1 # Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="Console" - Package Owner=<4>
2 # Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00
5 # TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Static Library" 0x0104
7 CFG=Console - Win32 Debug
8 !MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,
9 !MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run
11 !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "Console.mak".
13 !MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
14 !MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
16 !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "Console.mak" CFG="Console - Win32 Debug"
18 !MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
20 !MESSAGE "Console - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library")
21 !MESSAGE "Console - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library")
25 # PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 1
26 # PROP Scc_ProjName ""
27 # PROP Scc_LocalPath ""
31 !IF "$(CFG)" == "Console - Win32 Release"
34 # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
35 # PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release"
36 # PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release"
37 # PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
39 # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
40 # PROP Output_Dir "..\..\..\Lib"
41 # PROP Intermediate_Dir "..\..\..\Lib\Release"
43 # ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /YX /c
44 # ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W4 /GR /GX /Zi /O2 /Ob2 /I "..\..\..\include" /D "NDEBUG" /D "PTRACING" /Yu"ptlib.h" /Fd"..\..\..\Lib\PTLib.pdb" /FD /c
45 # ADD BASE RSC /l 0xc09
48 # ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
49 # ADD BSC32 /nologo /o"Lib/PTLib.bsc"
51 # ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo
52 # ADD LIB32 /nologo /out:"..\..\..\Lib\ptlibs.lib"
54 !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Console - Win32 Debug"
57 # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
58 # PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug"
59 # PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
60 # PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
62 # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
63 # PROP Output_Dir "..\..\..\Lib"
64 # PROP Intermediate_Dir "..\..\..\Lib\Debug"
66 # ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /Z7 /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /YX /c
67 # ADD CPP /nologo /MDd /W4 /GR /GX /Zi /Od /I "..\..\..\include" /D "_DEBUG" /D "PTRACING" /FR /Yu"ptlib.h" /Fd"..\..\..\Lib\PTLibd.pdb" /FD /c
68 # ADD BASE RSC /l 0xc09
71 # ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
72 # ADD BSC32 /nologo /o"..\..\..\Lib\PTLib.bsc"
74 # ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo
75 # ADD LIB32 /nologo /out:"..\..\..\Lib\ptlibsd.lib"
81 # Name "Console - Win32 Release"
82 # Name "Console - Win32 Debug"
83 # Begin Group "Source Files"
85 # PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;hpj;bat;for;f90"
89 # ADD CPP /Yc"ptlib.h"
93 SOURCE=..\common\collect.cxx
97 SOURCE=..\common\contain.cxx
105 SOURCE=..\common\getdate.y
107 !IF "$(CFG)" == "Console - Win32 Release"
110 InputPath=..\common\getdate.y
112 "../common/getdate_tab.c" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
113 bison -o ../common/getdate_tab.c ../common/getdate.y
117 !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Console - Win32 Debug"
120 InputPath=..\common\getdate.y
122 "../common/getdate_tab.c" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
123 bison -o ../common/getdate_tab.c ../common/getdate.y
132 SOURCE=..\common\getdate_tab.c
134 !IF "$(CFG)" == "Console - Win32 Release"
137 # SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu
139 !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Console - Win32 Debug"
141 # SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu
156 SOURCE=..\common\notifier_ext.cxx
160 SOURCE=..\common\object.cxx
164 SOURCE=..\common\osutils.cxx
168 SOURCE=..\Common\pchannel.cxx
172 SOURCE=..\Common\pconfig.cxx
176 SOURCE=..\common\pethsock.cxx
184 SOURCE=..\common\pipechan.cxx
188 SOURCE=..\common\pluginmgr.cxx
192 SOURCE=..\common\ptime.cxx
200 SOURCE=..\common\pvidchan.cxx
204 SOURCE=..\common\qos.cxx
212 SOURCE=..\common\safecoll.cxx
216 SOURCE=..\Common\serial.cxx
220 SOURCE=..\common\sfile.cxx
224 SOURCE=..\common\sockets.cxx
228 SOURCE=..\common\sound.cxx
232 SOURCE=.\sound_win32.cxx
240 SOURCE=..\common\vconvert.cxx
244 SOURCE=..\common\vfakeio.cxx
252 SOURCE=..\common\videoio.cxx
264 SOURCE=.\winserial.cxx
271 # Begin Group "Header Files"
273 # PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;fi;fd"
274 # Begin Group "Common"
276 # PROP Default_Filter ""
279 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Args.h
283 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Array.h
287 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Channel.h
291 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Config.h
295 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Contain.h
299 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\critsec.h
303 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Dict.h
307 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Dynalink.h
311 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Ethsock.h
315 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\File.h
319 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\filepath.h
323 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Icmpsock.h
327 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Indchan.h
331 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Ipdsock.h
335 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\ipsock.h
339 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\ipxsock.h
343 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Lists.h
347 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Mail.h
351 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\mutex.h
