Merge pull request #5 from cuihantao/master
[pylon.git] / pylon /
1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 # Copyright (C) 1996-2010 Power System Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
3 # Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Richard Lincoln
5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 #
11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 # limitations under the License.
16 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 """ Defines a generalised OPF solver and an OPF model.
20 Based on opf.m from MATPOWER by Ray Zimmerman, developed at PSERC Cornell.
21 See U{} for more info.
22 """
24 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 # Imports:
26 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 import logging
29 import random
31 from time import time
33 from numpy import \
34 array, pi, diff, Inf, ones, r_, float64, zeros, arctan2, sin, cos
36 from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix, csr_matrix, hstack
38 from util import _Named, fair_max
39 from case import REFERENCE
40 from generator import PW_LINEAR
41 from solver import DCOPFSolver, PIPSSolver
43 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 # Logging:
45 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
49 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 # "OPF" class:
51 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
53 class OPF(object):
54 """ Defines a generalised OPF solver.
56 Based on opf.m from MATPOWER by Ray Zimmerman, developed at PSERC
57 Cornell. See U{} for more info.
58 """
60 def __init__(self, case, dc=True, ignore_ang_lim=True, opt=None):
61 """ Initialises a new OPF instance.
62 """
63 #: Case under optimisation.
64 = case
66 #: Use DC power flow formulation.
67 self.dc = dc
69 #: Ignore angle difference limits for branches even if specified.
70 self.ignore_ang_lim = ignore_ang_lim
72 #: Solver options (See for futher details).
73 self.opt = {} if opt is None else opt
75 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
76 # Public interface:
77 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 def solve(self, solver_klass=None):
80 """ Solves an optimal power flow and returns a results dictionary.
81 """
82 # Start the clock.
83 t0 = time()
85 # Build an OPF model with variables and constraints.
86 om = self._construct_opf_model(
87 if om is None:
88 return {"converged": False, "output": {"message": "No Ref Bus."}}
90 # Call the specific solver.
91 # if self.opt["verbose"]:
92 # print '\nPYLON Version %s, %s', "0.4.2", "April 2010"
93 if solver_klass is not None:
94 result = solver_klass(om, opt=self.opt).solve()
95 elif self.dc:
96 # if self.opt["verbose"]:
97 # print ' -- DC Optimal Power Flow\n'
98 result = DCOPFSolver(om, opt=self.opt).solve()
99 else:
100 # if self.opt["verbose"]:
101 # print ' -- AC Optimal Power Flow\n'
102 result = PIPSSolver(om, opt=self.opt).solve()
104 result["elapsed"] = time() - t0
106 if self.opt.has_key("verbose"):
107 if self.opt["verbose"]:
108"OPF completed in %.3fs." % result["elapsed"])
110 return result
112 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
113 # Private interface:
114 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
116 def _construct_opf_model(self, case):
117 """ Returns an OPF model.
119 # Zero the case result attributes.
122 base_mva = case.base_mva
124 # Check for one reference bus.
125 oneref, refs = self._ref_check(case)
126 if not oneref: #return {"status": "error"}
127 None
129 # Remove isolated components.
130 bs, ln, gn = self._remove_isolated(case)
132 # Update bus indexes.
135 # Convert single-block piecewise-linear costs into linear polynomial.
136 gn = self._pwl1_to_poly(gn)
138 # Set-up initial problem variables.
139 Va = self._get_voltage_angle_var(refs, bs)
140 Pg = self._get_pgen_var(gn, base_mva)
142 if self.dc: # DC model.
143 # Get the susceptance matrices and phase shift injection vectors.
144 B, Bf, Pbusinj, Pfinj =, ln)
146 # Power mismatch constraints (B*Va + Pg = Pd).
147 Pmis = self._power_mismatch_dc(bs, gn, B, Pbusinj, base_mva)
149 # Branch flow limit constraints.
150 Pf, Pt = self._branch_flow_dc(ln, Bf, Pfinj, base_mva)
151 else:
152 # Set-up additional AC-OPF problem variables.
153 Vm = self._get_voltage_magnitude_var(bs, gn)
154 Qg = self._get_qgen_var(gn, base_mva)
156 Pmis, Qmis, Sf, St = self._nln_constraints(len(bs), len(ln))
158 vl = self._const_pf_constraints(gn, base_mva)
160 # TODO: Generator PQ capability curve constraints.
