Initial packaging
[pkg-ocaml-eliom.git] / tests /
1 (* Eliom test suite, part 1 *)
2 (* TODO: extract the tests from the manual or vice versa.
3 Take the code in the manual, not here! (and remove duplicates here) *)
4 (* TODO: include some missing parts in the manual *)
6 open Lwt
7 open XHTML.M
8 open Ocsigen_cookies
9 open Eliom_services
10 open Eliom_parameters
11 open Eliom_state
12 open Eliom_output.Xhtml
14 let coucou =
15 register_service
16 ~path:["coucou"]
17 ~get_params:unit
18 (fun () () ->
19 return
20 (html
21 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
22 (body [h1 [pcdata "Hallo!"]])))
24 let coucou1 =
25 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register_service
26 ~path:["coucou1"]
27 ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
28 (fun () () ->
29 return
30 <:xhtml< <html>
31 <head><title></title></head>
32 <body><h1>Coucou</h1></body>
33 </html> >>)
35 let coucoutext =
36 Eliom_output.HtmlText.register_service
37 ~path:["coucoutext"]
38 ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
39 (fun () () ->
40 return
41 ("<html>n'importe quoi "^
42 (Eliom_output.HtmlText.a coucou "clic" ())^
43 "</html>"))
44 (*wiki*
46 Page generation may have side-effects:
50 *wiki*)
51 let count =
52 let next =
53 let c = ref 0 in
54 (fun () -> c := !c + 1; !c)
56 register_service
57 ~path:["count"]
58 ~get_params:unit
59 (fun () () ->
60 return
61 (html
62 (head (title (pcdata "counter")) [])
63 (body [p [pcdata (string_of_int (next ()))]])))
64 (*wiki*
65 As usual in OCaml, you can forget labels when the application
66 is total:
68 *wiki*)
69 let hello =
70 register_service
71 ["dir";"hello"] (* the url dir/hello *)
72 unit
73 (fun () () ->
74 return
75 (html
76 (head (title (pcdata "Hello")) [])
77 (body [h1 [pcdata "Hello"]])))
78 (*wiki*
80 The following example shows how to define the default page for
81 a directory. (Note that %<span class="code"|["rep";""]>% means
82 the default page of the directory %<span class="code"|rep/>%)
84 *wiki*)
85 let default = register_service ["rep";""] unit
86 (fun () () ->
87 return
88 (html
89 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
90 (body [p [pcdata "default page. rep is redirected to rep/"]])))
94 let writeparams (i1, (i2, s1)) () =
95 return
96 (html
97 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
98 (body [p [pcdata "You sent: ";
99 strong [pcdata (string_of_int i1)];
100 pcdata ", ";
101 strong [pcdata (string_of_int i2)];
102 pcdata " and ";
103 strong [pcdata s1]]]))
104 (*zap* you can register twice the same service, with different parameter names
105 *zap*)
106 let coucou_params = register_service
107 ~path:["coucou"]
108 ~get_params:(int "i" ** (int "ii" ** string "s"))
109 writeparams
110 (*zap* If you register twice exactly the same URL, the server won't start
111 *zap*)
112 (*wiki*
116 *wiki*)
117 let uasuffix =
118 register_service
119 ~path:["uasuffix"]
120 ~get_params:(suffix (int "year" ** int "month"))
121 (fun (year, month) () ->
122 return
123 (html
124 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
125 (body
126 [p [pcdata "The suffix of the url is ";
127 strong [pcdata ((string_of_int year)^"/"
128 ^(string_of_int month))];
129 pcdata ", your user-agent is ";
130 strong [pcdata (Eliom_request_info.get_user_agent ())];
131 pcdata ", your IP is ";
132 strong [pcdata (Eliom_request_info.get_remote_ip ())]]])))
133 (*wiki*
135 *wiki*)
136 let isuffix =
137 register_service
138 ~path:["isuffix"]
139 ~get_params:(suffix_prod (int "suff" ** all_suffix "endsuff") (int "i"))
140 (fun ((suff, endsuff), i) () ->
141 return
142 (html
143 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
144 (body
145 [p [pcdata "The suffix of the url is ";
146 strong [pcdata (string_of_int suff)];
147 pcdata " followed by ";
148 strong [pcdata (Url.string_of_url_path ~encode:false endsuff)];
149 pcdata " and i is equal to ";
150 strong [pcdata (string_of_int i)]]])))
151 (*wiki*
154 *wiki*)
155 let constfix =
156 register_service
157 ~path:["constfix"]
158 ~get_params:(suffix (string "s1" ** (Eliom_parameters.suffix_const "toto" ** string "s2")))
159 (fun (s1, ((), s2)) () ->
160 return
161 (html
162 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
163 (body [h1
164 [pcdata "Suffix with constants"];
165 p [pcdata ("Parameters are "^s1^" and "^s2)]])))
166 (*wiki*
169 *wiki*)
170 type mysum = A | B
171 let mysum_of_string = function
172 | "A" -> A
173 | "B" -> B
174 | _ -> raise (Failure "mysum_of_string")
175 let string_of_mysum = function
176 | A -> "A"
177 | B -> "B"
179 let mytype =
180 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register_service
181 ~path:["mytype"]
182 ~get_params:
183 (Eliom_parameters.user_type mysum_of_string string_of_mysum "valeur")
184 (fun x () ->
185 let v = string_of_mysum x in
186 return
187 (html
188 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
189 (body [p [pcdata (v^" is valid. Now try with another value.")]])))
190 (*wiki*
193 *wiki*)
194 let raw_serv = register_service
195 ~path:["any"]
196 ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.any
197 (fun l () ->
198 let ll =
200 (fun (a,s) -> <:xhtml< <strong>($str:a$, $str:s$)</strong> >>) l
202 return
203 <:xhtml< <html>
204 <head><title></title></head>
205 <body>
207 You sent:
208 $list:ll$
209 </p>
210 </body>
211 </html> >>)
212 (*wiki*
214 *wiki*)
216 let catch = register_service
217 ~path:["catch"]
218 ~get_params:(int "i")
219 ~error_handler:(fun l ->
220 return
221 (html
222 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
223 (body [p [pcdata ("i is not an integer.")]])))
