOut++ = TEXT('D');
62 pachIn++;
64 else
66 if (strchr ("\\{", *pachIn))
67 *pchOut++ = TEXT('\\');
68 *pchOut++ = *pachIn++;
72 *pchOut = TEXT('\0');
75 return pszOut;
79 BOOL FormatFile (LPTSTR pszName, LPTSTR pszText)
81 // Find the appropriate output filename
83 TCHAR szName[ MAX_PATH ];
84 lstrcpy (szName, pszName);
86 LPTSTR pchSlash = NULL;
87 for (LPTSTR pch = szName; *pch; ++pch)
89 if (*pch == TEXT('\\'))
90 pchSlash = NULL;
91 else if (*pch == TEXT('.'))
92 pchSlash = pch;
94 if (pchSlash)
95 lstrcpy (pchSlash, TEXT(".rtf"));
96 else // (!pchSlash)
97 lstrcat (szName, TEXT(".rtf"));
99 // Open an output file handle
101 HANDLE hFile;
102 if ((hFile = CreateFile (szName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
104 printf ("failed to create %s; error %lu\n", szName, GetLastError());
105 return FALSE;
108 // Write the RTF prolog
110 char *pszPROLOG = "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\deftab720\\ansicpg%lu\n"
111 "{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}\\pard";
113 char szProlog[ 1024 ];
114 wsprintf (szProlog, pszPROLOG, g::CodePage);
116 DWORD dwWrote;
117 WriteFile (hFile, szProlog, lstrlen(szProlog), &dwWrote, NULL);
119 // Translate the file itself
121 BOOL fAllowCRLF = FALSE;
122 BOOL fInFormatted = FALSE;
123 size_t cFormatted = FALSE;
124 LPTSTR pchNext = NULL;
125 for (LPTSTR pchRead = pszText; pchRead && *pchRead; pchRead = pchNext)
127 while (iswhiteeol(*pchRead))
128 ++pchRead;
129 if (!*pchRead)
130 break;
132 if (*pchRead == '<')
134 pchNext = &pchRead[1];
135 while (*pchNext && (*pchNext != '>'))
136 ++pchNext;
137 if (*pchNext == '>')
138 ++pchNext;
140 // If this was a "<p>", write an EOL.
141 // If this was a "<d>", write paragraph-header formatting info.
142 // If this was a "<?>", write an EOL.
144 if (tolower(pchRead[1]) == '?')
146 if (fAllowCRLF)
147 WriteFile (hFile, "\r\n\\par ", lstrlen("\r\n\\par "), &dwWrote, NULL);
149 else if (tolower(pchRead[1]) == 'p')
151 if (fAllowCRLF)
152 WriteFile (hFile, "\r\n\\par \r\n\\par ", lstrlen("\r\n\\par \r\n\\par "), &dwWrote, NULL);
153 if (fInFormatted)
155 char *pszPLAIN = "\\plain\\fs20 ";
156 WriteFile (hFile, pszPLAIN, lstrlen(pszPLAIN), &dwWrote, NULL);
158 fInFormatted = FALSE;
160 else if (tolower(pchRead[1]) == 'd')
162 if (fAllowCRLF)
163 WriteFile (hFile, "\r\n\\par \r\n\\par ", lstrlen("\r\n\\par \r\n\\par "), &dwWrote, NULL);
165 char *pszWrite;
166 if ((++cFormatted) <= 2)
167 pszWrite = "\\plain\\fs28\\b ";
168 else // (cFormatted > 2)
169 pszWrite = "\\plain\\fs24\\b ";
171 WriteFile (hFile, pszWrite, lstrlen(pszWrite), &dwWrote, NULL);
173 fInFormatted = TRUE;
176 else // (*pchRead != '<')
178 pchNext = &pchRead[1];
179 while (*pchNext && (*pchNext != '<') && !iseol(*pchNext))
180 ++pchNext;
182 LPTSTR pszEscaped;
183 if ((pszEscaped = EscapeSpecialCharacters (pchRead, pchNext - pchRead)) == NULL)
184 break;
186 WriteFile (hFile, pszEscaped, lstrlen(pszEscaped), &dwWrote, NULL);
187 fAllowCRLF = TRUE;
191 // Write the RTF trailer
193 char *pszTRAILER = "\\par }";
195 WriteFile (hFile, pszTRAILER, lstrlen(pszTRAILER), &dwWrote, NULL);
197 SetEndOfFile (hFile);
198 CloseHandle (hFile);
199 return TRUE;
203 BOOL TranslateFile (LPTSTR psz)
205 BOOL rc = TRUE;
207 // First open the file and read it into memory.
