Initial packaging
[pkg-ocaml-eliom.git] / tests /
1 (* Ocsigen
2 *
3 * Module
4 * Copyright (C) 2007 Vincent Balat
6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8 * the Free Software Foundation, with linking exception;
9 * either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
22 (* Other examples for Eliom, and various tests *)
24 open Lwt
25 open Eliom_parameters
26 open Ocsigen_cookies
27 open HTML5.M
29 (*****************************************************************************)
30 (* Test for raw_post_data *)
32 let raw_post_example =
33 Eliom_output.Html5.register_service
34 ~path:["rawpost"]
35 ~get_params:unit
36 (fun () () ->
37 Lwt.return
38 (html
39 (head (title (pcdata "raw post data")) [])
40 (body [p [pcdata "It is possible to send POST data to this URL, using any content-type other than form data or multipart. Try it with telnet. Cut and paste in a terminal:"];
41 pre [pcdata "telnet localhost 8080
42 POST /rawpost HTTP/1.0
43 Content-type: plop/plop
44 Content-length: 124"];
45 ]))
48 let raw_post_service =
49 Eliom_output.Html5.register_post_service
50 ~fallback:raw_post_example
51 ~post_params:raw_post_data
52 (fun () (ct, stream) ->
53 let ct = match ct with
54 | None -> "<none>"
55 | Some ((content_type1, content_type2), _) ->
56 content_type1^"/"^content_type2
58 (match stream with
59 | None -> Lwt.return ""
60 | Some stream ->
61 Ocsigen_stream.string_of_stream 1000 (Ocsigen_stream.get stream))
62 >>= fun s ->
63 Lwt.return
64 (html
65 (head (title (pcdata "raw post data")) [])
66 (body [p [pcdata "I received POST data, with content-type = ";
67 pcdata ct;
68 pcdata ", and the first 1000 bytes of the content are:"];
69 p [pcdata s]])
74 (*****************************************************************************)
76 (************************************************************)
77 (****************** Connection of users *********************)
78 (************************************************************)
79 (*zap* *)
80 let scope_name = Eliom_common.create_scope_name "connect_example_state"
81 let session = `Session scope_name
82 (* *zap*)
83 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
84 (* We create one main service and two (POST) actions *)
85 (* (for connection and disconnection) *)
87 let connect_example =
88 Eliom_services.service
89 ~path:["connect_example"]
90 ~get_params:unit
93 let connect_action =
94 Eliom_services.post_coservice'
95 ~name:"connection"
96 ~post_params:(string "login")
99 (* disconnect action and box: *)
101 let disconnect_action =
102 Eliom_output.Action.register_post_coservice'
103 ~name:"disconnection"
104 ~post_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
105 (fun () () ->
106 Eliom_state.discard ~scope:session ())
108 let disconnect_box s =
109 Eliom_output.Html5.post_form disconnect_action
110 (fun _ -> [p [Eliom_output.Html5.string_input
111 ~input_type:`Submit ~value:s ()]]) ()
113 (* The following eref is true if the connection has action failed: *)
114 let bad_user = Eliom_references.eref ~scope:Eliom_common.request false
116 (* The following eref is the name of the user, when connected *)
117 let user = Eliom_references.eref ~scope:session None
119 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
120 (* new login box: *)
122 let login_box session_expired bad_u action =
123 Eliom_output.Html5.post_form action
124 (fun loginname ->
125 let l =
126 [pcdata "login: ";
127 Eliom_output.Html5.string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:loginname ()]
129 [p (if bad_u
130 then (pcdata "Wrong user")::(br ())::l
131 else
132 if session_expired
133 then (pcdata "Session expired")::(br ())::l
134 else l)
138 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
139 (* Handler for the "connect_example" service (main page): *)
141 let connect_example_handler () () =
142 (* The following function tests whether the session has expired: *)
143 let status = Eliom_state.volatile_data_state_status (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) ()
145 Eliom_references.get bad_user >>= fun bad_u ->
146 Eliom_references.get user >>= fun u ->
147 Lwt.return
148 (html
149 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
150 (body
151 (match u, status with
152 | Some name, _ ->
153 [p [pcdata ("Hello "^name); br ()];
154 disconnect_box "Close session"]
155 | None, Eliom_state.Expired_state ->
156 [login_box true bad_u connect_action;
157 p [em [pcdata "The only user is 'toto'."]]]
158 | _ ->
159 [login_box false bad_u connect_action;
160 p [em [pcdata "The only user is 'toto'."]]]
163 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
164 (* Handler for connect_action (user logs in): *)
166 let connect_action_handler () login =
167 lwt () = Eliom_state.discard ~scope:session () in
168 if login = "toto" (* Check user and password :-) *)
169 then Eliom_references.set user (Some login)
170 else Eliom_references.set bad_user true
173 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
174 (* Registration of main services: *)
176 let () =
177 Eliom_output.Html5.register ~service:connect_example connect_example_handler;
178 Eliom_output.Action.register ~service:connect_action connect_action_handler
181 (*****************************************************************************)
183 (************************************************************)
184 (********* Connection of users with session groups **********)
185 (************************************************************)
186 (*zap* *)
187 let scope_name = Eliom_common.create_scope_name "session_group_example_state"
188 let session = `Session scope_name
189 (* *zap*)
190 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
191 (* We create one main service and two (POST) actions *)
192 (* (for connection and disconnection) *)
194 let connect_example =
195 Eliom_services.service
196 ~path:["sessgrp"]
197 ~get_params:unit
200 let connect_action =
201 Eliom_services.post_coservice'
202 ~name:"connection2"
203 ~post_params:(string "login")
206 (* disconnect action and box: *)
208 let disconnect_action =
209 Eliom_output.Action.register_post_coservice'
210 ~name:"disconnection2"
211 ~post_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
212 (fun () () ->
213 Eliom_state.discard ~scope:session ())
215 let disconnect_box s =
216 Eliom_output.Html5.post_form disconnect_action
217 (fun _ -> [p [Eliom_output.Html5.string_input
218 ~input_type:`Submit ~value:s ()]]) ()
220 (* The following eref is true if the connection has action failed: *)
221 let bad_user = Eliom_references.eref ~scope:Eliom_common.request false
223 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
224 (* new login box: *)
226 let login_box session_expired bad_u action =
227 Eliom_output.Html5.post_form action
228 (fun loginname ->
229 let l =
230 [pcdata "login: ";
231 Eliom_output.Html5.string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:loginname ()]
233 [p (if bad_u
234 then (pcdata "Wrong user")::(br ())::l
235 else
236 if session_expired
237 then (pcdata "Session expired")::(br ())::l
238 else l)
242 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
243 (* Handler for the "connect_example" service (main page): *)
245 let connect_example_handler () () =
246 (* The following function tests whether the session has expired: *)
247 let status = Eliom_state.volatile_data_state_status (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) ()
249 let group =
250 Eliom_state.get_volatile_data_session_group (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) ()
252 Eliom_references.get bad_user >>= fun bad_u ->
253 Lwt.return
254 (html
255 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
256 (body
257 (match group, status with
258 | Some name, _ ->
259 [p [pcdata ("Hello "^name); br ()];
260 disconnect_box "Close session"]
261 | None, Eliom_state.Expired_state ->
262 [login_box true bad_u connect_action;
263 p [em [pcdata "The only user is 'toto'."]]]
264 | _ ->
265 [login_box false bad_u connect_action;
266 p [em [pcdata "The only user is 'toto'."]]]
