Initial packaging
[pkg-ocaml-deriving-ocsigen.git] / lib /
1 (* Copyright Jeremy Yallop 2007.
2 This file is free software, distributed under the MIT license.
3 See the file COPYING for details.
4 *)
6 module Deriving_Show =
7 struct
8 (** Show **)
9 module type Show = sig
10 type a
11 val format : Format.formatter -> a -> unit
12 val format_list : Format.formatter -> a list -> unit
13 val show : a -> string
14 val show_list : a list -> string
15 end
17 module type SimpleFormatter =
18 sig
19 type a
20 val format : Format.formatter -> a -> unit
21 end
23 module ShowFormatterDefault (S : SimpleFormatter) =
24 struct
25 include S
26 let format_list formatter items =
27 let rec writeItems formatter = function
28 | [] -> ()
29 | [x] -> S.format formatter x;
30 | x :: xs -> Format.fprintf formatter "%a;@;%a" S.format x writeItems xs
31 in
32 Format.fprintf formatter "@[<hov 1>[%a]@]" writeItems items
33 end
35 module ShowDefaults'
36 (S : (sig
37 type a
38 val format : Format.formatter -> a -> unit
39 val format_list : Format.formatter -> a list -> unit
40 end)) : Show with type a = S.a =
41 struct
42 include S
43 let showFormatted f item =
44 let b = Buffer.create 16 in
45 let formatter = Format.formatter_of_buffer b in
46 Format.fprintf formatter "@[<hov 0>%a@]@?" f item;
47 Buffer.sub b 0 (Buffer.length b)
49 (* Warning: do not eta-reduce either of the following *)
50 let show item = showFormatted S.format item
51 let show_list items = showFormatted S.format_list items
52 end
54 module Defaults (S : SimpleFormatter) : Show with type a = S.a =
55 ShowDefaults' (ShowFormatterDefault (S))
57 module Show_unprintable (S : sig type a end) (*: Show with type a = S.a *) =
58 Defaults (struct
59 type a = S.a
60 let format formatter _ = Format.pp_print_string formatter "..."
61 end)
63 (* instance Show a => Show [a] *)
64 module Show_list (S : Show) : Show with type a = S.a list =
65 Defaults (struct
66 type a = S.a list
67 let format = S.format_list
68 end)
70 (* instance Show a => Show (a option) *)
71 module Show_option (S : Show) : Show with type a = S.a option =
72 Defaults (struct
73 type a = S.a option
74 let format formatter = function
75 | None -> Format.fprintf formatter "@[None@]"
76 | Some s -> Format.fprintf formatter "@[Some@;<1 2>(%a)@]" S.format s
77 end)
79 (* instance Show a => Show (a array) *)
80 module Show_array (S : Show) : Show with type a = S.a array =
81 Defaults (struct
82 type a = S.a array
83 let format formatter obj =
84 let writeItems formatter items =
85 let length = Array.length items in
86 for i = 0 to length - 2 do
87 Format.fprintf formatter "@[%a;@;@]" S.format (Array.get items i)
88 done;
89 if length <> 0 then
90 S.format formatter (Array.get items (length -1));
91 in
92 Format.fprintf formatter "@[[|%a|]@]" writeItems obj
93 end)
95 module Show_map
96 (O : Map.OrderedType)
97 (K : Show with type a = O.t)
98 (V : Show)
99 : Show with type a = V.a Map.Make(O).t =
100 Defaults(
101 struct
102 module M = Map.Make(O)
103 type a = V.a M.t
104 let format formatter map =
105 Format.pp_open_box formatter 0;
106 Format.pp_print_string formatter "{";
107 M.iter (fun key value ->
108 Format.pp_open_box formatter 0;
109 K.format formatter key;
110 Format.pp_print_string formatter " => ";
111 V.format formatter value;
112 Format.pp_close_box formatter ();
113 ) map;
114 Format.pp_print_string formatter "}";
115 Format.pp_close_box formatter ();
117 end)
119 module Show_set
120 (O : Set.OrderedType)
121 (K : Show with type a = O.t)
122 : Show with type a = Set.Make(O).t =
123 Defaults(
124 struct
125 module S = Set.Make(O)
126 type a = S.t
127 let format formatter set =
128 Format.pp_open_box formatter 0;
129 Format.pp_print_string formatter "{";
130 S.iter (fun elt ->
131 Format.pp_open_box formatter 0;
132 K.format formatter elt;
133 Format.pp_close_box formatter ();
134 ) set;
135 Format.pp_print_string formatter "}";
136 Format.pp_close_box formatter ();
137 end)
139 module Show_bool = Defaults (struct
140 type a = bool
141 let format formatter item =
142 match item with
143 | true -> Format.pp_print_string formatter "true"
144 | false -> Format.pp_print_string formatter "false"
145 end)
147 module Show_integer (S : sig type t val to_string : t -> string end) = Defaults (struct
148 type a = S.t
149 let format formatter item = Format.pp_print_string formatter (S.to_string item)
150 end)
152 module Show_int32 = Show_integer(Int32)
153 module Show_int64 = Show_integer(Int64)
154 module Show_nativeint = Show_integer(Nativeint)
156 module Show_char = Defaults (struct
157 type a = char
158 let format formatter item = Format.pp_print_string formatter ("'" ^ Char.escaped item ^ "'")
159 end)
161 module Show_int = Defaults (struct
162 type a = int
163 let format formatter item = Format.pp_print_string formatter (string_of_int item)
164 end)
166 module Show_num = Defaults (struct
167 type a = Num.num
168 let format formatter item = Format.pp_print_string formatter (Num.string_of_num item)
169 end)
171 module Show_float = Defaults(struct
172 type a = float
173 let format formatter item = Format.pp_print_string formatter (string_of_float item)
174 end)
176 module Show_string = Defaults (struct
177 type a = string
178 let format formatter item =
179 Format.pp_print_char formatter '"';
180 Format.pp_print_string formatter (String.escaped item);
181 Format.pp_print_char formatter '"'
182 end)
184 module Show_unit = Defaults(struct
185 type a = unit
186 let format formatter () = Format.pp_print_string formatter "()"
187 end)
190 include Deriving_Show
192 type open_flag = Pervasives.open_flag =
193 | Open_rdonly
194 | Open_wronly
195 | Open_append
196 | Open_creat
197 | Open_trunc
198 | Open_excl
199 | Open_binary
200 | Open_text
201 | Open_nonblock
202 deriving (Show)
204 type fpclass = Pervasives.fpclass =
205 | FP_normal
206 | FP_subnormal
207 | FP_zero
208 | FP_infinite
209 | FP_nan
210 deriving (Show)
212 type 'a ref = 'a Pervasives.ref = { mutable contents : 'a; }
213 deriving (Show)