a collection of generally useful routines
(and experimental algorithms :)
- general maths (most functions support both scalars and list/array-likes)
- factorials
- fast sum of series 1,2,3,4,5 ... N
- number of sequences of N size taken from a set of K size
- number of places a sequence of length N can be subdivided
- round N to nearest power of B
- convert a power of B, N, to an exponent of B, such that B**E == N
- find common denominator
- find all integers that divide evenly into N
- linear/spline interpolation of a 1d series of values
- binary representation of a number
- spatial maths
- subclassable Grid type
- grid snapping and 'is-in-cell'
- polar/cartesian transform
- polar distance
- calculate triple of weights based on position in triangle
- randomization
- return true P% of the time
- weighted sampling from a set of items
- fill weighted boxes in a roughly even way
- randomly dispense contents of a box
- convert nested percentage weights to flat 0..1 weights
- dice roll (single, and iterative/infinite)
- chain iterator, which yields values while percentage chance of success
rolls succeed, and stops as soon as they fail.
Like OHRRPGCE 'chain attack/ chain %' option
- misc
- find numeric limits of data types (builtin types or simple numpy types)
- sort sequence according to template
- reverse of zip (flat sequence a,b,c,a,b,c,a,b,c -> a,b,c tuples)
- easily read every line or every byte of a file
- calculate minimum number of bits required to store a given integer.
- quickly set multiple attributes on an object
- Metadata class for easy management of metadata,
with yaml serialization support.
just Python 2.5, as far as I know.
pyYAML is required if you want to de/serialize metadata from/to YAML.
having NumPy installed will make certain parts of the API more
flexible and much faster, though. (eg. sum of series 1,2,3,4,5...N can be
calculated using a single polynomial evaluation)
Matplotlib might be eventually required for generating function plots
in docs.
it will not be required for just using ion.