269 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
270 (* Handler for connect_action (user logs in): *)
272 let connect_action_handler () login =
273 lwt () = Eliom_state.discard ~scope:session () in
274 if login = "toto" (* Check user and password :-) *)
275 then begin
276 Eliom_state.set_volatile_data_session_group ~set_max:4 (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) login;
277 Eliom_output.Redirection.send Eliom_services.void_hidden_coservice'
279 else
280 Eliom_references.set bad_user true >>= fun () ->
281 Eliom_output.Action.send ()
284 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
285 (* Registration of main services: *)
287 let () =
288 Eliom_output.Html5.register ~service:connect_example connect_example_handler;
289 Eliom_output.Any.register ~service:connect_action connect_action_handler
293 (*****************************************************************************)
295 let myeref = Eliom_references.eref ~scope:`Global ~persistent:"perscount" 0
297 let count3 =
298 let next =
299 let mutex = Lwt_mutex.create () in
300 (fun () ->
301 Lwt_mutex.lock mutex >>= fun () ->
302 Eliom_references.get myeref >>= fun oldc ->
303 let newc = oldc + 1 in
304 Eliom_references.set myeref newc >>= fun () ->
305 Lwt_mutex.unlock mutex;
306 Lwt.return newc)
308 Eliom_output.Html5.register_service
309 ~path:["count3"]
310 ~get_params:unit
311 (fun () () ->
312 next () >>=
313 (fun n ->
314 Lwt.return
315 (HTML5.M.html
316 (HTML5.M.head (HTML5.M.title (HTML5.M.pcdata "counter")) [])
317 (HTML5.M.body [HTML5.M.p [HTML5.M.pcdata (string_of_int n)]]))))
320 (*****************************************************************************)
322 open Eliom_testsuite1
323 open XHTML.M
324 open Eliom_output.Xhtml
325 open Eliom_output
326 open Eliom_services
327 open Eliom_state
329 (* Lists of lists *)
331 let lilists = service [ "lilists" ] unit ()
333 let lilists2 = service
334 ["lilists2"] (list "l" (string "title" ** (list "il" (int "i")))) ()
336 let create_form f =
337 let l =
338 (fun (sn, l2) v init ->
339 (tr (td [pcdata ("Write a string: ")])
340 ((td [string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:sn ()])::
341 (td [pcdata ("Write integers: ")])::
343 ( (fun iname v init ->
344 (td [int_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:iname ()])::init)
345 ["A"; "B"]
346 []))
348 )::init)
349 ["one";"two";"three"]
352 [table (List.hd l) ( l);
353 p [string_input ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Click" ()]]
355 let () = register lilists
356 (fun () () ->
357 let f = Eliom_output.Xhtml.get_form lilists2 create_form in
358 return
359 (html
360 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
361 (body [f])))
363 let () = register lilists2
364 (fun ll () ->
365 return
366 (html
367 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
368 (body
369 ( (fun (s, il) -> p (pcdata s::
370 (fun i -> pcdata (string_of_int i)) il)) ll))))
373 (* sums in parameters types *)
375 let sumserv = register_service
376 ~path:["sum"]
377 ~get_params:(sum (int "i") (sum (int "ii") (string "s")))
378 (fun g () ->
379 return
380 (html
381 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
382 (body [p [pcdata "You sent: ";
383 strong [pcdata
384 (match g with
385 | Inj1 i
386 | Inj2 (Inj1 i) -> string_of_int i
387 | Inj2 (Inj2 s) -> s) ]]])))
389 let create_form =
390 (fun (name1, (name2, name3)) ->
391 [p [
392 Eliom_output.Xhtml.int_input
393 ~name:name1 ~input_type:`Submit ~value:48 ();
394 Eliom_output.Xhtml.int_input
395 ~name:name2 ~input_type:`Submit ~value:55 ();
396 Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input
397 ~name:name3 ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"plop" ();
400 let sumform = register_service ["sumform"] unit
401 (fun () () ->
402 let f = Eliom_output.Xhtml.get_form sumserv create_form in
403 return
404 (html
405 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
406 (body [f])))
409 let sumform2 = service ~path:["sumform2"] ~get_params:unit ()
411 let sumserv = register_post_service
412 ~fallback:sumform2
413 ~post_params:(sum (int "i") (sum (int "ii") (string "s")))
414 (fun () post ->
415 return
416 (html
417 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
418 (body [p [pcdata "You sent: ";
419 strong [pcdata
420 (match post with
421 | Inj1 i
422 | Inj2 (Inj1 i) -> string_of_int i
423 | Inj2 (Inj2 s) -> s) ]]])))
425 let () = register sumform2
426 (fun () () ->
427 let f = Eliom_output.Xhtml.post_form sumserv create_form () in
428 return
429 (html
430 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
431 (body [f])))
434 (******)
435 (* unregistering services *)
436 let unregister_example =
437 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register_service
438 ~path:["unregister"]
439 ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
440 (fun () () ->
441 let s1 = Eliom_output.Xhtml.register_service
442 ~path:["unregister1"]
443 ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
444 (fun () () -> failwith "s1")
446 let s2 = Eliom_output.Xhtml.register_coservice
447 ~fallback:s1
448 ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
449 (fun () () -> failwith "s2")
451 let s3 = Eliom_output.Xhtml.register_coservice'
452 ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
453 (fun () () -> failwith "s3")
455 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register ~scope:Eliom_common.session
456 ~service:s1
457 (fun () () -> failwith "s4");
458 Eliom_services.unregister s1;
459 Eliom_services.unregister s2;
460 Eliom_services.unregister s3;
461 Eliom_services.unregister ~scope:Eliom_common.session s1;
462 Lwt.return
463 (html
464 (head (title (pcdata "Unregistering services")) [])
465 (body [p [pcdata
466 "These services have been registered and unregistered"];
467 p [a s1 [pcdata "regular service"] ();
468 pcdata ", ";
469 a s2 [pcdata "coservice"] ();
470 pcdata ", ";
471 a s3 [pcdata "non attached coservice"] ();
472 pcdata ", ";
473 a s1 [pcdata "session service"] ();
474 ]]))
478 (******)
479 (* CSRF GET *)
481 let csrfsafe_get_example =
482 Eliom_services.service
483 ~path:["csrfget"]
484 ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
487 let csrfsafe_example_get =
488 Eliom_services.coservice
489 ~csrf_safe:true
490 ~timeout:10.
491 ~fallback:csrfsafe_get_example
492 ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
495 let _ =
496 let page () () =
497 let l3 = Eliom_output.Xhtml.get_form csrfsafe_example_get
498 (fun _ -> [p [Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input
499 ~input_type:`Submit
500 ~value:"Click" ()]])
502 return
503 (html
504 (head (title (pcdata "CSRF safe service example")) [])
505 (body [p [pcdata "A new coservice will be created each time this form is displayed"];
506 l3]))
508 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register csrfsafe_get_example page;
509 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register csrfsafe_example_get
510 (fun () () ->
511 Lwt.return
512 (html
513 (head (title (pcdata "CSRF safe service")) [])
514 (body [p [pcdata "This is a GET CSRF safe service"]])))
516 (******)
517 (* CSRF POST on CSRF GET coservice *)
519 let csrfsafe_postget_example =
520 Eliom_services.service
521 ~path:["csrfpostget"]
522 ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
525 let csrfsafe_example_post =
526 Eliom_services.post_coservice
527 ~csrf_safe:true
528 ~timeout:10.
529 ~fallback:csrfsafe_example_get (* !!! *)
530 ~post_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
533 let _ =
534 let page () () =
535 let l3 = Eliom_output.Xhtml.post_form csrfsafe_example_post
536 (fun _ -> [p [Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input
537 ~input_type:`Submit
538 ~value:"Click" ()]]) ()
540 return
541 (html
542 (head (title (pcdata "CSRF safe service example")) [])
543 (body [p [pcdata "A new coservice will be created each time this form is displayed"];
544 l3]))
546 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register csrfsafe_postget_example page;
547 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register csrfsafe_example_post
548 (fun () () ->
549 Lwt.return
550 (html
551 (head (title (pcdata "CSRF safe service")) [])
552 (body [p [pcdata "This is a POST CSRF safe service, combined with a GET CSRF safe service"]])))
555 (******)
556 (* CSRF for_session *)
558 let csrfsafe_session_example =
559 Eliom_services.service
560 ~path:["csrfsession"]
561 ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
564 let myscope = (`Session (Eliom_common.create_scope_name "plop"))
566 let csrfsafe_example_session =
567 Eliom_services.post_coservice'
568 ~csrf_safe:true
569 ~csrf_scope:myscope
570 ~csrf_secure:true
571 ~timeout:10.
