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[pkg-ocaml-ocsigen.git] / extensions /
1 (* Ocsigen
2 *
3 * Module
4 * Copyright (C) 2007 Vincent Balat
5 * Laboratoire PPS - CNRS Université Paris Diderot
7 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
9 * the Free Software Foundation, with linking exception;
10 * either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
21 (*****************************************************************************)
22 (*****************************************************************************)
23 (* Ocsigen module to allow local (users) config files *)
24 (*****************************************************************************)
25 (*****************************************************************************)
28 open Lwt
29 open Ocsigen_lib
30 open Ocsigen_extensions
32 exception NoConfFile
34 (*****************************************************************************)
36 let err_500 =
37 Ocsigen_extensions.Ext_stop_site (Ocsigen_http_frame.Cookies.empty, 500)
40 (* Catch invalid userconf files and report an error *)
41 let handle_parsing_error req = function
42 | Ocsigen_extensions.Error_in_config_file s ->
43 Ocsigen_messages.errlog (Printf.sprintf
44 "Syntax error in userconf configuration file for url %s: %s"
45 req.request_info.ri_url_string s);
46 Lwt.return err_500
48 | Ocsigen_extensions.Error_in_user_config_file s ->
49 Ocsigen_messages.errlog (Printf.sprintf
50 "Unauthorized option in user configuration for url %s: %s"
51 req.request_info.ri_url_string s);
52 Lwt.return err_500
54 | e -> e
57 (* Answer returned by userconf when the url matches *)
58 let subresult new_req user_parse_site conf previous_err req req_state =
59 Ext_sub_result
60 (fun awake cookies_to_set rs ->
61 (* XXX why is rs above never used ?? *)
62 Lwt.catch
63 (fun () ->
64 user_parse_site conf awake cookies_to_set
65 (Ocsigen_extensions.Req_not_found (previous_err, new_req))
66 >>= fun (answer, cookies) ->
67 (* If the request is not satisfied by userconf, the changes
68 in configuration (in request_config) are preserved for the
69 remainder of the enclosing <site> (in the Ext_continue
70 and Ext_found_continue cases below) *)
71 let rec aux ((answer, cts) as r) = match answer with
72 | Ext_sub_result sr ->
73 (* XXX Are these the good cookies ?? *)
74 sr awake cookies_to_set req_state
75 >>= aux
76 | Ext_continue_with (newreq, cookies, err) ->
77 Lwt.return
78 ((Ext_continue_with
79 ({req with request_config = newreq.request_config },
80 cookies, err)), cts)
81 | Ext_found_continue_with r ->
82 (* We keep config information outside userconf! *)
83 Lwt.return
84 (Ext_found_continue_with
85 (fun () ->
86 r () >>= fun (r, newreq) -> Lwt.return
87 (r,
88 { req with request_config = newreq.request_config })
89 ), cts)
90 | _ -> Lwt.return r
91 in aux (answer, cookies)
93 (fun e ->
94 handle_parsing_error req e >>=
95 fun answer ->
96 Lwt.return (answer, Ocsigen_http_frame.Cookies.empty))
100 let conf_to_xml conf =
101 try Simplexmlparser.xmlparser_file conf
102 with
103 | Sys_error _ -> raise NoConfFile
104 | Simplexmlparser.Xml_parser_error s ->
105 raise (Ocsigen_extensions.Error_in_config_file s)
108 let gen hostpattern sitepath (regexp, conf, url, prefix, localpath) = function
109 | Req_found _ ->
110 (* We do not allow setting filters through userconf files right now *)
111 Lwt.return Ext_do_nothing
113 | Req_not_found (previous_err, req) as req_state->
114 let path = req.request_info.ri_sub_path_string in
115 match Netstring_pcre.string_match regexp path 0 with
116 | None -> Lwt.return (Ext_next previous_err)
117 | Some _ ->
119 Ocsigen_messages.debug2 "--Userconf: Using user configuration";
120 let conf = Ocsigen_extensions.replace_user_dir regexp conf path in
121 let url = Netstring_pcre.global_replace regexp url path
122 and prefix = Netstring_pcre.global_replace regexp prefix path
123 and userconf_options = {
124 Ocsigen_extensions.localfiles_root =
125 Ocsigen_extensions.replace_user_dir regexp localpath path }
126 and conf = conf_to_xml conf
128 let user_parse_host = Ocsigen_extensions.parse_user_site_item
129 userconf_options hostpattern in
130 (* Inside userconf, we create a new virtual site starting
131 after [prefix], and use a request modified accordingly*)
132 let user_parse_site = Ocsigen_extensions.make_parse_config
133 (sitepath@[prefix]) user_parse_host
134 and path =
135 Ocsigen_lib.remove_slash_at_beginning
136 (Ocsigen_lib.remove_dotdot (Neturl.split_path url))
138 let new_req =
139 { req with request_info =
140 { req.request_info with
141 ri_sub_path = path; ri_sub_path_string = url}}
143 Lwt.return
144 (subresult new_req user_parse_site conf previous_err req req_state)
146 with
147 | Ocsigen_extensions.NoSuchUser
148 | NoConfFile
149 | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EACCES,_,_)
150 | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, _, _) ->
151 Lwt.return (Ocsigen_extensions.Ext_next previous_err)
152 | e -> handle_parsing_error req e
156 (*****************************************************************************)
157 (** Parsing of config file *)
158 open Simplexmlparser
160 let parse_config hostpattern path = fun _ _ ->
161 let rec parse_attrs_local l ((regexp, conf, url, prefix, path) as r) =
162 match l with
163 | [] -> r
164 | ("regexp", s)::l when regexp = None ->
165 (try parse_attrs_local l
166 (Some (Netstring_pcre.regexp ("^"^s^"$")), conf, url, prefix, path)
167 with Failure _ ->
168 badconfig "Bad regexp '%s' in <userconf regexp=\"...\" />" s)
169 | ("conf", s)::l when conf = None ->
170 parse_attrs_local l
171 (regexp, Some (Ocsigen_extensions.parse_user_dir s), url, prefix, path)
172 | ("url", s)::l when url = None ->
173 parse_attrs_local l (regexp, conf, Some s, prefix, path)
174 | ("prefix", s)::l when prefix = None ->
175 parse_attrs_local l (regexp, conf, url, Some s, path)
176 | ("localpath", s) :: l when path = None ->
177 parse_attrs_local l
178 (regexp, conf, url, prefix, Some (Ocsigen_extensions.parse_user_dir s))
179 | (a, _) :: _ ->
180 badconfig "Wrong or duplicate attribute %s for <userconf>" a
182 function
183 | Element ("userconf", atts, []) ->
184 let info =
185 match parse_attrs_local atts (None, None, None, None, None) with
186 | (Some r, Some t, Some u, Some p, Some p') -> (r, t, u, p, p')
187 | _ -> badconfig "Missing attributes for <userconf>"
189 gen hostpattern path info
190 | Element ("userconf", _, _ :: _) ->
191 badconfig "Incorrect (useless) data inside <userconf>"
192 | Element (t, _, _) -> raise (Bad_config_tag_for_extension t)
193 | _ -> badconfig "Bad data in conf file"
196 (*****************************************************************************)
197 (** extension registration *)
198 let () = register_extension
199 ~name:"userconf"
200 ~fun_site:parse_config