161 # PQh, PQl = self._pq_capability_curve_constraints(gn)
163 # Branch voltage angle difference limits.
164 ang = self._voltage_angle_diff_limit(bs, ln)
166 if self.dc:
167 vars = [Va, Pg]
168 constraints = [Pmis, Pf, Pt, ang]
169 else:
170 vars = [Va, Vm, Pg, Qg]
171 constraints = [Pmis, Qmis, Sf, St, #PQh, PQL,
172 vl, ang]
174 # Piece-wise linear generator cost constraints.
175 y, ycon = self._pwl_gen_costs(gn, base_mva)
177 if ycon is not None:
178 vars.append(y)
179 constraints.append(ycon)
181 # Add variables and constraints to the OPF model object.
182 opf = OPFModel(case)
183 opf.add_vars(vars)
184 opf.add_constraints(constraints)
186 if self.dc: # user data
187 opf._Bf = Bf
188 opf._Pfinj = Pfinj
190 return opf
193 def _ref_check(self, case):
194 """ Checks that there is only one reference bus.
196 refs = [bus._i for bus in case.buses if bus.type == REFERENCE]
198 if len(refs) == 1:
199 return True, refs
200 else:
201 logger.error("OPF requires a single reference bus.")
202 return False, refs
205 def _remove_isolated(self, case):
206 """ Returns non-isolated case components.
208 # case.deactivate_isolated()
209 buses = case.connected_buses
210 branches = case.online_branches
211 gens = case.online_generators
213 return buses, branches, gens
216 def _pwl1_to_poly(self, generators):
217 """ Converts single-block piecewise-linear costs into linear
218 polynomial.
220 for g in generators:
221 if (g.pcost_model == PW_LINEAR) and (len(g.p_cost) == 2):
222 g.pwl_to_poly()
224 return generators
226 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
227 # Optimisation variables:
228 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
230 def _get_voltage_angle_var(self, refs, buses):
231 """ Returns the voltage angle variable set.
233 Va = array([b.v_angle * (pi / 180.0) for b in buses])
235 Vau = Inf * ones(len(buses))
236 Val = -Vau
237 Vau[refs] = Va[refs]
238 Val[refs] = Va[refs]
240 return Variable("Va", len(buses), Va, Val, Vau)
243 def _get_voltage_magnitude_var(self, buses, generators):
244 """ Returns the voltage magnitude variable set.
246 Vm = array([b.v_magnitude for b in buses])
248 # For buses with generators initialise Vm from gen data.
249 for g in generators:
250 Vm[g.bus._i] = g.v_magnitude
252 Vmin = array([b.v_min for b in buses])
253 Vmax = array([b.v_max for b in buses])
255 return Variable("Vm", len(buses), Vm, Vmin, Vmax)
258 def _get_pgen_var(self, generators, base_mva):
259 """ Returns the generator active power set-point variable.
261 Pg = array([g.p / base_mva for g in generators])
263 Pmin = array([g.p_min / base_mva for g in generators])
264 Pmax = array([g.p_max / base_mva for g in generators])
266 return Variable("Pg", len(generators), Pg, Pmin, Pmax)
269 def _get_qgen_var(self, generators, base_mva):
270 """ Returns the generator reactive power variable set.
272 Qg = array([g.q / base_mva for g in generators])
274 Qmin = array([g.q_min / base_mva for g in generators])
275 Qmax = array([g.q_max / base_mva for g in generators])
277 return Variable("Qg", len(generators), Qg, Qmin, Qmax)
279 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
280 # Constraints:
281 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
283 def _nln_constraints(self, nb, nl):
284 """ Returns non-linear constraints for OPF.
286 Pmis = NonLinearConstraint("Pmis", nb)
287 Qmis = NonLinearConstraint("Qmis", nb)
288 Sf = NonLinearConstraint("Sf", nl)
289 St = NonLinearConstraint("St", nl)
291 return Pmis, Qmis, Sf, St
294 def _power_mismatch_dc(self, buses, generators, B, Pbusinj, base_mva):
295 """ Returns the power mismatch constraint (B*Va + Pg = Pd).
297 nb, ng = len(buses), len(generators)
298 # Negative bus-generator incidence matrix.