572 ~post_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
575 let _ =
576 let page () () =
577 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register ~scope:myscope
578 ~secure_session:true
579 ~service:csrfsafe_example_session
580 (fun () () ->
581 Lwt.return
582 (html
583 (head (title (pcdata "CSRF safe service")) [])
584 (body [p [pcdata "This is a POST CSRF safe service"]])));
585 let l3 = Eliom_output.Xhtml.post_form csrfsafe_example_session
586 (fun _ -> [p [Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input
587 ~input_type:`Submit
588 ~value:"Click" ()]])
591 return
592 (html
593 (head (title (pcdata "CSRF safe service example")) [])
594 (body [p [pcdata "A new coservice will be created each time this form is displayed"];
595 l3]))
597 Eliom_output.Xhtml.register csrfsafe_session_example page
601 (******)
602 (* optional suffix parameters *)
604 let optsuf =
605 register_service
606 ~path:["optsuf"]
607 ~get_params:(suffix(opt(string "q" ** (opt (int "i")))))
608 (fun o () ->
609 Lwt.return
610 (html
611 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
612 (body [p [pcdata (match o with
613 | None -> "<none>"
614 | Some (s, o) ->
615 s^(match o with
616 | None -> "<none>"
617 | Some i -> string_of_int i));
618 ]])))
620 let optsuf2 =
621 register_service
622 ~path:["optsuf2"]
623 ~get_params:(suffix(opt(string "q") ** (opt (int "i"))))
624 (fun (s, i) () ->
625 Lwt.return
626 (html
627 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
628 (body [p [pcdata (match s with
629 | None -> "<none>"
630 | Some s -> s);
631 pcdata (match i with
632 | None -> "<none>"
633 | Some i -> string_of_int i)];
634 ])))
636 (*******)
637 let my_nl_params =
638 Eliom_parameters.make_non_localized_parameters
639 ~prefix:"tutoeliom"
640 ~name:"mynlp"
641 ( "a" ** Eliom_parameters.string "s")
643 let void_with_nlp =
644 Eliom_services.add_non_localized_get_parameters
645 my_nl_params Eliom_services.void_hidden_coservice'
647 let nlparams2 = service
648 ~path:["voidnl"]
649 ~get_params:(suffix_prod (int "year" ** int "month") (int "w" ))
652 let nlparams2_with_nlp =
653 Eliom_services.add_non_localized_get_parameters
654 my_nl_params nlparams2
656 let () = register
657 nlparams2
658 (fun ((aa, bb), w) () ->
659 Lwt.return
660 (html
661 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
662 (body [p [
663 a void_with_nlp
664 [pcdata "void coservice with non loc param"] ((), (11, "aa"));
665 a nlparams2_with_nlp
666 [pcdata "myself with non loc param"] (((4, 5), 777), (12, "ab"))];
667 p [pcdata "I have my suffix, ";
668 pcdata ("with values year = "^string_of_int aa^
669 " and month = "^string_of_int bb^
670 ". w = "^string_of_int w^".")];
671 (match Eliom_parameters.get_non_localized_get_parameters
672 my_nl_params
673 with
674 | None ->
675 p [pcdata "I do not have my non localized parameters"]
676 | Some (a, s) ->
677 p [pcdata "I have my non localized parameters, ";
678 pcdata ("with values a = "^string_of_int a^
679 " and s = "^s^".")]
680 )]))
686 (*******)
687 (* doing requests *)
688 (* Warning: compute_result may return an deflated result! *)
689 (* Check! (see for example Eliom_output.Action) *)
690 let extreq =
691 register_service
692 ~path:["extreq"]
693 ~get_params:unit
694 (fun () () ->
695 Ocsigen_http_client.get "" "/ocsimoreadmin/static/ocsiwikistyle.css" () >>= fun frame ->
696 (match frame.Ocsigen_http_frame.frame_content with
697 | None -> Lwt.return ""
698 | Some stream -> Ocsigen_stream.string_of_stream (Ocsigen_config.get_maxrequestbodysizeinmemory ()) (Ocsigen_stream.get stream)) >>= fun s ->
699 (* Here use an XML parser,
700 or send the stream directly using an appropriate Eliom_mkreg module *)
701 return
702 (html
703 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
704 (body [p [pcdata s]])))
706 let servreq =
707 register_service
708 ~path:["servreq"]
709 ~get_params:unit
710 (fun () () ->
711 let ri = Eliom_request_info.get_ri () in
712 let ri = Ocsigen_extensions.ri_of_url "tuto/" ri in
713 Ocsigen_extensions.compute_result ri >>= fun result ->
714 let stream = fst result.Ocsigen_http_frame.res_stream in
715 Ocsigen_stream.string_of_stream (Ocsigen_config.get_maxrequestbodysizeinmemory ()) (Ocsigen_stream.get stream) >>= fun s ->
716 (* Here use an XML parser,
717 or send the stream directly using an appropriate Eliom_mkreg module *)
718 return
719 (html
720 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
721 (body [p [pcdata s]])))
723 let servreqloop =
724 register_service
725 ~path:["servreqloop"]
726 ~get_params:unit
727 (fun () () ->
728 let ri = Eliom_request_info.get_ri () in
729 Ocsigen_extensions.compute_result ri >>= fun result ->
730 let stream = fst result.Ocsigen_http_frame.res_stream in
731 Ocsigen_stream.string_of_stream (Ocsigen_config.get_maxrequestbodysizeinmemory ()) (Ocsigen_stream.get stream) >>= fun s ->
732 (* Here use an XML parser,
733 or send the stream directly using an appropriate Eliom_mkreg module *)
734 return
735 (html
736 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
737 (body [p [pcdata s]])))
743 (* Customizing HTTP headers *)
744 let headers =
745 register_service
746 ~code:666
747 ~charset:"plopcharset"
748 (* ~content_type:"custom/contenttype" *)
749 ~headers:(Http_headers.add
750 ( "XCustom-header")
751 "This is an example"
752 Http_headers.empty)
753 ~path:["httpheaders"]
754 ~get_params:unit
755 (fun () () ->
756 Eliom_state.set_cookie
757 ~path:[] ~name:"Customcookie" ~value:"Value" ~secure:true ();
758 Eliom_state.set_cookie
759 ~path:[] ~name:"Customcookie2" ~value:"Value2" ();
760 Lwt.return
761 (html
762 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
763 (body [h1 [pcdata "Look at my HTTP headers"]])))
766 (* form towards a suffix service with constants *)
767 let create_form (n1, (_, n2)) =
768 <:xhtmllist< <p>
769 $string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:n1 ()$
770 $string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:n2 ()$
771 $string_input ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Click" ()$</p> >>
773 let constform = register_service ["constform"] unit
774 (fun () () ->
775 let f = get_form Eliom_testsuite1.constfix create_form in
776 return
777 (html
778 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
779 (body [h1 [pcdata "Hallo"];
780 f ])))
783 (* Suffix and other service at same URL *)
784 let su2 =
785 register_service
786 ~path:["fuffix";""]
787 ~get_params:(suffix (all_suffix_string "s"))
788 (fun s () ->
789 return
790 (html
791 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
792 (body [h1
793 [pcdata s];
794 p [pcdata "Try page fuffix/a/b"]])))
796 let su =
797 register_service
798 ~path:["fuffix";"a";"b"]
799 ~get_params:unit
800 (fun () () ->
801 return
802 (html
803 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
804 (body [h1 [pcdata "Try another suffix"]])))
806 let su3 =
807 register_service
808 ~path:["fuffix";""]
809 ~get_params:unit
810 (fun () () ->
811 return
812 (html
813 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
814 (body [h1 [pcdata "Try another suffix"]])))
816 let su4 =
817 register_service
818 ~path:["fuffix";""]
819 ~get_params:(suffix (string "s" ** suffix_const "CONST" ** string "ss"))
820 ~priority:1
821 (fun (s, ((), ss)) () ->
822 return
823 (html
824 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
825 (body [h1
826 [pcdata s];
827 p [pcdata "I am a suffix service with a constant part, registered after the generic suffix service, but I have a priority, so that you can see me!"]])))
