Initial packaging
[pkg-ocaml-deriving-ocsigen.git] / lib /
1 (* Copyright Jeremy Yallop 2007.
2 This file is free software, distributed under the MIT license.
3 See the file COPYING for details.
4 *)
6 (** A type is viewed as the application of type constructors to zero
7 or more type arguments. We provide equality and ordering
8 operations on types. The ordering is unspecified, but consistent
9 within a process, i.e. sufficient for use in Map etc.
11 This might be considered to break abstraction, since it exposes
12 the fact that two types are the same, even if that fact has been
13 hidden by type abstraction (modules etc.). This is considered a
14 good thing, since it assists with the intended use, which is to
15 maximise value sharing.
18 module TypeRep :
19 sig
20 type t
21 type delayed = unit -> t
22 val compare : t -> t -> int
23 val eq : t -> t -> bool
24 val mkFresh : string -> delayed list -> delayed
25 val mkTuple : delayed list -> delayed
26 val mkPolyv : (string * delayed option) list -> delayed list -> delayed
27 end =
28 struct
29 module StringMap = Map.Make(Deriving_interned)
30 module IntMap = Map.Make(struct type t = int let compare = end)
31 module StringSet = Set.Make(Deriving_interned)
33 let counter = ref 0
34 let fresh () =
35 let c = !counter in
36 incr counter;
38 type t =
39 [`Variant of (delayed option StringMap.t)
40 |`Gen of Deriving_interned.t * delayed list ] * int
42 and delayed = unit -> t
44 let make_fresh row : t =
45 (* Just allocate a pointer for now. Dereference the row later *)
46 `Variant row, fresh ()
48 module EqualMap =
49 struct
50 type map = int list IntMap.t
51 let equalp : map -> int -> int -> bool
52 = fun map l r ->
53 try List.mem r (IntMap.find l map)
54 with Not_found -> false
56 let record_equality : map -> int -> int -> map =
57 fun map l r ->
58 let add map l r =
59 try
60 let vals = IntMap.find l map
61 in IntMap.add l (r::vals) map
62 with Not_found ->
63 IntMap.add l [r] map
64 in add (add map l r) r l
65 end
67 let keys : 'a StringMap.t -> StringSet.t =
68 fun m ->
69 StringMap.fold (fun k _ set -> StringSet.add k set) m StringSet.empty
71 let rec equal : -> t -> t -> bool
72 = fun equalmap (l,lid) (r,rid) ->
73 if lid = rid then true
74 else if EqualMap.equalp equalmap lid rid then true
75 else match l, r with
76 | `Variant lrow, `Variant rrow ->
77 (* distinct types. assume they're equal for now; record
78 that fact in the map, then look inside the types for
79 evidence to the contrary *)
80 equal_rows (EqualMap.record_equality equalmap lid rid) lrow rrow
81 | `Gen (lname, ls), `Gen (rname, rs) when Deriving_interned.eq lname rname ->
82 List.for_all2 (fun l r -> equal equalmap (l ()) (r ())) ls rs
83 | _ -> false
84 and equal_rows equalmap lfields rfields =
85 equal_names lfields rfields
86 && StringMap.fold
87 (fun name t eq ->
88 let t' = StringMap.find name rfields in
89 match t, t' with
90 | None, None -> eq
91 | Some t, Some t' ->
92 equal equalmap (t ()) (t' ()) && eq
93 | _ -> false)
94 lfields
95 true
96 and equal_names lmap rmap =
97 StringSet.equal (keys lmap) (keys rmap)
99 let mkFresh name args =
100 let t : t = `Gen (Deriving_interned.intern name, args), fresh () in
101 fun () -> t
103 let mkTuple args =
104 mkFresh (string_of_int (List.length args)) args
106 let mkPolyv (args : (string * delayed option) list) (extends : delayed list) : delayed =
107 (* assume all extensions have to be completely known types at this
108 point *)
109 let initial =
110 List.fold_left
111 (fun map extension ->
112 match fst (extension ()) with
113 | `Variant map' ->
114 StringMap.fold StringMap.add map map'
115 | `Gen _ -> assert false)
116 StringMap.empty
117 extends
119 let row =
120 List.fold_left
121 (fun map (name, t) ->
122 StringMap.add (Deriving_interned.intern name) t map)
123 initial
124 args in
125 let fresh = make_fresh row in
