pulseview_cross.nsi.in: Use Python 3.4 (Windows XP support).
[pulseview.git] / pv / mainwindow.cpp
1 /*
2 * This file is part of the PulseView project.
4 * Copyright (C) 2012 Joel Holdsworth <joel@airwebreathe.org.uk>
6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 * (at your option) any later version.
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20 #include <cassert>
23 #include <libsigrokdecode/libsigrokdecode.h>
24 #endif
26 #include <algorithm>
27 #include <iterator>
29 #include <QAction>
30 #include <QApplication>
31 #include <QCloseEvent>
32 #include <QDockWidget>
33 #include <QHBoxLayout>
34 #include <QMessageBox>
35 #include <QSettings>
36 #include <QWidget>
38 #include "mainwindow.hpp"
40 #include "devicemanager.hpp"
41 #include "util.hpp"
42 #include "devices/hardwaredevice.hpp"
43 #include "dialogs/about.hpp"
44 #include "toolbars/mainbar.hpp"
45 #include "view/view.hpp"
46 #include "views/trace/standardbar.hpp"
48 #include <stdint.h>
49 #include <stdarg.h>
50 #include <libsigrokcxx/libsigrokcxx.hpp>
52 using std::dynamic_pointer_cast;
53 using std::list;
54 using std::make_shared;
55 using std::map;
56 using std::shared_ptr;
57 using std::string;
59 namespace pv {
61 namespace view {
62 class ViewItem;
65 using toolbars::MainBar;
67 const QString MainWindow::WindowTitle = tr("PulseView");
69 MainWindow::MainWindow(DeviceManager &device_manager,
70 string open_file_name, string open_file_format,
71 QWidget *parent) :
72 QMainWindow(parent),
73 device_manager_(device_manager),
74 session_selector_(this),
75 session_state_mapper_(this),
76 action_view_sticky_scrolling_(new QAction(this)),
77 action_view_coloured_bg_(new QAction(this)),
78 action_about_(new QAction(this)),
79 icon_red_(":/icons/status-red.svg"),
80 icon_green_(":/icons/status-green.svg"),
81 icon_grey_(":/icons/status-grey.svg")
83 qRegisterMetaType<util::Timestamp>("util::Timestamp");
84 qRegisterMetaType<uint64_t>("uint64_t");
86 setup_ui();
87 restore_ui_settings();
89 if (!open_file_name.empty()) {
90 shared_ptr<Session> session = add_session();
91 session->load_init_file(open_file_name, open_file_format);
94 // Add empty default session if there aren't any sessions
95 if (sessions_.size() == 0) {
96 shared_ptr<Session> session = add_session();
98 map<string, string> dev_info;
99 shared_ptr<devices::HardwareDevice> other_device, demo_device;
101 // Use any available device that's not demo
102 for (shared_ptr<devices::HardwareDevice> dev : device_manager_.devices()) {
103 if (dev->hardware_device()->driver()->name() == "demo") {
104 demo_device = dev;
105 } else {
106 other_device = dev;
110 // ...and if there isn't any, just use demo then
111 session->select_device(other_device ? other_device : demo_device);
115 MainWindow::~MainWindow()
117 while (!sessions_.empty())
118 remove_session(sessions_.front());
121 QAction* MainWindow::action_view_sticky_scrolling() const
123 return action_view_sticky_scrolling_;
126 QAction* MainWindow::action_view_coloured_bg() const
128 return action_view_coloured_bg_;
131 QAction* MainWindow::action_about() const
133 return action_about_;
136 shared_ptr<views::ViewBase> MainWindow::get_active_view() const
138 // If there's only one view, use it...
