Merge pull request #35 from DevManu-de/dev-redirect-handle
[psh.git] / .gitignore
1 # psh specific
2 src/psh
3 psh.pc
4 uninstall.cmake
6 # C.gitignore
7 # Prerequisites
8 *.d
10 # Object files
11 *.o
12 *.ko
13 *.obj
14 *.elf
16 # Linker output
17 *.ilk
18 *.map
19 *.exp
21 # Precompiled Headers
22 *.gch
23 *.pch
25 # Libraries
26 *.lib
27 *.a
28 *.la
29 *.lo
31 # Shared objects (inc. Windows DLLs)
32 *.dll
33 *.so
34 *.so.*
35 *.dylib
37 # Executables
38 *.exe
39 *.out
40 *.app
41 *.i*86
42 *.x86_64
43 *.hex
45 # Debug files
46 *.dSYM/
47 *.su
48 *.idb
49 *.pdb
51 # Kernel Module Compile Results
52 *.mod*
53 *.cmd
54 .tmp_versions/
55 modules.order
56 Module.symvers
57 Mkfile.old
58 dkms.conf
60 # CMake.gitignore
61 build
62 CMakeLists.txt.user
63 CMakeCache.txt
64 CMakeFiles
65 CMakeScripts
66 Testing
67 Makefile
68 cmake_install.cmake
69 install_manifest.txt
70 compile_commands.json
71 CTestTestfile.cmake
72 _deps
74 # macOS.gitignore
75 # General
76 .DS_Store
77 .AppleDouble
78 .LSOverride
80 # Icon must end with two \r
81 Icon
84 # Thumbnails
85 ._*
87 # Files that might appear in the root of a volume
88 .DocumentRevisions-V100
89 .fseventsd
90 .Spotlight-V100
91 .TemporaryItems
92 .Trashes
93 .VolumeIcon.icns
96 # Directories potentially created on remote AFP share
97 .AppleDB
98 .AppleDesktop
99 Network Trash Folder
100 Temporary Items
101 .apdisk
103 # VisualStudioCode.gitignore
104 .vscode/*
105 !.vscode/settings.json
106 !.vscode/tasks.json
107 !.vscode/launch.json
108 !.vscode/extensions.json
109 *.code-workspace
111 # Local History for Visual Studio Code
112 .history/
114 # Vim.gitignore
115 # Swap
116 [._]*.s[a-v][a-z]
117 !*.svg  # comment out if you don't need vector files
118 [._]*.sw[a-p]
119 [._]s[a-rt-v][a-z]
120 [._]ss[a-gi-z]
121 [._]sw[a-p]
123 # Session
124 Session.vim
125 Sessionx.vim
127 # Temporary
128 .netrwhist
130 # Auto-generated tag files
131 tags
132 # Persistent undo
133 [._]*.un~
135 # Environment
136 .clangd
137 test.c
138 select_backend.c
140 # Doxygen
141 html/
142 latex/
144 # Autotools.gitignore
145 #
148 /ar-lib
149 /mdate-sh
150 /py-compile
151 /test-driver
152 /ylwrap
153 .deps/
154 .dirstamp
156 #
158 autom4te.cache
159 /autoscan.log
160 /autoscan-*.log
161 /aclocal.m4
162 /compile
163 /config.guess
164 /
165 /config.h
166 /config.log
167 /config.status
168 /config.sub
169 /configure
170 /configure.scan
171 /depcomp
172 /install-sh
173 /missing
174 /stamp-h1
176 #
178 /
180 #
182 /texinfo.tex
184 #
186 m4/libtool.m4
187 m4/ltoptions.m4
188 m4/ltsugar.m4
189 m4/ltversion.m4
190 m4/lt~obsolete.m4
192 # Generated Makefile 
193 # (meta build system like autotools, 
194 # can automatically generate from config.status script
195 # (which is called by configure script))
196 Makefile