1 ## Process this file with autoconf to produce configure.
2 ## In general, the safest way to proceed is to run ./autogen.sh
6 # Note: If you change the version, you must also update it in:
9 # * src/google/protobuf/stubs/common.h
10 AC_INIT(protobuf, 2.0.0beta, protobuf@googlegroups.com)
12 AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR(src/google/protobuf/message.cc)
13 AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h)
16 # Checks for programs.
20 AM_CONDITIONAL(GCC, test "$GCC" = yes) # let the Makefile know if we're gcc
22 # Checks for header files.
24 AC_CHECK_HEADERS([fcntl.h inttypes.h limits.h stdlib.h unistd.h])
26 # Checks for library functions.
29 AC_CHECK_FUNCS([ftruncate memset mkdir strchr strerror strtol])
34 AC_OUTPUT( Makefile src/Makefile )