829 let create_suffixform_su2 s =
830 <:xhtmllist< <p>Write a string:
831 $string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:s ()$ <br/>
832 $string_input ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Click" ()$</p> >>
834 let suffixform_su2 = register_service ["suffixform_su2"] unit
835 (fun () () ->
836 let f = get_form su2 create_suffixform_su2 in
837 return
838 (html
839 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
840 (body [h1 [pcdata "Hallo"];
841 f ])))
843 (* optional parameters *)
844 let optparam =
845 register_service
846 ~path:["opt"]
847 ~get_params:(Eliom_parameters.opt (Eliom_parameters.string "a" **
848 Eliom_parameters.string "b"))
849 (fun o () ->
850 Lwt.return
851 (html
852 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
853 (body [h1 [pcdata "Hallo!"];
854 match o with
855 | None -> p [pcdata "no parameters"]
856 | Some (a, b) -> p [pcdata a;
857 pcdata ", ";
858 pcdata b]
863 let optform =
864 register_service
865 ~path:["optform"]
866 ~get_params:unit
867 (fun () () ->
868 (* testing lwt_get_form *)
869 Eliom_output.Xhtml.lwt_get_form
870 ~service:optparam
871 (fun (an, bn) ->
872 Lwt.return
873 [p [
874 string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:an ();
875 string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:bn ();
876 Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input
877 ~input_type:`Submit
878 ~value:"Click" ()]])
879 >>= fun form ->
880 let form =
881 (form : XHTML_types.form XHTML.M.elt :> [> XHTML_types.form ] XHTML.M.elt)
883 return
884 (html
885 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
886 (body [h1 [pcdata "Hallo!"];
887 form
893 (* Preapplied service with suffix parameters *)
895 let presu_service =
896 register_service
897 ~path: ["preappliedsuffix2"]
898 ~get_params: (suffix (int "i"))
899 (fun i () ->
900 Lwt.return
901 (html
902 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
903 (body [p [ pcdata ("You sent: " ^ (string_of_int i))]])))
906 let creator_handler () () =
907 let create_form () =
908 [fieldset [string_input ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Click" ()]] in
909 let myservice = preapply presu_service 10 in
910 let myform = get_form myservice create_form in
911 Lwt.return
912 (html
913 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
914 (body [
915 p [pcdata "Form with preapplied parameter:"];
916 myform;
917 p [a myservice [pcdata "Link with preapplied parameter"] ()]
920 let preappliedsuffix =
921 register_service
922 ~path: ["preappliedsuffix"]
923 ~get_params: unit
924 creator_handler
927 (* URL with ? or / in data or paths *)
929 let url_encoding =
930 register_service
931 ~path:["urlencoding&à/=é?ablah"]
932 ~get_params:(suffix_prod (all_suffix "s//\\à") any)
933 (fun (suf, l) () ->
934 let ll =
936 (fun (a,s) -> <:xhtml< <strong>($str:a$, $str:s$) </strong> >>) l
938 let sl =
940 (fun s -> <:xhtml< <strong>$str:s$ </strong> >>) suf
942 return
943 (html
944 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
945 (body [h1 [pcdata "Hallo"];
946 p sl;
947 p ll
948 ])))
951 (* menu with preapplied services *)
953 let preappl = preapply coucou_params (3,(4,"cinq"))
954 let preappl2 = preapply uasuffix (1999,01)
956 let mymenu current =
957 ~classe:["menuprincipal"]
958 (coucou, <:xhtmllist< coucou >>)
960 (preappl, <:xhtmllist< params >>);
961 (preappl2, <:xhtmllist< params and suffix >>);
962 ] ~service:current ()
964 let preappmenu =
965 register_service
966 ~path:["menu"]
967 ~get_params:unit
968 (fun () () ->
969 return
970 (html
971 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
972 (body [h1 [pcdata "Hallo"];
973 mymenu coucou ])))
978 (* GET Non-attached coservice *)
979 let nonatt = coservice' ~get_params:(string "e") ()
981 (* GET coservice with preapplied fallback *)
982 (* + Non-attached coservice on a pre-applied coservice *)
983 (* + Non-attached coservice on a non-attached coservice *)
984 let f s =
985 (html
986 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
987 (body [h1 [pcdata s];
988 p [a nonatt [pcdata "clic"] "nonon"];
989 get_form nonatt
990 (fun string_name ->
991 [p [pcdata "Non attached coservice: ";
992 string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:string_name ();
993 string_input ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Click" ()]])
996 let getco = register_coservice
997 ~fallback:preappl
998 ~get_params:(int "i" ** string "s")
999 (fun (i,s) () -> return (f s))
1001 let _ = register nonatt (fun s () -> return (f s))
1003 let getcoex =
1004 register_service
1005 ~path:["getco"]
1006 ~get_params:unit
1007 (fun () () ->
1008 return
1009 (html
1010 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1011 (body [p [a getco [pcdata "clic"] (22,"eee") ];
1012 get_form getco
1013 (fun (number_name,string_name) ->
1014 [p [pcdata "Write an int: ";
1015 int_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:number_name ();
1016 pcdata "Write a string: ";
1017 string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:string_name ();
1018 string_input ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Click" ()]])
1019 ])))
1022 (* POST service with preapplied fallback are not possible: *)
1024 let my_service_with_post_params =
1025 register_post_service
1026 ~fallback:preappl
1027 ~post_params:(string "value")
1028 (fun () value -> return
1029 (html
1030 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1031 (body [h1 [pcdata value]])))
1034 (* GET coservice with coservice fallback: not possible *)
1036 let preappl3 = preapply getco (777,"ooo")
1038 let getco2 =
1039 register_coservice
1040 ~fallback:preappl3
1041 ~get_params:(int "i2" ** string "s2")
1042 (fun (i,s) () ->
1043 return
1044 (html
1045 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1046 (body [h1 [pcdata s]])))
1051 (* POST service with coservice fallback *)
1052 let my_service_with_post_params =
1053 register_post_service
1054 ~fallback:getco
1055 ~post_params:(string "value")
1056 (fun (i,s) value -> return
1057 (html
1058 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1059 (body [h1 [pcdata (s^" "^value)]])))
1061 let postcoex = register_service ["postco"] unit
1062 (fun () () ->
1063 let f =
1064 (post_form my_service_with_post_params
1065 (fun chaine ->
1066 [p [pcdata "Write a string: ";
1067 string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:chaine ()]])
1068 (222,"ooo")) in
1069 return
1070 (html
1071 (head (title (pcdata "form")) [])
1072 (body [f])))
1075 (* action on GET attached coservice *)
1076 let v = ref 0
1078 let getact =
1079 service
1080 ~path:["getact"]
1081 ~get_params:(int "p")
1084 let act = Action.register_coservice
1085 ~fallback:(preapply getact 22)
1086 ~get_params:(int "bip")
1087 (fun g p -> v := g; return ())
1089 (* action on GET non-attached coservice on GET coservice page *)
1090 let naact = Action.register_coservice'
1091 ~get_params:(int "bop")
1092 (fun g p -> v := g; return ())
1094 let naunit = Unit.register_coservice'