224 (fun i () ->
225 let v = string_of_int i in
226 return
227 (html
228 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
229 (body [p [pcdata ("i is an integer: "^v)]])))
230 (*wiki*
233 *wiki*)
234 let links = register_service ["rep";"links"] unit
235 (fun () () ->
236 return
237 (html
238 (head (title (pcdata "Links")) [])
239 (body
241 [Eliom_output.Xhtml.a coucou [pcdata "coucou"] (); br ();
242 Eliom_output.Xhtml.a hello [pcdata "hello"] (); br ();
243 Eliom_output.Xhtml.a default
244 [pcdata "default page of the dir"] (); br ();
245 Eliom_output.Xhtml.a uasuffix
246 [pcdata "uasuffix"] (2007,06); br ();
247 Eliom_output.Xhtml.a coucou_params
248 [pcdata "coucou_params"] (42,(22,"ciao")); br ();
249 Eliom_output.Xhtml.a raw_serv
250 [pcdata "raw_serv"] [("sun","yellow");("sea","blue and pink")]; br ();
251 Eliom_output.Xhtml.a
252 (external_service
253 ~prefix:""
254 ~path:["wiki";""]
255 ~get_params:(suffix (all_suffix "suff"))
257 [pcdata "OCaml on wikipedia"]
258 ["OCaml"]; br ();
259 XHTML.M.a
260 ~a:[a_href (Uri.uri_of_string "")]
261 [pcdata "OCaml on wikipedia"]
262 ]])))
263 (*zap*
264 Note that to create a link we need to know the current url, because:
265 the link from toto/titi to toto/tata is "tata" and not "toto/tata"
266 *zap*)
267 (*wiki*
271 *wiki*)
272 let linkrec = Eliom_services.service ["linkrec"] unit ()
274 let _ = Eliom_output.Xhtml.register linkrec
275 (fun () () ->
276 return
277 (html
278 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
279 (body [p [a linkrec [pcdata "click"] ()]])))
280 (*zap* If some url are not registered, the server will not start:
281 let essai =
282 new_url
283 ~path:["essai"]
284 ~server_params:no_server_param
285 ~get_params:no_get_param
287 *zap*)
288 (*zap* pour les reload : le serveur ne s'éteint pas mais ajoute un message sur les services non enregistrés dans son log *zap*)
289 (*wiki*
292 *wiki*)
293 let create_form =
294 (fun (number_name, (number2_name, string_name)) ->
295 [p [pcdata "Write an int: ";
296 Eliom_output.Xhtml.int_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:number_name ();
297 pcdata "Write another int: ";
298 Eliom_output.Xhtml.int_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:number2_name ();
299 pcdata "Write a string: ";
300 Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:string_name ();
301 Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Click" ()]])
303 let form = register_service ["form"] unit
304 (fun () () ->
305 let f = Eliom_output.Xhtml.get_form coucou_params create_form in
306 return
307 (html
308 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
309 (body [f])))
310 (*wiki*
312 *wiki*)
313 let raw_form = register_service
314 ~path:["anyform"]
315 ~get_params:unit
316 (fun () () ->
317 return
318 (html
319 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
320 (body
321 [h1 [pcdata "Any Form"];
322 Eliom_output.Xhtml.get_form raw_serv
323 (fun () ->
324 [p [pcdata "Form to raw_serv: ";
325 Eliom_output.Xhtml.raw_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:"plop" ();
326 Eliom_output.Xhtml.raw_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:"plip" ();
327 Eliom_output.Xhtml.raw_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:"plap" ();
328 Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Click" ()]])
329 ])))
330 (*wiki*
334 *wiki*)
335 let no_post_param_service =
336 register_service
337 ~path:["post"]
338 ~get_params:unit
339 (fun () () ->
340 return
341 (html
342 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
343 (body [h1 [pcdata
344 "Version of the page without POST parameters"]])))
346 let my_service_with_post_params =
347 register_post_service
348 ~fallback:no_post_param_service
349 ~post_params:(string "value")
350 (fun () value ->
351 return
352 (html
353 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
354 (body [h1 [pcdata value]])))
355 (*wiki*
360 Services may take both GET and POST parameters:
363 *wiki*)
364 let get_no_post_param_service =
365 register_service
366 ~path:["post2"]
367 ~get_params:(int "i")
368 (fun i () ->
369 return
370 (html
371 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
372 (body [p [pcdata "No POST parameter, i:";
373 em [pcdata (string_of_int i)]]])))
375 let my_service_with_get_and_post = register_post_service
376 ~fallback:get_no_post_param_service
377 ~post_params:(string "value")
378 (fun i value ->
379 return
380 (html
381 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
382 (body [p [pcdata "Value: ";
383 em [pcdata value];
384 pcdata ", i: ";
385 em [pcdata (string_of_int i)]]])))
386 (*wiki*
388 POST forms
390 *wiki*)
391 let form2 = register_service ["form2"] unit
392 (fun () () ->
393 let f =
394 (Eliom_output.Xhtml.post_form my_service_with_post_params
395 (fun chaine ->
396 [p [pcdata "Write a string: ";
397 string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:chaine ()]]) ()) in
398 return
399 (html
400 (head (title (pcdata "form")) [])
401 (body [f])))
403 let form3 = register_service ["form3"] unit
404 (fun () () ->
405 let f =
406 (Eliom_output.Xhtml.post_form my_service_with_get_and_post
407 (fun chaine ->
408 <:xhtmllist< <p> Write a string:
409 $string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:chaine ()$ </p> >>)
410 222) in
411 return
412 <:xhtml< <html>
413 <head><title></title></head>
414 <body>$f$</body></html> >>)
416 let form4 = register_service ["form4"] unit
417 (fun () () ->
418 let f =
419 (Eliom_output.Xhtml.post_form
420 (external_post_service
421 ~prefix:""
422 ~path:["zebulon"]
423 ~get_params:(int "i")
424 ~post_params:(string "chaine") ())
425 (fun chaine ->
426 <:xhtmllist< <p> Write a string:
427 $string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:chaine ()$ </p> >>)
428 222) in
429 return
430 (html
431 (head (title (pcdata "form")) [])
432 (body [f])))
433 (*wiki*
438 %<code language="ocaml"|let looong =
439 register_service
440 ~path:["looong"]
441 ~get_params:unit
442 (fun () () ->
443 Unix.sleep 5;
444 return
445 (html
446 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
447 (body [h1 [pcdata "Ok now, you can read the page."]])))
452 *wiki*)
453 let looong =
454 register_service
455 ~path:["looong"]
456 ~get_params:unit
457 (fun () () ->
458 Lwt_unix.sleep 5.0 >>= fun () ->
459 return
460 (html
461 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
462 (body [h1 [pcdata
463 "Ok now, you can read the page."]])))
464 (*wiki*
466 *wiki*)
467 let looong2 =
468 register_service
469 ~path:["looong2"]
470 ~get_params:unit
471 (fun () () ->
472 Lwt_preemptive.detach Unix.sleep 5 >>= fun () ->
473 return
474 (html
475 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
476 (body [h1 [pcdata
477 "Ok now, you can read the page."]])))
478 (*wiki*
481 *wiki*)
482 (************************************************************)
483 (************ Connection of users, version 1 ****************)
484 (************************************************************)
486 (*zap* *)
487 let scope_name = Eliom_common.create_scope_name "session_data"
488 let session = `Session scope_name
489 (* *zap*)
491 (* "my_table" will be the structure used to store
492 the session data (namely the login name): *)
494 let my_table = Eliom_state.create_volatile_table (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) ()
497 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
498 (* Create services, but do not register them yet: *)
500 let session_data_example =
501 Eliom_services.service
502 ~path:["sessdata"]
503 ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
506 let session_data_example_with_post_params =
507 Eliom_services.post_service
508 ~fallback:session_data_example
509 ~post_params:(Eliom_parameters.string "login")
512 let session_data_example_close =
513 Eliom_services.service
514 ~path:["close"]
515 ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
520 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
521 (* Handler for the "session_data_example" service: *)
523 let session_data_example_handler _ _ =
524 let sessdat = Eliom_state.get_volatile_data ~table:my_table () in
525 return
526 (html
527 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
528 (body
530 match sessdat with
531 | Eliom_state.Data name ->
532 p [pcdata ("Hello "^name);
533 br ();
534 Eliom_output.Xhtml.a
535 session_data_example_close
536 [pcdata "close session"] ()]
537 | Eliom_state.Data_session_expired
538 | Eliom_state.No_data ->
539 Eliom_output.Xhtml.post_form
540 session_data_example_with_post_params
541 (fun login ->
542 [p [pcdata "login: ";
543 Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input
544 ~input_type:`Text ~name:login ()]]) ()
547 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
548 (* Handler for the "session_data_example_with_post_params" *)
549 (* service with POST params: *)
551 let session_data_example_with_post_params_handler _ login =
552 lwt () = Eliom_state.discard (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) () in
553 Eliom_state.set_volatile_data ~table:my_table login;
554 return
555 (html
556 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
557 (body
558 [p [pcdata ("Welcome " ^ login ^ ". You are now connected.");
559 br ();
560 Eliom_output.Xhtml.a session_data_example
561 [pcdata "Try again"] ()
562 ]]))
566 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
567 (* Handler for the "session_data_example_close" service: *)
569 let session_data_example_close_handler () () =
570 let sessdat = Eliom_state.get_volatile_data ~table:my_table () in
571 lwt () = Eliom_state.discard (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) () in
572 return
573 (html
574 (head (title (pcdata "Disconnect")) [])
575 (body [
576 (match sessdat with
577 | Eliom_state.Data_session_expired -> p [pcdata "Your session has expired."]
578 | Eliom_state.No_data -> p [pcdata "You were not connected."]
579 | Eliom_state.Data _ -> p [pcdata "You have been disconnected."]);
580 p [Eliom_output.Xhtml.a session_data_example [pcdata "Retry"] () ]]))
583 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
584 (* Registration of main services: *)
586 let () =
587 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register
588 session_data_example_close session_data_example_close_handler;
589 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register
590 session_data_example session_data_example_handler;
591 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register
592 session_data_example_with_post_params
593 session_data_example_with_post_params_handler
600 (*zap* *)
601 let () = set_default_global_service_state_timeout ~cookie_scope:`Session (Some 600.)
602 let () = set_default_global_persistent_data_state_timeout ~cookie_scope:`Session (Some 3600.)
