Add myself to uploaders
[pkg-ocaml-ocsigen.git] / server /
1 (* Ocsigen
2 *
3 * Module
4 * Copyright (C) 2005
5 * Vincent Balat, Denis Berthod, Nataliya Guts, Jérôme Vouillon
6 * Laboratoire PPS - CNRS Université Paris Diderot
8 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
10 * the Free Software Foundation, with linking exception;
11 * either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
18 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
19 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
23 open Lwt
24 open Ocsigen_messages
25 open Ocsigen_lib
26 open Ocsigen_extensions
27 open Ocsigen_http_frame
28 open Ocsigen_headers
29 open Ocsigen_http_com
30 open Ocsigen_senders
31 open Ocsigen_config
32 open Ocsigen_parseconfig
33 open Lazy
36 exception Ocsigen_unsupported_media
37 exception Ssl_Exception
38 exception Ocsigen_upload_forbidden
39 exception Socket_closed
41 let shutdown = ref false
43 let () = Random.self_init ()
45 (* Without the following line, it stops with "Broken Pipe" without raising
46 an exception ... *)
47 let _ = Sys.set_signal Sys.sigpipe Sys.Signal_ignore
49 (* Initialize exception handler for Lwt timeouts: *)
50 let _ =
51 Lwt_timeout.set_exn_handler
52 (fun e -> Ocsigen_messages.errlog ("Uncaught Exception after lwt timeout: "^
53 Ocsigen_lib.string_of_exn e))
55 external disable_nagle : Unix.file_descr -> unit = "disable_nagle"
56 external initgroups : string -> int -> unit = "initgroups_stub"
58 let make_ipv6_socket addr port =
59 let socket = Lwt_unix.socket Unix.PF_INET6 Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
60 Lwt_unix.set_close_on_exec socket;
61 Lwt_unix.setsockopt socket Unix.SO_REUSEADDR true;
62 Lwt_unix.setsockopt socket Unix.IPV6_ONLY true;
63 Lwt_unix.bind socket (Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port));
64 socket
66 let make_ipv4_socket addr port =
67 let socket = Lwt_unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
68 Lwt_unix.set_close_on_exec socket;
69 Lwt_unix.setsockopt socket Unix.SO_REUSEADDR true;
70 Lwt_unix.bind socket (Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port));
71 socket
73 let make_sockets addr port =
74 match addr with
75 | All ->
76 (* The user didn't specify a protocol in the configuration
77 file; we try to open an IPv6 socket (listening to IPv6
78 only) if possible and we open an IPv4 socket anyway. This
79 corresponds to the net.ipv6.bindv6only=0 behaviour on Linux,
80 but is portable and should work with
81 net.ipv6.bindv6only=1 as well. *)
82 let ipv6_socket =
83 try [make_ipv6_socket Unix.inet6_addr_any port]
84 with Unix.Unix_error
86 _, _) -> []
88 (make_ipv4_socket Unix.inet_addr_any port)::ipv6_socket
89 | IPv4 addr ->
90 [make_ipv4_socket addr port]
91 | IPv6 addr ->
92 [make_ipv6_socket addr port]
94 let sslctx = Ocsigen_http_client.sslcontext
97 let ip_of_sockaddr = function
98 | Unix.ADDR_INET (ip, port) -> ip
99 | _ -> raise (Ocsigen_Internal_Error "ip of unix socket")
101 let port_of_sockaddr = function
102 | Unix.ADDR_INET (ip, port) -> port
103 | _ -> raise (Ocsigen_Internal_Error "port of unix socket")
106 let get_boundary ctparams = List.assoc "boundary" ctparams
108 let find_field field content_disp =
109 let (_, res) = Netstring_pcre.search_forward
110 (Netstring_pcre.regexp (field^"=.([^\"]*).;?")) content_disp 0 in
111 Netstring_pcre.matched_group res 1 content_disp
113 type to_write =
114 No_File of string * Buffer.t
115 | A_File of (string * string * string * Unix.file_descr * (string * string option) option)
117 let counter = let c = ref ( 1000000) in fun () -> c := !c + 1 ; !c
119 let warn sockaddr s =
120 let ip = Unix.string_of_inet_addr (ip_of_sockaddr sockaddr) in
121 Ocsigen_messages.warning ("While talking to " ^ ip ^ ": " ^ s)
123 let dbg sockaddr s =
124 Ocsigen_messages.debug
125 (fun () ->
126 let ip = Unix.string_of_inet_addr (ip_of_sockaddr sockaddr) in
127 "While talking to " ^ ip ^ ": " ^ s)
130 let r_content_type = Netstring_pcre.regexp "([^ ]*)"
132 let rec find_post_params http_frame ct filenames uploaddir =
133 match http_frame.Ocsigen_http_frame.frame_content with
134 | None -> return ([], [])
135 | Some body_gen ->
137 let ((ct, cst), ctparams) = match ct with
138 (* RFC 2616, sect. 7.2.1 *)
139 (* If the media type remains unknown, the recipient SHOULD
140 treat it as type "application/octet-stream". *)
141 | None -> (("application", "octet-stream"), [])
142 | Some (c, p) -> (c, p)
144 match String.lowercase ct, String.lowercase cst with
145 | "application", "x-www-form-urlencoded" ->
146 find_post_params_form_urlencoded body_gen
147 | "multipart", "form-data" ->
148 find_post_params_multipart_form_data body_gen ctparams filenames
149 uploaddir
150 | _ -> fail Ocsigen_unsupported_media
151 with e -> e
153 and find_post_params_form_urlencoded body_gen =
154 catch
155 (fun () ->
156 let body = Ocsigen_stream.get body_gen in
157 (* BY, adapted from a previous comment. Should this stream be
158 consumed in case of error? *)
159 Ocsigen_stream.string_of_stream body
160 >>= fun r ->
161 Lwt.return
162 ((Netencoding.Url.dest_url_encoded_parameters r), [])
164 (function
165 | Ocsigen_stream.String_too_large -> fail Input_is_too_large
166 | e -> fail e)
168 and find_post_params_multipart_form_data body_gen ctparams filenames ci =
169 (* Same question here, should this stream be consumed after an error ? *)
170 let body = Ocsigen_stream.get body_gen
171 and bound = get_boundary ctparams
172 and params = ref []
173 and files = ref [] in
174 let create hs =
175 let content_type =
177 let ct = List.assoc "content-type" hs in
178 let content_type =
179 let (_, res) = Netstring_pcre.search_forward r_content_type ct 0 in
180 Netstring_pcre.matched_group res 1 ct
182 let charset = try
183 Some (find_field "charset" ct)
184 with _ -> None
185 in Some (content_type, charset)
186 with _ -> None
188 let cd = List.assoc "content-disposition" hs in
189 let p_name = find_field "name" cd in
191 let store = find_field "filename" cd in
192 match ci.uploaddir with
193 | Some dname ->
194 let now = Printf.sprintf "%f-%d"
195 (Unix.gettimeofday ()) (counter ()) in
196 let fname = dname^"/"^now in
197 let fd = Unix.openfile fname
198 [Unix.O_CREAT; Unix.O_TRUNC; Unix.O_WRONLY; Unix.O_NONBLOCK] 0o666
