6 * Python_ version 2.4 or newer.\ [#]_
8 If it is missing on your machine, you can get it from
9 http://www.python.org/download/
11 .. [#] Version 2.3 should work as long as you do not use the
20 There are no file releases yet. You get the most up to date version from
21 the `SVN repository`_.
24 A simple starter and configuration wrapper (see installation_).
27 unit tests for the `pylit` module
32 * Docutils_ or Sphinx_ for conversion of reStructuredText to HTML or PDF
33 (not strictly required by PyLit but needed for "pretty printing" the text
36 * `Editor Support for reStructuredText`_
38 * `pylit functions`_ for the `JED editor`_
41 http://developer.berlios.de/svn/?group_id=7974
43 http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/pylit/trunk/src/pylit.py
45 http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/pylit/trunk/test/pylit_test.py
47 .. _Docutils: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/
48 .. _Sphinx: http://sphinx.pocoo.org/
49 .. _`Editor Support for reStructuredText`:
50 http://docutils.sourceforge.net/tools/editors/README.html
51 .. _`pylit functions`: http://jedmodes.sourceforge.net/mode/pylit/
52 .. _`JED editor`: http://www.jedsoft.org/jed/
58 As `PyLit` is a pure Python module, installation is straightforward:
60 * Put `pylit.py`_ in Python's `Module Search Path`_.
62 You can now call the script with ::
64 python -m pylit OPTIONS INFILE [OUTFILE]
68 python -m pylit --help
70 * Easier invocation is possible with a small executable wrapper in the PATH.
71 On Unix you can use a script like pylit_:
76 This has two advantages:
78 #. `Command line use`_ is simplified.
79 #. `Default settings`_ can be customised without changing the module file.
81 .. _Python: http://www.python.org
82 .. _module search path:
83 http://docs.python.org/tut/node8.html#SECTION008110000000000000000
85 .. _command line use: ../usage/index.html#command-line-use
86 .. _default settings: ../usage/index.html#defaults