Updated for 2.1a3
[python/dscho.git] / Doc / lib / xmldom.tex
1 \section{\module{xml.dom} ---
2 The Document Object Model API}
4 \declaremodule{standard}{xml.dom}
5 \modulesynopsis{Document Object Model API for Python.}
6 \sectionauthor{Paul Prescod}{paul@prescod.net}
7 \sectionauthor{Martin v. L\"owis}{loewis@informatik.hu-berlin.de}
9 \versionadded{2.0}
11 The Document Object Model, or ``DOM,'' is a cross-language API from
12 the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for accessing and modifying XML
13 documents. A DOM implementation presents an XML document as a tree
14 structure, or allows client code to build such a structure from
15 scratch. It then gives access to the structure through a set of
16 objects which provided well-known interfaces.
18 The DOM is extremely useful for random-access applications. SAX only
19 allows you a view of one bit of the document at a time. If you are
20 looking at one SAX element, you have no access to another. If you are
21 looking at a text node, you have no access to a containing element.
22 When you write a SAX application, you need to keep track of your
23 program's position in the document somewhere in your own code. SAX
24 does not do it for you. Also, if you need to look ahead in the XML
25 document, you are just out of luck.
27 Some applications are simply impossible in an event driven model with
28 no access to a tree. Of course you could build some sort of tree
29 yourself in SAX events, but the DOM allows you to avoid writing that
30 code. The DOM is a standard tree representation for XML data.
32 %What if your needs are somewhere between SAX and the DOM? Perhaps
33 %you cannot afford to load the entire tree in memory but you find the
34 %SAX model somewhat cumbersome and low-level. There is also a module
35 %called xml.dom.pulldom that allows you to build trees of only the
36 %parts of a document that you need structured access to. It also has
37 %features that allow you to find your way around the DOM.
38 % See http://www.prescod.net/python/pulldom
40 The Document Object Model is being defined by the W3C in stages, or
41 ``levels'' in their terminology. The Python mapping of the API is
42 substantially based on the DOM Level 2 recommendation. Some aspects
43 of the API will only become available in Python 2.1, or may only be
44 available in particular DOM implementations.
46 DOM applications typically start by parsing some XML into a DOM. How
47 this is accomplished is not covered at all by DOM Level 1, and Level 2
48 provides only limited improvements. There is a
49 \class{DOMImplementation} object class which provides access to
50 \class{Document} creation methods, but these methods were only added
51 in DOM Level 2 and were not implemented in time for Python 2.0. There
52 is also no well-defined way to access these methods without an
53 existing \class{Document} object. For Python 2.0, consult the
54 documentation for each particular DOM implementation to determine the
55 bootstrap procedure needed to create and initialize \class{Document}
56 and \class{DocumentType} instances.
58 Once you have a DOM document object, you can access the parts of your
59 XML document through its properties and methods. These properties are
60 defined in the DOM specification; this portion of the reference manual
61 describes the interpretation of the specification in Python.
63 The specification provided by the W3C defines the DOM API for Java,
64 ECMAScript, and OMG IDL. The Python mapping defined here is based in
65 large part on the IDL version of the specification, but strict
66 compliance is not required (though implementations are free to support
67 the strict mapping from IDL). See section \ref{dom-conformance},
68 ``Conformance,'' for a detailed discussion of mapping requirements.
71 \begin{seealso}
72 \seetitle[http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/]{Document Object
73 Model (DOM) Level 2 Specification}
74 {The W3C recommendation upon which the Python DOM API is
75 based.}
76 \seetitle[http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/]{Document Object
77 Model (DOM) Level 1 Specification}
78 {The W3C recommendation for the
79 DOM supported by \module{xml.dom.minidom}.}
80 \seetitle[http://pyxml.sourceforge.net]{PyXML}{Users that require a
81 full-featured implementation of DOM should use the PyXML
82 package.}
83 \seetitle[http://cgi.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?orbos/99-08-02.pdf]{CORBA
84 Scripting with Python}
85 {This specifies the mapping from OMG IDL to Python.}
86 \end{seealso}
88 \subsection{Module Contents}
90 The \module{xml.dom} contains the following functions:
92 \begin{funcdesc}{registerDOMImplementation}{name, factory}
93 Register the \var{factory} function with the name \var{name}. The
94 factory function should return an object which implements the
95 \class{DOMImplementation} interface. The factory function can return
96 the same object every time, or a new one for each call, as appropriate
97 for the specific implementation (e.g. if that implementation supports
98 some customization).
