1 This file contains a list of people who have made large contributions
2 to the public version of Protocol Buffers.
4 Original Protocol Buffers design and implementation:
5 Sanjay Ghemawat <sanjay@google.com>
6 Jeff Dean <jeff@google.com>
7 Daniel Dulitz <daniel@google.com>
9 Paul Haahr <haahr@google.com>
10 Corey Anderson <corin@google.com>
13 Proto2 C++ and Java primary author:
14 Kenton Varda <kenton@google.com>
16 Proto2 Python primary authors:
17 Will Robinson <robinson@google.com>
18 Petar Petrov <petar@google.com>
20 Large code contributions:
21 Joseph Schorr <jschorr@google.com>
22 Wenbo Zhu <wenboz@google.com>
24 Large quantity of code reviews:
25 Scott Bruce <sbruce@google.com>
27 Neal Norwitz <nnorwitz@google.com>
28 Jeffrey Yasskin <jyasskin@google.com>
29 Ambrose Feinstein <ambrose@google.com>
32 Lisa Carey <lcarey@google.com>
35 Gregory Kick <gak@google.com>