Imported Upstream version 2.0.1
[pkg-ocaml-eliom.git] / src / common /
1 (* Ocsigen
2 *
3 * Module Eliom_mkforms
4 * Copyright (C) 2007 Vincent Balat
6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8 * the Free Software Foundation, with linking exception;
9 * either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
21 open Eliom_pervasives
23 open Lwt
24 open Eliom_parameters
25 open Eliom_services
26 open Eliom_uri
28 module type FORMS_PARAM = "sigs/eliom_forms_param.mli"
30 module MakeForms(Pages : FORMS_PARAM) = struct
32 (** Functions to construct web pages: *)
34 let make_proto_prefix = make_proto_prefix
36 let make_string_uri = make_string_uri
38 let make_uri_components = make_uri_components
40 let make_post_uri_components = make_post_uri_components
42 let make_uri
43 ?absolute
44 ?absolute_path
45 ?https ~service ?hostname ?port ?fragment
46 ?keep_nl_params ?nl_params gp =
47 Pages.uri_of_string (make_string_uri
48 ?absolute ?absolute_path
49 ?https ?fragment ~service
50 ?hostname ?port ?keep_nl_params ?nl_params gp)
53 let a ?absolute ?absolute_path ?https ?a ~service ?hostname ?port ?fragment
54 ?keep_nl_params ?nl_params ?no_appl content getparams =
55 let href =
56 Eliom_lazy.from_fun
57 (fun () ->
58 Pages.uri_of_string
59 (make_string_uri
60 ?absolute ?absolute_path ?https ~service ?hostname ?port ?fragment
61 ?keep_nl_params ?nl_params getparams))
63 Pages.make_a ?a ~href content
65 let get_form_
66 bind return
67 ?absolute ?absolute_path ?https ?a ~service ?hostname ?port ?fragment
68 ?(nl_params = Eliom_parameters.empty_nl_params_set) ?keep_nl_params
69 f =
71 let getparamstype = get_get_params_type_ service in
72 let issuffix, paramnames = make_params_names getparamstype in
74 let components =
75 Eliom_lazy.from_fun
76 (fun () ->
77 make_uri_components_
78 ?absolute ?absolute_path ?https ~service ?hostname ?port ?fragment
79 ~nl_params ?keep_nl_params
80 () )
83 let uri =
84 Eliom_lazy.from_fun
85 (fun () ->
86 let (uri, hiddenparams, fragment) = Eliom_lazy.force components in
87 let uri =
88 if issuffix then
89 if uri.[String.length uri - 1] = '/'
90 then uri^Eliom_common.eliom_nosuffix_page
91 else String.concat "/" [uri; Eliom_common.eliom_nosuffix_page]
92 else uri
94 let uri =
95 match fragment with
96 | None -> uri
97 | Some f -> String.concat "#" [uri; Url.encode f]
99 Pages.uri_of_string uri)
102 bind (f paramnames)
103 (fun inside ->
104 let inside =
105 Eliom_lazy.from_fun
106 (fun () ->
107 let (uri, hiddenparams, fragment) = Eliom_lazy.force components in
108 List.fold_left
109 (fun s (n,v) ->
110 Pages.cons_form
111 (Pages.make_hidden_field
112 (Some (Pages.make_input
113 ~typ:Pages.hidden
114 ~name:n ~value:v ())))
117 inside
118 hiddenparams)
120 return (Pages.make_get_form ?a ~action:uri inside))
122 let get_form
123 ?absolute ?absolute_path ?https ?a ~service ?hostname ?port ?fragment
124 ?keep_nl_params ?nl_params ?no_appl f =
125 get_form_
126 (fun x f -> f x) (fun x -> x)
127 ?absolute ?absolute_path
128 ?https ?a ~service ?keep_nl_params
129 ?nl_params ?hostname ?port ?fragment f
131 let lwt_get_form
132 ?absolute ?absolute_path ?https ?a ~service ?hostname ?port ?fragment