299 gen_bus = array([g.bus._i for g in generators])
300 neg_Cg = csr_matrix((-ones(ng), (gen_bus, range(ng))), (nb, ng))
302 Amis = hstack([B, neg_Cg], format="csr")
304 Pd = array([bus.p_demand for bus in buses])
305 Gs = array([bus.g_shunt for bus in buses])
307 bmis = -(Pd - Gs) / base_mva - Pbusinj
309 return LinearConstraint("Pmis", Amis, bmis, bmis, ["Va", "Pg"])
312 def _branch_flow_dc(self, branches, Bf, Pfinj, base_mva):
313 """ Returns the branch flow limit constraint. The real power flows
314 at the from end the lines are related to the bus voltage angles by
315 Pf = Bf * Va + Pfinj.
317 # Indexes of constrained lines.
318 il = array([i for i,l in enumerate(branches) if 0.0 < l.rate_a < 1e10])
319 lpf = -Inf * ones(len(il))
320 rate_a = array([l.rate_a / base_mva for l in branches])
321 upf = rate_a[il] - Pfinj[il]
322 upt = rate_a[il] + Pfinj[il]
324 Pf = LinearConstraint("Pf", Bf[il, :], lpf, upf, ["Va"])
325 Pt = LinearConstraint("Pt", -Bf[il, :], lpf, upt, ["Va"])
327 return Pf, Pt
330 def _const_pf_constraints(self, gn, base_mva):
331 """ Returns a linear constraint enforcing constant power factor for
332 dispatchable loads.
334 The power factor is derived from the original value of Pmin and either
335 Qmin (for inductive loads) or Qmax (for capacitive loads). If both Qmin
336 and Qmax are zero, this implies a unity power factor without the need
337 for an additional constraint.
339 ivl = array([i for i, g in enumerate(gn)
340 if g.is_load and (g.q_min != 0.0 or g.q_max != 0.0)])
341 vl = [gn[i] for i in ivl]
342 nvl = len(vl)
344 ng = len(gn)
345 Pg = array([g.p for g in vl]) / base_mva
346 Qg = array([g.q for g in vl]) / base_mva
347 Pmin = array([g.p_min for g in vl]) / base_mva
348 Qmin = array([g.q_min for g in vl]) / base_mva
349 Qmax = array([g.q_max for g in vl]) / base_mva
351 # At least one of the Q limits must be zero (corresponding to Pmax==0).
352 for g in vl:
353 if g.qmin != 0.0 and g.q_max != 0.0:
354 logger.error("Either Qmin or Qmax must be equal to zero for "
355 "each dispatchable load.")
357 # Initial values of PG and QG must be consistent with specified power
358 # factor. This is to prevent a user from unknowingly using a case file
359 # which would have defined a different power factor constraint under a
360 # previous version which used PG and QG to define the power factor.
361 Qlim = (Qmin == 0.0) * Qmax + (Qmax == 0.0) * Qmin
362 if any( abs(Qg - Pg * Qlim / Pmin) > 1e-6 ):
363 logger.error("For a dispatchable load, PG and QG must be "
364 "consistent with the power factor defined by "
365 "PMIN and the Q limits.")
367 # Make Avl, lvl, uvl, for lvl <= Avl * r_[Pg, Qg] <= uvl
368 if nvl > 0:
369 xx = Pmin
370 yy = Qlim
371 pftheta = arctan2(yy, xx)
372 pc = sin(pftheta)
373 qc = -cos(pftheta)
374 ii = array([range(nvl), range(nvl)])
375 jj = r_[ivl, ivl + ng]
376 Avl = csr_matrix(r_[pc, qc], (ii, jj), (nvl, 2 * ng))
377 lvl = zeros(nvl)
378 uvl = lvl
379 else:
380 Avl = zeros((0, 2 * ng))
381 lvl = array([])
382 uvl = array([])
384 return LinearConstraint("vl", Avl, lvl, uvl, ["Pg", "Qg"])
387 def _voltage_angle_diff_limit(self, buses, branches):
388 """ Returns the constraint on the branch voltage angle differences.
