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[pkg-ocaml-ocsigen.git] / extensions /
1 (* Ocsigen
2 *
3 * Module
4 * Copyright (C) 2008 Vincent Balat
5 * CNRS - Université Paris Diderot Paris 7
7 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
9 * the Free Software Foundation, with linking exception;
10 * either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
21 (*****************************************************************************)
22 (*****************************************************************************)
23 (* Ocsigen extension for rewriteing URLs *)
24 (* in the configuration file *)
25 (*****************************************************************************)
26 (*****************************************************************************)
29 It is really basic for now:
30 - rewrites only subpaths (and do not change get parameters)
31 - changes only ri_sub_path and ri_sub_path_tring
32 not ri_full_path and ri_full_path_string and ri_url_string and ri_url
33 This is probably NOT what we want ...
38 (* To compile it:
39 ocamlfind ocamlc -thread -package netstring,ocsigen -c
41 Then load it dynamically from Ocsigen's config file:
42 <extension module=".../rewritemod.cmo"/>
46 open Lwt
47 open Ocsigen_extensions
48 open Simplexmlparser
51 exception Not_concerned
54 (*****************************************************************************)
55 (* The table of rewrites for each virtual server *)
56 type assockind =
57 | Regexp of Netstring_pcre.regexp * string * bool
61 (*****************************************************************************)
62 (* Finding rewrites *)
64 let find_rewrite (Regexp (regexp, dest, fullrewrite)) suburl =
65 (match Netstring_pcre.string_match regexp suburl 0 with
66 | None -> raise Not_concerned
67 | Some _ -> (* Matching regexp found! *)
68 Netstring_pcre.global_replace regexp dest suburl), fullrewrite
75 (*****************************************************************************)
76 (** The function that will generate the pages from the request. *)
77 let gen regexp = function
78 | Ocsigen_extensions.Req_found _ ->
79 Lwt.return Ocsigen_extensions.Ext_do_nothing
80 | Ocsigen_extensions.Req_not_found (err, ri) ->
81 catch
82 (* Is it a rewrite? *)
83 (fun () ->
84 Ocsigen_messages.debug2 "--Rewritemod: Is it a rewrite?";
85 let redir, fullrewrite =
86 let ri = ri.request_info in
87 find_rewrite regexp
88 (match ri.ri_get_params_string with
89 | None -> ri.ri_sub_path_string
90 | Some g -> ri.ri_sub_path_string ^ "?" ^ g)
92 Ocsigen_messages.debug (fun () ->
93 "--Rewritemod: YES! rewrite to: "^redir);
94 return
95 (Ext_retry_with
96 ({ ri with request_info =
97 Ocsigen_extensions.ri_of_url
98 ~full_rewrite:fullrewrite
99 redir ri.request_info },
100 Ocsigen_http_frame.Cookies.empty)
103 (function
104 | Not_concerned -> return (Ext_next err)
105 | e -> fail e)
110 (*****************************************************************************)
112 let parse_config = function
113 | Element ("rewrite", atts, []) ->
114 let regexp = match atts with
115 | [] ->
116 raise (Error_in_config_file
117 "regexp attribute expected for <rewrite>")
118 | [("regexp", s); ("url", t)]
119 | [("regexp", s); ("dest", t)] ->
120 Regexp ((Netstring_pcre.regexp ("^"^s^"$")), t, false)
121 | [("regexp", s); ("url", t); ("fullrewrite", "fullrewrite")]
122 | [("regexp", s); ("dest", t); ("fullrewrite", "fullrewrite")] ->
123 Regexp ((Netstring_pcre.regexp ("^"^s^"$")), t, true)
124 | _ -> raise (Error_in_config_file "Wrong attribute for <rewrite>")
126 gen regexp
127 | Element (t, _, _) ->
128 raise (Bad_config_tag_for_extension t)
129 | _ -> raise (Error_in_config_file "(rewritemod extension) Bad data")
134 (*****************************************************************************)
135 (** Registration of the extension *)
136 let () = register_extension
137 ~name:"rewritemod"
138 ~fun_site:(fun _ _ _ _ -> parse_config)
139 ~user_fun_site:(fun _ _ _ _ _ -> parse_config)