133 ?keep_nl_params ?nl_params ?no_appl f =
134 get_form_
135 Lwt.bind Lwt.return
136 ?absolute ?absolute_path ?https ?a ~service ?hostname ?port ?fragment
137 ?nl_params ?keep_nl_params f
139 let post_form_
140 bind return
141 ?absolute ?absolute_path ?https ?a ~service ?hostname ?port ?fragment
142 ?(nl_params = Eliom_parameters.empty_nl_params_set)
143 ?(keep_nl_params : [ `All | `Persistent | `None ] option)
144 ?keep_get_na_params
145 f getparams =
147 let getparamstype = get_post_params_type_ service in
148 let _, paramnames = make_params_names getparamstype in
150 let components =
151 Eliom_lazy.from_fun
152 (fun () ->
153 make_post_uri_components_
154 ?absolute ?absolute_path ?https ~service ?hostname ?port ?fragment
155 ?keep_nl_params ~nl_params ?keep_get_na_params
156 getparams
160 bind (f paramnames)
161 (fun inside ->
162 let inside =
163 Eliom_lazy.from_fun
164 (fun () ->
165 let (uri, getparams, fragment, hiddenparams) =
166 Eliom_lazy.force components in
167 List.fold_left
168 (fun s (n,v) ->
169 Pages.cons_form
170 (Pages.make_hidden_field
171 (Some (Pages.make_input
172 ~typ:Pages.hidden
173 ~name:n ~value:v ())))
176 inside
177 hiddenparams) in
178 let uri =
179 Eliom_lazy.from_fun
180 (fun () ->
181 let (uri, getparams, fragment, hiddenparams) =
182 Eliom_lazy.force components in
183 Pages.uri_of_string (make_string_uri_from_components (uri, getparams, fragment)))
185 return (Pages.make_post_form ?a ~action:uri inside))
187 let post_form
188 ?absolute ?absolute_path ?https ?a ~service ?hostname ?port ?fragment
189 ?keep_nl_params ?keep_get_na_params ?nl_params ?no_appl f getparams =
190 post_form_
191 (fun x f -> f x) (fun x -> x)
192 ?absolute ?absolute_path ?https ?a ~service ?hostname ?port
193 ?fragment ?keep_get_na_params
194 ?keep_nl_params ?nl_params
195 f getparams
197 let lwt_post_form
198 ?absolute ?absolute_path ?https ?a ~service ?hostname ?port ?fragment
199 ?keep_nl_params ?keep_get_na_params
200 ?nl_params
201 ?no_appl f getparams =
202 post_form_ Lwt.bind Lwt.return
203 ?absolute ?absolute_path
204 ?https ?a ~service ?hostname ?port
205 ?fragment ?keep_get_na_params ?keep_nl_params ?nl_params
206 f getparams
208 let js_script = Pages.make_js_script
209 let css_link = Pages.make_css_link
211 let gen_input ?a ~(input_type: Pages.input_type_t)
212 ?value ?src
213 ?name (string_of : 'a -> string) =
214 let name = match name with
215 | None -> None
216 | Some n -> Some (string_of_param_name n)
218 (match value with
219 | None ->
220 Pages.make_input ?a ~typ:input_type ?name ?src ()
221 | Some v ->
222 Pages.make_input
224 ~value:(string_of v)
225 ~typ:input_type
226 ?src
227 ?name
230 let int_input ?a ~input_type
231 ?name ?value () =
232 gen_input ?a ~input_type ?value ?name string_of_int
234 let int32_input ?a ~input_type
235 ?name ?value () =
236 gen_input ?a ~input_type ?value ?name Int32.to_string
238 let int64_input ?a ~input_type
239 ?name ?value () =
240 gen_input ?a ~input_type ?value ?name Int64.to_string
242 let float_input ?a ~input_type
243 ?name ?value () =
244 gen_input ?a ~input_type ?value ?name string_of_float
246 let string_input ?a ~input_type
247 ?name ?value () =
248 gen_input ?a ~input_type ?value ?name id
