Merge pull request #5 from cuihantao/master
[pylon.git] / pylon /
1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 # Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Richard Lincoln
4 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 #
10 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 # limitations under the License.
15 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 """ Defines an IPOPT OPF solver.
18 """
20 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 # Imports:
22 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 import pyipopt #
26 from numpy import Inf, ones, r_, zeros
28 from scipy.sparse import vstack, tril
30 from pylon.solver import PIPSSolver
32 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 # "IPOPFSolver" class:
34 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 class IPOPFSolver(PIPSSolver):
37 """ Solves AC optimal power flow using IPOPT.
38 """
40 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 # PIPSSolver interface:
42 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 def _solve(self, x0, A, l, u, xmin, xmax):
45 """ Solves using the Interior Point OPTimizer.
46 """
47 # Indexes of constrained lines.
48 il = [i for i,ln in enumerate(self._ln) if 0.0 < ln.rate_a < 1e10]
49 nl2 = len(il)
51 neqnln = 2 * self._nb # no. of non-linear equality constraints
52 niqnln = 2 * len(il) # no. of lines with constraints
54 user_data = {"A": A, "neqnln": neqnln, "niqnln": niqnln}
56 self._f(x0)
57 Jdata = self._dg(x0, False, user_data)
58 # Hdata = self._h(x0, ones(neqnln + niqnln), None, False, user_data)
60 lmbda = {"eqnonlin": ones(neqnln),
61 "ineqnonlin": ones(niqnln)}
62 H = tril(self._hessfcn(x0, lmbda), format="coo")
63 self._Hrow, self._Hcol = H.row, H.col
65 n = len(x0) # the number of variables
66 xl = xmin
67 xu = xmax
68 gl = r_[zeros(2 * self._nb), -Inf * ones(2 * nl2), l]
69 gu = r_[zeros(2 * self._nb), zeros(2 * nl2), u]
70 m = len(gl) # the number of constraints
71 nnzj = len(Jdata) # the number of nonzeros in Jacobian matrix
72 nnzh = 0#len( # the number of non-zeros in Hessian matrix
74 f_fcn, df_fcn, g_fcn, dg_fcn, h_fcn = \
75 self._f, self._df, self._g, self._dg, self._h
77 nlp = pyipopt.create(n, xl, xu, m, gl, gu, nnzj, nnzh,
78 f_fcn, df_fcn, g_fcn, dg_fcn)#, h_fcn)
80 # print dir(nlp)
81 # nlp.str_option("print_options_documentation", "yes")
82 # nlp.int_option("max_iter", 10)
84 # x, zl, zu, obj = nlp.solve(x0)
85 success = nlp.solve(x0, user_data)
86 nlp.close()
88 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
89 # IPOPFSolver interface:
90 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
92 def _g(self, x, user_data):
93 A = user_data["A"]
94 h, g = self._gh(x)
95 if A is None:
96 b = r_[g, h]
97 else:
98 b = r_[g, h, A * x]
99 return b
102 def _dg(self, x, flag, user_data):
103 A = user_data["A"]
104 dh, dg = self._dgh(x)
105 if A is None:
106 J = vstack([dg.T, dh.T], "coo")
107 else:
108 J = vstack([dg.T, dh.T, A], "coo")
109 if flag:
110 # return (J.row, J.col)
111 return (J.col, J.row)
112 else:
113 return
116 def _h(self, x, lagrange, obj_factor, flag, user_data=None):
117 if flag:
118 # return (self._Hrow, self._Hcol)
119 return (self._Hcol, self._Hrow)
120 else:
121 neqnln = user_data["neqnln"]
122 niqnln = user_data["niqnln"]
123 lmbda = {"eqnonlin": lagrange[:neqnln],
124 "ineqnonlin": lagrange[neqnln:neqnln + niqnln]}
125 H = tril(self._hessfcn(x, lmbda), format="coo")
126 return
128 # EOF -------------------------------------------------------------------------