1095 ~get_params:(int "bap")
1096 (fun g p -> v := g; return ())
1098 let _ =
1099 register
1100 getact
1101 (fun aa () ->
1102 return
1103 (html
1104 (head (title (pcdata "getact")) [])
1105 (body [h1 [pcdata ("v = "^(string_of_int !v))];
1106 p [pcdata ("p = "^(string_of_int aa))];
1107 p [a getact [pcdata "link to myself"] 0;
1108 br ();
1109 a act [pcdata "an attached action to change v"]
1110 ( 100);
1111 br ();
1112 a naact [pcdata "a non attached action to change v"]
1113 (100 + 100);
1114 pcdata " (Actually if called after the previous one, v won't change. More precisely, it will change and turn back to the former value because the attached coservice is reloaded after action)";
1115 br ();
1116 a naunit [pcdata "a non attached \"Unit\" page to change v"]
1117 (200 + 100);
1118 pcdata " (Reload after clicking here)"
1119 ]])))
1124 (* Many cookies *)
1125 let cookiename = "c"
1127 let cookies2 = service ["c";""] (suffix (all_suffix_string "s")) ()
1129 let _ = Eliom_output.Xhtml.register cookies2
1130 (fun s () ->
1131 let now = Unix.time () in
1132 Eliom_state.set_cookie
1133 ~path:[] ~exp:(now +. 10.) ~name:(cookiename^"6")
1134 ~value:(string_of_int ( 100)) ~secure:true ();
1135 Eliom_state.set_cookie
1136 ~path:[] ~exp:(now +. 10.) ~name:(cookiename^"7")
1137 ~value:(string_of_int ( 100)) ~secure:true ();
1138 Eliom_state.set_cookie
1139 ~path:["c";"plop"] ~name:(cookiename^"8")
1140 ~value:(string_of_int ( 100)) ();
1141 Eliom_state.set_cookie
1142 ~path:["c";"plop"] ~name:(cookiename^"9")
1143 ~value:(string_of_int ( 100)) ();
1144 Eliom_state.set_cookie
1145 ~path:["c";"plop"] ~name:(cookiename^"10")
1146 ~value:(string_of_int ( 100)) ~secure:true ();
1147 Eliom_state.set_cookie
1148 ~path:["c";"plop"] ~name:(cookiename^"11")
1149 ~value:(string_of_int ( 100)) ~secure:true ();
1150 Eliom_state.set_cookie
1151 ~path:["c";"plop"] ~name:(cookiename^"12")
1152 ~value:(string_of_int ( 100)) ~secure:true ();
1153 if CookiesTable.mem (cookiename^"1") (Eliom_request_info.get_cookies ())
1154 then
1155 (Eliom_state.unset_cookie ~name:(cookiename^"1") ();
1156 Eliom_state.unset_cookie ~name:(cookiename^"2") ())
1157 else begin
1158 Eliom_state.set_cookie
1159 ~name:(cookiename^"1") ~value:(string_of_int ( 100))
1160 ~secure:true ();
1161 Eliom_state.set_cookie
1162 ~name:(cookiename^"2") ~value:(string_of_int ( 100)) ();
1163 Eliom_state.set_cookie
1164 ~name:(cookiename^"3") ~value:(string_of_int ( 100)) ()
1165 end;
1167 Lwt.return
1168 (html
1169 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1170 (body [p
1171 (CookiesTable.fold
1172 (fun n v l ->
1173 (pcdata (n^"="^v))::
1174 (br ())::l
1176 (Eliom_request_info.get_cookies ())
1177 [a cookies2 [pcdata "send other cookies"] ""; br ();
1178 a cookies2 [pcdata "send other cookies and see the url /c/plop"] "plop"]
1179 )]))
1185 (* Send file *)
1186 let sendfileex =
1187 register_service
1188 ~path:["files";""]
1189 ~get_params:unit
1190 (fun () () ->
1191 return
1192 (html
1193 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1194 (body [h1 [pcdata "With a suffix, that page will send a file"]])))
1196 let sendfile2 =
1197 Files.register_service
1198 ~path:["files";""]
1199 ~get_params:(suffix (all_suffix "filename"))
1200 (fun s () ->
1201 return ("/var/www/ocsigen/"^(Url.string_of_url_path ~encode:false s)))
1203 let sendfileexception =
1204 register_service
1205 ~path:["files";"exception"]
1206 ~get_params:unit
1207 (fun () () ->
1208 return
1209 (html
1210 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1211 (body [h1 [pcdata "With another suffix, that page will send a file"]])))
1214 (* Complex suffixes *)
1215 let suffix2 =
1216 service
1217 ~path:["suffix2";""]
1218 ~get_params:(suffix (string "suff1" ** int "ii" ** all_suffix "ee"))
1221 let _ =
1222 register suffix2
1223 (fun (suf1, (ii, ee)) () ->
1224 return
1225 (html
1226 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1227 (body
1228 [p [pcdata "The suffix of the url is ";
1229 strong [pcdata (suf1^", "^(string_of_int ii)^", "^
1230 (Url.string_of_url_path ~encode:false ee))]];
1231 p [a suffix2 [pcdata "link to myself"] ("a", (2, []))]])))
1233 let suffix3 =
1234 register_service
1235 ~path:["suffix3";""]
1236 ~get_params:(suffix_prod
1237 (string "suff1" ** int "ii" **
1238 all_suffix_user int_of_string string_of_int "ee")
1239 (string "a" ** int "b"))
1240 (fun ((suf1, (ii, ee)), (a, b)) () ->
1241 return
1242 (html
1243 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1244 (body
1245 [p [pcdata "The parameters in the url are ";
1246 strong [pcdata (suf1^", "^(string_of_int ii)^", "^
1247 (string_of_int ee)^", "^
1248 a^", "^(string_of_int b))]]])))
1250 let create_suffixform2 (suf1, (ii, ee)) =
1251 <:xhtmllist< <p>Write a string:
1252 $string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:suf1 ()$ <br/>
1253 Write an int: $int_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:ii ()$ <br/>
1254 Write a string: $user_type_input
1255 (Url.string_of_url_path ~encode:false)
1256 ~input_type:`Text ~name:ee ()$ <br/>
1257 $string_input ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Click" ()$</p> >>
1259 let suffixform2 = register_service ["suffixform2"] unit
1260 (fun () () ->
1261 let f = get_form suffix2 create_suffixform2 in
1262 return
1263 (html
1264 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1265 (body [h1 [pcdata "Hallo"];
1266 f ])))
1268 let create_suffixform3 ((suf1, (ii, ee)), (a, b)) =
1269 <:xhtmllist< <p>Write a string:
1270 $string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:suf1 ()$ <br/>
1271 Write an int: $int_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:ii ()$ <br/>
1272 Write an int: $int_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:ee ()$ <br/>
1273 Write a string: $string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:a ()$ <br/>
1274 Write an int: $int_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:b ()$ <br/>
1275 $string_input ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Click" ()$</p> >>
1277 let suffixform3 = register_service ["suffixform3"] unit
1278 (fun () () ->
1279 let f = get_form suffix3 create_suffixform3 in
1280 return
1281 (html
1282 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1283 (body [h1 [pcdata "Hallo"];
1284 f ])))
1286 let suffix5 =
1287 register_service
1288 ~path:["suffix5"]
1289 ~get_params:(suffix (all_suffix "s"))
1290 (fun s () ->
1291 return
1292 (html
1293 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1294 (body
1295 [p [pcdata "This is a page with suffix ";
1296 strong [pcdata (Url.string_of_url_path
1297 ~encode:false s)]]])))
1299 let nosuffix =
1300 register_service
1301 ~path:["suffix5";"notasuffix"]
1302 ~get_params:unit
1303 (fun () () ->
1304 return
1305 (html
1306 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1307 (body
1308 [p [pcdata "This is a page without suffix. Replace ";
1309 code [pcdata "notasuffix"];
1310 pcdata " in the URL by something else."