200 Ocsigen_messages.debug2 ("Upload file opened: " ^ fname);
201 filenames := fname::!filenames;
202 A_File (p_name, fname, store, fd, content_type)
203 | None -> raise Ocsigen_upload_forbidden
204 with Not_found -> No_File (p_name, Buffer.create 1024)
206 let rec add where s =
207 match where with
208 | No_File (p_name, to_buf) ->
209 Buffer.add_string to_buf s;
210 return ()
211 | A_File (_,_,_,wh,_) ->
212 let len = String.length s in
213 let r = Unix.write wh s 0 len in
214 if r < len then
215 (*XXXX Inefficient if s is long *)
216 add where (String.sub s r (len - r))
217 else
218 Lwt_unix.yield ()
220 let stop size = function
221 | No_File (p_name, to_buf) ->
222 return
223 (params := !params @ [(p_name, Buffer.contents to_buf)])
224 (* à la fin ? *)
225 | A_File (p_name,fname,oname,wh, content_type) ->
226 (* Ocsigen_messages.debug "closing file"; *)
227 files :=
228 !files@[(p_name, {tmp_filename=fname;
229 filesize=size;
230 raw_original_filename=oname;
231 original_basename=(Ocsigen_lib.basename oname);
232 file_content_type = content_type;
233 })];
234 Unix.close wh;
235 return ()
237 Multipart.scan_multipart_body_from_stream
238 body bound create add stop ci.maxuploadfilesize >>= fun () ->
239 (*VVV Does scan_multipart_body_from_stream read until the end or
240 only what it needs? If we do not consume here, the following
241 request will be read only when this one is finished ... *)
242 Ocsigen_stream.consume body_gen >>= fun () ->
243 Lwt.return (!params, !files)
247 (* reading the request *)
248 let get_request_infos
249 meth clientproto url http_frame filenames sockaddr port receiver =
251 Lwt.catch
252 (fun () ->
254 let (_, headerhost, headerport, url, path, params, get_params) =
255 Ocsigen_lib.parse_url url
258 let headerhost, headerport =
259 match headerhost with
260 | None -> get_host_from_host_header http_frame
261 | _ -> headerhost, headerport
264 (* RFC:
265 1. If Request-URI is an absoluteURI, the host is part of the Request-URI.
266 Any Host header field value in the request MUST be ignored.
267 2. If the Request-URI is not an absoluteURI, and the request includes a
268 Host header field, the host is determined by the Host header field value.
269 3. If the host as determined by rule 1 or 2 is not a valid host on the
270 server, the response MUST be a 400 (Bad Request) error message.
272 (* Here we don't trust the port information given by the request.
273 We use the port we are listening on. *)
274 Ocsigen_messages.debug
275 (fun () ->
276 "- host="^(match headerhost with None -> "<none>" | Some h -> h));
278 (* Servers MUST report a 400 (Bad Request) error if an HTTP/1.1
279 request does not include a Host request-header. *)
281 if clientproto = Ocsigen_http_frame.Http_header.HTTP11 && headerhost = None
282 then raise Ocsigen_Bad_Request;
284 let useragent = get_user_agent http_frame in
286 let cookies_string = lazy (get_cookie_string http_frame) in
288 let cookies =
289 lazy (match (Lazy.force cookies_string) with
290 | None -> Ocsigen_lib.String_Table.empty
291 | Some s -> parse_cookies s)
294 let ifmodifiedsince = get_if_modified_since http_frame in
296 let ifunmodifiedsince = get_if_unmodified_since http_frame in
298 let ifnonematch = get_if_none_match http_frame in
300 let ifmatch = get_if_match http_frame in
302 let client_inet_addr = ip_of_sockaddr sockaddr in
304 let ct_string = get_content_type http_frame in
306 let ct = Ocsigen_headers.parse_content_type ct_string in
308 let cl = get_content_length http_frame in
310 let referer = lazy (get_referer http_frame) in
312 let accept = lazy (get_accept http_frame) in
314 let accept_charset = lazy (get_accept_charset http_frame) in
316 let accept_encoding = lazy (get_accept_encoding http_frame) in
318 let accept_language = lazy (get_accept_language http_frame) in
320 let post_params =
321 let r = ref None in
322 (fun ci ->
323 match !r with
324 | None ->
325 (if meth = Http_header.GET || meth = Http_header.HEAD then
326 return ([],[])
327 else
328 find_post_params http_frame ct filenames ci
329 ) >>= fun res ->
330 r := Some res;
331 return res
332 | Some r -> return r
336 let ipstring = Unix.string_of_inet_addr client_inet_addr in
337 let path_string = string_of_url_path ~encode:true path in
339 Lwt.return
340 {ri_url_string = url;
341 ri_method = meth;
342 ri_protocol = http_frame.Ocsigen_http_frame.frame_header.Ocsigen_http_frame.Http_header.proto;
343 ri_ssl = Lwt_ssl.is_ssl (Ocsigen_http_com.connection_fd receiver);
344 ri_full_path_string = path_string;
345 ri_full_path = path;
346 ri_original_full_path_string = path_string;
347 ri_original_full_path = path;
348 ri_sub_path = path;
349 ri_sub_path_string = string_of_url_path ~encode:true path;
350 ri_get_params_string = params;
351 ri_host = headerhost;
352 ri_port_from_host_field = headerport;
353 ri_get_params = get_params;
354 ri_initial_get_params = get_params;
355 ri_post_params =(fun ci -> post_params ci >>= fun (a, b) -> return a);
356 ri_files = (fun ci -> post_params ci >>= fun (a, b) -> return b);
357 ri_remote_inet_addr = client_inet_addr;
358 ri_remote_ip = ipstring;
359 ri_remote_ip_parsed = lazy (fst (Ocsigen_lib.parse_ip ipstring));
360 ri_remote_port = port_of_sockaddr sockaddr;
361 ri_server_port = port;
362 ri_user_agent = useragent;
363 ri_cookies_string = cookies_string;
364 ri_cookies = cookies;
365 ri_ifmodifiedsince = ifmodifiedsince;
366 ri_ifunmodifiedsince = ifunmodifiedsince;
367 ri_ifnonematch = ifnonematch;
368 ri_ifmatch = ifmatch;
369 ri_content_type = ct;
370 ri_content_type_string = ct_string;
371 ri_content_length = cl;
372 ri_referer = referer;
373 ri_accept = accept;
374 ri_accept_charset = accept_charset;
375 ri_accept_encoding = accept_encoding;
376 ri_accept_language = accept_language;
377 ri_http_frame = http_frame;
378 ri_request_cache = Polytables.create ();
379 ri_client = Ocsigen_extensions.client_of_connection receiver;
380 ri_range = lazy (Ocsigen_headers.get_range http_frame);
381 ri_nb_tries = 0;
384 (fun e ->
385 Ocsigen_messages.debug (fun () -> "~~~ Exn during get_request_infos : "^
386 string_of_exn e);
387 e)
390 (* An http result [res] frame has been computed. Depending on
391 the If-(None-)?Match and If-(Un)?Modified-Since headers of [ri],
392 we return this frame, a 304: Not-Modified, or a 412: Precondition Failed.
393 See RFC 2616, sections 14.24, 14.25, 14.26, 14.28 and 13.3.4
395 let handle_result_frame ri res send =
396 (* Subfonctions to handle each header separately *)
397 let if_unmodified_since unmodified_since = (* Section 14.28 *)
398 if (res.res_code = 412 ||
399 (200 <= res.res_code && res.res_code < 300)) then
400 match res.res_lastmodified with
401 | Some r ->
402 if r <= unmodified_since then
403 `Ignore_header
404 else
405 `Precondition_failed
406 | None -> `Ignore_header
407 else
408 `Ignore_header
410 and if_modified_since modified_since = (* Section 14.25 *)
411 if res.res_code = 200 then
412 match res.res_lastmodified with
413 | Some r ->
414 if r <= modified_since then
415 `Unmodified
416 else
417 `Ignore_header
418 | _ -> `Ignore_header
419 else
420 `Ignore_header
422 and if_none_match if_none_match = (* Section 14.26 *)
423 if (res.res_code = 412 ||
424 (200 <= res.res_code && res.res_code < 300)) then
425 match res.res_etag with
426 | None -> `Ignore_header
427 | Some e ->
428 if List.mem e if_none_match then
429 if ri.ri_method = Http_header.GET ||
430 ri.ri_method = Http_header.HEAD then
431 `Unmodified
432 else
433 `Precondition_failed
434 else
435 `Ignore_header_and_ModifiedSince
436 else
437 `Ignore_header
439 and if_match if_match = (* Section 14.24 *)
440 if (res.res_code = 412 ||
441 (200 <= res.res_code && res.res_code < 300)) then
442 match res.res_etag with
443 | None -> `Precondition_failed
444 | Some e ->
445 if List.mem e if_match then
446 `Ignore_header
447 else
448 `Precondition_failed
449 else
450 `Ignore_header
454 let handle_header f h = match h with
455 | None -> `No_header
456 | Some h -> f h
459 (* Main code *)
460 let r =
461 (* For the cases unspecified with RFC2616. we follow more or less
462 the order used by Apache. See the function
463 modules/http/http_protocol.c/ap_meets_conditions in the Apache
464 source *)
465 match handle_header if_match ri.ri_ifmatch with
466 | `Precondition_failed -> `Precondition_failed
467 | `No_header | `Ignore_header ->
468 match handle_header if_unmodified_since ri.ri_ifunmodifiedsince with
469 | `Precondition_failed -> `Precondition_failed
470 | `No_header | `Ignore_header ->
471 match handle_header if_none_match ri.ri_ifnonematch with
472 | `Precondition_failed -> `Precondition_failed
473 | `Ignore_header_and_ModifiedSince -> `Std
474 | `Unmodified | `No_header as r1 ->
475 (match handle_header if_modified_since ri.ri_ifmodifiedsince with
476 | `Unmodified | `No_header as r2 ->
477 if r1 = `No_header && r2 = `No_header then
478 `Std
479 else
480 `Unmodified
481 | `Ignore_header -> `Std)
482 | `Ignore_header ->
483 (* We cannot return a 304, so there is no need to consult
484 if_modified_since *)
485 `Std
487 match r with
488 | `Unmodified ->
489 Ocsigen_messages.debug2 "-> Sending 304 Not modified ";
490 Ocsigen_stream.finalize (fst res.res_stream) >>= fun () ->
491 send { (Ocsigen_http_frame.empty_result ()) with
492 res_code = 304 (* Not modified *);
493 res_lastmodified = res.res_lastmodified;
494 res_etag = res.res_etag;
497 | `Precondition_failed ->
498 Ocsigen_messages.debug2 "-> Sending 412 Precondition Failed \
499 (conditional headers)";
500 Ocsigen_stream.finalize (fst res.res_stream) >>= fun () ->
501 send { (Ocsigen_http_frame.empty_result ()) with
502 res_code = 412 (* Precondition failed *)}
504 | `Std ->
505 Ocsigen_range.compute_range ri res
506 >>= send
508 let http_url_syntax = Hashtbl.find Neturl.common_url_syntax "http"
511 let service receiver sender_slot request meth url port sockaddr =
512 (* sender_slot is here for pipelining:
513 we must wait before sending the page,
514 because the previous one may not be sent *)
516 let head = meth = Http_header.HEAD in
517 let clientproto =
518 Http_header.get_proto request.Ocsigen_http_frame.frame_header in
520 let handle_service_errors e =
521 (* Exceptions during page generation *)
522 Ocsigen_messages.debug
523 (fun () -> "~~~ Exception during generation/sending: " ^ string_of_exn e);
524 let send_error ?cookies code =
525 Ocsigen_senders.send_error ~exn:e sender_slot ~clientproto ?cookies ~head
526 ~code ~sender:Ocsigen_http_com.default_sender ()
528 match e with
530 | Ocsigen_http_error (cookies_to_set, i) ->
531 Ocsigen_messages.debug
532 (fun () -> "-> Sending HTTP error "^(string_of_int i)^" "^
533 Ocsigen_http_frame.Http_error.expl_of_code i);
534 send_error ~cookies:cookies_to_set i
535 | Ocsigen_stream.Interrupted Ocsigen_stream.Already_read ->
536 Ocsigen_messages.warning
537 "Cannot read the request twice. You probably have \
538 two incompatible options in <site> configuration, \
539 or the order of the options in the config file is wrong.";
540 send_error 500 (* Internal error *)
541 | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EACCES,_,_)
542 | Ocsigen_upload_forbidden ->
