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[pkg-ocaml-ocsigen.git] / http / ocsigen_senders.ml
1 (* Ocsigen
2 * http://www.ocsigen.org
3 * sender_helpers.ml Copyright (C) 2005 Denis Berthod
4 * Laboratoire PPS - CNRS Université Paris Diderot
6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8 * the Free Software Foundation, with linking exception;
9 * either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
20 (** This module provides predefined "senders" for usual types of pages to be
21 sent by the server: xhtml, files, ... *)
23 open Ocsigen_http_frame
24 open Ocsigen_http_com
25 open Lwt
26 open Ocsigen_stream
27 open XHTML.M
30 (*****************************************************************************)
31 (** this module instantiate the HTTP_CONTENT signature for an Xhtml content*)
33 module Old_Xhtml_content =
34 struct
35 type t = [ `Html ] XHTML.M.elt
37 type options = unit
39 let get_etag_aux x =
40 Some (Digest.to_hex (Digest.string x))
42 let get_etag c =
43 let x = Xhtmlpretty.xhtml_print c in
44 get_etag_aux x
46 let result_of_content ?(options = ()) c =
47 let x = Xhtmlpretty.xhtml_print c in
48 let md5 = get_etag_aux x in
49 let default_result = default_result () in
50 Lwt.return
51 {default_result with
52 res_content_length = Some (Int64.of_int (String.length x));
53 res_content_type = Some "text/html";
54 res_etag = md5;
55 res_headers= Http_headers.dyn_headers;
56 res_stream =
57 (Ocsigen_stream.make
58 (fun () -> Ocsigen_stream.cont x
59 (fun () -> Ocsigen_stream.empty None)),
60 None)
63 end
65 module Xhtml_content_(Xhtmlprinter : sig
66 val xhtml_stream :
67 ?version:[< `HTML_v03_02 | `HTML_v04_01
68 | `XHTML_01_00 | `XHTML_01_01 | `Doctype of string
69 > `XHTML_01_01 ] ->
70 ?width:int ->
71 ?encode:(string -> string) ->
72 ?html_compat:bool ->
73 [ `Html ] XHTML.M.elt -> string Ocsigen_stream.t
74 end) =
75 struct
76 type t = [ `Html ] XHTML.M.elt
78 type options = [ `HTML_v03_02 | `HTML_v04_01 | `XHTML_01_00 | `XHTML_01_01 | `Doctype of string ]
80 let get_etag_aux x = None
82 let get_etag c = None
84 let result_of_content ?(options = `XHTML_01_01) c =
85 let x = Xhtmlprinter.xhtml_stream ~version:options c in
86 let default_result = default_result () in
87 Lwt.return
88 {default_result with
89 res_content_length = None;
90 res_content_type = Some "text/html";
91 res_etag = get_etag c;
92 res_headers= Http_headers.dyn_headers;
93 res_stream = (x, None)
96 end
98 module Xhtml_content = Xhtml_content_(Xhtmlpretty_streams)
99 module Xhtmlcompact_content = Xhtml_content_(Xhtmlcompact_streams)
101 (*****************************************************************************)
102 module Text_content =
103 struct
104 type t = string (* content *) * string (* content-type *)
106 type options = unit
108 let get_etag (x, _) =
109 Some (Digest.to_hex (Digest.string x))
111 let result_of_content ?(options = ()) ((c, ct) as content) =
112 let md5 = get_etag content in
113 let default_result = default_result () in
114 Lwt.return
115 {default_result with
116 res_content_length = Some (Int64.of_int (String.length c));
117 res_etag = md5;
118 res_content_type = Some ct;
119 res_headers= Http_headers.dyn_headers;
120 res_stream =
121 (Ocsigen_stream.make
122 (fun () ->
123 Ocsigen_stream.cont c (fun () -> Ocsigen_stream.empty None)),
124 None)
130 (*****************************************************************************)
131 module Stream_content =
132 (* Used to send data from a stream *)
133 struct
134 type t = string Ocsigen_stream.t
136 type options = unit
138 let get_etag c = None
140 let result_of_content ?(options = ()) c =
