[prop.git] / prop-src / T9.cc
1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // This file is generated automatically using Prop (version 2.3.4),
3 // last updated on Mar 31, 1997.
4 // The original source file is "T9.pcc".
5 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10 #define PROP_QUARK_USED
11 #include <propdefs.h>
12 #line 1 "T9.pcc"
13 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
14 // This program tests rewriting and garbage collection by using
15 // the rewriting mechanism to compute the Fibonacci number the hard way.
16 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
17 #include <iostream>
18 #include <AD/gc/gcobject.h>
20 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
21 // Datatype EXP denotes an expression.
22 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
23 #line 11 "T9.pcc"
24 #line 15 "T9.pcc"
25 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
27 // Forward class definition for EXP
29 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
30 #ifndef datatype_EXP_defined
31 #define datatype_EXP_defined
32 class a_EXP;
33 typedef a_EXP * EXP;
34 #endif
36 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
38 // Base class for datatype EXP
40 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
41 class a_EXP : public GCObject {
42 public:
43 enum Tag_EXP {
44 tag_num = 0, tag_fib = 1, tag_add = 2
47 public:
48 const Tag_EXP tag__; // variant tag
49 protected:
50 inline a_EXP(Tag_EXP t__) : tag__(t__) {}
51 public:
52 inline virtual ~a_EXP()
55 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
57 // Method for garbage collection tracing
59 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
60 protected:
61 virtual void trace(GC *);
62 public:
64 inline int boxed(const a_EXP *) { return 1; }
65 inline int untag(const a_EXP * x) { return x->tag__; }
66 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
68 // Pretty printing methods for EXP
70 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
71 class PrettyOStream;
72 extern std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, EXP);
73 extern PrettyOStream& operator<<(PrettyOStream&, EXP);
74 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
76 // Class for datatype constructor EXP::num
78 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
79 class EXP_num : public a_EXP {
80 public:
81 #line 11 "T9.pcc"
82 int num;
83 inline EXP_num (int x_num)
84 : a_EXP(tag_num), num(x_num)
87 inline ~EXP_num()
90 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
92 // Method for garbage collection tracing
94 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
95 protected:
96 virtual void trace(GC *);
97 public:
100 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
102 // Class for datatype constructor EXP::fib
104 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
105 class EXP_fib : public a_EXP {
106 public:
107 #line 12 "T9.pcc"
108 EXP fib;
109 inline EXP_fib (EXP x_fib)
110 : a_EXP(tag_fib), fib(x_fib)
113 inline ~EXP_fib()
116 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
118 // Method for garbage collection tracing
120 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
121 protected:
122 virtual void trace(GC *);
123 public:
126 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
128 // Class for datatype constructor EXP::add
130 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
131 class EXP_add : public a_EXP {
132 public:
133 #line 13 "T9.pcc"
134 EXP _1; EXP _2;
135 inline EXP_add (EXP x_1, EXP x_2)
136 : a_EXP(tag_add), _1(x_1), _2(x_2)
139 inline ~EXP_add()
142 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
144 // Method for garbage collection tracing
146 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
147 protected:
148 virtual void trace(GC *);
149 public:
152 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
154 // Datatype constructor functions for EXP
156 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
157 inline a_EXP * num (int x_num)
159 return new EXP_num (x_num);
161 inline a_EXP * fib (EXP x_fib)
163 return new EXP_fib (x_fib);
165 inline a_EXP * add (EXP x_1, EXP x_2)
167 return new EXP_add (x_1, x_2);
169 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
171 // Downcasting functions for EXP
173 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
174 inline EXP_num * _num(const a_EXP * _x_) { return (EXP_num *)_x_; }
175 inline EXP_fib * _fib(const a_EXP * _x_) { return (EXP_fib *)_x_; }
176 inline EXP_add * _add(const a_EXP * _x_) { return (EXP_add *)_x_; }
178 #line 15 "T9.pcc"
179 #line 15 "T9.pcc"
182 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
183 // Defines the interface to a rewrite class.
184 // A private counter ``rewrite_count'' is encapsulated by the class
185 // mechanism.