390 nb = len(buses)
392 if not self.ignore_ang_lim:
393 iang = [i for i, b in enumerate(branches)
394 if (b.ang_min and (b.ang_min > -360.0))
395 or (b.ang_max and (b.ang_max < 360.0))]
396 iangl = array([i for i, b in enumerate(branches)
397 if b.ang_min is not None])[iang]
398 iangh = array([i for i, b in enumerate(branches)
399 if b.ang_max is not None])[iang]
400 nang = len(iang)
402 if nang > 0:
403 ii = range(nang) + range(nang)
404 jjf = array([b.from_bus._i for b in branches])[iang]
405 jjt = array([b.to_bus._i for b in branches])[iang]
406 jj = r_[jjf, jjt]
407 Aang = csr_matrix(r_[ones(nang), -ones(nang)], (ii, jj))
408 uang = Inf * ones(nang)
409 lang = -uang
410 lang[iangl] = array([b.ang_min * (pi / 180.0)
411 for b in branches])[iangl]
412 uang[iangh] = array([b.ang_max * (pi / 180.0)
413 for b in branches])[iangh]
414 else:
415 # Aang = csr_matrix((0, nb), dtype=float64)
416 # lang = array([], dtype=float64)
417 # uang = array([], dtype=float64)
418 Aang = zeros((0, nb))
419 lang = array([])
420 uang = array([])
421 else:
422 # Aang = csr_matrix((0, nb), dtype=float64)
423 # lang = array([], dtype=float64)
424 # uang = array([], dtype=float64)
425 # iang = array([], dtype=float64)
426 Aang = zeros((0, nb))
427 lang = array([])
428 uang = array([])
430 return LinearConstraint("ang", Aang, lang, uang, ["Va"])
433 def _pwl_gen_costs(self, generators, base_mva):
434 """ Returns the basin constraints for piece-wise linear gen cost
435 variables. CCV cost formulation expressed as Ay * x <= by.
437 Based on makeAy.m from MATPOWER by C. E. Murillo-Sanchez, developed at
438 PSERC Cornell. See U{} for more
439 information.
441 ng = len(generators)
442 gpwl = [g for g in generators if g.pcost_model == PW_LINEAR]
443 # nq = len([g for g in gpwl if g.qcost_model is not None])
445 if self.dc:
446 pgbas = 0 # starting index within x for active sources
447 nq = 0 # number of Qg vars
448 # qgbas = None # index of 1st Qg column in Ay
449 ybas = ng # starting index within x for y variables
450 else:
451 pgbas = 0
452 nq = ng
453 # qgbas = ng + 1 # index of 1st Qg column in Ay
454 ybas = ng + nq
456 # Number of extra y variables.
457 ny = len(gpwl)
459 if ny == 0:
460 return None, None
462 # Total number of cost points.
463 nc = len([co for gn in gpwl for co in gn.p_cost])
464 # Ay = lil_matrix((nc - ny, ybas + ny))
465 # Fill rows and then transpose.
466 Ay = lil_matrix((ybas + ny, nc - ny))
467 by = array([])
469 j = 0
470 k = 0
471 for i, g in enumerate(gpwl):
472 # Number of cost points: segments = ns-1
473 ns = len(g.p_cost)
475 p = array([x / base_mva for x, c in g.p_cost])
476 c = array([c for x, c in g.p_cost])
477 m = diff(c) / diff(p) # Slopes for Pg (or Qg).
479 if 0.0 in diff(p):
480 raise ValueError, "Bad Pcost data: %s (%s)" % (p,
481 logger.error("Bad Pcost data: %s" % p)
483 b = m * p[:ns-1] - c[:ns-1] # rhs
484 by = r_[by, b.T]
486 # if i > ng:
487 # sidx = qgbas + (i-ng) - 1 # this was for a q cost
488 # else:
489 # sidx = pgbas + i - 1 # this was for a p cost
491 Ay[pgbas + i, k:k + ns - 1] = m
493 # FIXME: Repeat for Q costs.
495 # Now fill the y rows with -1's
496 Ay[ybas + j, k:k + ns - 1] = -ones(ns-1)
498 k += (ns - 1)
499 j += 1
501 y = Variable("y", ny)
503 # Transpose Ay since lil_matrix stores in rows.
504 if self.dc:
505 ycon = LinearConstraint("ycon", Ay.T, None, by, ["Pg", "y"])
506 else:
507 ycon = LinearConstraint("ycon", Ay.T, None, by, ["Pg", "Qg","y"])
509 return y, ycon
511 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
512 # "UDOPF" class:
513 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
515 class UDOPF(OPF):
516 """ The standard OPF formulation has no mechanism for completely shutting
517 down generators which are very expensive to operate. Instead they are
518 simply dispatched at their minimum generation limits. PYLON includes the
519 capability to run an optimal power flow combined with a unit decommitment
520 for a single time period, which allows it to shut down these expensive
521 units and find a least cost commitment and dispatch.
