[prads.git] / tools /
1 #!/bin/bash
2 #######################################################################
3 # prads to dotviz script - Version 0.91_RC
4 # Copyright © 2015 Andrea Trentini (
6 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 # (at your option) any later version.
11 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 # GNU General Public License for more details.
16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
19 # or browse
20 #######################################################################
22 # this version connects the nodes, it just sorts services to
23 # group them on a per-node basis, something like this:
25 # (localhost)---(samenet1)---(samenet2)---...---(samenetM)
26 # |
27 # (hop1router[dummy])---(hop1.1)---(hop1.2)---...---(hop1.N)
28 # |
29 # (hop2router[dummy])---(hop2.1)---(hop2.2)---...---(hop2.O)
30 # |
31 # (hop3router[dummy])---(hop3.1)---(hop3.2)---...---(hop3.P)
32 # |
33 # ...
34 # |
35 # (hopZrouter[dummy])---(hopZ.1)---(hopZ.2)---...---(hopZ.X)
37 # it generates a dot file, then use
38 # xdot to view it or
39 # dot to convert to image
41 #######################################################################
42 # use csvtool?
43 # only if this gets very complicated
45 #the general format fo this data is:
46 #asset,vlan,port,proto,service,[service-info],distance,discovered
48 ### inside [service info] there is again "," !!!
49 ### standby...
51 #1 asset = The ip address of the asset.
52 #2 vlan = The virtual lan tag of the asset.
53 #3 port = The port number of the detected service.
54 #4 proto = The protocol number of the matching fingerprint.
55 #5 service = The "Service" detected, like: TCP-SERVICE, UDP-SERVICE, SYN, SYNACK,MAC,.....
56 #6 service-info= The fingerprint that the match was done on, with info.
57 #7 distance = Distance based on guessed initial TTL (service = SYN/SYNACK)
58 #8 discovered = The timestamp when the data was collected
60 #######################################################################
62 FILE=net.inventory # log from prads (in final will be passed as a command line parameter)
63 #cut -f1,7 -d"," $FILE|sort|uniq > $FILE.filtered
65 # sort on distance?
66 #sort -k7 -b -n -t"," $FILE
67 #exit
69 # it can be optimized... ;)
71 #NODES=$(cut -f1 -d"," $FILE|sort -n|uniq|grep 192.168) # 192.168 just to test it
72 NODES=$(grep -v -F "asset,vlan,port,proto,service,[service-info],distance,discovered" $FILE|cut -f1 -d","|sort -n|uniq)
73 #echo \#Nodes: $NODES
75 #DISTANCES=$(cut -f7 -d"," $FILE|sort -n|uniq|sed '/^\s*$/d'|tail -n +2)
76 DISTANCES=$(grep -v -F "asset,vlan,port,proto,service,[service-info],distance,discovered" $FILE|cut -f7 -d"," |sort -n|uniq) # servono tutte perche' mi servono i target
77 #echo \#Distances: $DISTANCES
79 echo "digraph \"$FILE\" {"
80 #echo "node [shape=parallelogram]"
81 echo "graph [rankdir = \"LR\"];"
83 for node in $NODES
86 #echo $node \($(host $node)\);
87 echo \"Node_$node\" # |tr "." "_"
89 #fields=$(grep $node $FILE|head -n 1|cut -f 2- -d"," | tr -d " "|tr "," "\n")
91 echo -n "[ label = "
92 echo \"$node \|
94 #echo $fields\"|tr -d "[]\n"
95 grep -F "$node," $FILE | cut -f 2- -d"," | tr -d " "|tr "\n" "|"|rev|cut -c2-|rev
96 echo \"
97 echo -n shape = record
98 echo "];"
100 ## grep $node $FILE|cut -f 2,3,4,5,6,8 -d","
101 # grep $node $FILE|cut -f 2- -d","
102 done
104 for dist in $DISTANCES
106 #echo \# === distance $dist
108 test "$prev"
109 then
110 echo Distance_$prev " ->" Distance_$dist\;
113 for node in $(cut -f1,7 -d"," $FILE|sort|uniq|grep ",${dist}$"|cut -f1 -d",") #repetitive, optimize?
115 echo -n Distance_$dist " ->"
116 echo \"Node_$node\"\;
117 done
118 prev=$dist
119 done
121 echo "}"