Quick update to the README file. For intros and books we now point to
[python/dscho.git] / Doc / mac / libframework.tex
1 \section{\module{FrameWork} ---
2 Interactive application framework}
4 \declaremodule{standard}{FrameWork}
5 \platform{Mac}
6 \modulesynopsis{Interactive application framework.}
9 The \module{FrameWork} module contains classes that together provide a
10 framework for an interactive Macintosh application. The programmer
11 builds an application by creating subclasses that override various
12 methods of the bases classes, thereby implementing the functionality
13 wanted. Overriding functionality can often be done on various
14 different levels, i.e. to handle clicks in a single dialog window in a
15 non-standard way it is not necessary to override the complete event
16 handling.
18 The \module{FrameWork} is still very much work-in-progress, and the
19 documentation describes only the most important functionality, and not
20 in the most logical manner at that. Examine the source or the examples
21 for more details.
23 The \module{FrameWork} module defines the following functions:
26 \begin{funcdesc}{Application}{}
27 An object representing the complete application. See below for a
28 description of the methods. The default \method{__init__()} routine
29 creates an empty window dictionary and a menu bar with an apple menu.
30 \end{funcdesc}
32 \begin{funcdesc}{MenuBar}{}
33 An object representing the menubar. This object is usually not created
34 by the user.
35 \end{funcdesc}
37 \begin{funcdesc}{Menu}{bar, title\optional{, after}}
38 An object representing a menu. Upon creation you pass the
39 \code{MenuBar} the menu appears in, the \var{title} string and a
40 position (1-based) \var{after} where the menu should appear (default:
41 at the end).
42 \end{funcdesc}
44 \begin{funcdesc}{MenuItem}{menu, title\optional{, shortcut, callback}}
45 Create a menu item object. The arguments are the menu to crate the
46 item it, the item title string and optionally the keyboard shortcut
47 and a callback routine. The callback is called with the arguments
48 menu-id, item number within menu (1-based), current front window and
49 the event record.
51 In stead of a callable object the callback can also be a string. In
52 this case menu selection causes the lookup of a method in the topmost
53 window and the application. The method name is the callback string
54 with \code{'domenu_'} prepended.
56 Calling the \code{MenuBar} \method{fixmenudimstate()} method sets the
57 correct dimming for all menu items based on the current front window.
58 \end{funcdesc}
60 \begin{funcdesc}{Separator}{menu}
61 Add a separator to the end of a menu.
62 \end{funcdesc}
64 \begin{funcdesc}{SubMenu}{menu, label}
65 Create a submenu named \var{label} under menu \var{menu}. The menu
66 object is returned.
67 \end{funcdesc}
69 \begin{funcdesc}{Window}{parent}
70 Creates a (modeless) window. \var{Parent} is the application object to
71 which the window belongs. The window is not displayed until later.
72 \end{funcdesc}
74 \begin{funcdesc}{DialogWindow}{parent}
75 Creates a modeless dialog window.
76 \end{funcdesc}
78 \begin{funcdesc}{windowbounds}{width, height}
79 Return a \code{(\var{left}, \var{top}, \var{right}, \var{bottom})}
80 tuple suitable for creation of a window of given width and height. The
81 window will be staggered with respect to previous windows, and an
82 attempt is made to keep the whole window on-screen. The window will
83 however always be exact the size given, so parts may be offscreen.
84 \end{funcdesc}
86 \begin{funcdesc}{setwatchcursor}{}
87 Set the mouse cursor to a watch.
88 \end{funcdesc}
90 \begin{funcdesc}{setarrowcursor}{}
91 Set the mouse cursor to an arrow.
92 \end{funcdesc}
95 \subsection{Application Objects \label{application-objects}}
97 Application objects have the following methods, among others:
100 \begin{methoddesc}[Application]{makeusermenus}{}
101 Override this method if you need menus in your application. Append the
102 menus to the attribute \member{menubar}.
103 \end{methoddesc}
105 \begin{methoddesc}[Application]{getabouttext}{}
106 Override this method to return a text string describing your
107 application. Alternatively, override the \method{do_about()} method
108 for more elaborate ``about'' messages.
