#changed all email address to go through python.org
[python/dscho.git] / Lib / lib-old / Para.py
1 # Text formatting abstractions
4 # Oft-used type object
5 Int = type(0)
8 # Represent a paragraph. This is a list of words with associated
9 # font and size information, plus indents and justification for the
10 # entire paragraph.
11 # Once the words have been added to a paragraph, it can be laid out
12 # for different line widths. Once laid out, it can be rendered at
13 # different screen locations. Once rendered, it can be queried
14 # for mouse hits, and parts of the text can be highlighted
15 class Para:
17 def __init__(self):
18 self.words = [] # The words
19 self.just = 'l' # Justification: 'l', 'r', 'lr' or 'c'
20 self.indent_left = self.indent_right = self.indent_hang = 0
21 # Final lay-out parameters, may change
22 self.left = self.top = self.right = self.bottom = \
23 self.width = self.height = self.lines = None
25 # Add a word, computing size information for it.
26 # Words may also be added manually by appending to self.words
27 # Each word should be a 7-tuple:
28 # (font, text, width, space, stretch, ascent, descent)
29 def addword(self, d, font, text, space, stretch):
30 if font <> None:
31 d.setfont(font)
32 width = d.textwidth(text)
33 ascent = d.baseline()
34 descent = d.lineheight() - ascent
35 spw = d.textwidth(' ')
36 space = space * spw
37 stretch = stretch * spw
38 tuple = (font, text, width, space, stretch, ascent, descent)
39 self.words.append(tuple)
41 # Hooks to begin and end anchors -- insert numbers in the word list!
42 def bgn_anchor(self, id):
43 self.words.append(id)
45 def end_anchor(self, id):
46 self.words.append(0)
48 # Return the total length (width) of the text added so far, in pixels
49 def getlength(self):
50 total = 0
51 for word in self.words:
52 if type(word) <> Int:
53 total = total + word[2] + word[3]
54 return total
56 # Tab to a given position (relative to the current left indent):
57 # remove all stretch, add fixed space up to the new indent.
58 # If the current position is already beying the tab stop,
59 # don't add any new space (but still remove the stretch)
60 def tabto(self, tab):
61 total = 0
62 as, de = 1, 0
63 for i in range(len(self.words)):
64 word = self.words[i]
65 if type(word) == Int: continue
66 fo, te, wi, sp, st, as, de = word
67 self.words[i] = fo, te, wi, sp, 0, as, de
68 total = total + wi + sp
69 if total < tab:
70 self.words.append(None, '', 0, tab-total, 0, as, de)
72 # Make a hanging tag: tab to hang, increment indent_left by hang,
73 # and reset indent_hang to -hang
74 def makehangingtag(self, hang):
75 self.tabto(hang)
76 self.indent_left = self.indent_left + hang
77 self.indent_hang = -hang
79 # Decide where the line breaks will be given some screen width
80 def layout(self, linewidth):
81 self.width = linewidth
82 height = 0
83 self.lines = lines = []
84 avail1 = self.width - self.indent_left - self.indent_right
85 avail = avail1 - self.indent_hang
86 words = self.words
87 i = 0
88 n = len(words)
89 lastfont = None
90 while i < n:
91 firstfont = lastfont
92 charcount = 0
93 width = 0
94 stretch = 0
95 ascent = 0
96 descent = 0
97 lsp = 0
98 j = i
99 while i < n:
100 word = words[i]
101 if type(word) == Int:
102 if word > 0 and width >= avail:
103 break
104 i = i+1
105 continue
106 fo, te, wi, sp, st, as, de = word
107 if width + wi > avail and width > 0 and wi > 0:
108 break
109 if fo <> None:
110 lastfont = fo
111 if width == 0:
112 firstfont = fo
113 charcount = charcount + len(te) + (sp > 0)
114 width = width + wi + sp
115 lsp = sp
116 stretch = stretch + st
117 lst = st
118 ascent = max(ascent, as)
119 descent = max(descent, de)
120 i = i+1
121 while i > j and type(words[i-1]) == Int and \
122 words[i-1] > 0: i = i-1
123 width = width - lsp
124 if i < n:
125 stretch = stretch - lst
126 else:
127 stretch = 0
128 tuple = i-j, firstfont, charcount, width, stretch, \
129 ascent, descent
130 lines.append(tuple)
131 height = height + ascent + descent
132 avail = avail1
133 self.height = height
135 # Call a function for all words in a line
136 def visit(self, wordfunc, anchorfunc):
137 avail1 = self.width - self.indent_left - self.indent_right
138 avail = avail1 - self.indent_hang
139 v = self.top
140 i = 0
141 for tuple in self.lines:
142 wordcount, firstfont, charcount, width, stretch, \
143 ascent, descent = tuple
144 h = self.left + self.indent_left
145 if i == 0: h = h + self.indent_hang
146 extra = 0
147 if self.just == 'r': h = h + avail - width
148 elif self.just == 'c': h = h + (avail - width) / 2
149 elif self.just == 'lr' and stretch > 0:
150 extra = avail - width
151 v2 = v + ascent + descent
152 for j in range(i, i+wordcount):
153 word = self.words[j]
154 if type(word) == Int:
155 ok = anchorfunc(self, tuple, word, \
156 h, v)
157 if ok <> None: return ok
158 continue
159 fo, te, wi, sp, st, as, de = word
160 if extra > 0 and stretch > 0:
161 ex = extra * st / stretch
162 extra = extra - ex
163 stretch = stretch - st
164 else:
165 ex = 0
166 h2 = h + wi + sp + ex
167 ok = wordfunc(self, tuple, word, h, v, \
168 h2, v2, (j==i), (j==i+wordcount-1))
169 if ok <> None: return ok
170 h = h2
171 v = v2
172 i = i + wordcount
173 avail = avail1
175 # Render a paragraph in "drawing object" d, using the rectangle
176 # given by (left, top, right) with an unspecified bottom.
