2 "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
5 <title>pyTivo - ToGo</title>
6 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/main.css">
9 <form action="/TiVoConnect" method="POST">
10 <p id="titlep"><span id="title">
11 <a href="/">pyTivo</a> /
13 <a href="/TiVoConnect?Command=NPL&Container=$quote($container)&TiVo=$tivoIP">
19 #set $folders = $title.split('/')[1:]
20 #for $f in $folders[:-1]
31 <tr><td colspan="5">
32 #set $Offset = -($ItemStart + 1)
33 #if $Offset < -($shows_per_page+1)
34 #set $Offset = -($shows_per_page+1)
36 <a href="/TiVoConnect?Command=NPL&Container=$quote($container)&TiVo=$tivoIP&AnchorItem=$FirstAnchor&AnchorOffset=$Offset&Folder=$quote($folder)">Previous Page</a>
40 ## i variable is used to alternate colors of row
41 ## loop through passed data printing row for each show or folder
45 <tr class="row$(j)">
46 #if $row['ContentType'].startswith('x-tivo-container')
49 <td><img src="/folder.png" alt=""></td>
50 <td class="progmain"><a href='/TiVoConnect?Command=NPL&Container=$quote($container)&Folder=$quote(row["Url"])&TiVo=$tivoIP'>$row['Title'] </a></td>
51 <td class="progsize">$row["TotalItems"] Items</td>
52 <td class="progdate">$row["LastChangeDate"]</td>
56 #if 'Url' in $row and not ($row['Url'] in $status and ($status[$row['Url']]['running'] or $status[$row['Url']]['queued'])) and not ('CopyProtected' in $row and $row['CopyProtected'] == 'Yes') and not ('Icon' in $row and $row['Icon'] == 'urn:tivo:image:in-progress-recording')
57 <input type="checkbox" name="Url" value="$row['Url']">
61 #if 'CopyProtected' in $row and $row['CopyProtected'] == 'Yes'
62 <img src="/nocopy.png" alt="">
63 #elif 'Icon' in $row
64 <!-- Display icons similar to TiVo colored circles -->
65 #if $row['Icon'] == 'urn:tivo:image:expires-soon-recording'
66 <img src="/soon.png" alt="">
67 #else if $row['Icon'] == 'urn:tivo:image:expired-recording'
68 <img src="/expired.png" alt="">
69 #else if $row['Icon'] == 'urn:tivo:image:save-until-i-delete-recording'
70 <img src="/kuid.png" alt="">
71 #else if $row['Icon'] == 'urn:tivo:image:in-progress-recording'
72 <img src="/recording.png" alt="">
76 <td class="progmain">
77 #if 'episodeTitle' in $row
78 <span class="progtitle">$row['title']: $row['episodeTitle']</span>
80 <span class="progtitle">$row['title']</span>
82 <span class="progdesc">#if 'description' in $row
85 #if 'displayMajorNumber' in $row and 'callsign' in $row
86 $row['displayMajorNumber'] $row['callsign']
89 #if 'Url' in $row and row['Url'] in $status
90 #set $this_status = $status[$row['Url']]
91 #if $this_status['running'] and $this_status['rate'] != ""
92 <div class="transferring">
93 #set $gb = '%.3f GB' % (float($this_status['size']) / (1024 ** 3))
94 Transfering - $this_status['rate']<br>$gb
95 <a href="/TiVoConnect?Command=ToGoStop&Container=$quote($container)&Url=$quote($row['Url'])">Stop Transfer</a>
97 #elif $this_status['running'] and $this_status['rate'] == ""
98 <div class="transferring">
99 Initiating Transfer<br>
102 #elif $this_status['error']
103 <div class="failed">
104 Error - $this_status['error']<br>
106 #elif $this_status['finished']
110 #elif $this_status['queued']
111 <div class="queued">
112 Queued: $queue.index($row['Url'])<br>
113 <a href="/TiVoConnect?Command=Unqueue&Container=$quote($container)&Url=$quote($row['Url'])&TiVo=$tivoIP">Unqueue</a>
118 <td class="progsize">
119 #if 'SourceSize' in $row
123 #if 'Duration' in $row
127 <td class="progdate">
128 #if 'CaptureDate' in $row
129 $row['CaptureDate']
135 #if ($TotalItems - $ItemCount) > ($ItemStart + 1)
136 <tr><td colspan="5">
137 #set $Offset = $shows_per_page - 1
138 <a href="/TiVoConnect?Command=NPL&Container=$quote($container)&TiVo=$tivoIP&AnchorItem=$FirstAnchor&AnchorOffset=$Offset&Folder=$quote($folder)">Next Page</a>
143 <input type="hidden" name="Command" value="ToGo">
144 <input type="hidden" name="Container" value="$container">
145 <input type="hidden" name="TiVo" value="$tivoIP">
146 #if $has_tivodecode
147 <input type="checkbox" name="decode">Decrypt with tivodecode<br>
149 <input type="checkbox" name="save">Save metadata to .txt<br>
151 <input type="checkbox" name="ts_format">Transfer as mpeg-ts<br>
155 <input value="Transfer Selected" type="submit">