543 Ocsigen_messages.debug2 "-> Sending 403 Forbidden";
544 send_error 403
545 | Http_error.Http_exception (code,_,_) ->
546 Ocsigen_http_frame.Http_error.display_http_exception e;
547 send_error code
548 | Ocsigen_Bad_Request ->
549 Ocsigen_messages.debug2 "-> Sending 400";
550 send_error 400
551 | Ocsigen_unsupported_media ->
552 Ocsigen_messages.debug2 "-> Sending 415";
553 send_error 415
554 | Neturl.Malformed_URL ->
555 Ocsigen_messages.debug2 "-> Sending 400 (Malformed URL)";
556 send_error 400
557 | Ocsigen_lib.Ocsigen_Request_too_long ->
558 Ocsigen_messages.debug2 "-> Sending 413 (Entity too large)";
559 send_error 413
560 | e ->
561 Ocsigen_messages.warning
562 ("Exn during page generation: " ^ string_of_exn e ^" (sending 500)");
563 Ocsigen_messages.debug2 "-> Sending 500";
564 send_error 500
566 let finish_request () =
567 (* We asynchronously finish to read the request contents if this
568 is not done yet so that:
569 - we can handle the next request
570 - there is no dead-lock with the client writing the request and
571 the server writing the response.
572 We need to do this once the request has been handled before sending
573 any reply to the client. *)
574 match request.Ocsigen_http_frame.frame_content with
575 | Some f ->
576 ignore
577 (Lwt.catch
578 (fun () ->
579 Ocsigen_stream.finalize f (* will consume the stream and
580 unlock the mutex
581 if not already done *)
583 (function
584 | e ->
586 (match e with
587 | Ocsigen_http_com.Lost_connection _ ->
588 warn sockaddr "connection abruptly closed by peer \
589 while reading contents"
590 | Ocsigen_http_com.Timeout ->
591 warn sockaddr "timeout while reading contents"
592 | Ocsigen_http_com.Aborted ->
593 dbg sockaddr "reading thread aborted"
594 | Http_error.Http_exception (code, mesg, _) ->
595 warn sockaddr (Http_error.string_of_http_exception e)
596 | _ ->
597 Ocsigen_messages.unexpected_exception
598 e "Server.finish_request"
600 Ocsigen_http_com.abort receiver;
601 (* We unlock the receiver in order to resume the
602 reading loop. As the connection has been aborted,
603 the next read will fail and the connection will be
604 closed properly. *)
605 Ocsigen_http_com.unlock_receiver receiver;
606 Lwt.return ()))
607 | None ->
611 (* body of service *)
612 if meth <> Http_header.GET &&
613 meth <> Http_header.POST &&
614 meth <> Http_header.HEAD
615 then begin
616 (* VVV Warning: This must be done once and only once.
617 Put this somewhere else to ensure that?
619 warn sockaddr ("Bad request: \""^url^"\"");
620 Ocsigen_http_com.wakeup_next_request receiver;
621 finish_request ();
622 (* RFC 2616, sect 5.1.1 *)
623 send_error
624 sender_slot ~clientproto ~head ~code:501
625 ~sender:Ocsigen_http_com.default_sender ()
626 end else begin
627 let filenames = ref [] (* All the files sent by the request *) in
629 Lwt.finalize (fun () ->
630 (* *** First of all, we read the whole the request
631 (that will possibly create files) *)
632 Lwt.try_bind
633 (fun () ->
634 get_request_infos
635 meth clientproto url request filenames sockaddr
636 port receiver)
637 (fun ri ->
638 (* *** Now we generate the page and send it *)
639 (* Log *)
640 accesslog
641 (Format.sprintf
642 "connection for %s from %s (%s): %s"
643 (match ri.ri_host with
644 | None -> "<host not specified in the request>"
645 | Some h -> h)
646 ri.ri_remote_ip
647 ri.ri_user_agent
648 ri.ri_url_string);
650 let send_aux =
651 send sender_slot ~clientproto ~head
652 ~sender:Ocsigen_http_com.default_sender
655 (* Generation of pages is delegated to extensions: *)
656 Lwt.try_bind
657 (fun () -> Ocsigen_extensions.serve_request
658 ~awake_next_request:true ri)
659 (fun res ->
660 finish_request ();
661 handle_result_frame ri res send_aux
663 (fun e ->
664 finish_request ();
665 match e with
666 | Ocsigen_extensions.Ocsigen_Is_a_directory request ->
667 (* User requested a directory. We redirect it to
668 the correct url (with a slash), so that relative
669 urls become correct *)
670 Ocsigen_messages.debug2 "-> Sending 301 Moved permanently";
671 let port = Ocsigen_extensions.get_port request in
672 let new_url = Neturl.make_url
673 ~scheme:(if ri.ri_ssl then "https" else "http")
674 ~host:(Ocsigen_extensions.get_hostname request)
675 ?port:(if (port = 80 && not ri.ri_ssl)
676 || (ri.ri_ssl && port = 443)
677 then None
678 else Some port)
679 ~path:(""::(Ocsigen_lib.add_end_slash_if_missing
680 ri.ri_full_path))
681 ?query:ri.ri_get_params_string
682 http_url_syntax
684 send_aux {
685 (Ocsigen_http_frame.empty_result ()) with
686 res_code = 301;
687 res_location = Some (Neturl.string_of_url new_url)
690 | _ -> handle_service_errors e
693 (fun e ->
694 warn sockaddr ("Bad request: \""^url^"\"");
695 Ocsigen_http_com.wakeup_next_request receiver;
696 finish_request ();
697 handle_service_errors e
699 (fun () ->
700 (* We remove all the files created by the request