99 \end{funcdesc}
101 \begin{funcdesc}{getDOMImplementation}{name = None, features = ()}
102 Return a suitable DOM implementation. The \var{name} is either
103 well-known, the module name of a DOM implementation, or
104 \code{None}. If it is not \code{None}, imports the corresponding module and
105 returns a \class{DOMImplementation} object if the import succeeds. If
106 no name is given, and if the environment variable \envvar{PYTHON_DOM} is
107 set, this variable is used to find the implementation.
109 If name is not given, consider the available implementations to find
110 one with the required feature set. If no implementation can be found,
111 raise an \exception{ImportError}. The features list must be a sequence of
112 (feature, version) pairs which are passed to hasFeature.
113 \end{funcdesc}
115 % Should the Node documentation go here?
117 In addition, \module{xml.dom} contains the \class{Node}, and the DOM
118 exceptions.
120 \subsection{Objects in the DOM \label{dom-objects}}
122 The definitive documentation for the DOM is the DOM specification from
123 the W3C.
125 Note that DOM attributes may also be manipulated as nodes instead of
126 as simple strings. It is fairly rare that you must do this, however,
127 so this usage is not yet documented.
130 \begin{tableiii}{l|l|l}{class}{Interface}{Section}{Purpose}
131 \lineiii{DOMImplementation}{\ref{dom-implementation-objects}}
132 {Interface to the underlying implementation.}
133 \lineiii{Node}{\ref{dom-node-objects}}
134 {Base interface for most objects in a document.}
135 \lineiii{NodeList}{\ref{dom-nodelist-objects}}
136 {Interface for a sequence of nodes.}
137 \lineiii{DocumentType}{\ref{dom-documenttype-objects}}
138 {Information about the declarations needed to process a document.}
139 \lineiii{Document}{\ref{dom-document-objects}}
140 {Object which represents an entire document.}
141 \lineiii{Element}{\ref{dom-element-objects}}
142 {Element nodes in the document hierarchy.}
143 \lineiii{Attr}{\ref{dom-attr-objects}}
144 {Attribute value nodes on element nodes.}
145 \lineiii{Comment}{\ref{dom-comment-objects}}
146 {Representation of comments in the source document.}
147 \lineiii{Text}{\ref{dom-text-objects}}
148 {Nodes containing textual content from the document.}
149 \lineiii{ProcessingInstruction}{\ref{dom-pi-objects}}
150 {Processing instruction representation.}
151 \end{tableiii}
153 An additional section describes the exceptions defined for working
154 with the DOM in Python.
157 \subsubsection{DOMImplementation Objects
158 \label{dom-implementation-objects}}
160 The \class{DOMImplementation} interface provides a way for
161 applications to determine the availability of particular features in
162 the DOM they are using. DOM Level 2 added the ability to create new
163 \class{Document} and \class{DocumentType} objects using the
164 \class{DOMImplementation} as well.
166 \begin{methoddesc}[DOMImplementation]{hasFeature}{feature, version}
167 \end{methoddesc}
170 \subsubsection{Node Objects \label{dom-node-objects}}
172 All of the components of an XML document are subclasses of
173 \class{Node}.
175 \begin{memberdesc}[Node]{nodeType}
176 An integer representing the node type. Symbolic constants for the
177 types are on the \class{Node} object:
178 \constant{ELEMENT_NODE}, \constant{ATTRIBUTE_NODE},
179 \constant{TEXT_NODE}, \constant{CDATA_SECTION_NODE},
181 \constant{COMMENT_NODE}, \constant{DOCUMENT_NODE},
182 \constant{DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE}, \constant{NOTATION_NODE}.
183 This is a read-only attribute.
184 \end{memberdesc}
186 \begin{memberdesc}[Node]{parentNode}
187 The parent of the current node, or \code{None} for the document node.
188 The value is always a \class{Node} object or \code{None}. For
189 \class{Element} nodes, this will be the parent element, except for the
190 root element, in which case it will be the \class{Document} object.
191 For \class{Attr} nodes, this is always \code{None}.
192 This is a read-only attribute.
193 \end{memberdesc}
195 \begin{memberdesc}[Node]{attributes}
196 A \class{NamedNodeList} of attribute objects. Only elements have
197 actual values for this; others provide \code{None} for this attribute.
198 This is a read-only attribute.
199 \end{memberdesc}
201 \begin{memberdesc}[Node]{previousSibling}
202 The node that immediately precedes this one with the same parent. For
203 instance the element with an end-tag that comes just before the
204 \var{self} element's start-tag. Of course, XML documents are made
205 up of more than just elements so the previous sibling could be text, a
206 comment, or something else. If this node is the first child of the
207 parent, this attribute will be \code{None}.