141 let default_result = default_result () in
142 Lwt.return
143 {default_result with
144 res_content_length = None;
145 res_headers= Http_headers.dyn_headers;
146 res_stream = (c, None)}
150 (*****************************************************************************)
151 module Streamlist_content =
152 (* Used to send data from streams *)
153 struct
154 type t = (unit -> string Ocsigen_stream.t Lwt.t) list
155 * string (* content-type *)
157 type options = unit
159 let get_etag c = None
161 let result_of_content ?(options = ()) (c, ct) =
162 let finalizer = ref (fun () -> Lwt.return ()) in
163 let finalize () =
164 let f = !finalizer in
165 finalizer := (fun () -> Lwt.return ());
166 f ()
168 let rec next stream l =
169 Lwt.try_bind (fun () -> Ocsigen_stream.next stream)
170 (fun s ->
171 match s with
172 Ocsigen_stream.Finished None ->
173 finalize () >>= fun () ->
174 next_stream l
175 | Ocsigen_stream.Finished (Some stream) ->
176 next stream l
177 | Ocsigen_stream.Cont (v, stream) ->
178 Ocsigen_stream.cont v (fun () -> next stream l))
179 (function Interrupted e | e ->
180 (*XXX string_of_exn should know how to print "Interrupted _" exceptions*)
181 exnhandler e l)
182 and next_stream l =
183 match l with
184 [] -> Ocsigen_stream.empty None
185 | f :: l ->
186 Lwt.try_bind f
187 (fun stream ->
188 finalizer := (fun () -> Ocsigen_stream.finalize stream);
189 next (Ocsigen_stream.get stream) l)
190 (fun e -> exnhandler e l)
191 and exnhandler e l =
192 Ocsigen_messages.warning
193 ("Error while reading stream list: " ^ Ocsigen_lib.string_of_exn e);
194 finalize () >>= fun () ->
195 next_stream l
197 let default_result = default_result () in
198 Lwt.return
199 {default_result with
200 res_content_length = None;
201 res_etag = get_etag c;
202 res_stream =
203 (Ocsigen_stream.make ~finalize (fun () -> next_stream c), None);
204 res_headers= Http_headers.dyn_headers;
205 res_content_type = Some ct}
210 (*****************************************************************************)
211 module Empty_content =
212 struct
213 type t = unit
215 type options = unit
217 let get_etag c = None
219 let result_of_content ?(options = ()) c = Lwt.return (empty_result ())
223 (*****************************************************************************)
224 (* Files *)
226 (** this module instanciate the HTTP_CONTENT signature for files *)
227 module File_content =
228 struct
229 type t =
230 string (* nom du fichier *) *
231 Ocsigen_charset_mime.charset_assoc *
232 Ocsigen_charset_mime.mime_assoc
234 type options = unit
236 let read_file ?buffer_size fd =
237 let buffer_size = match buffer_size with
238 | None -> Ocsigen_config.get_filebuffersize ()
239 | Some s -> s
241 Ocsigen_messages.debug2 "start reading file (file opened)";
242 let buf = String.create buffer_size in
243 let rec read_aux () =
244 Lwt_unix.read fd buf 0 buffer_size >>= fun read ->
245 if read = 0 then
246 Ocsigen_stream.empty None
247 else begin
248 if read = buffer_size
249 then Ocsigen_stream.cont buf read_aux
250 else Ocsigen_stream.cont (String.sub buf 0 read) read_aux
252 in read_aux
254 let get_etag_aux st =
255 Some (Printf.sprintf "%Lx-%x-%f" st.Unix.LargeFile.st_size
256 st.Unix.LargeFile.st_ino st.Unix.LargeFile.st_mtime)
258 let get_etag (f, _, _) =
259 let st = Unix.LargeFile.stat f in
260 get_etag_aux st
262 let skip fd stream k =
264 ignore
265 (Unix.LargeFile.lseek (Lwt_unix.unix_file_descr fd) k Unix.SEEK_CUR);
266 Ocsigen_stream.next (Ocsigen_stream.get stream)
267 with e -> Lwt.fail e
269 let result_of_content ?options (c, charset_assoc, mime_assoc) =
270 (* open the file *)
271 catch
272 (fun () ->
273 let fdu = Unix.openfile c [Unix.O_RDONLY;Unix.O_NONBLOCK] 0o666 in
274 let fd = Lwt_unix.of_unix_file_descr fdu in
275 catch
276 (fun () ->
277 let st = Unix.LargeFile.fstat fdu in
278 let etag = get_etag_aux st in
279 let stream = read_file fd in
280 let default_result = default_result () in
281 Lwt.return
282 {default_result with
283 res_content_length = Some st.Unix.LargeFile.st_size;
284 res_content_type =
285 Some (Ocsigen_charset_mime.find_mime c mime_assoc);
286 res_charset =
287 Some (Ocsigen_charset_mime.find_charset c charset_assoc);
288 res_lastmodified = Some st.Unix.LargeFile.st_mtime;
289 res_etag = etag;
290 res_stream =
291 (Ocsigen_stream.make
292 ~finalize:
293 (fun () ->
294 Ocsigen_messages.debug2 "closing file";
295 Lwt_unix.close fd)
296 stream,
297 Some (skip fd))
299 (fun e -> Lwt_unix.close fd >>= (fun () -> fail e)))
300 (fun e -> Ocsigen_messages.debug2 (Printexc.to_string e); fail e)
304 (*****************************************************************************)
305 (* directory listing - by Gabriel Kerneis *)
307 (** this module instanciate the HTTP_CONTENT signature for directories *)
308 module Directory_content =
309 struct
310 type t = string (* dir name *) * string list (* corresponding URL path *)
312 type options = unit
314 let get_etag_aux st =
315 Some (Printf.sprintf "%Lx-%x-%f" st.Unix.LargeFile.st_size
316 st.Unix.LargeFile.st_ino st.Unix.LargeFile.st_mtime)
318 let get_etag (f, _) =
319 let st = Unix.LargeFile.stat f in
320 get_etag_aux st
322 let date fl =
323 let t = Unix.gmtime fl in
324 Printf.sprintf
325 "%02d-%02d-%04d %02d:%02d:%02d"
326 t.Unix.tm_mday
327 (t.Unix.tm_mon + 1)
328 (1900 + t.Unix.tm_year)
329 t.Unix.tm_hour
330 t.Unix.tm_min
331 t.Unix.tm_sec
334 let image_found fich =
335 if fich="README" || fich="README.Debian"
336 then "/ocsigenstuff/readme.png"
337 else
338 let reg=Netstring_pcre.regexp "([^//.]*)(.*)"
339 in match Netstring_pcre.global_replace reg "$2" fich with
340 | ".jpeg" | ".jpg" | ".gif" | ".tif"
341 | ".png" -> "/ocsigenstuff/image.png"
342 | ".ps" -> "/ocsigenstuff/postscript.png"
343 | ".pdf" -> "/ocsigenstuff/pdf.png"
344 | ".html" | ".htm"
345 | ".php" -> "/ocsigenstuff/html.png"
346 | ".mp3"
347 | ".wma" -> "/ocsigenstuff/sound.png"
348 | ".c" -> "/ocsigenstuff/source_c.png"
349 | ".java" -> "/ocsigenstuff/source_java.png"
350 | ".pl" -> "/ocsigenstuff/source_pl.png"
351 | ".py" -> "/ocsigenstuff/source_py.png"
352 | ".iso" | ".mds" | ".mdf" | ".cue" | ".nrg"
353 | ".cdd" -> "/ocsigenstuff/cdimage.png"
354 | ".deb" -> "/ocsigenstuff/deb.png"
355 | ".dvi" -> "/ocsigenstuff/dvi.png"
356 | ".rpm" -> "/ocsigenstuff/rpm.png"
357 | ".tar" | ".rar" -> "/ocsigenstuff/tar.png"
358 | ".gz" | ".tar.gz" | ".tgz" | ".zip"
359 | ".jar" -> "/ocsigenstuff/tgz.png"
360 | ".tex" -> "/ocsigenstuff/tex.png"
361 | ".avi" | ".mov" -> "/ocsigenstuff/video.png"
362 | ".txt" -> "/ocsigenstuff/txt.png"
363 | _ -> "/ocsigenstuff/unknown.png"
366 (* An html row for a file in the directory listing *)
367 let file_row name icon stat = Printf.sprintf "
368 <tr>
369 <td class=\"img\"><img src=\"%s\" alt=\"\" /></td>
370 <td><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></td>
371 <td>%Ld</td>
372 <td>%s</td>
373 </tr>"
374 icon (Netencoding.Url.encode ~plus:false name) name
375 stat.Unix.LargeFile.st_size (date stat.Unix.LargeFile.st_mtime)
378 let directory filename =
379 let dir = Unix.opendir filename in
380 let rec aux d =
382 let f = Unix.readdir dir in
384 let stat = Unix.LargeFile.stat (filename^f) in
385 if stat.Unix.LargeFile.st_kind = Unix.S_DIR && f <> "." && f <> ".."