177 # Return the computed bottom of the text.
178 def render(self, d, left, top, right):
179 if self.width <> right-left:
180 self.layout(right-left)
181 self.left = left
182 self.top = top
183 self.right = right
184 self.bottom = self.top + self.height
185 self.anchorid = 0
186 try:
187 self.d = d
188 self.visit(self.__class__._renderword, \
189 self.__class__._renderanchor)
190 finally:
191 self.d = None
192 return self.bottom
194 def _renderword(self, tuple, word, h, v, h2, v2, isfirst, islast):
195 if word[0] <> None: self.d.setfont(word[0])
196 baseline = v + tuple[5]
197 self.d.text((h, baseline - word[5]), word[1])
198 if self.anchorid > 0:
199 self.d.line((h, baseline+2), (h2, baseline+2))
201 def _renderanchor(self, tuple, word, h, v):
202 self.anchorid = word
204 # Return which anchor(s) was hit by the mouse
205 def hitcheck(self, mouseh, mousev):
206 self.mouseh = mouseh
207 self.mousev = mousev
208 self.anchorid = 0
209 self.hits = []
210 self.visit(self.__class__._hitcheckword, \
211 self.__class__._hitcheckanchor)
212 return self.hits
214 def _hitcheckword(self, tuple, word, h, v, h2, v2, isfirst, islast):
215 if self.anchorid > 0 and h <= self.mouseh <= h2 and \
216 v <= self.mousev <= v2:
217 self.hits.append(self.anchorid)
219 def _hitcheckanchor(self, tuple, word, h, v):
220 self.anchorid = word
222 # Return whether the given anchor id is present
223 def hasanchor(self, id):
224 return id in self.words or -id in self.words
226 # Extract the raw text from the word list, substituting one space
227 # for non-empty inter-word space, and terminating with '\n'
228 def extract(self):
229 text = ''
230 for w in self.words:
231 if type(w) <> Int:
232 word = w[1]
233 if w[3]: word = word + ' '
234 text = text + word
235 return text + '\n'
237 # Return which character position was hit by the mouse, as
238 # an offset in the entire text as returned by extract().
239 # Return None if the mouse was not in this paragraph
240 def whereis(self, d, mouseh, mousev):
241 if mousev < self.top or mousev > self.bottom:
242 return None
243 self.mouseh = mouseh
244 self.mousev = mousev
245 self.lastfont = None
246 self.charcount = 0
247 try:
248 self.d = d
249 return self.visit(self.__class__._whereisword, \
250 self.__class__._whereisanchor)
251 finally:
252 self.d = None
254 def _whereisword(self, tuple, word, h1, v1, h2, v2, isfirst, islast):
255 fo, te, wi, sp, st, as, de = word
256 if fo <> None: self.lastfont = fo
257 h = h1
258 if isfirst: h1 = 0
259 if islast: h2 = 999999
260 if not (v1 <= self.mousev <= v2 and h1 <= self.mouseh <= h2):
261 self.charcount = self.charcount + len(te) + (sp > 0)
262 return
263 if self.lastfont <> None:
264 self.d.setfont(self.lastfont)
265 cc = 0
266 for c in te:
267 cw = self.d.textwidth(c)
268 if self.mouseh <= h + cw/2:
269 return self.charcount + cc
270 cc = cc+1
271 h = h+cw
272 self.charcount = self.charcount + cc
273 if self.mouseh <= (h+h2) / 2:
274 return self.charcount
275 else:
276 return self.charcount + 1
278 def _whereisanchor(self, tuple, word, h, v):
279 pass
281 # Return screen position corresponding to position in paragraph.