1311 ]])))
1315 (* Send file with regexp *)
1316 let sendfileregexp =
1317 register_service
1318 ~path:["files2";""]
1319 ~get_params:unit
1320 (fun () () ->
1321 return
1322 (html
1323 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1324 (body [h1 [pcdata "With a suffix, that page will send a file"]])))
1326 let r = Netstring_pcre.regexp "~([^/]*)(.*)"
1328 let sendfile2 =
1329 Files.register_service
1330 ~path:["files2";""]
1331 (* ~get_params:(regexp r "/home/$1/public_html$2" "filename") *)
1332 ~get_params:(suffix ~redirect_if_not_suffix:false
1333 (all_suffix_regexp r "$u($1)/public_html$2"
1334 ~to_string:(fun s -> s) "filename"))
1335 (fun s () -> return s)
1337 (* Here I am using redirect_if_not_suffix:false because
1338 otherwise I would need to write a more sophisticated to_string function *)
1341 let sendfile2 =
1342 Files.register_service
1343 ~path:["files2";""]
1344 ~get_params:(suffix
1345 (all_suffix_regexp r "/home/$1/public_html$2" "filename"))
1346 (* ~get_params:(suffix (all_suffix_regexp r "$$u($1)$2" "filename")) *)
1347 (fun s () -> return s)
1350 let create_suffixform4 n =
1351 <:xhtmllist< <p>Write the name of the file:
1352 $string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:n ()$
1353 $string_input ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Click" ()$</p> >>
1355 let suffixform4 = register_service ["suffixform4"] unit
1356 (fun () () ->
1357 let f = get_form sendfile2 create_suffixform4 in
1358 return
1359 (html
1360 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1361 (body [h1 [pcdata "Hallo"];
1362 f ])))
1365 (* Advanced use of any *)
1366 let any2 = register_service
1367 ~path:["any2"]
1368 ~get_params:(int "i" ** any)
1369 (fun (i,l) () ->
1370 let ll =
1372 (fun (a,s) -> <:xhtml< <strong>($str:a$, $str:s$)</strong> >>) l
1374 return
1375 <:xhtml< <html>
1376 <head><title></title></head>
1377 <body>
1379 You sent:
1380 <span>$list:ll$</span>
1381 <br/>
1382 i = $str:(string_of_int i)$
1383 </p>
1384 </body>
1385 </html> >>)
1387 (* the following will not work because s is taken in any. (not checked) *)
1388 let any3 = register_service
1389 ~path:["any3"]
1390 ~get_params:(int "i" ** any ** string "s")
1391 (fun (i,(l,s)) () ->
1392 let ll =
1394 (fun (a,s) -> <:xhtml< <strong>($str:a$, $str:s$)</strong> >>) l
1396 return
1397 <:xhtml< <html>
1398 <head><title></title></head>
1399 <body>
1401 You sent:
1402 <span>$list:ll$</span>
1403 <br/>
1404 i = $str:(string_of_int i)$
1405 <br/>
1406 s = $str:s$
1407 </p>
1408 </body>
1409 </html> >>)
1412 (* any cannot be in suffix: (not checked) *)
1413 let any4 = register_service
1414 ~path:["any4"]
1415 ~get_params:(suffix any)
1416 (fun l () ->
1417 let ll =
1419 (fun (a,s) -> <:xhtml< <strong>($str:a$, $str:s$)</strong> >>) l
1421 return
1422 <:xhtml< <html>
1423 <head><title></title></head>
1424 <body>
1426 You sent:
1427 <span>$list:ll$</span>
1428 </p>
1429 </body>
1430 </html> >>)
1433 let any5 = register_service
1434 ~path:["any5"]
1435 ~get_params:(suffix_prod (string "s") any)
1436 (fun (s, l) () ->
1437 let ll =
1439 (fun (a,s) -> <:xhtml< <strong>($str:a$, $str:s$)</strong> >>) l
1441 return
1442 <:xhtml< <html>
1443 <head><title></title></head>
1444 <body>
1446 You sent <strong>$str:s$</strong> and :
1447 <span>$list:ll$</span>
1448 </p>
1449 </body>
1450 </html> >>)
1452 (* list in suffix *)
1453 let sufli = service
1454 ~path:["sufli"]
1455 ~get_params:(suffix (list "l" (string "s" ** int "i")))
1458 let _ = register sufli
1459 (fun l () ->
1460 let ll =
1462 (fun (s, i) -> <:xhtml< <strong> $str:(s^string_of_int i)$ </strong> >>) l
1464 return
1465 <:xhtml< <html>
1466 <head><title></title></head>
1467 <body>
1469 You sent:
1470 <span>$list:ll$</span>
1471 </p>
1473 $a sufli [pcdata "myself"] [("a", 2)]$,
1474 $a sufli [pcdata "myself (empty list)"] []$
1475 </p>
1476 </body>
1477 </html> >>)
1479 let create_sufliform f =
1480 let l =
1481 (fun (sn, iname) v init ->
1482 (tr (td [pcdata ("Write a string: ")])
1483 [td [string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:sn ()];
1484 td [pcdata ("Write an integer: ")];
1485 td [int_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:iname ()];
1486 ])::init)
1487 ["one";"two";"three"]
1490 [table (List.hd l) ( l);
1491 p [string_input ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Click" ()]]
1493 let sufliform = register_service ["sufliform"] unit
1494 (fun () () ->
1495 let f = get_form sufli create_sufliform in
1496 return
1497 (html
1498 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1499 (body [h1 [pcdata "Hallo"];
1500 f ])))
1503 (* mmmh ... disabled dynamically for now *)
1504 let sufli2 = service
1505 ~path:["sufli2"]
1506 ~get_params:(suffix ((list "l" (int "i")) ** int "j"))
1509 let _ = register sufli2
1510 (fun (l, j) () ->
1511 let ll =
1512 (fun i -> <:xhtml< <strong> $str:(string_of_int i)$ </strong> >>) l
1514 return
1515 <:xhtml< <html>
1516 <head><title></title></head>
1517 <body>
1519 You sent:
1520 <span>$list:ll$</span>,
1522 j=$str:string_of_int j$.
1523 </p>
1525 $a sufli2 [pcdata "myself"] ([1; 2], 3)$,
1526 $a sufli2 [pcdata "myself (empty list)"] ([], 1)$
1527 </p>
1528 </body>
1529 </html> >>)
1532 let sufliopt = service
1533 ~path:["sufliopt"]
1534 ~get_params:(suffix (list "l" (opt (string "s"))))
1537 let _ = register sufliopt
1538 (fun l () ->
1539 let ll =
1541 (function None -> pcdata "<none>"
1542 | Some s -> <:xhtml< <strong> $str:s$ </strong> >>) l
1544 return
1545 <:xhtml< <html>
1546 <head><title></title></head>
1547 <body>
1549 You sent:
1550 <span>$list:ll$</span>
1551 </p>
1553 $a sufliopt [pcdata "myself"] [Some "a"; None; Some "po"; None; None; Some "k"; None]$,
1554 $a sufliopt [pcdata "myself (empty list)"] []$
1555 $a sufliopt [pcdata "myself (list [None; None])"] [None; None]$
1556 $a sufliopt [pcdata "myself (list [None])"] [None]$
1557 </p>
1558 </body>
1559 </html> >>)
1562 let sufliopt2 = service
1563 ~path:["sufliopt2"]
1564 ~get_params:(suffix (list "l" (opt (string "s" ** string "ss"))))
1567 let _ = register sufliopt2
1568 (fun l () ->
1569 let ll =
1571 (function None -> pcdata "<none>"
1572 | Some (s, ss) -> <:xhtml< <strong> ($str:s$, $str:ss$) </strong> >>) l
1574 return
1575 <:xhtml< <html>
1576 <head><title></title></head>
1577 <body>
1579 You sent:
1580 <span>$list:ll$</span>
1581 </p>
1583 $a sufliopt2 [pcdata "myself"] [Some ("a", "jj"); None; Some ("po", "jjj"); None; None; Some ("k", "pp"); None]$,
1584 $a sufliopt2 [pcdata "myself (empty list)"] []$
1585 $a sufliopt2 [pcdata "myself (list [None; None])"] [None; None]$
1586 $a sufliopt2 [pcdata "myself (list [None])"] [None]$
1587 </p>
1588 </body>
1589 </html> >>)
1592 (* set in suffix *)
1593 let sufset = register_service
1594 ~path:["sufset"]
1595 ~get_params:(suffix (Eliom_parameters.set string "s"))
1596 (fun l () ->
1597 let ll =
1599 (fun s -> <:xhtml< <strong>$str:s$</strong> >>) l
1601 return
1602 <:xhtml< <html>
1603 <head><title></title></head>
1604 <body>
1606 You sent:
1607 <span>$list:ll$</span>
1608 </p>
1609 </body>
1610 </html> >>)
1614 (* form to any2 *)
1615 let any2form = register_service
1616 ~path:["any2form"]
1617 ~get_params:unit
1618 (fun () () ->
1619 return
1620 (html
1621 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1622 (body [h1 [pcdata "Any Form"];
1623 get_form any2
1624 (fun (iname,grr) ->
1625 [p [pcdata "Form to any2: ";
1626 int_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:iname ();
1627 raw_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:"plop" ();
1628 raw_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:"plip" ();
1629 raw_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:"plap" ();
1630 string_input ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Click" ()]])
1631 ])))
1634 (* bool list *)
1636 let boollist = register_service
1637 ~path:["boollist"]
1638 ~get_params:(list "a" (bool "b"))
1639 (fun l () ->
1640 let ll =
1641 (fun b ->
1642 (strong [pcdata (if b then "true" else "false")])) l in
1643 return
1644 (html
1645 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1646 (body
1647 [p ((pcdata "You sent: ")::ll)]
1650 let create_listform f =
1651 (* Here, is an iterator like,
1652 but it must be applied to a function taking 2 arguments
1653 (and not 1 as in map), the first one being the name of the parameter.
1654 The last parameter of is the code that must be appended at the
1655 end of the list created
1657 let l =
1658 (fun boolname v init ->
1659 (tr (td [pcdata ("Write the value for "^v^": ")])
1660 [td [bool_checkbox ~name:boolname ()]])::init)
1661 ["one";"two";"three"]
1664 [table (List.hd l) ( l);
1665 p [raw_input ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Click" ()]]
1667 let boollistform = register_service ["boolform"] unit
1668 (fun () () ->
1669 let f = get_form boollist create_listform in return
1670 (html
1671 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1672 (body [f])))
1675 (********)
1677 let coucoucou =
1678 register_service
1679 ~path:["coucoucou"]
1680 ~get_params:unit
1681 (fun () () ->
1682 return
1683 (html
1684 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1685 (body [h1 [pcdata "Hallo!"]])))