701 (files sent by the client) *)
702 if !filenames <> [] then Ocsigen_messages.debug2 "** Removing files";
703 List.iter
704 (fun a ->
705 try Unix.unlink a
706 with Unix.Unix_error _ as e ->
707 Ocsigen_messages.warning
708 (Format.sprintf "Error while removing file %s: %s"
709 a (string_of_exn e)))
710 !filenames;
711 return ())
714 let linger in_ch receiver =
715 Lwt.catch
716 (fun () ->
717 (* We wait for 30 seconds at most and close the connection
718 after 2 seconds without receiving data from the client *)
719 let abort_fun () = Lwt_ssl.abort in_ch Exit in
720 let long_timeout = Lwt_timeout.create 30 abort_fun in
721 let short_timeout = Lwt_timeout.create 2 abort_fun in
722 Lwt_timeout.start long_timeout;
723 let s = String.create 1024 in
725 let rec linger_aux () =
726 Lwt_ssl.wait_read in_ch >>= fun () ->
727 Lwt.try_bind
728 (fun () ->
729 Lwt_timeout.start short_timeout;
730 in_ch s 0 1024)
731 (fun len ->
732 if len > 0 then linger_aux () else Lwt.return ())
733 (fun e ->
734 begin match e with
735 Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ECONNRESET,_,_)
736 | Ssl.Read_error (Ssl.Error_syscall | Ssl.Error_ssl)
737 | Exit ->
738 Lwt.return ()
739 | _ ->
740 e
741 end)
743 (* We start the lingering reads before waiting for the
744 senders to terminate in order to avoid a deadlock *)
745 let linger_thread = linger_aux () in
746 Ocsigen_http_com.wait_all_senders receiver >>= fun () ->
747 Ocsigen_messages.debug2 "** SHUTDOWN";
748 Lwt_ssl.ssl_shutdown in_ch >>= fun () ->
749 Lwt_ssl.shutdown in_ch Unix.SHUTDOWN_SEND;
750 linger_thread >>= fun () ->
751 Lwt_timeout.stop long_timeout;
752 Lwt_timeout.stop short_timeout;
753 Lwt.return ())
754 (fun e ->
755 Ocsigen_messages.unexpected_exception e "Server.linger"; Lwt.return ())
757 let try_bind' f g h = Lwt.try_bind f h g
759 let add_to_receivers_waiting_for_pipeline,
760 remove_from_receivers_waiting_for_pipeline,
761 iter_receivers_waiting_for_pipeline =
762 let l = Ocsigen_lib.Clist.create () in
763 ((fun r ->
764 let node = Ocsigen_lib.Clist.make r in
765 Ocsigen_lib.Clist.insert l node;
766 node),
767 Ocsigen_lib.Clist.remove,
768 (fun f ->
769 Ocsigen_lib.Clist.fold_left
770 (fun t v -> t >>= fun () -> f v)
771 (Lwt.return ())
774 let handle_connection port in_ch sockaddr =
775 let receiver = Ocsigen_http_com.create_receiver
776 (Ocsigen_config.get_client_timeout ()) Query in_ch
779 let handle_write_errors e =
780 begin match e with
781 | Lost_connection e' ->
782 warn sockaddr ("connection abruptly closed by peer ("
783 ^ string_of_exn e' ^ ")")
784 | Ocsigen_http_com.Timeout ->
785 warn sockaddr "timeout"
786 | Ocsigen_http_com.Aborted ->
787 dbg sockaddr "writing thread aborted"
788 | Ocsigen_stream.Interrupted e' ->
789 warn sockaddr ("interrupted content stream (" ^ string_of_exn e' ^ ")")
790 | _ ->
791 Ocsigen_messages.unexpected_exception e "Server.handle_write_errors"
792 end;
793 Ocsigen_http_com.abort receiver;
794 Ocsigen_http_com.Aborted
797 let handle_read_errors e =
798 begin match e with
799 | Ocsigen_http_com.Connection_closed ->
800 (* This is the clean way to terminate the connection *)
801 dbg sockaddr "connection closed by peer";
802 Ocsigen_http_com.abort receiver;
803 Ocsigen_http_com.wait_all_senders receiver
804 | Ocsigen_http_com.Keepalive_timeout ->
805 dbg sockaddr "keepalive timeout";
806 Ocsigen_http_com.abort receiver;
807 Ocsigen_http_com.wait_all_senders receiver
808 | Ocsigen_http_com.Lost_connection _ ->
809 warn sockaddr "connection abruptly closed by peer";
810 Ocsigen_http_com.abort receiver;
811 Ocsigen_http_com.wait_all_senders receiver
812 | Ocsigen_http_com.Timeout ->
813 warn sockaddr "timeout";
814 Ocsigen_http_com.abort receiver;
815 Ocsigen_http_com.wait_all_senders receiver
816 | Ocsigen_http_com.Aborted ->
817 dbg sockaddr "reading thread aborted";
818 Ocsigen_http_com.wait_all_senders receiver
819 | Http_error.Http_exception (code, mes, _) ->
820 warn sockaddr (Http_error.string_of_http_exception e);
821 Ocsigen_http_com.start_processing receiver (fun slot ->
822 (*XXX We should use the right information for clientproto
823 and head... *)
824 send_error slot
825 ~clientproto:Ocsigen_http_frame.Http_header.HTTP10
826 ~head:false
827 (* ~keep_alive:false *)
828 ~exn:e
829 ~sender:Ocsigen_http_com.default_sender ());
830 linger in_ch receiver
831 | _ ->
832 Ocsigen_messages.unexpected_exception e "Server.handle_read_errors";
833 Ocsigen_http_com.abort receiver;
834 Ocsigen_http_com.wait_all_senders receiver
838 let rec handle_request ?receiver_pos () =
839 try_bind'
840 (fun () ->
841 Ocsigen_messages.debug2 "** Receiving HTTP message";
842 (if Ocsigen_config.get_respect_pipeline () then
843 (* if we lock this mutex, requests from a same connection will be sent
844 to extensions in the same order they are received on pipeline.