603 (* *zap*)
604 (************************************************************)
605 (************ Connection of users, version 2 ****************)
606 (************************************************************)
608 (*zap* *)
609 let scope_name = Eliom_common.create_scope_name "session_services"
610 let session = `Session scope_name
611 (* *zap*)
612 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
613 (* Create services, but do not register them yet: *)
615 let session_services_example =
616 Eliom_services.service
617 ~path:["sessionservices"]
618 ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
621 let session_services_example_with_post_params =
622 Eliom_services.post_service
623 ~fallback:session_services_example
624 ~post_params:(Eliom_parameters.string "login")
627 let session_services_example_close =
628 Eliom_services.service
629 ~path:["close2"]
630 ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
634 (* ------------------------------------------------------------- *)
635 (* Handler for the "session_services_example" service: *)
636 (* It displays the main page of our site, with a login form. *)
638 let session_services_example_handler () () =
639 let f =
640 Eliom_output.Xhtml.post_form
641 session_services_example_with_post_params
642 (fun login ->
643 [p [pcdata "login: ";
644 string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:login ()]]) ()
646 return
647 (html
648 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
649 (body [f]))
652 (* ------------------------------------------------------------- *)
653 (* Handler for the "session_services_example_close" service: *)
655 let session_services_example_close_handler () () =
656 lwt () = Eliom_state.discard (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) () in
657 return
658 (html
659 (head (title (pcdata "Disconnect")) [])
660 (body [p [pcdata "You have been disconnected. ";
661 a session_services_example
662 [pcdata "Retry"] ()
663 ]]))
665 (*wiki*
668 When the page is called with login parameters,
669 it runs the function %<span class="code"|launch_session>%
670 that replaces some services already defined by new ones:
674 *wiki*)
675 (* ------------------------------------------------------------- *)
676 (* Handler for the "session_services_example_with_post_params" *)
677 (* service: *)
679 let launch_session () login =
681 (* New handler for the main page: *)
682 let new_main_page () () =
683 return
684 (html
685 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
686 (body [p [pcdata "Welcome ";
687 pcdata login;
688 pcdata "!"; br ();
689 a coucou [pcdata "coucou"] (); br ();
690 a hello [pcdata "hello"] (); br ();
691 a links [pcdata "links"] (); br ();
692 a session_services_example_close
693 [pcdata "close session"] ()]]))
696 (* If a session was opened, we close it first! *)
697 lwt () = Eliom_state.discard ~scope:session () in
699 (* Now we register new versions of main services in the
700 session service table: *)
701 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register ~scope:session
702 ~service:session_services_example
703 (* service is any public service already registered,
704 here the main page of our site *)
705 new_main_page;
707 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register ~scope:session
708 ~service:coucou
709 (fun () () ->
710 return
711 (html
712 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
713 (body [p [pcdata "Coucou ";
714 pcdata login;
715 pcdata "!"]])));
717 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register ~scope:session
718 ~service:hello
719 (fun () () ->
720 return
721 (html
722 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
723 (body [p [pcdata "Ciao ";
724 pcdata login;
725 pcdata "!"]])));
727 new_main_page () ()
729 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
730 (* Registration of main services: *)
732 let () =
733 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register
734 ~service:session_services_example
735 session_services_example_handler;
736 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register
737 ~service:session_services_example_close
738 session_services_example_close_handler;
739 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register
740 ~service:session_services_example_with_post_params
741 launch_session
742 (*zap* Registering for session during initialisation is forbidden:
743 let _ = register ~scope:`Session
744 ~path:coucou1
745 %< <html>
746 <head><title></title></head>
747 <body><h1>humhum</h1></body>
748 </html> >%
749 *zap*)
750 (*wiki*
753 *wiki*)
754 (************************************************************)
755 (************** Coservices. Basic examples ******************)
756 (************************************************************)
758 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
759 (* We create one main service and two coservices: *)
761 let coservices_example =
762 Eliom_services.service
763 ~path:["coserv"]
764 ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
767 let coservices_example_post =
768 Eliom_services.post_coservice
769 ~fallback:coservices_example
770 ~post_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
773 let coservices_example_get =
774 Eliom_services.coservice
775 ~fallback:coservices_example
776 ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
780 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
781 (* The three of them display the same page, *)
782 (* but the coservices change the counter. *)
784 let _ =
785 let c = ref 0 in
786 let page () () =
787 let l3 = Eliom_output.Xhtml.post_form coservices_example_post
788 (fun _ -> [p [Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input
789 ~input_type:`Submit
790 ~value:"incr i (post)" ()]]) ()
792 let l4 = Eliom_output.Xhtml.get_form coservices_example_get
793 (fun _ -> [p [Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input
794 ~input_type:`Submit
795 ~value:"incr i (get)" ()]])
797 return
798 (html
799 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
800 (body [p [pcdata "i is equal to ";
801 pcdata (string_of_int !c); br ();
802 a coservices_example [pcdata "reload"] (); br ();
803 a coservices_example_get [pcdata "incr i"] ()];
805 l4]))
807 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register coservices_example page;
808 let f () () = c := !c + 1; page () () in
809 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register coservices_example_post f;
810 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register coservices_example_get f
811 (*wiki*
815 %<div class="encadre"|
816 ====URLs
819 While designing a Web site, think carefully about the URLs you
820 want to use. URLs are the entry points of your site. Think that
821 they may be bookmarked. If you create a link, you want to go to
822 another URL, and you want a page to be generated. That page may be
823 the default page for the URL (the one you get when you go back
824 to a bookmarked page), or another page, that depends on the precise
825 link or form you used to go to that URL (link to a coservice,
826 or page depending on post data).
827 Sometimes, you want that clicking
828 a link or submitting a form does something without changing the URL.
829 You can do this using //non-attached coservices// (see below).
834 %<div class="encadre"|
835 ====Continuations
838 Eliom is using the concept of //continuation//.
839 A continuation represents the future of a program (what to do after).
840 When a user clicks on a link or a form, he chooses the future of the
841 computation. When he uses the "back" button of the browser, he chooses
842 to go back to an old continuation. Continuations for Web programming
843 have been introduced by
844 [[| Christian Queinnec]],
845 and are a big step in
846 the understanding of Web interaction.
850 Some programming languages (Scheme...) allow to manipulate
851 continuations using //control operators// (like
852 %<span class="code"|call/cc>%). The style of programming used by Eliom
853 is closer to //Continuation Passing Style// (CPS), and has the
854 advantage that it does not need control operators, and fits
855 very well Web programming.
860 Coservices allow to create dynamically
861 new continuations that depend on previous interactions with users
862 ([[manual/dev/2#p2calc|See the %<span class="code"|calc>% example below]]).
863 Such a behaviour is difficult to simulate with traditional Web
864 programming.
870 *wiki*)
871 (*zap* Queinnec example: *zap*)
872 (************************************************************)
873 (*************** calc: sum of two integers ******************)
874 (************************************************************)
876 (*zap* *)
877 let calc_example_scope_name = Eliom_common.create_scope_name "calc_example"
878 let session = `Session calc_example_scope_name
879 let session_group = `Session_group calc_example_scope_name
880 (* *zap*)
881 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
882 (* We create two main services on the same URL, *)
883 (* one with a GET integer parameter: *)
885 let calc =
886 service
887 ~path:["calc"]
888 ~get_params:unit
891 let calc_i =
892 service
893 ~path:["calc"]
894 ~get_params:(int "i")
898 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
899 (* The handler for the service without parameter. *)
900 (* It displays a form where you can write an integer value: *)
902 let calc_handler () () =
903 let create_form intname =
904 [p [pcdata "Write a number: ";
905 Eliom_output.Xhtml.int_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:intname ();
906 br ();
907 Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Send" ()]]
909 let f = Eliom_output.Xhtml.get_form calc_i create_form in
910 return
911 (html
912 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
913 (body [f]))
916 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
917 (* The handler for the service with parameter. *)
918 (* It creates dynamically and registers a new coservice *)
919 (* with one GET integer parameter. *)
920 (* This new coservice depends on the first value (i) *)
