1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 - git (only needed when building from git)
9 - A C++ compiler with C++11 support (-std=c++11 option), e.g.
13 - libtool (only needed when building from git)
17 - glibmm-2.4 (>= 2.28.0)
18 - Qt5 (>= 5.3), including the following components:
19 - Qt5Core, Qt5Gui, Qt5Widgets, Qt5Svg,
20 Qt5LinguistTools (qttools5-dev, qttools5-dev-tools)
21 - Qt translation package (optional; needed at runtime, not build time)
22 - libboost >= 1.55 (including the following libs):
25 - libboost-serialization
26 - libboost-test (optional, only needed to run the unit tests)
27 - libboost-stacktrace (optional, only needed for debugging)
28 - libsigrokcxx >= 0.5.2 (libsigrok C++ bindings)
29 - libsigrokdecode >= 0.5.2
30 - libsigrokandroidutils >= 0.1.0 (optional, only needed on Android)
31 - asciidoctor (optional, only needed to build the HTML manual)
32 - asciidoctor-pdf (optional, only needed to build the PDF manual)
35 Building and installing
36 -----------------------
38 In order to get the PulseView source code and build it, run:
40 $ git clone git://sigrok.org/pulseview
45 For installing PulseView:
49 See the following wiki page for more (OS-specific) instructions:
51 http://sigrok.org/wiki/Building
54 Creating a source distribution package
55 --------------------------------------
57 In order to build a source package begin with an unconfigured source tree.
68 To generate the HTML manual, you only need Asciidoctor. If you also want
69 to generate the PDF manual, you need to install asciidoctor-pdf as well
70 and make it available for execution:
72 $ gem install --pre asciidoctor-pdf
73 $ export PATH=~/.gem/ruby/2.3.0/bin:$PATH
75 Then, to build the PulseView manual, run:
79 Note: The stylesheet used is a lightly modified version of "Read The Docs"
80 from the Asciidoctor stylesheet factory:
81 https://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/#stylesheet-factory