139 if (view_docks_.size() == 1)
140 return view_docks_.begin()->second;
142 // ...otherwise find the dock widget the widget with focus is contained in
143 QObject *w = QApplication::focusWidget();
144 QDockWidget *dock = 0;
146 while (w) {
147 dock = qobject_cast<QDockWidget*>(w);
148 if (dock)
149 break;
150 w = w->parent();
153 // Get the view contained in the dock widget
154 for (auto entry : view_docks_)
155 if (entry.first == dock)
156 return entry.second;
158 return nullptr;
161 shared_ptr<views::ViewBase> MainWindow::add_view(const QString &title,
162 views::ViewType type, Session &session)
164 QMainWindow *main_window = nullptr;
165 for (auto entry : session_windows_)
166 if (entry.first.get() == &session)
167 main_window = entry.second;
169 assert(main_window);
171 if (type == views::ViewTypeTrace) {
172 QDockWidget* dock = new QDockWidget(title, main_window);
173 dock->setObjectName(title);
174 main_window->addDockWidget(Qt::TopDockWidgetArea, dock);
176 // Insert a QMainWindow into the dock widget to allow for a tool bar
177 QMainWindow *dock_main = new QMainWindow(dock);
178 dock_main->setWindowFlags(Qt::Widget); // Remove Qt::Window flag
180 shared_ptr<views::TraceView::View> v =
181 make_shared<views::TraceView::View>(session, dock_main);
182 view_docks_[dock] = v;
183 session.register_view(v);
185 dock_main->setCentralWidget(v.get());
186 dock->setWidget(dock_main);
188 dock->setFeatures(QDockWidget::DockWidgetMovable |
189 QDockWidget::DockWidgetFloatable | QDockWidget::DockWidgetClosable);
191 QAbstractButton *close_btn =
192 dock->findChildren<QAbstractButton*>
193 ("qt_dockwidget_closebutton").front();
195 connect(close_btn, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)),
196 this, SLOT(on_view_close_clicked()));
198 if (type == views::ViewTypeTrace) {
199 connect(&session, SIGNAL(trigger_event(util::Timestamp)),
200 qobject_cast<views::ViewBase*>(v.get()),
201 SLOT(trigger_event(util::Timestamp)));
203 v->enable_sticky_scrolling(action_view_sticky_scrolling_->isChecked());
204 v->enable_coloured_bg(action_view_coloured_bg_->isChecked());
206 shared_ptr<MainBar> main_bar = session.main_bar();
207 if (!main_bar) {
208 /* Initial view, create the main bar */
209 main_bar = make_shared<MainBar>(session, this, v.get());
210 dock_main->addToolBar(main_bar.get());
211 session.set_main_bar(main_bar);
213 connect(main_bar.get(), SIGNAL(new_view(Session*)),
214 this, SLOT(on_new_view(Session*)));
216 main_bar->action_view_show_cursors()->setChecked(v->cursors_shown());
218 /* For the main view we need to prevent the dock widget from
219 * closing itself when its close button is clicked. This is
220 * so we can confirm with the user first. Regular views don't
221 * need this */
222 close_btn->disconnect(SIGNAL(clicked()), dock, SLOT(close()));
223 } else {
224 /* Additional view, create a standard bar */
225 pv::views::trace::StandardBar *standard_bar =
226 new pv::views::trace::StandardBar(session, this, v.get());
227 dock_main->addToolBar(standard_bar);
229 standard_bar->action_view_show_cursors()->setChecked(v->cursors_shown());
233 return v;
236 return nullptr;
239 void MainWindow::remove_view(shared_ptr<views::ViewBase> view)
241 for (shared_ptr<Session> session : sessions_) {
242 if (!session->has_view(view))
243 continue;
245 // Find the dock the view is contained in and remove it
246 for (auto entry : view_docks_)
247 if (entry.second == view) {
248 // Remove the view from the session
249 session->deregister_view(view);
251 // Remove the view from its parent; otherwise, Qt will
252 // call deleteLater() on it, which causes a double free
253 // since the shared_ptr in view_docks_ doesn't know
254 // that Qt keeps a pointer to the view around
255 view->setParent(0);
257 // Delete the view's dock widget and all widgets inside it
258 entry.first->deleteLater();
260 // Remove the dock widget from the list and stop iterating
261 view_docks_.erase(entry.first);
262 break;
267 shared_ptr<Session> MainWindow::add_session()
269 static int last_session_id = 1;
270 QString name = tr("Untitled-%1").arg(last_session_id++);
272 shared_ptr<Session> session = make_shared<Session>(device_manager_, name);
274 connect(session.get(), SIGNAL(add_view(const QString&, views::ViewType, Session*)),
275 this, SLOT(on_add_view(const QString&, views::ViewType, Session*)));
276 connect(session.get(), SIGNAL(name_changed()),
277 this, SLOT(on_session_name_changed()));
278 session_state_mapper_.setMapping(session.get(), session.get());
279 connect(session.get(), SIGNAL(capture_state_changed(int)),
280 &session_state_mapper_, SLOT(map()));
282 sessions_.push_back(session);