921 (* entered by the user. *)
923 let calc_i_handler i () =
924 let create_form is =
925 (fun entier ->
926 [p [pcdata (is^" + ");
927 int_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:entier ();
928 br ();
929 string_input ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Sum" ()]])
931 let is = string_of_int i in
932 let calc_result =
933 register_coservice ~scope:Eliom_common.session
934 ~fallback:calc
935 ~get_params:(int "j")
936 (fun j () ->
937 let js = string_of_int j in
938 let ijs = string_of_int (i+j) in
939 return
940 (html
941 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
942 (body
943 [p [pcdata (is^" + "^js^" = "^ijs)]])))
945 let f = get_form calc_result (create_form is) in
946 return
947 (html
948 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
949 (body [f]))
952 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
953 (* Registration of main services: *)
955 let () =
956 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register calc calc_handler;
957 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register calc_i calc_i_handler
958 (*wiki*
961 *wiki*)
962 (************************************************************)
963 (************ Connection of users, version 3 ****************)
964 (************************************************************)
966 (*zap* *)
967 let connect_example3_scope_name = Eliom_common.create_scope_name "connect_example3"
968 let session = `Session connect_example3_scope_name
969 let session_group = `Session_group connect_example3_scope_name
970 let my_table = Eliom_state.create_volatile_table (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) ()
971 (* *zap*)
972 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
973 (* We create one main service and two (POST) actions *)
974 (* (for connection and disconnection) *)
976 let connect_example3 =
977 Eliom_services.service
978 ~path:["action"]
979 ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
982 let connect_action =
983 Eliom_services.post_coservice'
984 ~name:"connect3"
985 ~post_params:(Eliom_parameters.string "login")
988 (* As the handler is very simple, we register it now: *)
989 let disconnect_action =
990 Eliom_output.Action.register_post_coservice'
991 ~name:"disconnect3"
992 ~post_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
993 (fun () () ->
994 Eliom_state.discard (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) ())
997 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
998 (* login ang logout boxes: *)
1000 let disconnect_box s =
1001 Eliom_output.Xhtml.post_form disconnect_action
1002 (fun _ -> [p [Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input
1003 ~input_type:`Submit ~value:s ()]]) ()
1005 let login_box () =
1006 Eliom_output.Xhtml.post_form connect_action
1007 (fun loginname ->
1009 (let l = [pcdata "login: ";
1010 Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input
1011 ~input_type:`Text ~name:loginname ()]
1012 in l)
1017 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1018 (* Handler for the "connect_example3" service (main page): *)
1020 let connect_example3_handler () () =
1021 let sessdat = Eliom_state.get_volatile_data ~table:my_table () in
1022 return
1023 (html
1024 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1025 (body
1026 (match sessdat with
1027 | Eliom_state.Data name ->
1028 [p [pcdata ("Hello "^name); br ()];
1029 disconnect_box "Close session"]
1030 | Eliom_state.Data_session_expired
1031 | Eliom_state.No_data -> [login_box ()]
1035 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1036 (* Handler for connect_action (user logs in): *)
1038 let connect_action_handler () login =
1039 lwt () = Eliom_state.discard (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) () in
1040 Eliom_state.set_volatile_data ~table:my_table login;
1041 return ()
1044 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1045 (* Registration of main services: *)
1047 let () =
1048 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register ~service:connect_example3 connect_example3_handler;
1049 Eliom_output.Action.register ~service:connect_action connect_action_handler
1050 (*wiki*
1053 *wiki*)
1054 let divpage =
1055 Eliom_output.Blocks.register_service
1056 ~path:["div"]
1057 ~get_params:unit
1058 (fun () () ->
1059 return
1060 [div [h2 [pcdata "Hallo"];
1061 p [pcdata "Blablablabla"] ]])
1062 (*wiki*
1065 *wiki*)
1066 let redir1 = Eliom_output.Redirection.register_service
1067 ~options:`Temporary
1068 ~path:["redir"]
1069 ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
1070 (fun () () -> Lwt.return coucou)
1071 (*wiki*
1073 *wiki*)
1074 let redir = Eliom_output.Redirection.register_service
1075 ~options:`Temporary
1076 ~path:["redir"]
1077 ~get_params:(int "o")
1078 (fun o () ->
1079 Lwt.return
1080 (Eliom_services.preapply coucou_params (o,(22,"ee"))))
1081 (*wiki*
1084 *wiki*)
1085 let send_any =
1086 Eliom_output.Any.register_service
1087 ~path:["sendany"]
1088 ~get_params:(string "type")
1089 (fun s () ->
1090 if s = "valid"
1091 then
1092 Eliom_output.Xhtml.send
1093 (html
1094 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1095 (body [p [pcdata
1096 "This page has been statically typechecked.
1097 If you change the parameter in the URL you will get an unchecked text page"]]))
1098 else
1099 Eliom_output.HtmlText.send
1100 "<html><body><p>It is not a valid page. Put type=\"valid\" in the URL to get a typechecked page.</p></body></html>"
1102 (*wiki*
1104 Cookies
1106 *wiki*)
1107 let cookiename = "mycookie"
1109 let cookies = service ["cookies"] unit ()
1111 let _ = Eliom_output.Xhtml.register cookies
1112 (fun () () ->
1113 Eliom_state.set_cookie
1114 ~name:cookiename ~value:(string_of_int ( 100)) ();
1115 Lwt.return
1116 (html
1117 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1118 (body [p [pcdata (try
1119 "cookie value: "^
1120 (CookiesTable.find
1121 cookiename (Eliom_request_info.get_cookies ()))
1122 with _ -> "<cookie not set>");
1123 br ();
1124 a cookies [pcdata "send other cookie"] ()]])))
1125 (*wiki*
1130 *wiki*)
1131 let mystore = Ocsipersist.open_store "eliomexamplestore2"
1133 let count2 =
1134 let next =
1135 let cthr = Ocsipersist.make_persistent mystore "countpage" 0 in
1136 let mutex = Lwt_mutex.create () in
1137 (fun () ->
1138 cthr >>= fun c ->
1139 Lwt_mutex.lock mutex >>= fun () ->
1140 Ocsipersist.get c >>= fun oldc ->
1141 let newc = oldc + 1 in
1142 Ocsipersist.set c newc >>= fun () ->
1143 Lwt_mutex.unlock mutex;
1144 Lwt.return newc)
1146 register_service
1147 ~path:["count2"]
1148 ~get_params:unit
1149 (fun () () ->
1150 next () >>=
1151 (fun n ->
1152 return
1153 (html
1154 (head (title (pcdata "counter")) [])
1155 (body [p [pcdata (string_of_int n)]]))))
1157 (*wiki*
1160 *wiki*)
1161 (************************************************************)
1162 (************ Connection of users, version 4 ****************)
1163 (**************** (persistent sessions) *********************)
1164 (************************************************************)
1166 (*zap* *)
1167 let persistent_sessions_scope_name = Eliom_common.create_scope_name "persistent_sessions"
1168 let session = `Session persistent_sessions_scope_name
1169 let session_group = `Session_group persistent_sessions_scope_name
1170 let persistent_session_scope = session
1171 (* *zap*)
1172 let my_persistent_table =
1173 create_persistent_table (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) "eliom_example_table"
1175 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1176 (* We create one main service and two (POST) actions *)
1177 (* (for connection and disconnection) *)
1179 let persist_session_example =
1180 Eliom_services.service
1181 ~path:["persist"]
1182 ~get_params:unit
1185 let persist_session_connect_action =
1186 Eliom_services.post_coservice'
1187 ~name:"connect4"
1188 ~post_params:(string "login")
1191 (* disconnect_action, login_box and disconnect_box have been
1192 defined in the section about actions *)
1194 (*zap* *)
1196 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1197 (* Actually, no. It's a lie because we don't use the
1198 same session name :-) *)
1199 (* new disconnect action and box: *)
1201 let disconnect_action =
1202 Eliom_output.Action.register_post_coservice'
1203 ~name:"disconnect4"
1204 ~post_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
1205 (fun () () ->
1206 Eliom_state.discard ~scope:session ())
1208 let disconnect_box s =
1209 Eliom_output.Xhtml.post_form disconnect_action
1210 (fun _ -> [p [Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input
1211 ~input_type:`Submit ~value:s ()]]) ()
1213 let bad_user_key = Polytables.make_key ()
1214 let get_bad_user table =
1215 try Polytables.get ~table ~key:bad_user_key with Not_found -> false
1217 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1218 (* new login box: *)
1220 let login_box session_expired action =
1221 Eliom_output.Xhtml.post_form action
1222 (fun loginname ->
1223 let l =
1224 [pcdata "login: ";
1225 string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:loginname ()]
1227 [p (if get_bad_user (Eliom_request_info.get_request_cache ())
1228 then (pcdata "Wrong user")::(br ())::l
1229 else
1230 if session_expired
1231 then (pcdata "Session expired")::(br ())::l
1232 else l)
1236 (* *zap*)
1238 (* ----------------------------------------------------------- *)
1239 (* Handler for "persist_session_example" service (main page): *)
1241 let persist_session_example_handler () () =
1242 Eliom_state.get_persistent_data
1243 ~table:my_persistent_table () >>= fun sessdat ->
1244 return
1245 (html
1246 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1247 (body
1248 (match sessdat with
1249 | Eliom_state.Data name ->
1250 [p [pcdata ("Hello "^name); br ()];
1251 disconnect_box "Close session"]
1252 | Eliom_state.Data_session_expired ->
1253 [login_box true persist_session_connect_action;
1254 p [em [pcdata "The only user is 'toto'."]]]
1255 | Eliom_state.No_data ->
1256 [login_box false persist_session_connect_action;
1257 p [em [pcdata "The only user is 'toto'."]]]