208 This is a read-only attribute.
209 \end{memberdesc}
211 \begin{memberdesc}[Node]{nextSibling}
212 The node that immediately follows this one with the same parent. See
213 also \member{previousSibling}. If this is the last child of the
214 parent, this attribute will be \code{None}.
215 This is a read-only attribute.
216 \end{memberdesc}
218 \begin{memberdesc}[Node]{childNodes}
219 A list of nodes contained within this node.
220 This is a read-only attribute.
221 \end{memberdesc}
223 \begin{memberdesc}[Node]{firstChild}
224 The first child of the node, if there are any, or \code{None}.
225 This is a read-only attribute.
226 \end{memberdesc}
228 \begin{memberdesc}[Node]{lastChild}
229 The last child of the node, if there are any, or \code{None}.
230 This is a read-only attribute.
231 \end{memberdesc}
233 \begin{memberdesc}[Node]{localName}
234 The part of the \member{tagName} following the colon if there is one,
235 else the entire \member{tagName}. The value is a string.
236 \end{memberdesc}
238 \begin{memberdesc}[Node]{prefix}
239 The part of the \member{tagName} preceding the colon if there is one,
240 else the empty string. The value is a string, or \code{None}
241 \end{memberdesc}
243 \begin{memberdesc}[Node]{namespaceURI}
244 The namespace associated with the element name. This will be a
245 string or \code{None}. This is a read-only attribute.
246 \end{memberdesc}
248 \begin{memberdesc}[Node]{nodeName}
249 This has a different meaning for each node type; see the DOM
250 specification for details. You can always get the information you
251 would get here from another property such as the \member{tagName}
252 property for elements or the \member{name} property for attributes.
253 For all node types, the value of this attribute will be either a
254 string or \code{None}. This is a read-only attribute.
255 \end{memberdesc}
257 \begin{memberdesc}[Node]{nodeValue}
258 This has a different meaning for each node type; see the DOM
259 specification for details. The situation is similar to that with
260 \member{nodeName}. The value is a string or \code{None}.
261 \end{memberdesc}
263 \begin{methoddesc}[Node]{hasAttributes}{}
264 Returns true if the node has any attributes.
265 \end{methoddesc}
267 \begin{methoddesc}[Node]{hasChildNodes}{}
268 Returns true if the node has any child nodes.
269 \end{methoddesc}
271 \begin{methoddesc}[Node]{isSameNode}{other}
272 Returns true if \var{other} refers to the same node as this node.
273 This is especially useful for DOM implementations which use any sort
274 of proxy architecture (because more than one object can refer to the
275 same node).
277 \strong{Note:} This is based on a proposed DOM Level 3 API which is
278 still in the ``working draft'' stage, but this particular interface
279 appears uncontroversial. Changes from the W3C will not necessarily
280 affect this method in the Python DOM interface (though any new W3C
281 API for this would also be supported).
282 \end{methoddesc}
284 \begin{methoddesc}[Node]{appendChild}{newChild}
285 Add a new child node to this node at the end of the list of children,
286 returning \var{newChild}.
287 \end{methoddesc}
289 \begin{methoddesc}[Node]{insertBefore}{newChild, refChild}
290 Insert a new child node before an existing child. It must be the case
291 that \var{refChild} is a child of this node; if not,
292 \exception{ValueError} is raised. \var{newChild} is returned.
293 \end{methoddesc}
295 \begin{methoddesc}[Node]{removeChild}{oldChild}
296 Remove a child node. \var{oldChild} must be a child of this node; if
297 not, \exception{ValueError} is raised. \var{oldChild} is returned on
298 success. If \var{oldChild} will not be used further, its
299 \method{unlink()} method should be called.
300 \end{methoddesc}
302 \begin{methoddesc}[Node]{replaceChild}{newChild, oldChild}
303 Replace an existing node with a new node. It must be the case that
304 \var{oldChild} is a child of this node; if not,
305 \exception{ValueError} is raised.
306 \end{methoddesc}
308 \begin{methoddesc}[Node]{normalize}{}
309 Join adjacent text nodes so that all stretches of text are stored as
310 single \class{Text} instances. This simplifies processing text from a
311 DOM tree for many applications.
312 \versionadded{2.1}
313 \end{methoddesc}
315 \begin{methoddesc}[Node]{cloneNode}{deep}
316 Clone this node. Setting \var{deep} means to clone all child nodes as
317 well. This returns the clone.
