2 # vim: filetype=perl6 :
3 # Perl 6 variation of http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=567025.
4 # You can change $command to reflect the actual command you want to use
9 # Default command, a hint on a possible different default is given as well
10 # If $default_command is undef, then the command line will be called as-is
11 my $default_command = 'diff';
12 # $default_command = 'svk diff';
14 # Color associations: red are "from", green are "to", blue are other stuff
24 # If there are arguments, call the default command, otherwise get stdin
28 unshift @args, $default_command if defined $default_command;
29 my $command = @args.map({ quotemeta($_) }).join(' ');
30 $fh = get_input_fh
33 # Iterate over input and color it
35 my $first_char = substr $_, 0, 1;
36 delete %color_for{'-'} if $first_char eq '<';
37 print BOLD
, %color_for{$first_char} if %color_for.exists($first_char);
39 print RESET
if %color_for.exists($first_char);
43 # Stripped down version of Term::ANSIColor
44 sub _color
($color) { return "\x1b[" ~ $color ~ "m"; }
45 sub RED
{ return _color
(31); }
46 sub GREEN
{ return _color
(32); }
47 sub BLUE
{ return _color
(34); }
48 sub BOLD
{ return _color
( 1); }
49 sub RESET
{ return _color
( 0); }
51 ######### WORKAROUNDS #####################################################
53 # Wrapper function to substitute Perl 5 idiom:
55 # open my $fh, '-|', $command;
57 # Will do better in the future, using Prelude
58 sub get_input_fh
($command) {
59 my ($in, $out, $err, $pid) =
60 Pugs