1261 (* ----------------------------------------------------------- *)
1262 (* Handler for persist_session_connect_action (user logs in): *)
1264 let persist_session_connect_action_handler () login =
1265 lwt () = Eliom_state.discard (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) () in
1266 if login = "toto" (* Check user and password :-) *)
1267 then
1268 Eliom_state.set_persistent_data ~table:my_persistent_table login
1269 else ((*zap* *)Polytables.set (Eliom_request_info.get_request_cache ()) bad_user_key true;(* *zap*)return ())
1272 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1273 (* Registration of main services: *)
1275 let () =
1276 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register
1277 ~service:persist_session_example
1278 persist_session_example_handler;
1279 Eliom_output.Action.register
1280 ~service:persist_session_connect_action
1281 persist_session_connect_action_handler
1282 (*wiki*
1285 *wiki*)
1286 (************************************************************)
1287 (************ Connection of users, version 6 ****************)
1288 (************************************************************)
1289 (*zap* *)
1290 let scope_name = Eliom_common.create_scope_name "connect_example6"
1291 let session = `Session scope_name
1292 let session_group = `Session_group scope_name
1293 (* *zap*)
1294 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1295 (* We create one main service and two (POST) actions *)
1296 (* (for connection and disconnection) *)
1298 let connect_example6 =
1299 Eliom_services.service
1300 ~path:["action2"]
1301 ~get_params:unit
1304 let connect_action =
1305 Eliom_services.post_coservice'
1306 ~name:"connect6"
1307 ~post_params:(string "login")
1310 (* new disconnect action and box: *)
1312 let disconnect_action =
1313 Eliom_output.Action.register_post_coservice'
1314 ~name:"disconnect6"
1315 ~post_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
1316 (fun () () ->
1317 Eliom_state.discard (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) ())
1319 let disconnect_box s =
1320 Eliom_output.Xhtml.post_form disconnect_action
1321 (fun _ -> [p [Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input
1322 ~input_type:`Submit ~value:s ()]]) ()
1325 let bad_user_key = Polytables.make_key ()
1326 let get_bad_user table =
1327 try Polytables.get ~table ~key:bad_user_key with Not_found -> false
1329 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1330 (* new login box: *)
1332 let login_box session_expired action =
1333 Eliom_output.Xhtml.post_form action
1334 (fun loginname ->
1335 let l =
1336 [pcdata "login: ";
1337 string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:loginname ()]
1339 [p (if get_bad_user (Eliom_request_info.get_request_cache ())
1340 then (pcdata "Wrong user")::(br ())::l
1341 else
1342 if session_expired
1343 then (pcdata "Session expired")::(br ())::l
1344 else l)
1348 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1349 (* Handler for the "connect_example6" service (main page): *)
1351 let connect_example6_handler () () =
1352 let status = Eliom_state.volatile_data_state_status (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) ()
1354 let group =
1355 Eliom_state.get_volatile_data_session_group (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) ()
1357 return
1358 (html
1359 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1360 (body
1361 (match group, status with
1362 | Some name, _ ->
1363 [p [pcdata ("Hello "^name); br ()];
1364 disconnect_box "Close session"]
1365 | None, Eliom_state.Expired_state ->
1366 [login_box true connect_action;
1367 p [em [pcdata "The only user is 'toto'."]]]
1368 | _ ->
1369 [login_box false connect_action;
1370 p [em [pcdata "The only user is 'toto'."]]]
1373 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1374 (* New handler for connect_action (user logs in): *)
1376 let connect_action_handler () login =
1377 lwt () = Eliom_state.discard (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) () in
1378 if login = "toto" (* Check user and password :-) *)
1379 then begin
1380 Eliom_state.set_volatile_data_session_group ~set_max:4
1381 (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) login;
1382 return ()
1384 else begin
1385 Polytables.set (Eliom_request_info.get_request_cache ()) bad_user_key true;
1386 return ()
1390 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1391 (* Registration of main services: *)
1393 let () =
1394 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register ~service:connect_example6 connect_example6_handler;
1395 Eliom_output.Action.register ~service:connect_action connect_action_handler
1397 (*wiki*
1400 *wiki*)
1401 let disposable = service ["disposable"] unit ()
1403 let _ = register disposable
1404 (fun () () ->
1405 let disp_coservice =
1406 coservice ~max_use:2 ~fallback:disposable ~get_params:unit ()
1408 register ~scope:Eliom_common.session ~service:disp_coservice
1409 (fun () () ->
1410 return
1411 (html
1412 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1413 (body [p [pcdata "I am a disposable coservice";
1414 br ();
1415 a disp_coservice [pcdata "Try me once again"] ()]]))
1417 return
1418 (html
1419 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1420 (body [p [(if Eliom_request_info.get_link_too_old ()
1421 then pcdata "Your link was outdated. I am the fallback. I just created a new disposable coservice. You can use it only twice."
1422 else
1423 pcdata "I just created a disposable coservice. You can use it only twice.");
1424 br ();
1425 a disp_coservice [pcdata "Try it!"] ()]])))
1426 (*wiki*
1429 *wiki*)
1430 let timeout = service ["timeout"] unit ()
1432 let _ =
1433 let page () () =
1434 let timeoutcoserv =
1435 register_coservice ~scope:session
1436 ~fallback:timeout ~get_params:unit ~timeout:5.
1437 (fun _ _ ->
1438 return
1439 (html
1440 (head (title (pcdata "Coservices with timeouts")) [])
1441 (body [p
1442 [pcdata "I am a coservice with timeout."; br ();
1443 pcdata "Try to reload the page!"; br ();
1444 pcdata "I will disappear after 5 seconds of inactivity." ];
1445 ])))
1447 return
1448 (html
1449 (head (title (pcdata "Coservices with timeouts")) [])
1450 (body [p
1451 [pcdata "I just created a coservice with 5 seconds timeout."; br ();
1452 a timeoutcoserv [pcdata "Try it"] (); ];
1455 register timeout page
1456 (*wiki*
1459 *wiki*)
1460 let publiccoduringsess = service ["publiccoduringsess"] unit ()
1462 let _ =
1463 let page () () =
1464 let timeoutcoserv =
1465 register_coservice
1466 ~fallback:publiccoduringsess ~get_params:unit ~timeout:5.
1467 (fun _ _ ->
1468 return
1469 (html
1470 (head (title (pcdata "Coservices with timeouts")) [])
1471 (body [p
1472 [pcdata "I am a public coservice with timeout."; br ();
1473 pcdata "I will disappear after 5 seconds of inactivity." ];
1474 ])))
1476 return
1477 (html
1478 (head (title (pcdata "Public coservices with timeouts")) [])
1479 (body [p
1480 [pcdata "I just created a public coservice with 5 seconds timeout."; br ();
1481 a timeoutcoserv [pcdata "Try it"] (); ];
1484 register publiccoduringsess page
1485 (*wiki*
1488 *wiki*)
1489 let _ = Eliom_output.set_exn_handler
1490 (fun e -> match e with
1491 | Eliom_common.Eliom_404 ->
1492 Eliom_output.Xhtml.send ~code:404
1493 (html
1494 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1495 (body [h1 [pcdata "Eliom tutorial"];
1496 p [pcdata "Page not found"]]))
1497 (* | Eliom_common.Eliom_Wrong_parameter ->
1498 Eliom_output.Xhtml.send
1499 (html
1500 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1501 (body [h1 [pcdata "Eliom tutorial"];
1502 p [pcdata "Wrong parameters"]])) *)
1503 | e -> fail e)
1504 (*wiki*
1506 *wiki*)
1507 let my_nl_params =
1508 Eliom_parameters.make_non_localized_parameters
1509 ~prefix:"tutoeliom"
1510 ~name:"mynlparams"
1511 ( "a" ** Eliom_parameters.string "s")
1513 let nlparams = register_service
1514 ~path:["nlparams"]
1515 ~get_params:(int "i")
1516 (fun i () ->
1517 Lwt.return
1518 (html
1519 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1520 (body [p [pcdata "i = ";
1521 strong [pcdata (string_of_int i)]];
1522 (match Eliom_parameters.get_non_localized_get_parameters
1523 my_nl_params
1524 with
1525 | None ->
1526 p [pcdata "I do not have my non localized parameters"]
1527 | Some (a, s) ->
1528 p [pcdata "I have my non localized parameters, ";
1529 pcdata ("with values a = "^string_of_int a^
1530 " and s = "^s^".")]