282 # Return tuple (h, vtop, vbaseline, vbottom).
283 # This is more or less the inverse of whereis()
284 def screenpos(self, d, pos):
285 if pos < 0:
286 ascent, descent = self.lines[0][5:7]
287 return self.left, self.top, self.top + ascent, \
288 self.top + ascent + descent
289 self.pos = pos
290 self.lastfont = None
291 try:
292 self.d = d
293 ok = self.visit(self.__class__._screenposword, \
294 self.__class__._screenposanchor)
295 finally:
296 self.d = None
297 if ok == None:
298 ascent, descent = self.lines[-1][5:7]
299 ok = self.right, self.bottom - ascent - descent, \
300 self.bottom - descent, self.bottom
301 return ok
303 def _screenposword(self, tuple, word, h1, v1, h2, v2, isfirst, islast):
304 fo, te, wi, sp, st, as, de = word
305 if fo <> None: self.lastfont = fo
306 cc = len(te) + (sp > 0)
307 if self.pos > cc:
308 self.pos = self.pos - cc
309 return
310 if self.pos < cc:
311 self.d.setfont(self.lastfont)
312 h = h1 + self.d.textwidth(te[:self.pos])
313 else:
314 h = h2
315 ascent, descent = tuple[5:7]
316 return h, v1, v1+ascent, v2
318 def _screenposanchor(self, tuple, word, h, v):
319 pass
321 # Invert the stretch of text between pos1 and pos2.
322 # If pos1 is None, the beginning is implied;
323 # if pos2 is None, the end is implied.
324 # Undoes its own effect when called again with the same arguments
325 def invert(self, d, pos1, pos2):
326 if pos1 == None:
327 pos1 = self.left, self.top, self.top, self.top
328 else:
329 pos1 = self.screenpos(d, pos1)
330 if pos2 == None:
331 pos2 = self.right, self.bottom,self.bottom,self.bottom
332 else:
333 pos2 = self.screenpos(d, pos2)
334 h1, top1, baseline1, bottom1 = pos1
335 h2, top2, baseline2, bottom2 = pos2
336 if bottom1 <= top2:
337 d.invert((h1, top1), (self.right, bottom1))
338 h1 = self.left
339 if bottom1 < top2:
340 d.invert((h1, bottom1), (self.right, top2))
341 top1, bottom1 = top2, bottom2
342 d.invert((h1, top1), (h2, bottom2))
345 # Test class Para
346 # XXX This was last used on the Mac, hence the weird fonts...
347 def test():
348 import stdwin
349 from stdwinevents import *
350 words = 'The', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox', 'jumps', 'over', \
351 'the', 'lazy', 'dog.'
352 paralist = []
353 for just in 'l', 'r', 'lr', 'c':
354 p = Para()
355 p.just = just
356 p.addword(stdwin, ('New York', 'p', 12), words[0], 1, 1)
357 for word in words[1:-1]:
358 p.addword(stdwin, None, word, 1, 1)
359 p.addword(stdwin, None, words[-1], 2, 4)
360 p.addword(stdwin, ('New York', 'b', 18), 'Bye!', 0, 0)
361 p.addword(stdwin, ('New York', 'p', 10), 'Bye!', 0, 0)
362 paralist.append(p)
363 window = stdwin.open('Para.test()')
364 start = stop = selpara = None
365 while 1:
366 etype, win, detail = stdwin.getevent()
367 if etype == WE_CLOSE:
368 break
369 if etype == WE_SIZE:
370 window.change((0, 0), (1000, 1000))
371 if etype == WE_DRAW:
372 width, height = window.getwinsize()
373 d = None
374 try:
375 d = window.begindrawing()
376 d.cliprect(detail)
377 d.erase(detail)
378 v = 0
379 for p in paralist:
380 v = p.render(d, 0, v, width)
381 if p == selpara and \
382 start <> None and stop <> None:
383 p.invert(d, start, stop)
384 finally:
385 if d: d.close()
386 if etype == WE_MOUSE_DOWN:
387 if selpara and start <> None and stop <> None:
388 d = window.begindrawing()
389 selpara.invert(d, start, stop)
390 d.close()
391 start = stop = selpara = None
392 mouseh, mousev = detail[0]
393 for p in paralist:
394 start = p.whereis(stdwin, mouseh, mousev)
395 if start <> None:
396 selpara = p
397 break
398 if etype == WE_MOUSE_UP and start <> None and selpara:
399 mouseh, mousev = detail[0]
400 stop = selpara.whereis(stdwin, mouseh, mousev)
401 if stop == None: start = selpara = None
402 else:
403 if start > stop:
404 start, stop = stop, start
405 d = window.begindrawing()
406 selpara.invert(d, start, stop)
407 d.close()
408 window.close()