126 fun () -> fresh
127 let eq = equal IntMap.empty
129 let rec compare recargs (lrep,lid as l) (rrep,rid as r) =
130 if eq l r then 0
131 else if EqualMap.equalp recargs lid rid then 0
132 else match lrep, rrep with
133 | `Gen (lname, ls), `Gen (rname, rs) ->
134 begin match lname rname with
135 | 0 ->
136 begin match (List.length ls) (List.length rs) with
137 | 0 ->
138 List.fold_left2
139 (fun cmp l r ->
140 if cmp <> 0 then cmp
141 else compare recargs (l ()) (r ()))
142 0 ls rs
143 | n -> n
145 | n -> n
147 | `Variant lrow, `Variant rrow ->
148 compare_rows (EqualMap.record_equality recargs lid rid) lrow rrow
149 | `Variant _, `Gen _ -> -1
150 | `Gen _, `Variant _ -> 1
151 and compare_rows recargs lrow rrow =
152 match (keys lrow) (keys rrow) with
153 | 0 ->
154 (fun l r -> match l, r with
155 | None, None -> 0
156 | Some l, Some r -> compare recargs (l ()) (r ())
157 | None, Some _ -> -1
158 | Some _, None -> 1) lrow rrow
159 | n -> n
161 let compare = compare IntMap.empty
164 (* Dynamic types *)
165 type dynamic = Obj.t * TypeRep.t
166 let tagOf (_, tag) = tag
167 let untag (obj, tag) target =
168 if TypeRep.eq tag target
169 then Some obj
170 else None
172 (* Signature for type representations *)
173 module type Typeable =
175 type a
176 val type_rep : unit -> TypeRep.t
177 val has_type : dynamic -> bool
178 val cast : dynamic -> a option
179 val throwing_cast : dynamic -> a
180 val make_dynamic : a -> dynamic
181 val mk : a -> dynamic
184 exception CastFailure of string
186 module Defaults (T : (sig
187 type a
188 val type_rep : unit -> TypeRep.t
189 end))
190 : Typeable with type a = T.a =
191 struct
192 include T
193 let has_type o = tagOf o = type_rep ()
194 let cast d =
195 match untag d (type_rep ()) with
196 | Some c -> Some (Obj.obj c)
197 | None -> None
198 let make_dynamic o = (Obj.repr o, type_rep ())
199 let mk = make_dynamic
200 let throwing_cast d =
201 match cast d with
202 | None -> (*raise (CastFailure ("cast from type "^
203 (tagOf d) ^" to type "^
204 (T.type_rep ()) ^" failed"))*)
205 raise (CastFailure "cast failed")
206 | Some s -> s
209 module Typeable_list (A:Typeable) : Typeable with type a = A.a list =
210 Defaults(struct type a = A.a list
211 let type_rep = TypeRep.mkFresh "Primitive.list" [A.type_rep]
212 end)
214 module Typeable_option (A:Typeable) : Typeable with type a = A.a option =
215 Defaults(struct type a = A.a option
216 let type_rep = TypeRep.mkFresh "Primitive.option" [A.type_rep]
217 end)
219 module Primitive_typeable (T : sig type t val magic : string end) : Typeable with type a = T.t =
220 Defaults(struct type a = T.t
221 let type_rep = TypeRep.mkFresh T.magic []
222 end)
223 module Typeable_unit = Primitive_typeable(struct type t = unit let magic = "Primitive.unit" end)
224 module Typeable_int = Primitive_typeable(struct type t = int let magic = "" end)
225 module Typeable_num = Primitive_typeable(struct type t = Num.num let magic = "Primitive.Num.num" end)
226 module Typeable_float = Primitive_typeable(struct type t = float let magic = "Primitive.float" end)
227 module Typeable_bool = Primitive_typeable(struct type t = bool let magic = "Primitive.bool" end)
228 module Typeable_string = Primitive_typeable(struct type t = string let magic = "Primitive.string" end)
229 module Typeable_char = Primitive_typeable(struct type t = char let magic = "Primitive.char" end)
230 module Typeable_int32 = Primitive_typeable(struct type t = int32 let magic = "Primitive.int32" end)
231 module Typeable_int64 = Primitive_typeable(struct type t = int64 let magic = "Primitive.int64" end)
232 module Typeable_nativeint = Primitive_typeable(struct type t = nativeint let magic = "Primitive.nativeint" end)
234 module Typeable_ref(A : Typeable) : Typeable with type a = A.a ref =
235 Defaults(struct type a = A.a ref
236 let type_rep = TypeRep.mkFresh "Primitive.ref" [A.type_rep]
237 end)