1531 )]))
1534 (*wiki*
1537 *wiki*)
1539 let tonlparams = register_service
1540 ~path:["nlparams"]
1541 ~get_params:unit
1542 (fun i () ->
1543 Lwt.return
1544 (html
1545 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1546 (body
1547 [p [a ~service:nlparams [pcdata "without nl params"] 4];
1548 p [a ~service:nlparams
1549 ~nl_params:(Eliom_parameters.add_nl_parameter
1550 Eliom_parameters.empty_nl_params_set
1551 my_nl_params
1552 (22, "oh")
1554 [pcdata "with nl params"]
1556 get_form
1557 ~service:nlparams
1558 ~nl_params:(Eliom_parameters.add_nl_parameter
1559 Eliom_parameters.empty_nl_params_set
1560 my_nl_params
1561 (22, "oh")
1563 (fun iname ->
1564 [p [pcdata "form with hidden nl params";
1565 Eliom_output.Xhtml.int_input
1566 ~input_type:`Text ~name:iname ();
1567 Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input
1568 ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Send" ()]]);
1569 get_form
1570 ~service:nlparams
1571 (fun iname ->
1572 let (aname, sname) =
1573 Eliom_parameters.get_nl_params_names my_nl_params
1575 [p [pcdata "form with nl params fiels";
1576 Eliom_output.Xhtml.int_input
1577 ~input_type:`Text ~name:iname ();
1578 Eliom_output.Xhtml.int_input
1579 ~input_type:`Text ~name:aname ();
1580 Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input
1581 ~input_type:`Text ~name:sname ();
1582 Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input
1583 ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Send" ()]]);
1588 (*wiki*
1591 *wiki*)
1592 let nlparams_with_nlp =
1593 Eliom_services.add_non_localized_get_parameters my_nl_params nlparams
1594 (*wiki*
1596 *wiki*)
1597 (************************************************************)
1598 (************ Connection of users, version 5 ****************)
1599 (************************************************************)
1601 (*zap* *)
1602 let scope_name = Eliom_common.create_scope_name "connect_example5"
1603 let session = `Session scope_name
1604 let session_group = `Session_group scope_name
1605 (* *zap*)
1606 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1607 (* We create one main service and two (POST) actions *)
1608 (* (for connection and disconnection) *)
1610 let connect_example5 =
1611 Eliom_services.service
1612 ~path:["groups"]
1613 ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
1616 let connect_action =
1617 Eliom_services.post_coservice'
1618 ~name:"connect5"
1619 ~post_params:(Eliom_parameters.string "login")
1622 (* As the handler is very simple, we register it now: *)
1623 let disconnect_action =
1624 Eliom_output.Action.register_post_coservice'
1625 ~name:"disconnect5"
1626 ~post_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
1627 (fun () () ->
1628 Eliom_state.discard (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) ())
1631 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1632 (* login ang logout boxes: *)
1634 let disconnect_box s =
1635 Eliom_output.Xhtml.post_form disconnect_action
1636 (fun _ -> [p [Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input
1637 ~input_type:`Submit ~value:s ()]]) ()
1639 let login_box () =
1640 Eliom_output.Xhtml.post_form connect_action
1641 (fun loginname ->
1643 (let l = [pcdata "login: ";
1644 Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input
1645 ~input_type:`Text ~name:loginname ()]
1646 in l)
1651 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1652 (* Handler for the "connect_example5" service (main page): *)
1654 let connect_example5_handler () () =
1655 let sessdat = Eliom_state.get_volatile_data_session_group (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) () in
1656 return
1657 (html
1658 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1659 (body
1660 (match sessdat with
1661 | Some name ->
1662 [p [pcdata ("Hello "^name); br ()];
1663 disconnect_box "Close session"]
1664 | None -> [login_box ()]
1668 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1669 (* Handler for connect_action (user logs in): *)
1671 let connect_action_handler () login =
1672 Eliom_state.discard (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) () >>= fun () ->
1673 Eliom_state.set_volatile_data_session_group ~set_max:4 (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) login;
1674 return ()
1677 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1678 (* Registration of main services: *)
1680 let () =
1681 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register ~service:connect_example5 connect_example5_handler;
1682 Eliom_output.Action.register ~service:connect_action connect_action_handler
1683 (*wiki*
1685 *wiki*)
1686 (************************************************************)
1687 (********************* Group tables *************************)
1688 (************************************************************)
1690 (*zap* *)
1691 let scope_name = Eliom_common.create_scope_name "group_tables"
1692 let session = `Session scope_name
1693 let session_group = `Session_group scope_name
1694 (* *zap*)
1695 let my_table =
1696 Eliom_state.create_volatile_table
1697 ~scope:session_group ()
1698 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1699 (* We create one main service and two (POST) actions *)
1700 (* (for connection and disconnection) *)
1702 let group_tables_example =
1703 Eliom_services.service
1704 ~path:["grouptables"]
1705 ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
1708 let connect_action =
1709 Eliom_services.post_coservice'
1710 ~name:"connect7"
1711 ~post_params:(Eliom_parameters.string "login")
1714 let disconnect_action =
1715 Eliom_output.Action.register_post_coservice'
1716 ~name:"disconnectgt"
1717 ~post_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
1718 (fun () () ->
1719 Eliom_state.discard ~scope:session ())
1721 let disconnect_g_action =
1722 Eliom_output.Action.register_post_coservice'
1723 ~name:"disconnectgtg"
1724 ~post_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
1725 (fun () () ->
1726 Eliom_state.discard ~scope:session_group ())
1729 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1730 (* login ang logout boxes: *)
1732 let disconnect_box () =
1733 div [
1734 Eliom_output.Xhtml.post_form disconnect_action
1735 (fun _ -> [p [Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input
1736 ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Close session" ()]]) ();
1737 Eliom_output.Xhtml.post_form disconnect_g_action
1738 (fun _ -> [p [Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input
1739 ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Close group" ()]]) ()
1742 let login_box () =
1743 Eliom_output.Xhtml.post_form connect_action
1744 (fun loginname ->
1746 (let l = [pcdata "login: ";
1747 Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input
1748 ~input_type:`Text ~name:loginname ()]
1749 in l)
1754 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1755 (* Handler for the "group_tables_example" service (main page): *)
1757 let group_tables_example_handler () () =
1758 let sessdat = Eliom_state.get_volatile_data_session_group (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) () in
1759 let groupdata = Eliom_state.get_volatile_data
1760 ~table:my_table ()
1762 let group_info name =
1763 match groupdata with
1764 | Eliom_state.Data_session_expired
1765 | Eliom_state.No_data ->
1766 let d = string_of_int ( 1000) in
1767 Eliom_state.set_volatile_data ~table:my_table d;
1769 | Eliom_state.Data d -> d
1771 return
1772 (html
1773 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1774 (body
1775 (match sessdat with
1776 | Some name ->
1777 [p [pcdata ("Hello "^name); br ()];
1778 (let d = group_info name in
1779 p [pcdata "Your group data is: ";
1780 pcdata d;
1781 pcdata ". It is common to all the sessions for the same user ";
1782 pcdata name;
1783 pcdata ". Try with another browser!"
1785 p [pcdata "Check that all sessions with same user name share the value."];
1786 p [pcdata "Check that the value disappears when all sessions from the group are closed."];
1787 p [pcdata "Check that the all sessions are closed when clicking on \"close group\" button."];
1788 disconnect_box ()]
1789 | None -> [login_box ()]
1793 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1794 (* Handler for connect_action (user logs in): *)
1796 let connect_action_handler () login =
1797 lwt () = Eliom_state.discard (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) () in
1798 Eliom_state.set_volatile_data_session_group ~set_max:4 (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) login;
1799 return ()
1802 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1803 (* Registration of main services: *)
1805 let () =
1806 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register ~service:group_tables_example group_tables_example_handler;
1807 Eliom_output.Action.register ~service:connect_action connect_action_handler
1814 (*zap* *)
1816 (************************************************************)
1817 (**************** Persistent group tables *******************)
1818 (************************************************************)
1820 let scope_name = Eliom_common.create_scope_name "pgroup_tables"
1821 let session = `Session scope_name
1822 let session_group = `Session_group scope_name
1823 let my_table =
1824 Eliom_state.create_persistent_table
1825 ~scope:session_group "pgroup_table"
1826 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1827 (* We create one main service and two (POST) actions *)
1828 (* (for connection and disconnection) *)
1831 let pgroup_tables_example =
1832 Eliom_services.service
1833 ~path:["pgrouptables"]
1834 ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
1838 let connect_action =
1839 Eliom_services.post_coservice'
1840 ~name:"connect8"
1841 ~post_params:(Eliom_parameters.string "login")
1844 let disconnect_action =
1845 Eliom_output.Action.register_post_coservice'
1846 ~name:"pdisconnectgt"
1847 ~post_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
1848 (fun () () -> Eliom_state.discard ~scope:session ())
1850 let disconnect_g_action =
1851 Eliom_output.Action.register_post_coservice'
1852 ~name:"pdisconnectgtg"
1853 ~post_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
1854 (fun () () ->
1855 Eliom_state.discard ~scope:session_group ())
1859 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1860 (* login ang logout boxes: *)
1862 let disconnect_box () =
1863 div [
1864 Eliom_output.Xhtml.post_form disconnect_action
1865 (fun _ -> [p [Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input
1866 ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Close session" ()]]) ();
1867 Eliom_output.Xhtml.post_form disconnect_g_action
1868 (fun _ -> [p [Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input
1869 ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Close group" ()]]) ()
1872 let login_box () =
1873 Eliom_output.Xhtml.post_form connect_action
1874 (fun loginname ->
1876 (let l = [pcdata "login: ";
1877 Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input
1878 ~input_type:`Text ~name:loginname ()]
1879 in l)
1884 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1885 (* Handler for the "group_tables_example" service (main page): *)
1887 let group_tables_example_handler () () =
1888 Eliom_state.get_persistent_data_session_group ~scope:session ()
1889 >>= fun sessdat ->
1890 Eliom_state.get_persistent_data ~table:my_table ()
1891 >>= fun groupdata ->
1892 let group_info name =
1893 match groupdata with
1894 | Eliom_state.Data_session_expired
1895 | Eliom_state.No_data ->
1896 let d = string_of_int ( 1000) in
1897 Eliom_state.set_persistent_data ~table:my_table d
1898 >>= fun r -> Lwt.return d
1899 | Eliom_state.Data d -> Lwt.return d
1901 (match sessdat with
1902 | Some name ->
1903 (group_info name >>= fun d ->
1904 Lwt.return
1905 [p [pcdata ("Hello "^name); br ()];
1906 (p [pcdata "Your persistent group data is: ";
1907 pcdata d;
1908 pcdata ". It is common to all the sessions for the same user ";
1909 pcdata name;
1910 pcdata ". Try with another browser!"