250 let user_type_input string_of ?a ~input_type
251 ?name ?value () =
252 gen_input ?a ~input_type ?value ?name string_of
254 let raw_input ?a ~input_type ?name ?value () =
255 (match value with
256 | None ->
257 Pages.make_input ?a ~typ:input_type ?name ()
258 | Some v ->
259 Pages.make_input
261 ~value:v
262 ~typ:input_type
263 ?name
266 let file_input ?a ~name () =
267 Pages.make_input ?a ~typ:Pages.file ~name:(string_of_param_name name) ()
268 (* value attribute not supported by browsers for security reasons *)
270 let image_input ?a ~name ?src () =
271 Pages.make_input
272 ?a ~typ:Pages.image
273 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) ?src ()
274 (* The behaviour of <input type="image"> without name attribute
275 depends on browsers *)
277 let int_image_input ?a ~name ~value ?src () =
278 gen_input ?a ~input_type:Pages.image ~name
279 ~value ?src string_of_int
281 let int32_image_input ?a ~name ~value ?src () =
282 gen_input ?a ~input_type:Pages.image ~name
283 ~value ?src Int32.to_string
285 let int64_image_input ?a ~name ~value ?src () =
286 gen_input ?a ~input_type:Pages.image ~name
287 ~value ?src Int64.to_string
289 let float_image_input ?a ~name ~value ?src () =
290 gen_input ?a ~input_type:Pages.image ~name
291 ~value ?src string_of_float
293 let string_image_input ?a ~name ~value ?src () =
294 gen_input ?a ~input_type:Pages.image ~name
295 ~value ?src id
297 let user_type_image_input string_of ?a ~name ~value ?src () =
298 gen_input ?a ~input_type:Pages.image ~name
299 ~value ?src string_of
301 let raw_image_input ?a ~(name : string) ~value ?src () =
302 Pages.make_input
304 ~value
305 ~typ:Pages.image
306 ?src
307 ~name
310 let bool_checkbox ?a ?checked ~name () =
311 Pages.make_input ?a ?checked ~typ:Pages.checkbox
312 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) ()
314 let int_checkbox ?a ?checked ~name ~value () =
315 Pages.make_input ?a ?checked ~typ:Pages.checkbox
316 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) ~value:(string_of_int value) ()
318 let int32_checkbox ?a ?checked ~name ~value () =
319 Pages.make_input ?a ?checked ~typ:Pages.checkbox
320 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) ~value:(Int32.to_string value) ()
322 let int64_checkbox ?a ?checked ~name ~value () =
323 Pages.make_input ?a ?checked ~typ:Pages.checkbox
324 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) ~value:(Int64.to_string value) ()
326 let float_checkbox ?a ?checked ~name ~value () =
327 Pages.make_input ?a ?checked ~typ:Pages.checkbox
328 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) ~value:(string_of_float value) ()
330 let string_checkbox ?a ?checked ~name ~value () =
331 Pages.make_input ?a ?checked ~typ:Pages.checkbox
332 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) ~value ()
334 let user_type_checkbox string_of ?a ?checked ~name ~value () =
335 Pages.make_input ?a ?checked ~typ:Pages.checkbox
336 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) ~value:(string_of value) ()
338 let raw_checkbox ?a ?checked ~name ~value () =
339 Pages.make_input ?a ?checked ~typ:Pages.checkbox
340 ~name:name ~value ()
343 let string_radio ?a ?checked ~name ~value () =
