2 {[x,y]: x in A, y in B | (x < y)}
3 {[x,y]: x in A, y in B | (x < y)}
7 {[x,y]: x in A, y in B | (x < y)}
9 [DNF construction and simplification phase]
11 {[x,y]: x in A, y in B | (x < y)}
13 [Constructing the query graph]
17 {[x,y]: x in A, y in B | (x < y)}
19 [Quantifier elimination phase]
21 {[x,y]:[x,y] in [A,B] | (x < y)}
23 [Disjunction removal phase]
25 {[x,y]:[x,y] in [A,B] | (x < y)}
27 [Conjunctive query decomposition phase]
31 {[x,y]:[x,y] in [A,B] | (x < y)}
33 [Projection recognition phase]
35 {[x,y]:[x,y] in [A,B] | (x < y)}
37 [Simple find/count query decomposition phase]
40 {[x,y]:[x,y] in [A,B] | (x < y)}