4 - Split-screen input/output; input at bottom
5 - output window (middle) scrolls
6 - Terminal resize handling
7 - bug - prints some garbage to input buffer
8 - Top/Bottom bars for displaying status, etc.
9 - Basic input (backspace, ^W, ^U)
10 - hacks to speed up screen redraw :)
11 - Latency tracking estimator
12 - ANSI color, clear, cursor movement emulation
13 - scrollback buffer (buffer only)
14 - restart self w/o closing mud connection
15 - dump scollback to disk
17 - up is most recent, down is least recent
18 Example: UP, ENTER will repeat the last entered command
19 - stores previous 30 commands (edit screen.c for more)
20 - does not double-store commands; will move LRU command in
21 history to the most recent but not duplicate it
25 - Top/bottom bar widget assignment functions
26 - Telnet command handling
29 - Advanced command editing (left/right keys, home/end, delete)
32 - create new window which overlays the main output window?
35 - Widgets (for top/bottom bars)
38 - Bar graphs (ex hp, mana); needs color specification
39 - Misc. text assignment/updates
40 - Latency (may be misc text?)
41 - Internal command handler/registration (Lua?)
47 - Multiple connections (v2)
49 - dump last N lines of scrollback to output window on switch
50 (no color is preserved in scrollback)
51 - need to make scrollback connection-based
53 - one output window per connection and simply draw the
54 "foreground" window last
58 - screen input buffer (from ncurses input)
59 - trigger input buffer (from triggers)
60 - mud output buffer (what is set to the MUD)
63 - ENTER on screen input = send input buffer to eval func
64 - timer pop = send requested command/whatever to eval func
66 - stuff new commands back to input buffer.
67 - stuff command output (ex: stuff to send) to output buffer
68 - stuff print output to screen buffer