355 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\notifier_ext.h
359 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\object.h
363 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Pdirect.h
367 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Pipechan.h
371 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\plugin.h
375 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\pluginmgr.h
379 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\pprocess.h
383 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Pstring.h
387 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Ptime.h
391 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Remconn.h
395 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\safecoll.h
399 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\semaphor.h
403 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Serchan.h
407 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Sfile.h
411 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\socket.h
415 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\sockets.h
419 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Sound.h
423 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\spxsock.h
427 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Svcproc.h
431 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\syncpoint.h
435 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\syncthrd.h
439 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Tcpsock.h
443 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Textfile.h
447 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\thread.h
451 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Timeint.h
455 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Timer.h
459 SOURCE=..\..\..\Include\PtLib\Udpsock.h
463 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\vconvert.h
467 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\videoio.h
472 # PROP Default_Filter ""
475 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\channel.h
479 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\config.h
483 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\contain.h
487 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\critsec.h
491 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\debstrm.h
495 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\dynalink.h
499 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\epacket.h
503 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\ethsock.h
507 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\file.h
511 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\filepath.h
515 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\icmpsock.h
519 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\ipdsock.h
523 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\ipsock.h
527 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\ipxsock.h
531 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\mail.h
535 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\mutex.h
539 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\pdirect.h
543 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\pipechan.h
547 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\pprocess.h
551 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\ptime.h
555 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\remconn.h
559 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\semaphor.h
563 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\serchan.h
567 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\sfile.h
571 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\socket.h
575 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\spxsock.h
579 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\svcproc.h
583 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\syncpoint.h
587 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\tcpsock.h
591 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\textfile.h
595 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\thread.h
599 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\timeint.h
603 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\timer.h
607 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\udpsock.h
611 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\videoio.h
616 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptbuildopts.h
620 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptbuildopts.h.in
622 !IF "$(CFG)" == "Console - Win32 Release"
624 # Begin Custom Build - Configuring Build Options
625 InputDir=\Work\pwlib\include
626 InputPath=..\..\..\include\ptbuildopts.h.in
628 "$(InputDir)\ptbuildopts.h" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
630 .\configure --exclude-env=MSVC_PWLIB_CONFIGURE_EXCLUDE_DIRS
634 !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Console - Win32 Debug"
636 # Begin Custom Build - Configuring Build Options
637 InputDir=\Work\pwlib\include
638 InputPath=..\..\..\include\ptbuildopts.h.in
640 "$(InputDir)\ptbuildopts.h" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
642 .\configure --exclude-env=MSVC_PWLIB_CONFIGURE_EXCLUDE_DIRS
650 # Begin Group "Inlines"
652 # PROP Default_Filter ".inl"
655 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\contain.inl
659 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\osutil.inl
663 SOURCE=..\..\..\include\ptlib\msos\ptlib\ptlib.inl
666 # Begin Group "Regex"
668 # PROP Default_Filter ""
671 SOURCE=..\common\regex\regcomp.c
672 # ADD CPP /W1 /I "..\common\regex"
673 # SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu
677 SOURCE=..\common\regex\regerror.c
678 # ADD CPP /W1 /I "..\common\regex"
679 # SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu
683 SOURCE=..\common\regex\regexec.c
684 # ADD CPP /W1 /I "..\common\regex"
685 # SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu
689 SOURCE=..\common\regex\regfree.c
690 # ADD CPP /W1 /I "..\common\regex"
691 # SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu