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1 open Ocsigen_extensions
3 (* Displaying of a local file or directory. Currently used in
4 staticmod and eliom_predefmod*)
6 exception Failed_403
7 exception Failed_404
8 exception NotReadableDirectory
11 (* Policies for following symlinks *)
12 type symlink_policy =
13 stat:Unix.LargeFile.stats -> lstat:Unix.LargeFile.stats -> bool
15 let never_follow_symlinks : symlink_policy =
16 fun ~stat ~lstat -> false
18 let follow_symlinks_if_owner_match : symlink_policy =
19 fun ~stat ~lstat ->
20 stat.Unix.LargeFile.st_uid = lstat.Unix.LargeFile.st_uid
23 (* checks that [filename] can be followed depending on the predicate
24 [policy] which must receives as argument both the results
25 of calling [stat] and [lstat] on filenam.
26 If supplied, [stat] must be the result of calling [Unix.stat] on
27 [filename] *)
28 let check_symlinks_aux
29 filename ?(stat=Unix.LargeFile.stat filename) (policy : symlink_policy) =
30 let lstat = Unix.LargeFile.lstat filename in
31 if lstat.Unix.LargeFile.st_kind = Unix.S_LNK then
32 policy ~stat ~lstat
33 else
34 true
36 (* Check that there are no invalid symlinks in the directories leading to
37 [filename]. Paths upwards [no_check_for] are not checked. *)
38 let rec check_symlinks_parent_directories ~filename ~no_check_for (policy : symlink_policy) =
39 (* Ocsigen_messages.debug
40 (fun () -> Printf.sprintf "Checking %s (until %s)"
41 filename (match no_check_for with None -> "" | Some s -> s)); *)
42 if filename = "/" || filename = "." || Some filename = no_check_for then
43 true
44 else
45 let dirname = Filename.dirname filename in
46 check_symlinks_aux dirname policy &&
47 check_symlinks_parent_directories ~filename:dirname ~no_check_for policy
50 (* Check that [filename] can be reached according to the given
51 symlink policy *)
52 let check_symlinks ~no_check_for ~filename policy =
53 let aux policy =
54 if filename = "/" then
55 (* The root cannot be a symlink, and this avoids some degenerate
56 cases later on *)
57 true
58 else
59 let filename =
60 (* [filename] should start by at least a slash, as
61 [Filename.is_relative filename] should be false. Hence the length
62 should be at least 1 *)
63 (* We remove an eventual trailing slash, in order to avoid a
64 needless recursion in check_symlinks_parent_directories, and so
65 that Unix.lstat returns the correct result (Unix.lstat "foo/" and
66 Unix.lstat "foo" return two different results...) *)
67 let len = String.length filename - 1 in
68 if filename.[len] = '/' then
69 String.sub filename 0 len
70 else
71 filename
73 check_symlinks_aux filename policy &&
74 check_symlinks_parent_directories filename no_check_for policy
76 match policy with
77 | AlwaysFollowSymlinks -> true
78 | DoNotFollowSymlinks -> aux never_follow_symlinks
79 | FollowSymlinksIfOwnerMatch -> aux follow_symlinks_if_owner_match
81 let check_dotdot =
82 let regexp = Netstring_pcre.regexp "(/\\.\\./)|(/\\.\\.$)" in
83 fun ~filename ->
84 (* We always reject .. in filenames.
85 In URLs, .. have already been removed by the server,
86 but the filename may come from somewhere else than URLs ... *)
87 try ignore (Netstring_pcre.search_forward regexp filename 0); false
88 with Not_found -> true
90 let can_send filename request =
91 let filename =
92 Neturl.join_path (Neturl.norm_path (Neturl.split_path filename)) in
93 Ocsigen_messages.debug
94 (fun () -> Printf.sprintf "--LocalFiles: checking if file %s can be sent"
95 filename);
96 let matches arg =
97 Netstring_pcre.string_match (Ocsigen_extensions.do_not_serve_to_regexp arg)
98 filename 0 <> None
100 if matches request.do_not_serve_403 then (
101 Ocsigen_messages.debug2 "--LocalFiles: this file is forbidden";
102 raise Failed_403)
103 else
104 if matches request.do_not_serve_404 then (
105 Ocsigen_messages.debug2 "--LocalFiles: this file must be hidden";
106 raise Failed_404)
109 (* Return type of a request for a local file. The string argument
110 represents the real file/directory to serve, eg. foo/index.html
111 instead of foo *)
112 type resolved =
113 | RFile of string
114 | RDir of string
117 (* given [filename], we search for it in the local filesystem and
118 - we return ["filename/index.html"] if [filename] corresponds to
119 a directory, ["filename/index.html"] is valid, and ["index.html"]
120 is one possible index (trying all possible indexes in order)
121 - we raise [Failed_404] if [filename] corresponds to a directory,
122 no index exists and [list_dir_content] is false.
123 Warning: this behaviour is not the same as Apache's but it corresponds
124 to a missing service in Eliom (answers 404). This also allows to have
125 an Eliom service after a "forbidden" directory
126 - we raise [Failed_403] if [filename] is a symlink that must
127 not be followed
128 - raises [Failed_404] if [filename] does not exist, or is a special file
129 - otherwise returns [filename]
131 (* See also module Files in *)
132 let resolve ?no_check_for ~request ~filename =
133 (* We only accept absolute filenames,
134 as we do not really know what is the current directory *)
135 let filename =
136 if filename.[0] = '/'
137 then filename
138 else "/"^filename
141 Ocsigen_messages.debug
142 (fun () -> "--LocalFiles: Testing \""^filename^"\".");
143 let stat = Unix.LargeFile.stat filename in
144 let (filename, stat) =
145 if stat.Unix.LargeFile.st_kind = Unix.S_DIR then
146 if filename.[String.length filename - 1] <> '/' then begin
147 (* In this case, [filename] is a directory but this is not visible in
148 its name as there is no final slash. We signal this fact to
149 Ocsigen, which will then issue a 301 redirection to "filename/" *)
150 Ocsigen_messages.debug
151 (fun () -> "--LocalFiles: "^filename^" is a directory");
152 raise (Ocsigen_extensions.Ocsigen_Is_a_directory request)
155 else
156 let rec find_index = function
157 | [] ->
158 (* No suitable index, we try to list the directory *)
159 if request.request_config.list_directory_content then (
160 Ocsigen_messages.debug2
161 "--LocalFiles: Displaying directory content";
162 (filename, stat))
163 else (
164 (* No suitable index *)
165 Ocsigen_messages.debug2 "--LocalFiles: No index and no listing";
166 raise NotReadableDirectory)
167 | e :: q ->
168 let index = filename ^ e in
169 Ocsigen_messages.debug
170 (fun () -> "--LocalFiles: Testing \""^index
171 ^"\" as possible index.");
173 (index, Unix.LargeFile.stat index)
174 with
175 | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, _, _) -> find_index q
176 in find_index request.request_config.default_directory_index
178 else (filename, stat)
180 if not (check_dotdot ~filename)
181 then
182 (Ocsigen_messages.debug
183 (fun () -> "--Filenames cannot contain .. as in \""^filename^"\".");
184 raise Failed_403)
185 else if check_symlinks ~filename ~no_check_for
186 request.request_config.follow_symlinks
187 then (
188 can_send filename request.request_config;
189 (* If the previous function did not fail, we are authorized to
190 send this file *)
191 Ocsigen_messages.debug
192 (fun () -> "--LocalFiles: Returning \""^filename^"\".");
193 if stat.Unix.LargeFile.st_kind = Unix.S_REG then
194 RFile filename
195 else if stat.Unix.LargeFile.st_kind = Unix.S_DIR then
196 RDir filename
197 else raise Failed_404
199 else (
200 (* [filename] is accessed through as symlink which we should not
201 follow according to the current policy *)
202 Ocsigen_messages.debug
203 (fun () -> "--Failed symlink check for \""^filename^"\".");
204 raise Failed_403)
205 with
206 (* We can get an EACCESS here, if are missing some rights on a directory *)
207 | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EACCES,_,_) -> raise Failed_403
208 | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT,_,_) -> raise Failed_404
211 (* Given a local file or directory, we retrieve its content *)
212 let content ~request ~file =
214 match file with
215 | RDir dirname ->
216 Ocsigen_senders.Directory_content.result_of_content
217 (dirname, request.request_info.ri_full_path)
218 | RFile filename ->
219 Ocsigen_senders.File_content.result_of_content
220 (filename,
221 request.request_config.charset_assoc,
222 request.request_config.mime_assoc
225 with
226 | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EACCES,_,_) -> raise Failed_403