284 QMainWindow *window = new QMainWindow();
285 window->setWindowFlags(Qt::Widget); // Remove Qt::Window flag
286 session_windows_[session] = window;
288 int index = session_selector_.addTab(window, name);
289 session_selector_.setCurrentIndex(index);
290 last_focused_session_ = session;
292 window->setDockNestingEnabled(true);
294 shared_ptr<views::ViewBase> main_view =
295 add_view(name, views::ViewTypeTrace, *session);
297 return session;
300 void MainWindow::remove_session(shared_ptr<Session> session)
302 int h = new_session_button_->height();
304 for (shared_ptr<views::ViewBase> view : session->views())
305 remove_view(view);
307 QMainWindow *window = session_windows_.at(session);
308 session_selector_.removeTab(session_selector_.indexOf(window));
310 session_windows_.erase(session);
312 if (last_focused_session_ == session)
313 last_focused_session_.reset();
315 sessions_.remove_if([&](shared_ptr<Session> s) {
316 return s == session; });
318 if (sessions_.empty()) {
319 // When there are no more tabs, the height of the QTabWidget
320 // drops to zero. We must prevent this to keep the static
321 // widgets visible
322 for (QWidget *w : static_tab_widget_->findChildren<QWidget*>())
323 w->setMinimumHeight(h);
325 int margin = static_tab_widget_->layout()->contentsMargins().bottom();
326 static_tab_widget_->setMinimumHeight(h + 2 * margin);
327 session_selector_.setMinimumHeight(h + 2 * margin);
329 // Update the window title if there is no view left to
330 // generate focus change events
331 setWindowTitle(WindowTitle);
335 void MainWindow::setup_ui()
337 setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("MainWindow"));
339 setCentralWidget(&session_selector_);
341 // Set the window icon
342 QIcon icon;
343 icon.addFile(QString(":/icons/sigrok-logo-notext.png"));
344 setWindowIcon(icon);
346 action_view_sticky_scrolling_->setCheckable(true);
347 action_view_sticky_scrolling_->setChecked(true);
348 action_view_sticky_scrolling_->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_S));
349 action_view_sticky_scrolling_->setObjectName(
350 QString::fromUtf8("actionViewStickyScrolling"));
351 action_view_sticky_scrolling_->setText(tr("&Sticky Scrolling"));
353 action_view_coloured_bg_->setCheckable(true);
354 action_view_coloured_bg_->setChecked(true);
355 action_view_coloured_bg_->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_B));
356 action_view_coloured_bg_->setObjectName(
357 QString::fromUtf8("actionViewColouredBg"));
358 action_view_coloured_bg_->setText(tr("Use &Coloured Backgrounds"));
360 action_about_->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("actionAbout"));
361 action_about_->setToolTip(tr("&About..."));
363 // Set up the tab area
364 new_session_button_ = new QToolButton();
365 new_session_button_->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("document-new",
366 QIcon(":/icons/document-new.png")));
367 new_session_button_->setToolTip(tr("Create New Session"));
368 new_session_button_->setAutoRaise(true);
370 run_stop_button_ = new QToolButton();
371 run_stop_button_->setAutoRaise(true);
372 run_stop_button_->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon);
373 run_stop_button_->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_Space));
374 run_stop_button_->setToolTip(tr("Start/Stop Acquisition"));
376 settings_button_ = new QToolButton();
377 settings_button_->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("configure",
378 QIcon(":/icons/configure.png")));
379 settings_button_->setToolTip(tr("Settings"));
380 settings_button_->setAutoRaise(true);
382 QFrame *separator1 = new QFrame();
383 separator1->setFrameStyle(QFrame::VLine | QFrame::Raised);
384 QFrame *separator2 = new QFrame();
385 separator2->setFrameStyle(QFrame::VLine | QFrame::Raised);
387 QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout();
388 layout->setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2);
389 layout->addWidget(new_session_button_);
390 layout->addWidget(separator1);
391 layout->addWidget(run_stop_button_);
392 layout->addWidget(separator2);
393 layout->addWidget(settings_button_);
395 static_tab_widget_ = new QWidget();
396 static_tab_widget_->setLayout(layout);
398 session_selector_.setCornerWidget(static_tab_widget_, Qt::TopLeftCorner);
399 session_selector_.setTabsClosable(true);
401 connect(new_session_button_, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)),
402 this, SLOT(on_new_session_clicked()));
403 connect(run_stop_button_, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)),
404 this, SLOT(on_run_stop_clicked()));
405 connect(&session_state_mapper_, SIGNAL(mapped(QObject*)),
