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[pkg-ocaml-js-of-ocaml.git] / compiler / control.ml
1 (* Js_of_ocaml compiler
2 * http://www.ocsigen.org/js_of_ocaml/
3 * Copyright (C) 2010 Jérôme Vouillon
4 * Laboratoire PPS - CNRS Université Paris Diderot
6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8 * the Free Software Foundation, with linking exception;
9 * either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
22 FIX: is there a way to merge this with dead code elimination?
25 open Code
27 (****)
29 (* Postorder traversal of the whole program. *)
31 let traverse blocks pc f accu =
32 let rec traverse_rec visited pc accu =
33 if AddrSet.mem pc visited then (visited, accu) else begin
34 let visited = AddrSet.add pc visited in
35 let block = AddrMap.find pc blocks in
36 let (visited, accu) =
37 List.fold_left
38 (fun ((visited, accu) as p) i ->
39 match i with
40 Let (_, Closure (_, (pc, _))) ->
41 traverse_rec visited pc accu
42 | _ ->
44 (visited, accu) block.body
46 let (visited, accu) =
47 match block.branch with
48 Return _ | Raise _ | Stop ->
49 (visited, accu)
50 | Branch (pc, _) | Poptrap (pc, _) ->
51 traverse_rec visited pc accu
52 | Cond (_, _, (pc1, _), (pc2, _)) ->
53 let (visited, accu) = traverse_rec visited pc1 accu in
54 traverse_rec visited pc2 accu
55 | Switch (_, a1, a2) ->
56 let (visited, accu) =
57 Array.fold_left
58 (fun (visited, accu) (pc, _) -> traverse_rec visited pc accu)
59 (visited, accu) a1 in
60 let (visited, accu) =
61 Array.fold_left
62 (fun (visited, accu) (pc, _) -> traverse_rec visited pc accu)
63 (visited, accu) a2 in
64 (visited, accu)
65 | Pushtrap ((pc1, _), _, (pc2, _), _) ->
66 let (visited, accu) = traverse_rec visited pc1 accu in
67 traverse_rec visited pc2 accu
69 (visited, f pc accu)
70 end
72 snd (traverse_rec AddrSet.empty pc accu)
74 (****)
76 let is_trivial instr last =
77 instr = []
79 begin match last with
80 Return _ | Raise _ | Stop | Branch _ -> true
81 | Cond _ | Poptrap _ | Switch _ | Pushtrap _ -> false
82 end
84 let resolve_branch blocks (pc, args) =
85 match AddrMap.find pc blocks with
86 {params = []; body = []; branch = Branch (pc', args')} ->
87 Some (pc', args')
88 | _ ->
89 None
91 let concat_blocks pc instr params handler args params' instr' last' =
92 (* This is only valid because we know that the params only occur in
93 the block *)
94 let m = Subst.build_mapping params' args in
95 let s = Subst.from_map m in
96 { params = params;
97 handler = handler;
98 body = instr @ Subst.instrs s instr';
99 branch = Subst.last s last' }
101 let rec block_simpl pc (preds, entries, blocks) =
102 Format.eprintf "VV %d@." pc;
104 Format.eprintf "RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR %d@." (AddrSet.cardinal (AddrMap.find 12644 preds));
106 let block = AddrMap.find pc blocks in
107 match block.branch with
108 Return _ | Raise _ | Stop | Poptrap _ ->
109 (preds, entries, blocks)
110 | Branch (pc', args) ->
111 let block' = AddrMap.find pc' blocks in
113 false
114 (*XXX FIX!