523 Solves a combined unit decommitment and optimal power flow for a
524 single time period. Uses an algorithm similar to dynamic programming.
525 It proceeds through a sequence of stages, where stage N has N generators
526 shut down, starting with N=0. In each stage, it forms a list of candidates
527 (gens at their Pmin limits) and computes the cost with each one of them
528 shut down. It selects the least cost case as the starting point for the
529 next stage, continuing until there are no more candidates to be shut down
530 or no more improvement can be gained by shutting something down.
532 Based on uopf.m from MATPOWER by Ray Zimmerman, developed at PSERC
533 Cornell. See U{} for more info.
535 See also:
536 - Ray Zimmerman, "MATPOWER User's Manual", MATPOWER, PSERC Cornell,
537 version 3.2, U{}, Sept, 2007
540 def solve(self, solver_klass=None):
541 """ Solves the combined unit decommitment / optimal power flow problem.
543 case =
544 generators = case.online_generators
546"Solving OPF with unit de-commitment [%s]." %
548 t0 = time()
550 # 1. Begin at stage zero (N = 0), assuming all generators are on-line
551 # with all limits in place. At most one generator shutdown per stage.
552 i_stage = 0
554 # Check for sum(p_min) > total load, decommit as necessary.
555 online = [g for g in generators if not g.is_load]
556 online_vload = [g for g in generators if g.is_load]
558 # Total dispatchable load capacity.
559 vload_capacity = sum([g.p_min for g in online_vload])
560 # Total load capacity.
561 load_capacity = sum([b.p_demand for b in case.buses]) - vload_capacity
563 # Minimum total online generation capacity.
564 p_min_tot = sum([g.p_min for g in online])
566 # Shutdown the most expensive units until the minimum generation
567 # capacity is less than the total load capacity.
568 while p_min_tot > load_capacity:
569 i_stage += 1
570 logger.debug("De-commitment stage %d." % i_stage)
572 # Find generator with the maximum average cost at Pmin.
573 avg_pmin_cost = [g.total_cost(g.p_min) / g.p_min for g in online]
574 # Select at random from maximal generators with equal cost.
575 g_idx, _ = fair_max(avg_pmin_cost)
576 generator = online[g_idx]
578"Shutting down generator [%s] to satisfy all "
579 "p_min limits." %
581 # Shut down most expensive unit.
582 = False
584 # Update minimum generation capacity for while loop.
585 online = [g for g in case.online_generators if not g.is_load]
586 p_min_tot = sum([g.p_min for g in online])
588 # 2. Solve a normal OPF and save the solution as the current best.
589 solution = super(UDOPF, self).solve(solver_klass)
591 logger.debug("Initial system cost: $%.3f" % solution["f"])
593 if not solution["converged"] == True:
594 logger.error("Non-convergent UDOPF [%s]." %
595 solution["output"]["message"])
596 return solution
598 # 3. Go to the next stage, N = N + 1. Using the best solution from the
599 # previous stage as the base case for this stage, ...
601 # Best case so far. A list of the on-line status of all generators.
602 overall_online = [ for g in case.generators]
603 # The objective function value is the total system cost.
604 overall_cost = solution["f"]
606 # Best case for this stage.
607 stage_online = overall_online
608 stage_cost = overall_cost
610 # Shutdown at most one generator per stage.
611 while True:
612 # 4. Form a candidate list of generators with minimum
613 # generation limits binding.
615 # Activate generators according to the stage best.
616 for i, generator in enumerate(case.generators):
617 = stage_online[i]
619 # Get candidates for shutdown. Lagrangian multipliers are often
620 # very small so we round to four decimal places.
621 candidates = [g for g in case.online_generators if \
622 (round(g.mu_pmin, 4) > 0.0) and (g.p_min > 0.0)]
624 if len(candidates) == 0:
625 break
627 # Assume no improvement during this stage.
628 done = True
630 i_stage += 1
631 logger.debug("De-commitment stage %d." % i_stage)
633 for candidate in candidates:
634 # 5. For each generator on the candidate list, solve an OPF to
635 # find the total system cost with the generator shut down.
637 # Activate generators according to the stage best.
638 for i, generator in enumerate(case.generators):
639 = stage_online[i]
641 # Shutdown candidate generator.
642 = False
644 logger.debug("Solving OPF with generator '%s' shutdown." %
647 # Run OPF.
