2 ========================
4 * Open your web browser and go to the pump.io server where your account is.
6 * Get the name of the cookie that the browser uses (in Iceweasel, go to Edit >
7 Preferences > Privacy > Remove cookies individually, search for the cookie,
8 and copy the "content")
9 * Paste the content in the corresponding setting in the script (Warning! 2 places: line 9 (variable, not working yet) and line 23 (the wget command)
10 * Complete the rest of the settings with your info: pumpserver, your account, the folders where backups will be stored.
11 * You can learn the total number of messages (people you follow) going to
13 https://yourPumpServer/api/user/yourUsername/feed
15 and go to the bottom of that page, and look for the string "totalItems:"
17 * When you are done, save and close.
18 * Create the folder to store the backup, if it does not exist yet.
19 * Make the script executable. In your terminal:
21 $ chmod +x ./pumpbackup.sh
23 * Run the script from the commandline:
27 You'll get, in your backup folder, a compressed file with a JSON file for each 200 activities of your feed (major+minor).
29 I suggest to use the JSONView Firefox (and derivatives) add-on to view the JSON files coloured and indented in your web browser.