115 not (AddrSet.mem pc' entries)
117 AddrSet.cardinal (AddrMap.find pc' preds) = 1
119 block'.params = [] && block'.handler = block.handler
121 then begin
122 Format.eprintf "UU %d ==> %d@." pc pc';
123 (preds,
124 entries,
125 AddrMap.add pc
126 (concat_blocks pc block.body block.params block.handler args
127 block'.params block'.body block'.branch)
128 (AddrMap.remove pc' blocks))
129 end else if false(*XXX args = [] && is_trivial block'.body block'.branch *)then begin
130 (AddrMap.add pc' (AddrSet.remove pc (AddrMap.find pc' preds))
131 preds,
132 entries,
133 AddrMap.add
134 pc (concat_blocks
135 pc block.body block.params block.handler args
136 block'.params block'.body block'.branch)
137 blocks)
138 end else
139 (preds, entries, blocks)
140 | Cond (c, x, cont1, cont2) ->
141 if cont1 = cont2 then begin
142 let blocks =
143 AddrMap.add pc {block with branch = Branch cont1 } blocks in
144 block_simpl pc (preds, entries, blocks)
145 end else begin
146 match resolve_branch blocks cont1 with
147 Some cont1' ->
148 let pc1 = fst cont1 in let pc1' = fst cont1' in
149 let preds =
150 AddrMap.add pc1'
151 (AddrSet.add pc
152 (AddrSet.remove pc1 (AddrMap.find pc1' preds)))
153 preds
155 let blocks =
156 AddrMap.add pc
157 { block with branch = Cond (c, x, cont1', cont2) } blocks
159 block_simpl pc (preds, entries, blocks)
160 | None ->
161 match resolve_branch blocks cont2 with
162 Some cont2' ->
163 let pc2 = fst cont2 in let pc2' = fst cont2' in
164 let preds =
165 AddrMap.add pc2'
166 (AddrSet.add pc
167 (AddrSet.remove pc2 (AddrMap.find pc2' preds)))
168 preds
170 let blocks =
171 AddrMap.add pc
172 { block with branch = Cond (c, x, cont1, cont2') }
173 blocks
175 block_simpl pc (preds, entries, blocks)
176 | None ->
177 (preds, entries, blocks)
179 | Switch (x, a1, a2) ->
180 let a1 =
181 Array.map
182 (fun pc ->
183 match resolve_branch blocks pc with Some pc -> pc | None -> pc)
184 a1 in
185 let a2 =
186 Array.map
187 (fun pc ->
188 match resolve_branch blocks pc with Some pc -> pc | None -> pc)
189 a2 in
190 (preds, entries,
191 AddrMap.add pc { block with branch = Switch (x, a1, a2) } blocks)
192 | Pushtrap _ ->
193 (preds, entries, blocks)
195 let simpl (pc, blocks, free_pc) =
196 let preds = AddrMap.map (fun _ -> AddrSet.empty) blocks in
197 let entries = AddrSet.empty in
198 let add_pred pc (pc', _) preds =
199 Format.eprintf "%d ==> %d@." pc pc';
200 AddrMap.add pc' (AddrSet.add pc (AddrMap.find pc' preds)) preds in
201 let (preds, entries) =
202 AddrMap.fold
203 (fun pc block (preds, entries) ->
204 let entries =
205 List.fold_left
206 (fun entries i ->
207 match i with
208 Let (_, Closure (_, (pc, _))) ->
209 AddrSet.add pc entries
210 | _ ->
211 entries)
212 entries block.body
214 let preds =
215 match block.branch with
216 Return _ | Raise _ | Stop ->
217 preds
218 | Branch cont | Poptrap cont ->
219 add_pred pc cont preds
220 | Cond (_, _, cont1, cont2)
221 | Pushtrap (cont1, _, cont2, _) ->
222 add_pred pc cont1 (add_pred pc cont2 preds)
223 | Switch (_, a1, a2) ->
224 let preds =
225 Array.fold_left
226 (fun preds cont -> add_pred pc cont preds) preds a1 in
227 let preds =
228 Array.fold_left
229 (fun preds cont -> add_pred pc cont preds) preds a2 in
230 preds
232 (preds, entries))
233 blocks (preds, entries)
236 Format.eprintf "RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR %d@." (AddrSet.cardinal (AddrMap.find 12644 preds));*)
237 let (_, _, blocks) =
238 traverse blocks pc block_simpl (preds, entries, blocks) in
239 (pc, blocks, free_pc)