109 \end{methoddesc}
111 \begin{methoddesc}[Application]{mainloop}{\optional{mask\optional{, wait}}}
112 This routine is the main event loop, call it to set your application
113 rolling. \var{Mask} is the mask of events you want to handle,
114 \var{wait} is the number of ticks you want to leave to other
115 concurrent application (default 0, which is probably not a good
116 idea). While raising \var{self} to exit the mainloop is still
117 supported it is not recommended: call \code{self._quit()} instead.
119 The event loop is split into many small parts, each of which can be
120 overridden. The default methods take care of dispatching events to
121 windows and dialogs, handling drags and resizes, Apple Events, events
122 for non-FrameWork windows, etc.
124 In general, all event handlers should return \code{1} if the event is fully
125 handled and \code{0} otherwise (because the front window was not a FrameWork
126 window, for instance). This is needed so that update events and such
127 can be passed on to other windows like the Sioux console window.
128 Calling \function{MacOS.HandleEvent()} is not allowed within
129 \var{our_dispatch} or its callees, since this may result in an
130 infinite loop if the code is called through the Python inner-loop
131 event handler.
132 \end{methoddesc}
134 \begin{methoddesc}[Application]{asyncevents}{onoff}
135 Call this method with a nonzero parameter to enable
136 asynchronous event handling. This will tell the inner interpreter loop
137 to call the application event handler \var{async_dispatch} whenever events
138 are available. This will cause FrameWork window updates and the user
139 interface to remain working during long computations, but will slow the
140 interpreter down and may cause surprising results in non-reentrant code
141 (such as FrameWork itself). By default \var{async_dispatch} will immedeately
142 call \var{our_dispatch} but you may override this to handle only certain
143 events asynchronously. Events you do not handle will be passed to Sioux
144 and such.
146 The old on/off value is returned.
147 \end{methoddesc}
149 \begin{methoddesc}[Application]{_quit}{}
150 Terminate the running \method{mainloop()} call at the next convenient
151 moment.
152 \end{methoddesc}
154 \begin{methoddesc}[Application]{do_char}{c, event}
155 The user typed character \var{c}. The complete details of the event
156 can be found in the \var{event} structure. This method can also be
157 provided in a \code{Window} object, which overrides the
158 application-wide handler if the window is frontmost.
159 \end{methoddesc}
161 \begin{methoddesc}[Application]{do_dialogevent}{event}
162 Called early in the event loop to handle modeless dialog events. The
163 default method simply dispatches the event to the relevant dialog (not
164 through the the \code{DialogWindow} object involved). Override if you
165 need special handling of dialog events (keyboard shortcuts, etc).
166 \end{methoddesc}
168 \begin{methoddesc}[Application]{idle}{event}
169 Called by the main event loop when no events are available. The
170 null-event is passed (so you can look at mouse position, etc).
171 \end{methoddesc}
174 \subsection{Window Objects \label{window-objects}}
176 Window objects have the following methods, among others:
178 \setindexsubitem{(Window method)}
180 \begin{methoddesc}[Window]{open}{}
181 Override this method to open a window. Store the MacOS window-id in
182 \member{self.wid} and call the \method{do_postopen()} method to
183 register the window with the parent application.
184 \end{methoddesc}
186 \begin{methoddesc}[Window]{close}{}
187 Override this method to do any special processing on window
188 close. Call the \method{do_postclose()} method to cleanup the parent
189 state.
190 \end{methoddesc}
192 \begin{methoddesc}[Window]{do_postresize}{width, height, macoswindowid}
193 Called after the window is resized. Override if more needs to be done
194 than calling \code{InvalRect}.
195 \end{methoddesc}
197 \begin{methoddesc}[Window]{do_contentclick}{local, modifiers, event}
198 The user clicked in the content part of a window. The arguments are
199 the coordinates (window-relative), the key modifiers and the raw
200 event.
