1 ipBadLapErr
= -23000 # bad network configuration
2 ipBadCnfgErr
= -23001 # bad IP configuration error
3 ipNoCnfgErr
= -23002 # missing IP or LAP configuration error
4 ipLoadErr
= -23003 # error in MacTCP load
5 ipBadAddr
= -23004 # error in getting address
6 connectionClosing
= -23005 # connection is closing
8 connectionExists
= -23007 # request conflicts with existing connection
9 connectionDoesntExist
= -23008 # connection does not exist
10 insufficientResources
= -23009 # insufficient resources to perform request
11 invalidStreamPtr
= -23010
12 streamAlreadyOpen
= -23011
13 connectionTerminated
= -23012
14 invalidBufPtr
= -23013
18 commandTimeout
= -23016
19 duplicateSocket
= -23017
21 # Error codes from internal IP functions
22 ipDontFragErr
= -23032 # Packet too large to send w/o fragmenting
23 ipDestDeadErr
= -23033 # destination not responding
24 icmpEchoTimeoutErr
= -23035 # ICMP echo timed-out
25 ipNoFragMemErr
= -23036 # no memory to send fragmented pkt
26 ipRouteErr
= -23037 # can't route packet off-net
28 nameSyntaxErr
= -23041