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[pkg-ocaml-ocsigen.git] / http / ocsigen_charset_mime.ml
1 module MapString = Map.Make(String)
2 type extension = string
3 type filename = string
4 type file = string
7 type 'a assoc_item =
8 | Extension of extension * 'a
9 | File of filename * 'a
10 | Regexp of Netstring_pcre.regexp * 'a
11 | Map of 'a MapString.t
13 type 'a assoc = {
14 assoc_list: 'a assoc_item list;
15 assoc_default: 'a
18 let find_in_assoc file assoc =
19 let filename = Filename.basename file in
20 let ext =
21 try String.lowercase (Ocsigen_lib.extension_no_directory file)
22 with Not_found -> ""
24 let rec aux = function
25 | [] -> assoc.assoc_default
26 | Extension (ext', v) :: q ->
27 if ext = ext' then v else aux q
28 | File (filename', v) :: q ->
29 if filename = filename' then v else aux q
30 | Regexp (reg, v) :: q ->
31 if Netstring_pcre.string_match reg file 0 <> None then v else aux q
32 | Map m :: q ->
33 try MapString.find ext m
34 with Not_found -> aux q
36 aux assoc.assoc_list
39 let default assoc = assoc.assoc_default
41 let set_default assoc default = { assoc with assoc_default = default }
43 let update_ext assoc (ext : extension) v =
44 { assoc with assoc_list =
45 Extension (String.lowercase ext, v) :: assoc.assoc_list}
47 let update_file assoc (file : filename) v =
48 { assoc with assoc_list = File (file, v) :: assoc.assoc_list}
50 let update_regexp assoc r v =
51 { assoc with assoc_list = Regexp (r, v) :: assoc.assoc_list}
54 let empty default () = {
55 assoc_list = [];
56 assoc_default = default
60 (* Handling of charset and mime ; specific values and declarations *)
62 type charset = string
63 type mime_type = string
65 type charset_assoc = charset assoc
66 type mime_assoc = mime_type assoc
68 let no_charset : charset = ""
69 let default_mime_type : mime_type = "application/octet-stream"
71 let empty_charset_assoc ?(default=no_charset) = empty default
72 let empty_mime_assoc ?(default=default_mime_type) = empty default
74 (* Generic functions *)
76 let default_charset = default
77 let default_mime = default
79 let update_charset_ext = update_ext
80 let update_mime_ext = update_ext
82 let update_charset_file = update_file
83 let update_mime_file = update_file
85 let update_charset_regexp = update_regexp
86 let update_mime_regexp = update_regexp
88 let set_default_mime = set_default
89 let set_default_charset = set_default
91 let find_charset = find_in_assoc
92 let find_mime = find_in_assoc
95 (* Specific handling of content-type *)
98 let parse_mime_types ~filename : mime_type assoc =
99 let rec read_and_split mimemap in_ch =
101 let line = input_line in_ch in
102 let line_upto =
104 let upto = String.index line '#' in
105 String.sub line 0 upto
106 with Not_found -> line
108 let strlist =
109 Netstring_pcre.split (Netstring_pcre.regexp "\\s+") line_upto
111 match strlist with
112 | [] | [_] -> (* No extension on this line *) read_and_split mimemap in_ch
113 | mime :: extensions ->
114 let mimemap =
115 List.fold_left (fun mimemap ext ->
116 MapString.add ext mime mimemap) mimemap extensions
118 read_and_split mimemap in_ch
119 with End_of_file -> mimemap
121 { assoc_list =
122 [ Map(try
123 let in_ch = open_in filename in
124 let map =
125 (try
126 read_and_split MapString.empty in_ch
127 with e -> close_in in_ch; raise e)
129 close_in in_ch;
131 with Sys_error _ -> MapString.empty
133 assoc_default = default_mime_type;
137 let default_mime_assoc () =
138 let parsed = ref None in
139 match !parsed with
140 | None ->
141 let file = Ocsigen_config.get_mimefile () in
142 Ocsigen_messages.debug
143 (fun () -> Printf.sprintf "Loading mime types in '%s'" file);
144 let map = parse_mime_types file in
145 parsed := Some map;
147 | Some map -> map