1687 (* any with POST *)
1688 let any = register_post_service
1689 ~fallback:coucoucou
1690 ~post_params:any
1691 (fun () l ->
1692 let ll =
1694 (fun (a,s) -> <:xhtml< <strong>($str:a$, $str:s$)</strong> >>) l
1696 return
1697 <:xhtml< <html>
1698 <head><title></title></head>
1699 <body>
1701 You sent:
1702 $list:ll$
1703 </p>
1704 </body>
1705 </html> >>)
1707 (* form to any *)
1708 let anypostform = register_service
1709 ~path:["anypostform"]
1710 ~get_params:unit
1711 (fun () () ->
1712 return
1713 (html
1714 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1715 (body [h1 [pcdata "Any Form"];
1716 post_form any
1717 (fun () ->
1718 [p [pcdata "Empty form to any: ";
1719 string_input ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Click" ()]])
1721 ])))
1723 (**********)
1724 (* upload *)
1726 (* ce qui suit ne doit pas fonctionner. Mais il faudrait l'interdire *)
1727 let get_param_service =
1728 register_service
1729 ~path:["uploadget"]
1730 ~get_params:(string "name" ** file "file")
1731 (fun (name,file) () ->
1732 let to_display =
1733 let newname = "/tmp/fichier" in
1734 (try
1735 Unix.unlink newname;
1736 with _ -> ());
1737 (Eliom_request_info.get_tmp_filename file) newname;
1738 let fd_in = open_in newname in
1740 let line = input_line fd_in in close_in fd_in; line (*end*)
1741 with End_of_file -> close_in fd_in; "vide"
1743 return
1744 (html
1745 (head (title (pcdata name)) [])
1746 (body [h1 [pcdata to_display]])))
1749 let uploadgetform = register_service ["uploadget"] unit
1750 (fun () () ->
1751 let f =
1752 (* ARG (post_form ~a:[(XHTML.M.a_enctype "multipart/form-data")] fichier2 *)
1753 (get_form ~a:[(XHTML.M.a_enctype "multipart/form-data")] ~service:get_param_service
1754 (*post_form my_service_with_post_params *)
1755 (fun (str, file) ->
1756 [p [pcdata "Write a string: ";
1757 string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:str ();
1758 br ();
1759 file_input ~name:file ()]])) in return
1760 (html
1761 (head (title (pcdata "form")) [])
1762 (body [f])))
1765 (*******)
1766 (* Actions that raises an exception *)
1767 let exn_act = Action.register_coservice'
1768 ~get_params:unit
1769 (fun g p -> fail Not_found)
1771 let exn_act_main =
1772 register_service
1773 ~path:["exnact"]
1774 ~get_params:unit
1775 (fun () () ->
1776 return
1777 (html
1778 (head (title (pcdata "exnact")) [])
1779 (body [h1 [pcdata "Hello"];
1780 p [a exn_act [pcdata "Do the action"] ()
1781 ]])))
1784 let action_example2_scope =
1785 `Session (Eliom_common.create_scope_name "action_example2")
1787 (* close sessions from outside *)
1788 let close_from_outside =
1789 register_service
1790 ~path:["close_from_outside"]
1791 ~get_params:unit
1792 (fun () () ->
1793 lwt () = discard_all ~scope:persistent_session_scope () in
1794 lwt () = discard_all ~scope:action_example2_scope () in
1795 return
1796 (html
1797 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1798 (body [h1 [pcdata "all sessions called \"persistent_sessions\" and \"action_example2\" closed"];
1799 p [a persist_session_example [pcdata "try"] ()]])))
1803 (* setting timeouts *)
1804 let set_timeout =
1805 register_service
1806 ~path:["set_timeout"]
1807 ~get_params:(int "t" ** (bool "recompute" ** bool "overrideconfig"))
1808 (fun (t, (recompute, override_configfile)) () ->
1809 set_global_persistent_data_state_timeout
1810 ~override_configfile
1811 ~scope:persistent_session_scope
1812 ~recompute_expdates:recompute (Some (float_of_int t));
1813 set_global_volatile_state_timeout
1814 ~override_configfile
1815 ~scope:action_example2_scope
1816 ~recompute_expdates:recompute (Some (float_of_int t));
1817 return
1818 (html
1819 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1820 (body [h1 [pcdata "Setting timeout"];
1822 if recompute
1823 then pcdata ("The timeout for sessions called \"persistent_sessions\" and \"action_example2\" has been set to "^(string_of_int t)^" seconds (all expiration dates updated).")
1824 else pcdata ("From now, the timeout for sessions called \"persistent_sessions\" and \"action_example2\" will be "^(string_of_int t)^" seconds (expiration dates not updated)."); br ();
1825 a persist_session_example [pcdata "Try"] ()]])))
1828 let create_form =
1829 (fun (number_name, (bool1name, bool2name)) ->
1830 [p [pcdata "New timeout: ";
1831 Eliom_output.Xhtml.int_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:number_name ();
1832 br ();
1833 pcdata "Check the box if you want to recompute all timeouts: ";
1834 Eliom_output.Xhtml.bool_checkbox ~name:bool1name ();
1835 br ();
1836 pcdata "Check the box if you want to override configuration file: ";
1837 Eliom_output.Xhtml.bool_checkbox ~name:bool2name ();
1838 Eliom_output.Xhtml.string_input ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Submit" ()]])
1840 let set_timeout_form =
1841 register_service
1842 ["set_timeout"]
1843 unit
1844 (fun () () ->
1845 let f = Eliom_output.Xhtml.get_form set_timeout create_form in
1846 return
1847 (html
1848 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1849 (body [f])))
1853 (******************************************************************)
1855 let sraise =
1856 register_service
1857 ~path:["raise"]
1858 ~get_params:unit
1859 (fun () () -> failwith "Bad use of exceptions")
1861 let sfail =
1862 register_service
1863 ~path:["fail"]
1864 ~get_params:unit
1865 (fun () () -> (Failure "Service raising an exception"))
1868 (*****************************************************************************)
1870 (* 2011/08/02 Vincent - Volatile group data
1871 removing group data or not when no session in the group?*)
1872 (*zap* *)
1873 open HTML5.M
1874 open Eliom_output.Html5
1876 (*zap* *)
1877 let scope_name = Eliom_common.create_scope_name "session_group_data_example_state"
1878 let session = `Session scope_name
1879 let group = `Session_group scope_name
1880 (* *zap*)
1881 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1882 (* We create one main service and two (POST) actions *)
1883 (* (for connection and disconnection) *)
1885 let connect_example_gd =
1886 Eliom_services.service
1887 ~path:["sessgrpdata"]
1888 ~get_params:unit
1891 let connect_action =
1892 Eliom_services.post_coservice'
1893 ~name:"connectiongd"
1894 ~post_params:(string "login")
1897 (* disconnect action and box: *)
1899 let disconnect_action =
1900 Eliom_output.Action.register_post_coservice'
1901 ~name:"disconnectiongd"
1902 ~post_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
1903 (fun () () -> Eliom_state.discard ~scope:session ())
1905 let disconnect_box s =
1906 Eliom_output.Html5.post_form disconnect_action
1907 (fun _ -> [p [Eliom_output.Html5.string_input
1908 ~input_type:`Submit ~value:s ()]]) ()
1910 (* The following eref is true if the connection has action failed: *)
1911 let bad_user = Eliom_references.eref ~scope:Eliom_common.request false
1913 let my_group_data = Eliom_references.eref ~scope:group None
1915 let change_gd =
1916 Eliom_output.Action.register_post_coservice'
1917 ~name:"changegd"
1918 ~post_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
1919 (fun () () -> Eliom_references.set my_group_data (Some (1000 + 1000)))
1921 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1922 (* new login box: *)
1924 let login_box session_expired bad_u action =
1925 Eliom_output.Html5.post_form action
1926 (fun loginname ->
1927 let l =
1928 [pcdata "login: ";
1929 Eliom_output.Html5.string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:loginname ()]
1931 [p (if bad_u
1932 then (pcdata "Wrong user")::(br ())::l
1933 else
1934 if session_expired
1935 then (pcdata "Session expired")::(br ())::l
1936 else l)
1940 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1941 (* Handler for the "connect_example" service (main page): *)
1943 let connect_example_handler () () =
1944 (* The following function tests whether the session has expired: *)
1945 let status = Eliom_state.volatile_data_state_status (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) ()
1947 let group =
1948 Eliom_state.get_volatile_data_session_group (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) ()
1950 Eliom_references.get bad_user >>= fun bad_u ->
1951 Eliom_references.get my_group_data >>= fun my_group_data ->
1952 Lwt.return
1953 (html
1954 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
1955 (body
1956 (match group, status with
1957 | Some name, _ ->
1958 [p [pcdata ("Hello "^name); br ();
1959 (match my_group_data with
1960 | None -> pcdata "You have no group data."