406 this, SLOT(on_capture_state_changed(QObject*)));
408 connect(&session_selector_, SIGNAL(tabCloseRequested(int)),
409 this, SLOT(on_tab_close_requested(int)));
410 connect(&session_selector_, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)),
411 this, SLOT(on_tab_changed(int)));
414 connect(static_cast<QApplication *>(QCoreApplication::instance()),
415 SIGNAL(focusChanged(QWidget*, QWidget*)),
416 this, SLOT(on_focus_changed()));
419 void MainWindow::save_ui_settings()
421 QSettings settings;
422 int id = 0;
424 settings.beginGroup("MainWindow");
425 settings.setValue("state", saveState());
426 settings.setValue("geometry", saveGeometry());
427 settings.endGroup();
429 for (shared_ptr<Session> session : sessions_) {
430 // Ignore sessions using the demo device or no device at all
431 if (session->device()) {
432 shared_ptr<devices::HardwareDevice> device =
433 dynamic_pointer_cast< devices::HardwareDevice >
434 (session->device());
436 if (device &&
437 device->hardware_device()->driver()->name() == "demo")
438 continue;
440 settings.beginGroup("Session" + QString::number(id++));
441 settings.remove(""); // Remove all keys in this group
442 session->save_settings(settings);
443 settings.endGroup();
447 settings.setValue("sessions", id);
450 void MainWindow::restore_ui_settings()
452 QSettings settings;
453 int i, session_count;
455 settings.beginGroup("MainWindow");
457 if (settings.contains("geometry")) {
458 restoreGeometry(settings.value("geometry").toByteArray());
459 restoreState(settings.value("state").toByteArray());
460 } else
461 resize(1000, 720);
463 settings.endGroup();
465 session_count = settings.value("sessions", 0).toInt();
467 for (i = 0; i < session_count; i++) {
468 settings.beginGroup("Session" + QString::number(i));
469 shared_ptr<Session> session = add_session();
470 session->restore_settings(settings);
471 settings.endGroup();
475 std::shared_ptr<Session> MainWindow::get_tab_session(int index) const
477 // Find the session that belongs to the tab's main window
478 for (auto entry : session_windows_)
479 if (entry.second == session_selector_.widget(index))
480 return entry.first;
482 return nullptr;
485 void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
487 bool data_saved = true;
489 for (auto entry : session_windows_)
490 if (!entry.first->data_saved())
491 data_saved = false;
493 if (!data_saved && (QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Confirmation"),
494 tr("There is unsaved data. Close anyway?"),
495 QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::No)) {
496 event->ignore();
497 } else {
498 save_ui_settings();
499 event->accept();
503 QMenu* MainWindow::createPopupMenu()
505 return nullptr;
508 bool MainWindow::restoreState(const QByteArray &state, int version)
510 (void)state;
511 (void)version;
513 // Do nothing. We don't want Qt to handle this, or else it
514 // will try to restore all the dock widgets and create havoc.
516 return false;
519 void MainWindow::session_error(const QString text, const QString info_text)
521 QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "show_session_error",
522 Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QString, text),
523 Q_ARG(QString, info_text));
526 void MainWindow::show_session_error(const QString text, const QString info_text)
528 QMessageBox msg(this);
529 msg.setText(text);
530 msg.setInformativeText(info_text);
531 msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok);
532 msg.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning);
533 msg.exec();
536 void MainWindow::on_add_view(const QString &title, views::ViewType type,
537 Session *session)
539 // We get a pointer and need a reference
540 for (std::shared_ptr<Session> s : sessions_)
541 if (s.get() == session)
542 add_view(title, type, *s);
545 void MainWindow::on_focus_changed()
547 shared_ptr<views::ViewBase> view = get_active_view();
549 if (view) {
550 for (shared_ptr<Session> session : sessions_) {
551 if (session->has_view(view)) {
552 if (session != last_focused_session_) {
553 // Activate correct tab if necessary
554 shared_ptr<Session> tab_session = get_tab_session(
555 session_selector_.currentIndex());
556 if (tab_session != session)
557 session_selector_.setCurrentWidget(
558 session_windows_.at(session));
560 on_focused_session_changed(session);
563 break;
568 if (sessions_.empty())
569 setWindowTitle(WindowTitle);
572 void MainWindow::on_focused_session_changed(shared_ptr<Session> session)
574 last_focused_session_ = session;
576 setWindowTitle(session->name() + " - " + WindowTitle);
578 // Update the state of the run/stop button, too
579 on_capture_state_changed(session.get());