209 HANDLE hFile;
210 if ((hFile = CreateFile (psz, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
212 printf ("failed to open %s; error %lu\n", psz, GetLastError());
213 return FALSE;
216 DWORD cbSource;
217 if ((cbSource = GetFileSize (hFile, NULL)) != 0)
219 LPTSTR abSource = (LPTSTR)malloc(cbSource + 4);
220 memset(abSource, 0x00, cbSource + 4);
222 DWORD dwRead;
223 if (!ReadFile (hFile, abSource, cbSource, &dwRead, NULL) || cbSource != dwRead)
225 printf ("failed to read %s; error %lu\n", psz, GetLastError());
226 rc = FALSE;
228 else
230 DWORD cbTarget = cbSource * 4;
231 LPSTR abTarget = (LPSTR)malloc(cbTarget);
232 memset (abTarget, 0x00, cbTarget);
234 BOOL fDefault = FALSE;
235 WideCharToMultiByte (g::CodePage, 0, (LPCWSTR)abSource, -1, abTarget, cbTarget, TEXT(" "), &fDefault);
237 rc = FormatFile (psz, abTarget);
239 free(abTarget);
242 free(abSource);
245 CloseHandle (hFile);
246 return rc;
250 LPTSTR FindFullPath (LPTSTR pszFormat, LPTSTR pszBaseName)
252 static TCHAR szOut[ MAX_PATH ];
253 lstrcpy (szOut, pszFormat);
255 LPTSTR pchSlash = NULL;
256 for (LPTSTR pch = szOut; *pch; ++pch)
257 if ((*pch == TEXT('\\')) || (*pch == TEXT('/')))
258 pchSlash = pch;
259 if (pchSlash)
260 lstrcpy (pchSlash, TEXT("\\"));
261 else
262 szOut[0] = TEXT('\0');
263 lstrcat (szOut, pszBaseName);
264 return szOut;
268 void main (int argc, char **argv)
270 int cFilesRequested = 0;
272 g::CodePage = CP_ACP;
274 for (--argc,++argv; argc; --argc,++argv)
276 if ((argv[0][0] == '-') || (argv[0][0] == '/'))
278 g::CodePage = atol(&argv[0][1]);
280 else // ((argv[0][0] != '-') && (argv[0][0] != '/'))
282 WIN32_FIND_DATA Data;
284 HANDLE hFind;
285 if ((hFind = FindFirstFile (argv[0], &Data)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
287 printf ("file %s not found\n", argv[0]);
289 else
291 LPTSTR pszNames = NULL;
293 do {
294 if (!(Data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
295 mstrcat (&pszNames, TEXT('\0'), FindFullPath (argv[0], Data.cFileName));
296 } while (FindNextFile (hFind, &Data));
298 FindClose (hFind);
300 if (pszNames)
302 for (LPTSTR psz = pszNames; psz && *psz; psz += 1+lstrlen(psz))
304 printf ("translating %s into rtf...\n", psz);
305 TranslateFile (psz);
307 mstrfree (pszNames);
311 cFilesRequested++;
315 if (!cFilesRequested)
317 printf ("format : sgml2rtf filename {...}\r\n\r\n");
320 exit(0);