1912 p [pcdata "Check that all sessions with same user name share the value."];
1913 p [pcdata "Check that the value disappears when all sessions from the group are closed."];
1914 p [pcdata "Check that the all sessions are closed when clicking on \"close group\" button."];
1915 p [pcdata "Check that the value is preserved after relaunching the server."];
1916 disconnect_box ()])
1917 | None -> Lwt.return [login_box ()]) >>= fun l ->
1918 Lwt.return
1919 (html
1920 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1921 (body l))
1924 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1925 (* Handler for connect_action (user logs in): *)
1927 let connect_action_handler () login =
1928 lwt () = Eliom_state.discard ~scope:session () in
1929 Eliom_state.set_persistent_data_session_group
1930 ~set_max:(Some 4) ~scope:session login
1933 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1934 (* Registration of main services: *)
1936 let () =
1937 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register ~service:pgroup_tables_example group_tables_example_handler;
1938 Eliom_output.Action.register ~service:connect_action connect_action_handler
1940 (* *zap*)
1941 (*wiki*
1943 *wiki*)
1945 let csrf_scope_name = Eliom_common.create_scope_name "csrf"
1946 let csrf_scope = `Session csrf_scope_name
1948 let csrfsafe_example =
1949 Eliom_services.service
1950 ~path:["csrf"]
1951 ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
1954 let csrfsafe_example_post =
1955 Eliom_services.post_coservice
1956 ~csrf_safe:true
1957 ~csrf_scope
1958 ~csrf_secure:true
1959 ~timeout:10.
1960 ~max_use:1
1961 ~https:true
1962 ~fallback:csrfsafe_example
1963 ~post_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
1966 let _ =
1967 let page () () =
1968 let l3 = Eliom_output.Xhtml.post_form csrfsafe_example_post
1969 (fun _ -> [p [Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input
1970 ~input_type:`Submit
1971 ~value:"Click" ()]]) ()
1973 return
1974 (html
1975 (head (title (pcdata "CSRF safe service example")) [])
1976 (body [p [pcdata "A new coservice will be created each time this form is displayed"];
1977 l3]))
1979 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register csrfsafe_example page;
1980 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register csrfsafe_example_post
1981 (fun () () ->
1982 Lwt.return
1983 (html
1984 (head (title (pcdata "CSRF safe service")) [])
1985 (body [p [pcdata "This is a CSRF safe service"]])))
1987 (*wiki*
1991 %<code language="ocaml"|
1992 let r = Netstring_pcre.regexp "\\\\[(.*@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@)\\\\]"
1994 let regexp =
1995 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register_service
1996 ~path:["regexp"]
1997 ~get_params:(regexp r "$1" "myparam")
1998 (fun g () ->
1999 return
2000 (html
2001 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
2002 (body [p [pcdata g]])))
2006 *wiki*)
2007 (*zap* *)
2008 let myregexp = Netstring_pcre.regexp "\\[(.*)\\]"
2010 let regexpserv =
2011 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register_service
2012 ~path:["regexp"]
2013 ~get_params:(regexp myregexp "$1" (fun s -> s) "myparam")
2014 (fun g () ->
2015 return
2016 (html
2017 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
2018 (body [p [pcdata g]])))
2019 (* *zap*)
2020 (*wiki*
2022 *wiki*)
2023 (* Form with bool checkbox: *)
2024 let bool_params = register_service
2025 ~path:["bool"]
2026 ~get_params:(bool "case")
2027 (fun case () ->
2028 return
2029 <:xhtml< <html>
2030 <head><title></title></head>
2031 <body>
2033 $pcdata (if case then "checked" else "not checked")$
2034 </p>
2035 </body>
2036 </html> >>)
2038 let create_form_bool casename =
2039 <:xhtmllist< <p>check? $bool_checkbox ~name:casename ()$ <br/>
2040 $string_input ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Click" ()$</p> >>
2042 let form_bool = register_service ["formbool"] unit
2043 (fun () () ->
2044 let f = get_form bool_params create_form_bool in
2045 return
2046 <:xhtml< <html>
2047 <head><title></title></head>
2048 <body> $f$ </body>
2049 </html> >>)
2052 (*wiki*
2055 *wiki*)
2057 let set = register_service
2058 ~path:["set"]
2059 ~get_params:(set string "s")
2060 (fun l () ->
2061 let ll =
2063 (fun s -> <:xhtml< <strong>$str:s$ </strong> >>) l
2065 return
2066 <:xhtml< <html>
2067 <head><title></title></head>
2068 <body>
2070 You sent:
2071 $list:ll$
2072 </p>
2073 </body>
2074 </html> >>)
2075 (*wiki*
2078 *wiki*)
2080 (* form to set *)
2081 let setform = register_service
2082 ~path:["setform"]
2083 ~get_params:unit
2084 (fun () () ->
2085 return
2086 (html
2087 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
2088 (body [h1 [pcdata "Set Form"];
2089 get_form set
2090 (fun n ->
2091 [p [pcdata "Form to set: ";
2092 string_checkbox ~name:n ~value:"box1" ();
2093 string_checkbox
2094 ~name:n ~value:"box2" ~checked:true ();
2095 string_checkbox ~name:n ~value:"box3" ();
2096 string_checkbox ~name:n ~value:"box4" ();
2097 string_input ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Click" ()]])
2098 ])))
2099 (*wiki*
2102 *wiki*)
2103 let select_example_result = register_service
2104 ~path:["select"]
2105 ~get_params:(string "s")
2106 (fun g () ->
2107 return
2108 (html
2109 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
2110 (body [p [pcdata "You selected: ";
2111 strong [pcdata g]]])))
2113 let create_select_form =
2114 (fun select_name ->
2115 [p [pcdata "Select something: ";
2116 Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_select ~name:select_name
2117 (Eliom_output.Xhtml.Option ([] (* attributes *),
2118 "Bob" (* value *),
2119 None (* Content, if different from value *),
2120 false (* not selected *))) (* first line *)
2121 [Eliom_output.Xhtml.Option ([], "Marc", None, false);
2122 (Eliom_output.Xhtml.Optgroup
2123 ([],
2124 "Girls",
2125 ([], "Karin", None, false),
2126 [([a_disabled `Disabled], "Juliette", None, false);
2127 ([], "Alice", None, true);
2128 ([], "Germaine", Some (pcdata "Bob's mother"), false)]))]
2130 Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Send" ()]])
2132 let select_example = register_service ["select"] unit
2133 (fun () () ->
2134 let f =
2135 Eliom_output.Xhtml.get_form
2136 select_example_result create_select_form
2138 return
2139 (html
2140 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
2141 (body [f])))
2142 (*wiki*
2145 *wiki*)
2146 let coord = register_service
2147 ~path:["coord"]
2148 ~get_params:(coordinates "coord")
2149 (fun c () ->
2150 return
2151 <:xhtml< <html>
2152 <head><title></title></head>
2153 <body>
2155 You clicked on coordinates:
2156 ($str:(string_of_int c.abscissa)$, $str:(string_of_int c.ordinate)$)
2157 </p>
2158 </body>
2159 </html> >>)
2161 (* form to image *)
2162 let imageform = register_service
2163 ~path:["imageform"]
2164 ~get_params:unit
2165 (fun () () ->
2166 return
2167 (html
2168 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
2169 (body [h1 [pcdata "Image Form"];
2170 get_form coord
2171 (fun n ->
2172 [p [image_input
2173 ~src:(make_uri ~service:(static_dir ()) ["ocsigen5.png"])
2174 ~name:n
2175 ()]])
2176 ])))
2177 (*wiki*
2180 *wiki*)
2181 let coord2 = register_service
2182 ~path:["coord2"]
2183 ~get_params:(int_coordinates "coord")
2184 (fun (i, c) () ->
2185 return
2186 <:xhtml< <html>
2187 <head><title></title></head>
2188 <body>
2190 You clicked on coordinates:
2191 ($str:(string_of_int c.abscissa)$, $str:(string_of_int c.ordinate)$)
2192 </p>
2193 </body>
2194 </html> >>)
2196 (* form to image *)
2197 let imageform2 = register_service
2198 ~path:["imageform2"]
2199 ~get_params:unit
2200 (fun () () ->
2201 return
2202 (html
2203 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
2204 (body [h1 [pcdata "Image Form"];
2205 get_form coord2
2206 (fun n ->
2207 [p [int_image_input
2208 ~src:(make_uri ~service:(static_dir ()) ["ocsigen5.png"])
2209 ~name:n
2210 ~value:3
2211 ()]])
2212 ])))
2214 (*wiki*
2217 *wiki*)
2219 (* lists *)
2220 let coucou_list = register_service
2221 ~path:["coucou"]
2222 ~get_params:(list "a" (string "str"))
2223 (fun l () ->
2224 let ll =
2225 (fun s -> <:xhtml< <strong>$str:s$</strong> >>) l in
2226 return
2227 <:xhtml< <html>
2228 <head><title></title></head>
2229 <body>
2231 You sent:
2232 $list:ll$
2233 </p>
2234 </body>
2235 </html> >>)
2236 (*wiki*
2239 *wiki*)
2240 (*zap* Note:
2241 Actually almost all services will be overwritten by new versions,
2242 but not those with user_type parameters for example
2243 (because the type description contains functions)
2244 *zap*)
2246 (* Form with list: *)
2247 let create_listform f =
2248 (* Here, is an iterator like,
2249 but it must be applied to a function taking 3 arguments
2250 (unlike 1 in map), the first one being the name of the parameter,
2251 and the second one the element of list.