648 solution = super(UDOPF, self).solve(solver_klass)
650 # Compare total system costs for improvement.
651 if solution["converged"] == True \
652 and (solution["f"] < overall_cost):
653 logger.debug("System cost improvement: $%.3f ($%.3f)" %
654 (stage_cost - solution["f"], solution["f"]))
655 # 6. Replace the current best solution with this one if
656 # it has a lower cost.
657 overall_online = [ for g in case.generators]
658 overall_cost = solution["f"]
659 best_candidate = candidate
660 # Check for further decommitment.
661 done = False
662 else:
663 logger.debug("Candidate OPF failed [%s]." %
664 solution["output"]["message"])
666 # Reactivate the candidate before deactivating the next.
667 # = True
669 if done:
670 # Decommits at this stage did not help.
671 break
672 else:
673 # 7. If any of the candidate solutions produced an improvement,
674 # return to step 3.
676 # Shutting something else down helps, so let's keep going.
677"Shutting down generator '%s'.",
680 stage_online = overall_online
681 stage_cost = overall_cost
683 # 8. Use the best overall solution as the final solution.
684 for i, generator in enumerate(case.generators):
685 = overall_online[i]
687 # One final solve using the best case to ensure all results are
688 # up-to-date.
689 solution = super(UDOPF, self).solve(solver_klass)
691 logger.debug("UDOPF system cost: $%.3f" % solution["f"])
693 # Compute elapsed time and log it.
694 elapsed = time() - t0
696 plural = "" if i_stage == 1 else "s"
697"Unit decommitment OPF solved in %.3fs (%d decommitment "
698 "stage%s)." % (elapsed, i_stage, plural))
700 return solution
702 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
703 # "OPFModel" class:
704 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
706 class OPFModel(object):
707 """ Defines a model for optimal power flow.
709 Based on @opf_model in MATPOWER by Ray Zimmerman, developed at PSERC
710 Cornell. See U{} for more info.
713 def __init__(self, case):
714 #: Case to which the model relates.
715 = case
716 #: Optimisation variables.
717 self.vars = []
718 #: Linear constraints.
719 self.lin_constraints = []
720 #: Non-linear constraints.
721 self.nln_constraints = []
722 #: User defined costs.
723 self.costs = []
726 @property
727 def var_N(self):
728 return sum([v.N for v in self.vars])
731 def add_var(self, var):
732 """ Adds a variable to the model.
734 if in [ for v in self.vars]:
735 logger.error("Variable set named '%s' already exists." %
736 return
738 var.i1 = self.var_N
739 var.iN = self.var_N + var.N - 1
740 self.vars.append(var)
743 def add_vars(self, vars):
744 """ Adds a set of variables to the model.
746 for var in vars:
747 self.add_var(var)
750 def get_var(self, name):
751 """ Returns the variable set with the given name.
753 for var in self.vars:
754 if == name:
755 return var
756 else:
757 raise ValueError
761 def get_var_N(self, name):
762 """ Return the number of variables in the named set.
764 return self.get_var(name).N
767 @property
768 def nln_N(self):
769 return sum([c.N for c in self.nln_constraints])
772 @property
773 def lin_N(self):
774 return sum([c.N for c in self.lin_constraints])
777 @property
778 def lin_NS(self):
779 return len(self.lin_constraints)
782 def linear_constraints(self):
783 """ Returns the linear constraints.
785 if self.lin_N == 0:
786 return None, array([]), array([])
788 A = lil_matrix((self.lin_N, self.var_N), dtype=float64)
789 l = -Inf * ones(self.lin_N)
790 u = -l
792 for lin in self.lin_constraints:
793 if lin.N: # non-zero number of rows to add
794 Ak = lin.A # A for kth linear constrain set
795 i1 = lin.i1 # starting row index
796 iN = lin.iN # ending row index
797 vsl = lin.vs # var set list
798 kN = -1 # initialize last col of Ak used
799 Ai = lil_matrix((lin.N, self.var_N), dtype=float64)
800 for v in vsl:
801 var = self.get_var(v)
802 j1 = var.i1 # starting column in A
803 jN = var.iN # ending column in A
804 k1 = kN + 1 # starting column in Ak
805 kN = kN + var.N # ending column in Ak
807 if j1 == jN:
808 # FIXME: Single column slicing broken in lil.
