2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
8 include FileUtils
, Open3
11 $here = File
12 $root = File
.join($here, '..')
13 $outDir = File
.join($root, 'pdf')
17 Dir
do |file
18 cp(file
, file
.sub(/18333fig0(\d)0?(\d+)\-tn/, '\1.\2'))
22 Dir
do |file
23 rm(file
.gsub(/18333fig0(\d)0?(\d+)\-tn/, '\1.\2'))
31 makepdf [OPTION...] LANGUAGE [LANGUAGE 2...]
34 -d, --debug prints TeX and other output
39 def command_exists
40 ENV['PATH'].split(/:/).map
do |path
41 File
42 end.inject
, b
| a
|| b
45 def replace(string
, &block
46 string
53 def verbatim_sanitize(string
54 string
.gsub('\\', '{\textbackslash}').
55 gsub('~', '{\textasciitilde}').
56 gsub(/([\$\#\_\^\%])/, '\\\\' + '\1{}')
59 def pre_pandoc(string
, config
61 # Pandoc discards #### subsubsections #### - this hack recovers them
62 s
/\#\#\#\# (.*?) \#\#\#\#/, 'SUBSUBSECTION: \1'
64 # Turns URLs into clickable links
65 s
`/, '<\1>'
66 s /(\n\n)\t(http:\/\/[A-Za-z0-9\/\%\&\=\-\_\\\.]+)\n([^\t]|\t\n)/, '\1<\2>\1'
69 s /Insert\s18333fig\d+\.png\s*\n.*?\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}\. (.*)/, 'FIG: \1'
73 def post_pandoc(string, config)
77 # Reformat for the book documentclass as opposed to article
80 s /SUBSUBSECTION: (.*)/, '\subsubsection{\1}'
82 # Enable proper cross-reference
83 s /#{config['fig'].gsub(space, '\s')}\s*(\d+)\-\-(\d+)/, '\imgref{\1.\2}'
84 s /#{config['tab'].gsub(space, '\s')}\s*(\d+)\-\-(\d+)/, '\tabref{\1.\2}'
85 s /#{config['prechap'].gsub(space, '\s')}\s*(\d+)(\s*)#{config['postchap'].gsub(space, '\s')}/, '\chapref{\1}\2'
88 s /FIG: (.*)/, '\img{\1}'
89 s '\begin{enumerate}[1.]', '\begin{enumerate}'
90 s /(\w)--(\w)/, '\1-\2'
91 s /``(.*?)''/, "#{config['dql']}\\1#{config['dqr']}"
93 # Typeset the maths in the book with TeX
94 s '\verb!p = (n(n-1)/2) * (1/2^160))!', '$p = \frac{n(n-1)}{2} \times \frac{1}{2^{160}}$)'
95 s '2\^{}80', '$2^{80}$'
96 s /\sx\s10\\\^\{\}(\d+)/, '\e{\1}'
98 # Convert inline-verbatims into \texttt (which is able to wrap)
99 s /\\verb(\W)(.*?)\1/ do
100 "{\\texttt{#{verbatim_sanitize($2)}}}"
103 # Ensure monospaced stuff is in a smaller font
104 s /(\\verb(\W).*?\2)/, '{\footnotesize\1}'
105 s /(\\begin\{verbatim\}.*?\\end\{verbatim\})/m, '{\footnotesize\1}'
107 # Shaded verbatim block
108 s /(\\begin\{verbatim\}.*?\\end\{verbatim\})/m, '\begin{shaded}\1\end{shaded}'
112 ARGV.delete_if{|arg| $DEBUG = true if arg == '-d' or arg == '--debug'}
113 languages = ARGV.select{|arg| File.directory?("#$root/#{arg}")}
114 usage if languages.empty?
116 $config = YAML.load_file("#$here/config.yml")
117 template = ERB.new(File.read("#$here/template.tex"))
119 missing = ['pandoc', 'xelatex'].reject{|command| command_exists?(command)}
120 unless missing.empty?
121 puts "Missing dependencies: #{missing.join(', ')}."
122 puts "Install these and try again."
127 languages.each do |lang|
128 config = $config['default'].merge($config[lang]) rescue $config['default']
131 markdown = Dir["#$root/#{lang}/*/*.markdown"].sort.map do |file|
135 print "\tParsing markdown... "
136 latex = pipe('pandoc -p --no-wrap -f markdown -t latex') do |stdin, stdout|
137 stdin.write(pre_pandoc(markdown, config))
139 post_pandoc(stdout.read, config)
143 print "\tCreating main.tex for #{lang}... "
144 dir = "#$here/#{lang}"
146 File.open("#{dir}/main.tex", 'w') do |file|
147 file.write(template.result(binding))
153 puts "\tRunning XeTeX:"
156 print "\t\tPass #{i + 1}... "
157 pipe("xelatex -output-directory='#{dir}' '#{dir}/main.tex' 2>&1") do |_, stdout|
160 puts "failed with:\n\t\t\t#{$_.strip}"
161 puts "\tConsider running this again with --debug."
163 end while stdout.gets and not abort
165 STDERR.print while stdout.gets rescue abort = true
173 print "\tMoving output to progit.#{lang}.pdf... "
174 mv("main.pdf", "#$root/progit.#{lang}.pdf")