modinfo in the translate toolkit is now a 2-tuple containing the mtime and
[pootle.git] /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 from Pootle import pootlefile
4 from Pootle import pootle
5 from Pootle import projects
6 from import po
7 from import test_po
8 from translate.filters import checks
9 from translate.misc import wStringIO
11 import os
13 class TestPootleFile(test_po.TestPOFile):
14 class pootletestfile(pootlefile.pootlefile):
15 def __init__(self):
16 """wrapper constructor for pootlefile that uses temporary filename"""
17 project = projects.DummyProject(self.testdir)
18 return pootlefile.pootlefile.__init__(self, project, self.pofilename)
20 StoreClass = pootletestfile
22 def setup_method(self, method):
23 """creates a clean test directory for the given method"""
24 self.testdir = "%s_%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, method.__name__)
25 self.filename = "%s_%s.po" % (self.__class__.__name__, method.__name__)
26 self.pootletestfile.testdir = self.testdir
27 self.pootletestfile.pofilename = self.filename
28 self.cleardir()
29 os.mkdir(self.testdir)
30 self.rundir = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())
31 #potree.podirectory = self.testdir
32 os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.testdir, 'unittest_project'))
33 os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.testdir, 'unittest_project', 'xx'))
34 posource = r'''#: test.c
35 msgid "test"
36 msgstr "rest"
38 #, fuzzy
39 msgid "tabel"
40 msgstr "tafel"
42 msgid "chair"
43 msgstr ""'''
44 file(os.path.join(self.testdir, 'unittest_project', 'xx', 'test.po'), 'w').write(posource)
46 def teardown_method(self, method):
47 """removes the test directory for the given method"""
48 os.chdir(self.rundir)
49 self.cleardir()
51 def cleardir(self):
52 """removes the test directory"""
53 if os.path.exists(self.testdir):
54 for dirpath, subdirs, filenames in os.walk(self.testdir, topdown=False):
55 for name in filenames:
56 os.remove(os.path.join(dirpath, name))
57 for name in subdirs:
58 os.rmdir(os.path.join(dirpath, name))
59 if os.path.exists(self.testdir): os.rmdir(self.testdir)
60 assert not os.path.exists(self.testdir)
62 def poparse(self, posource):
63 """helper that parses po source without requiring files"""
64 def filtererrorhandler(functionname, str1, str2, e):
65 print "error in filter %s: %r, %r, %s" % (functionname, str1, str2, e)
66 return False
68 checkerclasses = [checks.StandardChecker, checks.StandardUnitChecker]
69 stdchecker = checks.TeeChecker(checkerclasses=checkerclasses, errorhandler=filtererrorhandler)
70 dummyproject = projects.DummyStatsProject(self.rundir, stdchecker, "unittest_project", "xx")
72 pofile = pootlefile.pootlefile(dummyproject, "test.po", generatestats=False)
73 pofile.parse(posource)
74 return pofile
76 def poregen(self, posource):
77 """helper that converts po source to pofile object and back"""
78 return str(self.poparse(posource))
80 def test_simpleentry(self):
81 """checks that a simple po entry is parsed correctly"""
82 posource = '#: test.c\nmsgid "test"\nmsgstr "rest"\n'
83 pofile = self.poparse(posource)
84 assert len(pofile.units) == 1
85 unit = pofile.units[0]
86 assert unit.getlocations() == ["test.c"]
87 assert unit.source == "test"
88 assert == "rest"
90 def test_classifyunits(self):
91 "Tests basic use of classifyunits."
92 posource = r'''#: test.c
93 msgid "test"
94 msgstr "rest"
96 #, fuzzy
97 msgid "tabel"
98 msgstr "tafel"
100 msgid "chair"
101 msgstr ""'''
102 pofile = self.poparse(posource)
103 pofile.savepofile()
104 assert pofile.statistics.getstats()['fuzzy'] == [1]
105 assert pofile.statistics.getstats()['untranslated'] == [2]
106 assert pofile.statistics.getstats()['translated'] == [0]
107 assert pofile.statistics.getstats()['total'] == [0, 1, 2]
109 def test_updateunit(self):
110 """Test the updateunit() method."""
111 posource = '#: test.c\nmsgid "upd"\nmsgstr "update"\n'
112 testdir = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'unittest_project', 'xx')
113 filename = self.filename
114 filepath = os.path.join(testdir, filename)
115 file(filepath, 'w').write(posource)
116 dummy_project = projects.DummyProject(podir=testdir)
117 pofile = pootlefile.pootlefile(project=dummy_project, pofilename=filename)
119 newvalues = {}
120 pofile.updateunit(0, newvalues, None, None)
121 translation_unit = pofile.units[1]
122 assert == "update"
123 assert not translation_unit.isfuzzy()
124 assert str(translation_unit) == posource
126 newvalues = {"target": "opdateer"}
127 pofile.updateunit(0, newvalues, None, None)
128 assert == "opdateer"
129 assert not translation_unit.isfuzzy()
130 expected_posource = '#: test.c\nmsgid "upd"\nmsgstr "opdateer"\n'
131 assert str(translation_unit) == expected_posource
133 newvalues = {"fuzzy": True}
134 pofile.updateunit(0, newvalues, None, None)
135 assert == "opdateer"
136 assert translation_unit.isfuzzy()
137 expected_posource = '#: test.c\n#, fuzzy\nmsgid "upd"\nmsgstr "opdateer"\n'
138 assert str(translation_unit) == expected_posource
140 newvalues = {"translator_comments": "Test comment."}
141 pofile.updateunit(0, newvalues, None, None)
142 assert == "opdateer"
143 assert translation_unit.isfuzzy()
144 expected_posource = '# Test comment.\n#: test.c\n#, fuzzy\nmsgid "upd"\nmsgstr "opdateer"\n'
145 assert str(translation_unit) == expected_posource