201 \end{methoddesc}
203 \begin{methoddesc}[Window]{do_update}{macoswindowid, event}
204 An update event for the window was received. Redraw the window.
205 \end{methoddesc}
207 \begin{methoddesc}{do_activate}{activate, event}
208 The window was activated (\code{\var{activate} == 1}) or deactivated
209 (\code{\var{activate} == 0}). Handle things like focus highlighting,
210 etc.
211 \end{methoddesc}
214 \subsection{ControlsWindow Object \label{controlswindow-object}}
216 ControlsWindow objects have the following methods besides those of
217 \code{Window} objects:
220 \begin{methoddesc}[ControlsWindow]{do_controlhit}{window, control,
221 pcode, event}
222 Part \var{pcode} of control \var{control} was hit by the
223 user. Tracking and such has already been taken care of.
224 \end{methoddesc}
227 \subsection{ScrolledWindow Object \label{scrolledwindow-object}}
229 ScrolledWindow objects are ControlsWindow objects with the following
230 extra methods:
233 \begin{methoddesc}[ScrolledWindow]{scrollbars}{\optional{wantx\optional{,
234 wanty}}}
235 Create (or destroy) horizontal and vertical scrollbars. The arguments
236 specify which you want (default: both). The scrollbars always have
237 minimum \code{0} and maximum \code{32767}.
238 \end{methoddesc}
240 \begin{methoddesc}[ScrolledWindow]{getscrollbarvalues}{}
241 You must supply this method. It should return a tuple \code{(\var{x},
242 \var{y})} giving the current position of the scrollbars (between
243 \code{0} and \code{32767}). You can return \code{None} for either to
244 indicate the whole document is visible in that direction.
245 \end{methoddesc}
247 \begin{methoddesc}[ScrolledWindow]{updatescrollbars}{}
248 Call this method when the document has changed. It will call
249 \method{getscrollbarvalues()} and update the scrollbars.
250 \end{methoddesc}
252 \begin{methoddesc}[ScrolledWindow]{scrollbar_callback}{which, what, value}
253 Supplied by you and called after user interaction. \var{which} will
254 be \code{'x'} or \code{'y'}, \var{what} will be \code{'-'},
255 \code{'--'}, \code{'set'}, \code{'++'} or \code{'+'}. For
256 \code{'set'}, \var{value} will contain the new scrollbar position.
257 \end{methoddesc}
259 \begin{methoddesc}[ScrolledWindow]{scalebarvalues}{absmin, absmax,
260 curmin, curmax}
261 Auxiliary method to help you calculate values to return from
262 \method{getscrollbarvalues()}. You pass document minimum and maximum value
263 and topmost (leftmost) and bottommost (rightmost) visible values and
264 it returns the correct number or \code{None}.
265 \end{methoddesc}
267 \begin{methoddesc}[ScrolledWindow]{do_activate}{onoff, event}
268 Takes care of dimming/highlighting scrollbars when a window becomes
269 frontmost vv. If you override this method call this one at the end of
270 your method.
271 \end{methoddesc}
273 \begin{methoddesc}[ScrolledWindow]{do_postresize}{width, height, window}
274 Moves scrollbars to the correct position. Call this method initially
275 if you override it.
276 \end{methoddesc}
278 \begin{methoddesc}[ScrolledWindow]{do_controlhit}{window, control,
279 pcode, event}
280 Handles scrollbar interaction. If you override it call this method
281 first, a nonzero return value indicates the hit was in the scrollbars
282 and has been handled.
283 \end{methoddesc}
286 \subsection{DialogWindow Objects \label{dialogwindow-objects}}
288 DialogWindow objects have the following methods besides those of
289 \code{Window} objects:
292 \begin{methoddesc}[DialogWindow]{open}{resid}
293 Create the dialog window, from the DLOG resource with id
294 \var{resid}. The dialog object is stored in \member{self.wid}.
295 \end{methoddesc}
297 \begin{methoddesc}[DialogWindow]{do_itemhit}{item, event}
298 Item number \var{item} was hit. You are responsible for redrawing
299 toggle buttons, etc.
300 \end{methoddesc}