344 Pages.make_input
345 ?a ?checked
346 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) ~value ()
348 let int_radio ?a ?checked ~name ~value () =
349 Pages.make_input
350 ?a ?checked
351 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) ~value:(string_of_int value) ()
353 let int32_radio ?a ?checked ~name ~value () =
354 Pages.make_input
355 ?a ?checked
356 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) ~value:(Int32.to_string value) ()
358 let int64_radio ?a ?checked ~name ~value () =
359 Pages.make_input
360 ?a ?checked
361 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) ~value:(Int64.to_string value) ()
363 let float_radio ?a ?checked ~name ~value () =
364 Pages.make_input
365 ?a ?checked
366 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) ~value:(string_of_float value) ()
368 let user_type_radio string_of ?a ?checked ~name ~value () =
369 Pages.make_input
370 ?a ?checked
371 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) ~value:(string_of value) ()
373 let raw_radio ?a ?checked ~(name : string) ~value () =
374 Pages.make_input
375 ?a ?checked
376 ~name:name ~value:value ()
378 let string_button ?a ~name ~value c =
379 Pages.make_button ?a ~button_type:Pages.buttonsubmit
380 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) ~value c
382 let int_button ?a ~name ~value c =
383 Pages.make_button ?a ~button_type:Pages.buttonsubmit
384 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) ~value:(string_of_int value) c
386 let int32_button ?a ~name ~value c =
387 Pages.make_button ?a ~button_type:Pages.buttonsubmit
388 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) ~value:(Int32.to_string value) c
390 let int64_button ?a ~name ~value c =
391 Pages.make_button ?a ~button_type:Pages.buttonsubmit
392 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) ~value:(Int64.to_string value) c
394 let float_button ?a ~name ~value c =
395 Pages.make_button ?a ~button_type:Pages.buttonsubmit
396 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) ~value:(string_of_float value) c
398 let user_type_button string_of ?a ~name ~value c =
399 Pages.make_button ?a ~button_type:Pages.buttonsubmit
400 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) ~value:(string_of value) c
402 let raw_button ?a ~button_type ~name ~value c =
403 Pages.make_button ?a ~button_type ~name ~value c
405 let button ?a ~button_type c =
406 Pages.make_button ?a ~button_type c
409 let textarea ?a ~name =
410 Pages.make_textarea ?a ~name:(string_of_param_name name)
412 let raw_textarea ?a ~name =
413 Pages.make_textarea ?a ~name
417 type 'a soption =
418 Pages.option_attrib_t
419 * 'a (* Content (or value if the following is present) *)
420 * Pages.pcdata_elt option (* if content different from value *)
421 * bool (* selected *)
423 type 'a select_opt =
424 | Optgroup of
425 Pages.optgroup_attrib_t
426 * string (* label *)
427 * 'a soption
428 * 'a soption list
429 | Option of 'a soption
431 let gen_select ?a ?(multiple=false) ~name
432 (fl : 'a select_opt) (ol : 'a select_opt list) string_of =
435 let normalize_selected l =
436 (* We change the list of option to have exactly one selected item.
