1 This directory contains programs using the "al" interface, which gives
2 access to the most important parts of the SGI Audio Library for the
5 alwatch.py Watch changes in device settings
6 broadcast.py Broadcast audio using UDP packets
7 cmpaf.py Compare different audio compression schemes (uses fl)
8 intercom.py 2-way communication with another host (uses fl)
9 playaiff.py Play an AIFF file (as output by recordaiff)
10 playback.py Play raw audio data read from stdin
11 playold.py Play an audio file recorded by the old 4D/25 audio
12 radio.py Listen to UDP packets sent by broadcast.py
13 rec_play.py Repeatedly record and play back a sample
14 record.py Record raw audio data to stdout
15 unicast.py Like broadcast but sends to one host