2252 The last parameter of is the code that must be appended at the
2253 end of the list created
2255 (fun stringname v init ->
2256 <:xhtmllist< <p>Write the value for $str:v$:
2257 $string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:stringname ()$ </p> >>@init)
2258 ["one";"two";"three";"four"]
2259 <:xhtmllist< <p>$string_input ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Click" ()$</p> >>
2261 let listform = register_service ["listform"] unit
2262 (fun () () ->
2263 let f = get_form coucou_list create_listform in
2264 return
2265 <:xhtml< <html>
2266 <head><title></title></head>
2267 <body> $f$ </body>
2268 </html> >>)
2270 (*wiki*
2273 *wiki*)
2274 (* Form for service with suffix: *)
2275 let create_suffixform ((suff, endsuff),i) =
2276 <:xhtmllist< <p>Write the suffix (integer):
2277 $int_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:suff ()$ <br/>
2278 Write a string: $user_type_input
2279 (Url.string_of_url_path ~encode:false)
2280 ~input_type:`Text ~name:endsuff ()
2281 $ <br/>
2282 Write an int: $int_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:i ()$ <br/>
2283 $string_input ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Click" ()$</p> >>
2285 let suffixform = register_service ["suffixform"] unit
2286 (fun () () ->
2287 let f = get_form isuffix create_suffixform in
2288 return
2289 <:xhtml< <html>
2290 <head><title></title></head>
2291 <body> $f$ </body>
2292 </html> >>)
2294 (*wiki*
2297 *wiki*)
2298 let upload = service
2299 ~path:["upload"]
2300 ~get_params:unit
2303 let upload2 = register_post_service
2304 ~fallback:upload
2305 ~post_params:(file "file")
2306 (fun () file ->
2307 let to_display =
2308 let newname = "/tmp/thefile" in
2309 (try
2310 Unix.unlink newname;
2311 with _ -> ());
2312 Ocsigen_messages.console2 (Eliom_request_info.get_tmp_filename file);
2313 (Eliom_request_info.get_tmp_filename file) newname;
2314 let fd_in = open_in newname in
2316 let line = input_line fd_in in close_in fd_in; line (*end*)
2317 with End_of_file -> close_in fd_in; "vide"
2319 return
2320 (html
2321 (head (title (pcdata "Upload")) [])
2322 (body [h1 [pcdata to_display]])))
2325 let uploadform = register upload
2326 (fun () () ->
2327 let f =
2328 (post_form upload2
2329 (fun file ->
2330 [p [file_input ~name:file ();
2331 br ();
2332 string_input ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Send" ()
2333 ]]) ()) in
2334 return
2335 (html
2336 (head (title (pcdata "form")) [])
2337 (body [f])))
2340 (*wiki*
2343 *wiki*)
2344 (* Hierarchical menu *)
2345 open Eliom_tools_common
2346 open Eliom_tools
2348 let hier1 = service ~path:["hier1"] ~get_params:unit ()
2349 let hier2 = service ~path:["hier2"] ~get_params:unit ()
2350 let hier3 = service ~path:["hier3"] ~get_params:unit ()
2351 let hier4 = service ~path:["hier4"] ~get_params:unit ()
2352 let hier5 = service ~path:["hier5"] ~get_params:unit ()
2353 let hier6 = service ~path:["hier6"] ~get_params:unit ()
2354 let hier7 = service ~path:["hier7"] ~get_params:unit ()
2355 let hier8 = service ~path:["hier8"] ~get_params:unit ()
2356 let hier9 = service ~path:["hier9"] ~get_params:unit ()
2357 let hier10 = service ~path:["hier10"] ~get_params:unit ()
2359 let mymenu =
2361 (Main_page hier1),
2363 [([pcdata "page 1"], Site_tree (Main_page hier1, []));
2365 ([pcdata "page 2"], Site_tree (Main_page hier2, []));
2367 ([pcdata "submenu 4"],
2368 Site_tree
2369 (Default_page hier4,
2370 [([pcdata "submenu 3"],
2371 Site_tree
2372 (Not_clickable,
2373 [([pcdata "page 3"], Site_tree (Main_page hier3, []));
2374 ([pcdata "page 4"], Site_tree (Main_page hier4, []));
2375 ([pcdata "page 5"], Site_tree (Main_page hier5, []))]
2379 ([pcdata "page 6"], Site_tree (Main_page hier6, []))]
2383 ([pcdata "page 7"],
2384 Site_tree (Main_page hier7, []));
2386 ([pcdata "disabled"], Disabled);
2388 ([pcdata "submenu 8"],
2389 Site_tree
2390 (Main_page hier8,
2391 [([pcdata "page 9"], Site_tree (Main_page hier9, []));
2392 ([pcdata "page 10"], Site_tree (Main_page hier10, []))]
2398 let f i s () () =
2399 return
2400 (html
2401 (head (title (pcdata ""))
2402 ((style ~contenttype:"text/css"
2403 [cdata_style
2404 "a {color: red;}\n
2405 li.eliomtools_current > a {color: blue;}\n
2406 .breadthmenu li {\n
2407 display: inline;\n
2408 padding: 0px 1em;\n
2409 margin: 0px;\n
2410 border-right: solid 1px black;}\n
2411 .breadthmenu li.eliomtools_last {border: none;}\n
2412 "])::
2413 Xhtml.structure_links mymenu ~service:s ())
2415 (body [h1 [pcdata ("Page "^string_of_int i)];
2416 h2 [pcdata "Depth first, whole tree:"];
2418 (Xhtml.hierarchical_menu_depth_first
2419 ~whole_tree:true mymenu ~service:s ());
2420 h2 [pcdata "Depth first, only current submenu:"];
2421 div (Xhtml.hierarchical_menu_depth_first mymenu ~service:s ());
2422 h2 [pcdata "Breadth first:"];
2424 (Xhtml.hierarchical_menu_breadth_first
2425 ~classe:["breadthmenu"] mymenu ~service:s ())]))
2428 let _ =
2429 register hier1 (f 1 hier1);
2430 register hier2 (f 2 hier2);
2431 register hier3 (f 3 hier3);
2432 register hier4 (f 4 hier4);
2433 register hier5 (f 5 hier5);
2434 register hier6 (f 6 hier6);
2435 register hier7 (f 7 hier7);
2436 register hier8 (f 8 hier8);
2437 register hier9 (f 9 hier9);
2438 register hier10 (f 10 hier10)