186 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
187 #line 22 "T9.pcc"
188 #line 29 "T9.pcc"
189 class Fib : public BURS {
190 private:
191 Fib(const Fib&); // no copy constructor
192 void operator = (const Fib&); // no assignment
193 public:
194 struct Fib_StateRec * stack__, * stack_top__;
195 public:
196 void labeler(const char *, int&, int);
197 void labeler(Quark, int&, int);
198 void labeler(EXP & redex, int&, int);
199 inline virtual void operator () (EXP & redex) { int s; labeler(redex,s,0); }
200 private:
201 #line 22 "T9.pcc"
203 int rewrites; // number of replacements performed during rewriting
204 public:
205 Fib() : rewrites(0) {}
206 ~Fib() {}
208 inline int number_of_rewrites() const { return rewrites; }
209 #line 29 "T9.pcc"
211 #line 29 "T9.pcc"
212 #line 29 "T9.pcc"
216 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
217 // Specifies the rewrite rules. We'll use rewriting to compute
218 // addition also. The algorithm is exponential in time and generates
219 // a lot of garbage in the process.
221 // Notice that all private data within the rewrite class is visible within
222 // the rewrite rules.
223 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
224 #line 40 "T9.pcc"
225 #line 45 "T9.pcc"
226 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
228 // This macro can be redefined by the user for debugging
230 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
231 #ifndef DEBUG_Fib
232 #define DEBUG_Fib(repl,redex,file,line,rule) repl
233 #else
234 static const char * Fib_file_name = "T9.pcc";
235 #endif
237 static const TreeTables::Offset Fib_accept_base [ 4 ] = {
238 0, 0, 1, 5
240 static const TreeTables::ShortRule Fib_accept_vector [ 7 ] = {
241 -1, 0, 1, 2, -1, 3, -1
243 static const TreeTables::ShortState Fib_theta_1[2] = {
244 0, 2
248 static const TreeTables::ShortState Fib_theta_2[2][2] = {
249 { 0, 0 },
250 { 0, 3 }
254 static const TreeTables::ShortState Fib_mu_1_0[4] = {
255 0, 1, 0, 0
259 static const TreeTables::ShortState Fib_mu_2_0[4] = {
260 0, 1, 0, 0
264 static const TreeTables::ShortState Fib_mu_2_1[4] = {
265 0, 1, 0, 0
269 inline void Fib::labeler(char const * redex,int& s__,int)
272 s__ = 0;
276 inline void Fib::labeler(Quark redex,int& s__,int)
279 s__ = 0;
283 void Fib::labeler (EXP & redex, int& s__, int r__)
285 replacement__:
286 switch(redex->tag__) {
287 case a_EXP::tag_num: {
288 int s0__;
289 s0__ = 0; // int
290 s__ = 1;} break;
291 case a_EXP::tag_fib: {
292 int s0__;
293 labeler(_fib(redex)->fib, s0__, r__);
294 s__ = Fib_theta_1[Fib_mu_1_0[s0__]]; } break;
295 default: {
296 int s0__;
297 int s1__;
298 labeler(_add(redex)->_1, s0__, r__);
299 labeler(_add(redex)->_2, s1__, r__);
300 s__ = Fib_theta_2[Fib_mu_2_0[s0__]][Fib_mu_2_1[s1__]]; } break;
302 const TreeTables::ShortRule * o__ = Fib_accept_vector + Fib_accept_base[s__];
303 accept__:
304 switch (*o__) {
305 case 3: {
306 #line 44 "T9.pcc"
307 { redex = DEBUG_Fib(num((_num(_add(redex)->_1)->num + _num(_add(redex)->_2)->num)),redex,Fib_file_name,44,"add (num x, num y): ...");
308 r__ = 1; goto replacement__; }
309 #line 45 "T9.pcc"
310 } break;
311 case 2: {
312 #line 43 "T9.pcc"
313 { redex = DEBUG_Fib(add(fib(num((_num(_fib(redex)->fib)->num - 1))),fib(num((_num(_fib(redex)->fib)->num - 2)))),redex,Fib_file_name,43,"fib num n: ...");
314 r__ = 1; goto replacement__; }
315 #line 44 "T9.pcc"
316 } break;
317 case 1: if ((_num(_fib(redex)->fib)->num == 1))
319 #line 42 "T9.pcc"
320 { redex = DEBUG_Fib(_fib(redex)->fib,redex,Fib_file_name,42,"fib x as num _ | (_num(_fib(redex)->fib)->num == 1): ...");
321 r__ = 1; goto replacement__; }
322 #line 43 "T9.pcc"
324 else { ++o__; goto accept__; } break;
325 case 0: if ((_num(_fib(redex)->fib)->num == 0))
327 #line 41 "T9.pcc"
328 { redex = DEBUG_Fib(_fib(redex)->fib,redex,Fib_file_name,41,"fib x as num _ | (_num(_fib(redex)->fib)->num == 0): ...");
329 r__ = 1; goto replacement__; }
330 #line 42 "T9.pcc"
332 else { ++o__; goto accept__; } break;
337 #line 45 "T9.pcc"
338 #line 45 "T9.pcc"
341 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
342 // Instantiate the datatype
343 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
344 #line 50 "T9.pcc"
345 #line 50 "T9.pcc"
346 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
348 // Interface specification of datatype EXP
350 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
351 #line 50 "T9.pcc"
352 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
354 // Pretty printing methods for EXP
356 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
357 std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& strm__, EXP obj__);
358 PrettyOStream& operator << (PrettyOStream& strm__, EXP obj__);
360 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
362 // Instantiation of datatype EXP
364 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
365 #line 50 "T9.pcc"
366 void a_EXP::trace(GC * gc__)
370 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
372 // Pretty printing methods for EXP
374 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
375 std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& strm__, EXP obj__)
376 { PrettyOStream S(strm__); S << obj__; return strm__; }
378 PrettyOStream& operator << (PrettyOStream& strm__, EXP obj__)
380 switch (untag(obj__))
382 case 0:
383 strm__ << _num(obj__)->num; // int
384 break;
385 case 1:
386 strm__ << "fib ";
387 strm__ << _fib(obj__)->fib; // EXP
388 break;
389 case 2:
390 strm__ << '(';
391 strm__ << _add(obj__)->_1; // EXP
392 strm__ << '+';
393 strm__ << _add(obj__)->_2; // EXP
394 strm__ << ')';
395 break;
397 return strm__;
400 void EXP_num::trace(GC * gc__)
402 // call to method a_EXP::trace() has been optimized out
403 // omitted int
406 void EXP_fib::trace(GC * gc__)
408 // call to method a_EXP::trace() has been optimized out
409 this->fib = (EXP )gc__->trace(this->fib); // EXP
412 void EXP_add::trace(GC * gc__)
414 // call to method a_EXP::trace() has been optimized out
415 this->_1 = (EXP )gc__->trace(this->_1); // EXP
416 this->_2 = (EXP )gc__->trace(this->_2); // EXP
421 #line 50 "T9.pcc"
422 #line 50 "T9.pcc"
425 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
426 // Input a number and test the rewrite rules.
427 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
428 int main()
430 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
431 // Give ourselves some more memory (2Meg) to work with.
432 // The default heap size is only 128K. Using a larger heap
433 // can drastically cut down the overhead of GC since almost all
434 // intermediate terms generated can be reclaimed. With the copying
435 // garbage collecting scheme that we are using, the overhead of GC
436 // is proportional to the amount of live data, not the total heap size.
437 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
438 GC::get_default_gc().set_initial_heap_size(2*1024*1024);
440 int n;
441 cout << "This simple benchmark tests the efficiency of rewriting\n"
442 "by computing the Fibonacci numbers with a naive, exponential\n"
443 "algorithm. The goal is to stress the pattern matching and\n"
444 "term replacement facilities.\n"
445 "Please input a small non-negative number(0-25): " << flush;
446 cin >> n;
447 Fib F;
448 EXP x = fib(num(n));
449 F(x);
450 cout << "fib(" << n << ") = " << x << '\n';
451 cout << "Number of replacements = " << F.number_of_rewrites() << '\n';
452 return 0;
454 #line 81 "T9.pcc"
456 ------------------------------- Statistics -------------------------------
457 Merge matching rules = yes
458 Number of DFA nodes merged = 0
459 Number of ifs generated = 0
460 Number of switches generated = 0
461 Number of labels = 0
462 Number of gotos = 0
463 Adaptive matching = disabled
464 Fast string matching = disabled
465 Inline downcasts = disabled
466 --------------------------------------------------------------------------