Fixed DevStudio 2003 build with memory check code.
[pwlib.git] / tools / MsDevWizard / MsDevWizardAw.h
1 #if !defined(AFX_MSDEVWIZARDAW_H__22F027AC_345E_11D2_A1BE_444553540000__INCLUDED_)
2 #define AFX_MSDEVWIZARDAW_H__22F027AC_345E_11D2_A1BE_444553540000__INCLUDED_
4 // MsDevWizardaw.h : header file
5 //
7 class CDialogChooser;
9 // All function calls made by mfcapwz.dll to this custom AppWizard (except for
10 // GetCustomAppWizClass-- see MsDevWizard.cpp) are through this class. You may
11 // choose to override more of the CCustomAppWiz virtual functions here to
12 // further specialize the behavior of this custom AppWizard.
13 class CMsDevWizardAppWiz : public CCustomAppWiz
15 public:
16 BOOL m_has_http;
17 BOOL m_is_service;
18 BOOL m_has_gui;
19 BOOL m_use_dlls;
20 CString m_pwlib_dir;
21 virtual CAppWizStepDlg* Next(CAppWizStepDlg* pDlg);
22 virtual CAppWizStepDlg* Back(CAppWizStepDlg* pDlg);
24 virtual void InitCustomAppWiz();
25 virtual void ExitCustomAppWiz();
26 virtual void CustomizeProject(IBuildProject* pProject);
28 protected:
29 CDialogChooser* m_pChooser;
32 // This declares the one instance of the CMsDevWizardAppWiz class. You can access
33 // m_Dictionary and any other public members of this class through the
34 // global MsDevWizardaw. (Its definition is in MsDevWizardaw.cpp.)
35 extern CMsDevWizardAppWiz MsDevWizardaw;
38 // Microsoft Developer Studio will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
40 #endif // !defined(AFX_MSDEVWIZARDAW_H__22F027AC_345E_11D2_A1BE_444553540000__INCLUDED_)