845 It is locked only in server. Ocsigen_http_client has its own mutex.
846 (*VVV use the same? *)
848 Ocsigen_http_com.block_next_request receiver
849 else
850 Lwt.return ())
851 >>= fun () ->
852 Ocsigen_http_com.get_http_frame receiver)
853 (fun exn ->
854 (* We remove the receiver from the set of requests
855 waiting for pipeline *)
856 (match receiver_pos with
857 | Some pos -> remove_from_receivers_waiting_for_pipeline pos
858 | None -> ());
859 handle_read_errors exn)
860 (fun request ->
861 (* As above *)
862 (match receiver_pos with
863 | Some pos -> remove_from_receivers_waiting_for_pipeline pos
864 | None -> ());
865 let meth, url =
866 match
867 Http_header.get_firstline request.Ocsigen_http_frame.frame_header
868 with
869 | Http_header.Query a -> a
870 | _ -> assert false
871 (*XXX Should be checked in [get_http_frame] *)
873 Ocsigen_http_com.start_processing receiver (fun slot ->
874 Lwt.catch
875 (fun () ->
876 (*XXX Why do we need the port but not the host name? *)
877 service receiver slot request meth url port sockaddr)
878 handle_write_errors);
879 if not !shutdown &&
880 get_keepalive request.Ocsigen_http_frame.frame_header
881 then
882 (* We put the receiver in the set of receiver waiting for
883 pipeline in order to be able to shutdown the connections
884 if the server is shutting down.
886 handle_request
887 ~receiver_pos:(add_to_receivers_waiting_for_pipeline receiver) ()
888 else (* No keep-alive => no pipeline *)
889 (* We wait for the query to be entirely read and for
890 the reply to be sent *)
891 Ocsigen_http_com.lock_receiver receiver >>= fun () ->
892 Ocsigen_http_com.wait_all_senders receiver >>= fun () ->
893 Lwt_ssl.ssl_shutdown in_ch
896 in (* body of handle_connection *)
897 handle_request ()
899 let rec wait_connection use_ssl port socket =
900 let handle_exn e =
901 Lwt_unix.yield () >>= fun () -> match e with
902 | Socket_closed ->
903 Ocsigen_messages.debug2 "Socket closed";
904 Lwt.return ()
905 | Unix.Unix_error ((Unix.EMFILE | Unix.ENFILE), _, _) ->
906 (* this should not happen, report it *)
907 Ocsigen_messages.errlog
908 "Max number of file descriptors reached unexpectedly, please check...";
909 wait_connection use_ssl port socket
910 | e ->
911 Ocsigen_messages.debug
912 (fun () -> Format.sprintf "Accept failed: %s" (string_of_exn e));
913 wait_connection use_ssl port socket
915 try_bind'
916 (fun () ->
917 (* if too much connections,
918 we wait for a signal before accepting again *)
919 let max = get_max_number_of_connections () in
920 (if get_number_of_connected () < max
921 then Lwt.return ()
922 else begin
923 ignore
924 (Ocsigen_messages.warning
925 (Format.sprintf "Max simultaneous connections (%d) reached."
926 (get_max_number_of_connections ())));
927 wait_fewer_connected max
928 end) >>= fun () ->
929 (* We do several accept(), as explained in
930 "Accept()able strategies ..." by Tim Brecht & al. *)
931 Lwt_unix.accept_n socket 50)
932 handle_exn
933 (fun (l, e) ->
934 let number_of_accepts = List.length l in
935 Ocsigen_messages.debug
936 (fun () -> "received "^string_of_int number_of_accepts^" accepts" );
937 incr_connected number_of_accepts;
938 ignore (wait_connection use_ssl port socket);
940 let handle_one (s, sockaddr) =
941 Ocsigen_messages.debug2
942 "\n__________________NEW CONNECTION__________________________";
943 Lwt.catch
944 (fun () ->
945 Lwt_unix.set_close_on_exec s;
946 disable_nagle (Lwt_unix.unix_file_descr s);
947 begin if use_ssl then
948 Lwt_ssl.ssl_accept s !sslctx
949 else
950 Lwt.return (Lwt_ssl.plain s)
951 end >>= fun in_ch ->
952 handle_connection port in_ch sockaddr)
953 (fun e ->
954 Ocsigen_messages.unexpected_exception e
955 "Server.wait_connection (handle connection)";
956 return ())
957 >>= fun () ->
958 Ocsigen_messages.debug2 "** CLOSE";
959 Lwt.catch
960 (fun () -> Lwt_unix.close s)
961 (function
962 | Unix.Unix_error _ as e ->
963 Ocsigen_messages.unexpected_exception e
964 "Server.wait_connection (close)";
965 Lwt.return ()
966 | e -> e)
967 >>= (fun () -> decr_connected ())
970 Lwt_util.iter handle_one l >>= fun () ->
971 match e with
972 | Some e -> handle_exn e
973 | None -> Lwt.return ())
977 let stop m n =
978 errlog m; exit n
980 (** Thread waiting for events on a the listening port *)
981 let listen use_ssl (addr, port) wait_end_init =
982 let listening_sockets =
984 let sockets = make_sockets addr port in
985 List.iter (fun x -> Lwt_unix.listen x 1024) sockets;
986 sockets
987 with
988 | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EACCES, _, _) ->
989 stop
990 (Format.sprintf "Fatal - You are not allowed to use port %d." port)
992 | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EADDRINUSE, _, _) ->
993 stop (Format.sprintf "Fatal - The port %d is already in use." port) 8
994 | exn ->
995 stop ("Fatal - Uncaught exception: " ^ string_of_exn exn) 100
997 List.iter (fun x ->
998 ignore (wait_end_init >>= fun () ->
999 wait_connection use_ssl port x)) listening_sockets;
1000 listening_sockets
1002 (* fatal errors messages *)
1003 let errmsg = function