809 for i in range(Ai.shape[0]):
810 Ai[i, j1] = Ak[i, k1]
811 else:
812 Ai[:, j1:jN + 1] = Ak[:, k1:kN + 1]
814 A[i1:iN + 1, :] = Ai
815 l[i1:iN + 1] = lin.l
816 u[i1:iN + 1] = lin.u
818 return A.tocsr(), l, u
821 def add_constraint(self, con):
822 """ Adds a constraint to the model.
824 if isinstance(con, LinearConstraint):
825 N, M = con.A.shape
826 if in [ for c in self.lin_constraints]:
827 logger.error("Constraint set named '%s' already exists."
828 %
829 return False
830 else:
831 con.i1 = self.lin_N# + 1
832 con.iN = self.lin_N + N - 1
834 nv = 0
835 for vs in con.vs:
836 nv = nv + self.get_var_N(vs)
837 if M != nv:
838 logger.error("Number of columns of A does not match number"
839 " of variables, A is %d x %d, nv = %d", N, M, nv)
840 self.lin_constraints.append(con)
841 elif isinstance(con, NonLinearConstraint):
842 N = con.N
843 if in [ for c in self.nln_constraints]:
844 logger.error("Constraint set named '%s' already exists."
845 %
846 return False
847 else:
848 con.i1 = self.nln_N# + 1
849 con.iN = self.nln_N + N
850 self.nln_constraints.append(con)
851 else:
852 raise ValueError
854 return True
857 def add_constraints(self, constraints):
858 """ Adds constraints to the model.
860 for con in constraints:
861 self.add_constraint(con)
864 def get_lin_constraint(self, name):
865 """ Returns the constraint set with the given name.
867 for c in self.lin_constraints:
868 if == name:
869 return c
870 else:
871 raise ValueError
874 def get_nln_constraint(self, name):
875 """ Returns the constraint set with the given name.
877 for c in self.nln_constraints:
878 if == name:
879 return c
880 else:
881 raise ValueError
883 @property
884 def cost_N(self):
885 return sum([c.N for c in self.costs])
888 def get_cost_params(self):
889 """ Returns the cost parameters.
891 return [c.params for c in self.costs]
893 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
894 # "_Set" class:
895 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
897 class _Set(_Named):
899 def __init__(self, name, N):
900 #: String identifier.
901 = name
903 #: Starting index.
904 self.i0 = 0
906 #: Ending index.
907 self.iN = 0
909 #: Number in set.
910 self.N = N
912 #: Number of sets.
913 self.NS = 0
915 #: Ordered list of sets.
916 self.order = []
918 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
919 # "Variable" class:
920 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
922 class Variable(_Set):
923 """ Defines a set of variables.
926 def __init__(self, name, N, v0=None, vl=None , vu=None):
927 """ Initialises a new Variable instance.
929 super(Variable, self).__init__(name, N)
931 #: Initial value of the variables. Zero by default.
932 if v0 is None:
933 self.v0 = zeros(N)
934 else:
935 self.v0 = v0
937 #: Lower bound on the variables. Unbounded below be default.
938 if vl is None:
939 self.vl = -Inf * ones(N)
940 else:
941 self.vl = vl
943 #: Upper bound on the variables. Unbounded above by default.
944 if vu is None:
945 = Inf * ones(N)
946 else:
947 = vu
949 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
950 # "LinearConstraint" class:
951 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
953 class LinearConstraint(_Set):
954 """ Defines a set of linear constraints.
957 def __init__(self, name, AorN, l=None, u=None, vs=None):
958 N, _ = AorN.shape
960 super(LinearConstraint, self).__init__(name, N)
962 self.A = AorN
963 self.l = -Inf * ones(N) if l is None else l
964 self.u = Inf * ones(N) if u is None else u
966 # Varsets.
967 self.vs = [] if vs is None else vs
969 if (self.l.shape[0] != N) or (self.u.shape[0] != N):
970 logger.error("Sizes of A, l and u must match.")
972 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
973 # "NonLinearConstraint" class:
974 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
976 class NonLinearConstraint(_Set):
977 """ Defines a set of non-linear constraints.
979 pass
981 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
982 # "Cost" class:
983 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
985 class Cost(_Set):
986 def __init__(self):
987 self.N = None
988 self.H = None
989 self.Cw = None
990 self.dd = None
991 self.rh = None
992 self.kk = None
993 = None
994 self.vs = None
995 self.params = None
997 # EOF -------------------------------------------------------------------------