2 - Javascript (Firefox, V8) bootstrap
3 - simplified 'make' inside tokens
6 - Lisp (SBCL) bootstrap
7 - Changed accessors to lvalue
11 - Perl5 emitter: fixed Array inside signature: method ( $a, [ $b, $c ] ) ...
12 - Perl5 emitter: implemented "warn"
15 - All tests converted to TAP format
17 - added Parrot emitter and 'mp6-parrot' script
18 - passes several tests
19 - 'Match' class written in MP6
21 - parameter binding with complex data structures
24 - fixed array expansion in 'for @x {...}'
25 - fixed grammar compilation in MiniPerl6::Grammar and MiniPerl6::Grammar::Regex
27 - type annotations my Int $x
28 - autoquote hash keys { a => 42 }
29 - pair syntax sugar { :$a }
30 - deep array binding [ $a, [ $b, $c ] ] := [ 1, [ 2, 3 ] ]
33 - MiniPerl6::Perl5::Emitter and MiniPerl6::Emitter::Token compile ok
35 echo 'class Main { say "hello, World" }' | perl -Ilib5 mp6-perl5-boot.pl | perl -Ilib5
39 - added Perl5 build script
42 - parses MiniPerl6/Emitter.pm
48 - implemented MP6::G::Regex::rule()
56 - initial language draft (on paper)