1004 | Dynlink_wrapper.Error e ->
1005 (("Fatal - Dynamic linking error: "^(Dynlink_wrapper.error_message e)),
1007 | (Unix.Unix_error _) as e ->
1008 (("Fatal - "^(string_of_exn e)),
1010 | Ssl.Private_key_error ->
1011 (("Fatal - bad password"),
1013 | Ocsigen_config.Config_file_error msg
1014 | Ocsigen_extensions.Error_in_config_file msg ->
1015 (("Fatal - Error in configuration file: "^msg),
1017 | Simplexmlparser.Xml_parser_error s ->
1018 (("Fatal - Error in configuration file: "^s),
1020 | Ocsigen_loader.Dynlink_error (s, exn) ->
1021 (("Fatal - While loading "^s^": "^(string_of_exn exn)),
1023 | Ocsigen_loader.Findlib_error _ as e ->
1024 (("Fatal - " ^ string_of_exn e), 53)
1025 | exn ->
1027 ((Ocsigen_extensions.get_init_exn_handler () exn),
1029 with
1030 exn ->
1031 (("Fatal - Uncaught exception: "^string_of_exn exn),
1032 100)
1037 (* loading new configuration *)
1038 let reload_conf s =
1040 Ocsigen_extensions.start_initialisation ();
1042 parse_server true s;
1044 Ocsigen_extensions.end_initialisation ();
1045 with e ->
1046 Ocsigen_extensions.end_initialisation ();
1047 errlog (fst (errmsg e))
1049 (* reloading the config file *)
1050 let reload ?file () =
1052 (* That function cannot be interrupted??? *)
1053 Ocsigen_messages.warning "Reloading config file" ;
1055 (try
1056 match parse_config ?file () with
1057 | [] -> ()
1058 | s::_ -> reload_conf s
1059 with e -> errlog (fst (errmsg e)));
1061 Ocsigen_messages.warning "Config file reloaded"
1064 let shutdown_server s l =
1065 try
1066 let timeout = match l with
1067 | [] -> Ocsigen_config.get_shutdown_timeout ()
1068 | ["notimeout"] -> None
1069 | [t] ->
1070 Some (float_of_string t)
1071 | _ -> failwith "syntax error in command"
1073 Ocsigen_messages.warning "Shutting down";
1074 List.iter
1075 (fun s -> Lwt_unix.abort s Socket_closed) !sockets;
1076 List.iter
1077 (fun s -> Lwt_unix.abort s Socket_closed) !sslsockets;
1078 sockets := [];
1079 sslsockets := [];
1080 shutdown := true;
1081 if Ocsigen_extensions.get_number_of_connected () <= 0
1082 then exit 0;
1083 (match timeout with
1084 | Some t -> ignore (Lwt_unix.sleep t >>= fun () -> exit 0)
1085 | None -> ());
1086 ignore
1087 (iter_receivers_waiting_for_pipeline
1088 (fun receiver ->
1089 Ocsigen_http_com.wait_all_senders receiver >>= fun () ->
1090 Ocsigen_http_com.abort receiver;
1091 Lwt.return ()));
1092 with Failure e ->
1093 Ocsigen_messages.warning ("Wrong command: " ^ s ^ " (" ^ e ^ ")")
1096 let _ =
1097 let f s = function
1098 | ["reopen_logs"] ->
1099 Ocsigen_messages.open_files ();
1100 Ocsigen_messages.warning "Log files reopened"
1101 | ["reload"] -> reload ()
1102 | ["reload"; file] -> reload ~file ()
1103 | "shutdown"::l -> shutdown_server s l
1104 | ["gc"] ->
1105 Gc.compact ();
1106 Ocsigen_messages.warning "Heap compaction requested by user"
1107 | ["clearcache"] -> Ocsigen_cache.clear_all_caches ()
1108 | _ -> raise Ocsigen_extensions.Unknown_command
1110 Ocsigen_extensions.register_command_function f
1114 let start_server () = try
1116 (* initialization functions for modules (Ocsigen extensions or application
1117 code) loaded from now on will be executed directly. *)
1118 Ocsigen_loader.set_init_on_load true;
1120 let config_servers = parse_config () in
1122 let number_of_servers = List.length config_servers in
1124 if number_of_servers > 1
1125 then ignore (Ocsigen_messages.warning "Multiple servers not supported anymore");
1127 let ask_for_passwd sslports _ =
1128 print_string "Please enter the password for the HTTPS server listening \
1129 on port(s) ";
1130 print_string (String.concat ", " ( (fun (_,p) -> string_of_int p) sslports));
1131 print_string ": ";
1132 let old_term= Unix.tcgetattr Unix.stdin in
1133 let old_echo = old_term.Unix.c_echo in
1134 old_term.Unix.c_echo <- false;
1135 Unix.tcsetattr Unix.stdin Unix.TCSAFLUSH old_term;
1137 let r = read_line () in
1138 print_newline ();
1139 old_term.Unix.c_echo <- old_echo;
1140 Unix.tcsetattr Unix.stdin Unix.TCSAFLUSH old_term;
1142 with exn ->
1143 old_term.Unix.c_echo <- old_echo;
1144 Unix.tcsetattr Unix.stdin Unix.TCSAFLUSH old_term;
1145 raise exn
1148 let run (user, group) (_, ports, sslports) (minthreads, maxthreads) s =
1150 Ocsigen_messages.open_files ();
1153 (let wait_end_init, wait_end_init_awakener = wait () in
1154 (* Listening on all ports: *)
1155 sockets := List.fold_left (fun a i -> (listen false i wait_end_init)@a) [] ports;
1156 sslsockets := List.fold_left (fun a i -> (listen true i wait_end_init)@a) [] sslports;
1158 begin match ports with
1159 | (_, p)::_ -> Ocsigen_config.set_default_port p
1160 | _ -> ()
1161 end;
1162 begin match sslports with
1163 | (_, p)::_ -> Ocsigen_config.set_default_sslport p
1164 | _ -> ()
1165 end;
1167 let current_uid = Unix.getuid () in
1169 let gid = match group with
1170 | None -> Unix.getgid ()
1171 | Some group -> (try
1172 (Unix.getgrnam group).Unix.gr_gid
1173 with Not_found as e -> errlog ("Error: Wrong group"); raise e)
1176 let uid = match user with
1177 | None -> current_uid
1178 | Some user -> (try