582 void MainWindow::on_new_session_clicked()
584 add_session();
587 void MainWindow::on_run_stop_clicked()
589 shared_ptr<Session> session = last_focused_session_;
591 if (!session)
592 return;
594 switch (session->get_capture_state()) {
595 case Session::Stopped:
596 session->start_capture([&](QString message) {
597 session_error("Capture failed", message); });
598 break;
599 case Session::AwaitingTrigger:
600 case Session::Running:
601 session->stop_capture();
602 break;
606 void MainWindow::on_session_name_changed()
608 // Update the corresponding dock widget's name(s)
609 Session *session = qobject_cast<Session*>(QObject::sender());
610 assert(session);
612 for (shared_ptr<views::ViewBase> view : session->views()) {
613 // Get the dock that contains the view
614 for (auto entry : view_docks_)
615 if (entry.second == view) {
616 entry.first->setObjectName(session->name());
617 entry.first->setWindowTitle(session->name());
621 // Update the tab widget by finding the main window and the tab from that
622 for (auto entry : session_windows_)
623 if (entry.first.get() == session) {
624 QMainWindow *window = entry.second;
625 const int index = session_selector_.indexOf(window);
626 session_selector_.setTabText(index, session->name());
629 // Refresh window title if the affected session has focus
630 if (session == last_focused_session_.get())
631 setWindowTitle(session->name() + " - " + WindowTitle);
634 void MainWindow::on_capture_state_changed(QObject *obj)
636 Session *caller = qobject_cast<Session*>(obj);
638 // Ignore if caller is not the currently focused session
639 // unless there is only one session
640 if ((sessions_.size() > 1) && (caller != last_focused_session_.get()))
641 return;
643 int state = caller->get_capture_state();
645 const QIcon *icons[] = {&icon_grey_, &icon_red_, &icon_green_};
646 run_stop_button_->setIcon(*icons[state]);
647 run_stop_button_->setText((state == pv::Session::Stopped) ?
648 tr("Run") : tr("Stop"));
651 void MainWindow::on_new_view(Session *session)
653 // We get a pointer and need a reference
654 for (std::shared_ptr<Session> s : sessions_)
655 if (s.get() == session)
656 add_view(session->name(), views::ViewTypeTrace, *s);
659 void MainWindow::on_view_close_clicked()
661 // Find the dock widget that contains the close button that was clicked
662 QObject *w = QObject::sender();
663 QDockWidget *dock = 0;
665 while (w) {
666 dock = qobject_cast<QDockWidget*>(w);
667 if (dock)
668 break;
669 w = w->parent();
672 // Get the view contained in the dock widget
673 shared_ptr<views::ViewBase> view;
675 for (auto entry : view_docks_)
676 if (entry.first == dock)
677 view = entry.second;
679 // Deregister the view
680 for (shared_ptr<Session> session : sessions_) {
681 if (!session->has_view(view))
682 continue;
684 // Also destroy the entire session if its main view is closing...
685 if (view == session->main_view()) {
686 // ...but only if data is saved or the user confirms closing
687 if (session->data_saved() || (QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Confirmation"),
688 tr("This session contains unsaved data. Close it anyway?"),
689 QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::Yes))
690 remove_session(session);
691 break;
692 } else
693 // All other views can be closed at any time as no data will be lost
694 remove_view(view);
698 void MainWindow::on_tab_changed(int index)
700 shared_ptr<Session> session = get_tab_session(index);
702 if (session)
703 on_focused_session_changed(session);
706 void MainWindow::on_tab_close_requested(int index)
708 shared_ptr<Session> session = get_tab_session(index);
710 assert(session);
712 if (session->data_saved() || (QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Confirmation"),
713 tr("This session contains unsaved data. Close it anyway?"),
714 QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::Yes))
715 remove_session(session);
718 void MainWindow::on_actionViewStickyScrolling_triggered()
720 shared_ptr<views::ViewBase> viewbase = get_active_view();
721 views::TraceView::View* view =
722 qobject_cast<views::TraceView::View*>(viewbase.get());
723 if (view)
724 view->enable_sticky_scrolling(action_view_sticky_scrolling_->isChecked());
727 void MainWindow::on_actionViewColouredBg_triggered()
729 shared_ptr<views::ViewBase> viewbase = get_active_view();
730 views::TraceView::View* view =
731 qobject_cast<views::TraceView::View*>(viewbase.get());
732 if (view)
733 view->enable_coloured_bg(action_view_coloured_bg_->isChecked());
736 void MainWindow::on_actionAbout_triggered()
738 dialogs::About dlg(device_manager_.context(), this);
739 dlg.exec();
742 } // namespace pv