1961 | Some i -> pcdata ("Your group data is "^string_of_int i^"."))];
1962 Eliom_output.Html5.post_form change_gd
1963 (fun () -> [p [Eliom_output.Html5.string_input
1964 ~input_type:`Submit
1965 ~value:"Change group data" ()]]) ();
1966 p [pcdata "Check that several sessions have the same group data."];
1967 p [pcdata "Volatile group data are currently discarded when all group disappear. This is weird and not coherent with persistent group data. But I don't really see a correct use of volatile group data. Is there any? And there is a risk of memory leak if we keep them. Besides, volatile sessions are (hopefully) going to disappear soon."];
1968 disconnect_box "Close session"]
1969 | None, Eliom_state.Expired_state ->
1970 [login_box true bad_u connect_action;
1971 p [em [pcdata "The only user is 'toto'."]]]
1972 | _ ->
1973 [login_box false bad_u connect_action;
1974 p [em [pcdata "The only user is 'toto'."]]]
1977 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1978 (* Handler for connect_action (user logs in): *)
1980 let connect_action_handler () login =
1981 lwt () = Eliom_state.discard ~scope:session () in
1982 if login = "toto" (* Check user and password :-) *)
1983 then begin
1984 Eliom_state.set_volatile_data_session_group ~set_max:4 (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) login;
1985 Eliom_references.get my_group_data >>= fun mgd ->
1986 (if mgd = None
1987 then Eliom_references.set my_group_data (Some ( 1000))
1988 else Lwt.return ()) >>= fun () ->
1989 Eliom_output.Redirection.send Eliom_services.void_hidden_coservice'
1991 else
1992 Eliom_references.set bad_user true >>= fun () ->
1993 Eliom_output.Action.send ()
1996 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
1997 (* Registration of main services: *)
1999 let () =
2000 Eliom_output.Html5.register ~service:connect_example_gd connect_example_handler;
2001 Eliom_output.Any.register ~service:connect_action connect_action_handler
2004 (*****************************************************************************)
2006 (* 2011/08/02 Vincent - Persistent group data
2007 removing group data or not when no session in the group? *)
2008 (*zap* *)
2009 open HTML5.M
2011 (*zap* *)
2012 let scope_name = Eliom_common.create_scope_name "pers_session_group_data_example_state"
2013 let session = `Session scope_name
2014 let group = `Session_group scope_name
2015 (* *zap*)
2016 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
2017 (* We create one main service and two (POST) actions *)
2018 (* (for connection and disconnection) *)
2020 let connect_example_pgd =
2021 Eliom_services.service
2022 ~path:["psessgrpdata"]
2023 ~get_params:unit
2026 let connect_action =
2027 Eliom_services.post_coservice'
2028 ~name:"connectionpgd"
2029 ~post_params:(string "login")
2032 (* disconnect action and box: *)
2034 let disconnect_action =
2035 Eliom_output.Action.register_post_coservice'
2036 ~name:"disconnectionpgd"
2037 ~post_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
2038 (fun () () -> Eliom_state.discard ~scope:session ())
2040 let disconnect_box s =
2041 Eliom_output.Html5.post_form disconnect_action
2042 (fun _ -> [p [Eliom_output.Html5.string_input
2043 ~input_type:`Submit ~value:s ()]]) ()
2045 (* The following eref is true if the connection has action failed: *)
2046 let bad_user = Eliom_references.eref ~scope:Eliom_common.request false
2048 let my_group_data = Eliom_references.eref ~persistent:"pgd" ~scope:group None
2050 let change_gd =
2051 Eliom_output.Action.register_post_coservice'
2052 ~name:"changepgd"
2053 ~post_params:Eliom_parameters.unit
2054 (fun () () -> Eliom_references.set my_group_data (Some (1000 + 1000)))
2057 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
2058 (* new login box: *)
2060 let login_box session_expired bad_u action =
2061 Eliom_output.Html5.post_form action
2062 (fun loginname ->
2063 let l =
2064 [pcdata "login: ";
2065 Eliom_output.Html5.string_input ~input_type:`Text ~name:loginname ()]
2067 [p (if bad_u
2068 then (pcdata "Wrong user")::(br ())::l
2069 else
2070 if session_expired
2071 then (pcdata "Session expired")::(br ())::l
2072 else l)
2076 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
2077 (* Handler for the "connect_example" service (main page): *)
2079 let connect_example_handler () () =
2080 (* The following function tests whether the session has expired: *)
2081 let status = Eliom_state.volatile_data_state_status (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) ()
2083 let group =
2084 Eliom_state.get_volatile_data_session_group (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) ()
2086 Eliom_references.get bad_user >>= fun bad_u ->
2087 Eliom_references.get my_group_data >>= fun my_group_data ->
2088 Lwt.return
2089 (html
2090 (head (title (pcdata "")) [])
2091 (body
2092 (match group, status with
2093 | Some name, _ ->
2094 [p [pcdata ("Hello "^name); br ();
2095 (match my_group_data with
2096 | None -> pcdata "You have no group data."
2097 | Some i -> pcdata ("Your group data is "^string_of_int i^"."));
2099 Eliom_output.Html5.post_form change_gd
2100 (fun () -> [p [Eliom_output.Html5.string_input
2101 ~input_type:`Submit
2102 ~value:"Change group data" ()]]) ();
2103 p [pcdata "Check that several sessions have the same group data."];
2104 p [pcdata "Check that persistent group data do not disappear when all sessions from the group are closed."];
2105 p [pcdata "Persistent group data are used as a basic database, for example to store user information (email, etc)."];
2106 disconnect_box "Close session"]
2107 | None, Eliom_state.Expired_state ->
2108 [login_box true bad_u connect_action;
2109 p [em [pcdata "The only user is 'toto'."]]]
2110 | _ ->
2111 [login_box false bad_u connect_action;
2112 p [em [pcdata "The only user is 'toto'."]]]
2115 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
2116 (* Handler for connect_action (user logs in): *)
2118 let connect_action_handler () login =
2119 lwt () = Eliom_state.discard ~scope:session () in
2120 if login = "toto" (* Check user and password :-) *)
2121 then begin
2122 Eliom_state.set_volatile_data_session_group ~set_max:4 (*zap* *) ~scope:session (* *zap*) login;
2123 Eliom_references.get my_group_data >>= fun mgd ->
2124 (if mgd = None
2125 then Eliom_references.set my_group_data (Some ( 1000))
2126 else Lwt.return ()) >>= fun () ->
2127 Eliom_output.Redirection.send Eliom_services.void_hidden_coservice'
2129 else
2130 Eliom_references.set bad_user true >>= fun () ->
2131 Eliom_output.Action.send ()
2134 (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
2135 (* Registration of main services: *)
2137 let () =
2138 Eliom_output.Html5.register ~service:connect_example_pgd connect_example_handler;
2139 Eliom_output.Any.register ~service:connect_action connect_action_handler
2142 (*****************************************************************************)
2143 (* Actions with `NoReload option *)
2144 let noreload_ref = ref 0
2146 let noreload_action =
2147 Eliom_output.Action.register_coservice'
2148 ~options:`NoReload
2149 ~get_params:unit
2150 (fun () () -> noreload_ref := !noreload_ref + 1; Lwt.return ())
2152 let noreload =
2153 register_service
2154 ~path:["noreload"]
2155 ~get_params:unit
2156 (fun () () ->
2157 return
2158 (html
2159 (head (title (pcdata "counter")) [])
2160 (body [p [pcdata (string_of_int (!noreload_ref)); br ();
2161 Eliom_output.Html5.a ~service:noreload_action
2162 [pcdata "Click to increment the counter."] ();
2163 br ();
2164 pcdata "You should not see the result if you do not reload the page."
2165 ]])))