1179 (Unix.getpwnam user).Unix.pw_uid
1180 with Not_found as e -> (errlog ("Error: Wrong user"); raise e))
1183 (* A pipe to communicate with the server *)
1184 let commandpipe = get_command_pipe () in
1185 (try
1186 ignore (Unix.stat commandpipe);
1187 with Unix.Unix_error _ ->
1188 (try
1189 let umask = Unix.umask 0 in
1190 Unix.mkfifo commandpipe 0o660;
1191 Unix.chown commandpipe uid gid;
1192 ignore (Unix.umask umask);
1193 with e ->
1194 Ocsigen_messages.errlog
1195 ("Cannot create the command pipe: "^(string_of_exn e))));
1197 (* I change the user for the process *)
1198 begin try
1199 if current_uid = 0 then begin
1200 match user with
1201 | None -> ()
1202 | Some user -> initgroups user gid
1203 end;
1204 Unix.setgid gid;
1205 Unix.setuid uid;
1206 with (Unix.Unix_error _ | Failure _) as e ->
1207 Ocsigen_messages.errlog ("Error: Wrong user or group"); raise e
1208 end;
1210 Ocsigen_config.set_user user;
1211 Ocsigen_config.set_group group;
1213 (* Je suis fou :
1214 let rec f () =
1215 print_endline "-";
1216 Lwt_unix.yield () >>= f
1217 in f (); *)
1219 if maxthreads < minthreads
1220 then
1221 raise
1222 (Config_file_error "maxthreads should be greater than minthreads");
1224 ignore (Lwt_preemptive.init minthreads maxthreads Ocsigen_messages.errlog);
1226 (* Now I can load the modules *)
1227 Dynlink_wrapper.init ();
1228 Dynlink_wrapper.allow_unsafe_modules true;
1230 Ocsigen_extensions.start_initialisation ();
1232 parse_server false s;
1234 Dynlink_wrapper.prohibit ["Ocsigen_extensions.R"];
1235 (* As libraries are reloaded each time the config file is read,
1236 we do not allow to register extensions in libraries *)
1237 (* seems it does not work :-/ *)
1240 (* Closing stderr, stdout stdin if silent *)
1241 if (Ocsigen_config.get_silent ())
1242 then begin
1243 (* redirect stdout and stderr to /dev/null *)
1244 let devnull = Unix.openfile "/dev/null" [Unix.O_WRONLY] 0 in
1245 Unix.dup2 devnull Unix.stdout;
1246 Unix.dup2 devnull Unix.stderr;
1247 Unix.close devnull;
1248 Unix.close Unix.stdin;
1249 end;
1251 (* detach from the terminal *)
1252 if (Ocsigen_config.get_daemon ())
1253 then ignore (Unix.setsid ());
1255 Ocsigen_extensions.end_initialisation ();
1257 (* Communication with the server through the pipe *)
1258 (try
1259 ignore (Unix.stat commandpipe)
1260 with Unix.Unix_error _ ->
1261 let umask = Unix.umask 0 in
1262 Unix.mkfifo commandpipe 0o660;
1263 ignore (Unix.umask umask);
1264 ignore (Ocsigen_messages.warning "Command pipe created"));
1266 let pipe = Lwt_chan.in_channel_of_descr
1267 (Lwt_unix.of_unix_file_descr
1268 (Unix.openfile commandpipe
1269 [Unix.O_RDWR; Unix.O_NONBLOCK; Unix.O_APPEND] 0o660)) in
1271 let rec f () =
1272 Lwt_chan.input_line pipe >>= fun s ->
1273 Ocsigen_messages.warning ("Command received: "^s);
1274 (try
1275 let prefix, c =
1276 match Ocsigen_lib.split ~multisep:true ' ' s with
1277 | [] -> raise Ocsigen_extensions.Unknown_command
1278 | a::l ->
1280 let aa, ab = Ocsigen_lib.sep ':' a in
1281 (Some aa, (ab::l))
1282 with Not_found -> None, (a::l)
1284 Ocsigen_extensions.get_command_function () ?prefix s c
1285 with Unknown_command ->
1286 Ocsigen_messages.warning "Unknown command: ");
1287 f ()
1288 in ignore (f ());
1290 Lwt.wakeup wait_end_init_awakener ();
1292 Ocsigen_messages.warning "Ocsigen has been launched (initialisations ok)";
1294 fst (Lwt.wait ())
1298 let set_passwd_if_needed (ssl, ports, sslports) =
1299 if sslports <> []
1300 then
1301 match ssl with
1302 | None
1303 | Some (None, None) -> ()
1304 | Some (None, _) -> raise (Ocsigen_config.Config_file_error
1305 "SSL certificate is missing")
1306 | Some (_, None) -> raise (Ocsigen_config.Config_file_error
1307 "SSL key is missing")
1308 | Some ((Some c), (Some k)) ->
1309 Ssl.set_password_callback !sslctx (ask_for_passwd sslports);
1310 Ssl.use_certificate !sslctx c k
1313 let write_pid pid =
1314 match Ocsigen_config.get_pidfile () with
1315 None -> ()
1316 | Some p ->
1317 let spid = (string_of_int pid)^"\n" in
1318 let len = String.length spid in
1319 let f =
1320 Unix.openfile
1322 [Unix.O_WRONLY; Unix.O_CREAT; Unix.O_APPEND] 0o640 in
1323 ignore (Unix.write f spid 0 len);
1324 Unix.close f
1327 let rec launch = function
1328 [] -> ()
1329 | [h] ->
1330 let user_info, sslinfo, threadinfo = extract_info h in
1331 set_passwd_if_needed sslinfo;
1332 let pid = Unix.fork () in
1333 if pid = 0
1334 then run user_info sslinfo threadinfo h
1335 else begin
1336 ignore
1337 (Ocsigen_messages.console
1338 (fun () -> "Process "^(string_of_int pid)^" detached"));
1339 write_pid pid;
1341 | _ -> () (* Multiple servers not supported any more *)
1345 if (not (get_daemon ())) &&
1346 number_of_servers = 1
1347 then begin
1348 let cf = List.hd config_servers in
1349 let (user_info,
1350 ((ssl, ports, sslports) as sslinfo),
1351 threadinfo) =
1352 extract_info cf
1354 set_passwd_if_needed sslinfo;
1355 write_pid (Unix.getpid ());
1356 run user_info sslinfo threadinfo cf
1358 else launch config_servers
1360 with e ->
1361 let msg, errno = errmsg e in
1362 stop msg errno