386 then
387 (`Dir, f,
388 file_row f "/ocsigenstuff/folder_open.png" stat) :: aux d
389 else
390 if stat.Unix.LargeFile.st_kind = Unix.S_REG &&
391 f.[(String.length f) - 1] <> '~'
392 then
393 (`Reg, f, file_row f (image_found f) stat) :: aux d
394 else aux d
395 with _ (* Unix.stat can fail for a lot of reasons *) -> aux d
396 with
397 End_of_file -> Unix.closedir d;[]
400 let trie li =
401 List.sort (fun (a1, b1, _) (a2, b2, _) -> match a1, a2 with
402 | `Dir, `Dir ->
403 if b1<b2
404 then 0
405 else 1
406 | `Dir, _ -> 0
407 | _, `Dir -> 1
408 | _, _->
409 if b1<b2
410 then 0
411 else 1) li
413 in let rec aux2 = function
414 | [] -> ""
415 | (_, _, i)::l -> i^(aux2 l)
416 in aux2 (trie (aux dir))
420 let result_of_content ?(options = ()) (filename, path) =
421 let stat = Unix.LargeFile.stat filename in
422 let rec back = function
423 | [] | [""] -> assert false
424 | [_] | [_ ; ""] -> []
425 | i::j -> i :: (back j)
427 let parent =
428 if path = [] || path = [""] then
429 None
430 else
431 Some ("/"^Ocsigen_lib.string_of_url_path ~encode:true (back path))
433 let before =
434 let st = (Ocsigen_lib.string_of_url_path ~encode:true path) in
435 "<html>\n\
436 <head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;\" />\n\
437 <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/ocsigenstuff/style.css\" media=\"screen\" />\n\
438 <title>Listing Directory: "^st^"</title>\n</head>\n\
439 <body><h1>"^st^"</h1>\n\
440 <table summary=\"Contenu du dossier "^st^"\">\n\
441 <tr id=\"headers\"><th></th><th>Name</th><th>Size</th>\
442 <th>Last modified</th></tr>\n"
444 and back = match parent with
445 | None -> ""
446 | Some parent ->
447 "<tr>\n\
448 <td class=\"img\"><img src=\"/ocsigenstuff/back.png\" alt=\"\" /></td>\n\
449 <td><a href=\""^parent^"\">Parent Directory</a></td>\n\
450 <td>"^(Int64.to_string stat.Unix.LargeFile.st_size)^"</td>\n\
451 <td>"^(date stat.Unix.LargeFile.st_mtime)^"</td>\n\
452 </tr>\n"
454 and after=
455 "</table>\
456 <p id=\"footer\">Ocsigen Webserver</p>\
457 </body></html>"
459 let c = before^back^(directory filename)^after in
460 let etag = get_etag_aux stat in
461 Text_content.result_of_content (c, "text/html") >>= fun r ->
462 Lwt.return
463 {r with
464 res_lastmodified = Some stat.Unix.LargeFile.st_mtime;
465 res_etag = etag;
466 res_charset= Some "utf-8"
474 (*****************************************************************************)
475 module Error_content =
476 (** sends an error page that fit the error number *)
477 struct
478 type t = int option * exn option * Ocsigen_http_frame.cookieset
480 type options = unit
482 let get_etag c = None
484 let error_page s msg c =
485 XHTML.M.html
486 (XHTML.M.head (XHTML.M.title (XHTML.M.pcdata s)) [])
487 (XHTML.M.body
488 (XHTML.M.h1 [XHTML.M.pcdata msg]::
489 p [pcdata s]::
493 let result_of_content ?(options = ()) (code, exn, cookies_to_set) =
494 let code = match code with
495 | None -> 500
496 | Some c -> c
498 let (error_code, error_msg, headers) =
499 match exn with
500 | Some (Http_error.Http_exception (errcode, msgs, h) as e) ->
501 let msg = Http_error.string_of_http_exception e in
502 let headers = match h with
503 | Some h -> h
504 | None -> Http_headers.dyn_headers
505 in (errcode, msg, headers)
506 | _ ->
507 let error_mes = Http_error.expl_of_code code in
508 (code, error_mes, Http_headers.empty)
510 let headers =
511 (* puts dynamic headers *)
512 let (<<) h (n, v) = Http_headers.replace n v h in
513 headers
514 << (Http_headers.cache_control, "no-cache")
515 << (Http_headers.expires, "0")
517 let str_code = string_of_int error_code in
518 let err_page =
519 match exn with
520 | Some exn when Ocsigen_config.get_debugmode () ->
521 error_page
522 ("Error "^str_code)
523 error_msg
524 [XHTML.M.p
525 [XHTML.M.pcdata (Ocsigen_lib.string_of_exn exn);
526 XHTML.M.br ();
527 XHTML.M.em
528 [XHTML.M.pcdata "(Ocsigen running in debug mode)"]
530 | _ ->
531 error_page
532 ("Error "^str_code)
533 error_msg
536 Xhtml_content.result_of_content err_page >>= fun r ->
537 Lwt.return
538 {r with
539 res_cookies = cookies_to_set;
540 res_code = error_code;
541 res_charset = Some "utf-8";
542 res_headers = headers;
549 let send_error
550 ?code
551 ?exn
552 slot
553 ~clientproto
554 ?mode
555 ?proto
556 ?(cookies = Ocsigen_http_frame.Cookies.empty)
557 ~head
558 ~sender
561 Error_content.result_of_content (code, exn, cookies) >>= fun r ->
562 send
563 slot
564 ~clientproto
565 ?mode
566 ?proto
567 ~head
568 ~sender