437 We do this because the behaviour of browsers differs.
438 We select the first one if nothing is selected.
439 We select the first selected if several are selected.
440 Thus all browsers will behave the same way.
442 let aux1 trouve ((a, b, c, selected) as line) =
443 if trouve
444 then ((a, b, c, false), true)
445 else if selected
446 then (line, true)
447 else (line, false)
449 let rec aux2 trouve = function
450 | line::l ->
451 let (line, trouve) = aux1 trouve line in
452 let (l, trouve) = aux2 trouve l in
453 (line::l, trouve)
454 | [] -> ([], trouve)
456 let rec aux trouve = function
457 | (Option line)::l ->
458 let (line, trouve) = aux1 trouve line in
459 let (l, trouve) = aux trouve l in
460 ((Option line)::l, trouve)
461 | (Optgroup (a, b, fl, ol))::l ->
462 let (fl, trouve) = aux1 trouve fl in
463 let (ol, trouve) = aux2 trouve ol in
464 let (l, trouve) = aux trouve l in
465 ((Optgroup (a, b, fl, ol))::l, trouve)
466 | [] -> ([], trouve)
468 let select_first = function
469 | Option (a, b, c, _) -> Option (a, b, c, true)
470 | Optgroup (a, b, (c, d, e, _), ol) ->
471 Optgroup (a, b, (c, d, e, true), ol)
473 let (newl, trouve) = aux false l in
474 if trouve
475 then ((List.hd newl), ( newl))
476 else
477 let first = List.hd newl in
478 (* We select the first one by default *)
479 ((select_first first), ( newl))
483 let (fl, ol) =
484 if multiple
485 then (fl, ol)
486 else normalize_selected (fl::ol)
488 let make_opt (a, cv, co, sel) =
489 (match co with
490 | None -> Pages.make_option ~a ~selected:sel
491 (Pages.make_pcdata (string_of cv))
492 | Some c -> Pages.make_option ~a ~selected:sel
493 ~value:(string_of cv) c)
495 let rec make_optg = function
496 | Option o -> Pages.select_content_of_option (make_opt o)
497 | Optgroup (a, label, og1, ogl) ->
498 Pages.make_optgroup
499 ~a ~label (make_opt og1) (Pages.map_option make_opt ogl)
501 let fl2,ol2 = Pages.map_optgroup make_optg fl ol in
502 Pages.make_select ?a ~multiple ~name fl2 ol2
504 let raw_select ?a ~(name : string)
505 (fl : string select_opt) (ol : string select_opt list) =
506 gen_select ?a ~multiple:false ~name fl ol id
508 let int_select ?a ~name
509 (fl : int select_opt) (ol : int select_opt list) =
510 gen_select ?a ~multiple:false
511 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) fl ol string_of_int
513 let int32_select ?a ~name
514 (fl : int32 select_opt) (ol : int32 select_opt list) =
515 gen_select ?a ~multiple:false
516 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) fl ol Int32.to_string
518 let int64_select ?a ~name
519 (fl : int64 select_opt) (ol : int64 select_opt list) =
520 gen_select ?a ~multiple:false
521 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) fl ol Int64.to_string
523 let float_select ?a ~name
524 (fl : float select_opt) (ol : float select_opt list) =
525 gen_select ?a ~multiple:false
526 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) fl ol string_of_float
528 let string_select ?a ~name
529 (fl : string select_opt) (ol : string select_opt list) =
530 gen_select ?a ~multiple:false
531 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) fl ol id
533 let user_type_select string_of ?a ~name (fl : 'a select_opt)
534 (ol : 'a select_opt list) =
535 gen_select ?a ~multiple:false
536 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) fl ol string_of
538 let raw_multiple_select ?a ~(name : string)
539 (fl : string select_opt) (ol : string select_opt list) =
540 gen_select ?a ~multiple:true ~name fl ol id
542 let int_multiple_select ?a ~name
543 (fl : int select_opt) (ol : int select_opt list) =
544 gen_select ?a ~multiple:true
545 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) fl ol string_of_int
547 let int32_multiple_select ?a ~name
548 (fl : int32 select_opt) (ol : int32 select_opt list) =
549 gen_select ?a ~multiple:true
550 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) fl ol Int32.to_string
552 let int64_multiple_select ?a ~name
553 (fl : int64 select_opt) (ol : int64 select_opt list) =
554 gen_select ?a ~multiple:true
555 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) fl ol Int64.to_string
557 let float_multiple_select ?a ~name
558 (fl : float select_opt) (ol : float select_opt list) =
559 gen_select ?a ~multiple:true
560 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) fl ol string_of_float
562 let string_multiple_select ?a ~name
563 (fl : string select_opt) (ol : string select_opt list) =
564 gen_select ?a ~multiple:true
565 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) fl ol id
567 let user_type_multiple_select string_of ?a
568 ~name (fl : 'a select_opt)
569 (ol : 'a select_opt list) =
570 gen_select ?a ~multiple:true
571 ~name:(string_of_param_name name) fl ol string_of