318 \end{methoddesc}
321 \subsubsection{NodeList Objects \label{dom-nodelist-objects}}
323 A \class{NodeList} represents a sequence of nodes. These objects are
324 used in two ways in the DOM Core recommendation: the
325 \class{Element} objects provides one as it's list of child nodes, and
326 the \method{getElementsByTagName()} and
327 \method{getElementsByTagNameNS()} methods of \class{Node} return
328 objects with this interface to represent query results.
330 The DOM Level 2 recommendation defines one method and one attribute
331 for these objects:
333 \begin{methoddesc}[NodeList]{item}{i}
334 Return the \var{i}'th item from the sequence, if there is one, or
335 \code{None}. The index \var{i} is not allowed to be less then zero
336 or greater than or equal to the length of the sequence.
337 \end{methoddesc}
339 \begin{memberdesc}[NodeList]{length}
340 The number of nodes in the sequence.
341 \end{memberdesc}
343 In addition, the Python DOM interface requires that some additional
344 support is provided to allow \class{NodeList} objects to be used as
345 Python sequences. All \class{NodeList} implementations must include
346 support for \method{__len__()} and \method{__getitem__()}; this allows
347 iteration over the \class{NodeList} in \keyword{for} statements and
348 proper support for the \function{len()} built-in function.
350 If a DOM implementation supports modification of the document, the
351 \class{NodeList} implementation must also support the
352 \method{__setitem__()} and \method{__delitem__()} methods.
355 \subsubsection{DocumentType Objects \label{dom-documenttype-objects}}
357 Information about the notations and entities declared by a document
358 (including the external subset if the parser uses it and can provide
359 the information) is available from a \class{DocumentType} object. The
360 \class{DocumentType} for a document is available from the
361 \class{Document} object's \member{doctype} attribute.
363 \class{DocumentType} is a specialization of \class{Node}, and adds the
364 following attributes:
366 \begin{memberdesc}[DocumentType]{publicId}
367 The public identifier for the external subset of the document type
368 definition. This will be a string or \code{None}.
369 \end{memberdesc}
371 \begin{memberdesc}[DocumentType]{systemId}
372 The system identifier for the external subset of the document type
373 definition. This will be a URI as a string, or \code{None}.
374 \end{memberdesc}
376 \begin{memberdesc}[DocumentType]{internalSubset}
377 A string giving the complete internal subset from the document.
378 \end{memberdesc}
380 \begin{memberdesc}[DocumentType]{name}
381 The name of the root element as given in the \code{DOCTYPE}
382 declaration, if present. If the was no \code{DOCTYPE} declaration,
383 this will be \code{None}.
384 \end{memberdesc}
386 \begin{memberdesc}[DocumentType]{entities}
387 This is a \class{NamedNodeMap} giving the definitions of external
388 entities. For entity names defined more than once, only the first
389 definition is provided (others are ignored as required by the XML
390 recommendation). This may be \code{None} if the information is not
391 provided by the parser, or if no entities are defined.
392 \end{memberdesc}
394 \begin{memberdesc}[DocumentType]{notations}
395 This is a \class{NamedNodeMap} giving the definitions of notations.
396 For notation names defined more than once, only the first definition
397 is provided (others are ignored as required by the XML
398 recommendation). This may be \code{None} if the information is not
399 provided by the parser, or if no notations are defined.
400 \end{memberdesc}
403 \subsubsection{Document Objects \label{dom-document-objects}}
405 A \class{Document} represents an entire XML document, including its
406 constituent elements, attributes, processing instructions, comments
407 etc. Remeber that it inherits properties from \class{Node}.
409 \begin{memberdesc}[Document]{documentElement}
410 The one and only root element of the document.
411 \end{memberdesc}
413 \begin{methoddesc}[Document]{createElement}{tagName}
414 Create and return a new element node. The element is not inserted
415 into the document when it is created. You need to explicitly insert
416 it with one of the other methods such as \method{insertBefore()} or
417 \method{appendChild()}.
418 \end{methoddesc}
420 \begin{methoddesc}[Document]{createElementNS}{namespaceURI, tagName}
421 Create and return a new element with a namespace. The
422 \var{tagName} may have a prefix. The element is not inserted into the
423 document when it is created. You need to explicitly insert it with
424 one of the other methods such as \method{insertBefore()} or
425 \method{appendChild()}.
426 \end{methoddesc}
428 \begin{methoddesc}[Document]{createTextNode}{data}
429 Create and return a text node containing the data passed as a
430 parameter. As with the other creation methods, this one does not
431 insert the node into the tree.
432 \end{methoddesc}
434 \begin{methoddesc}[Document]{createComment}{data}
435 Create and return a comment node containing the data passed as a
436 parameter. As with the other creation methods, this one does not
437 insert the node into the tree.
438 \end{methoddesc}
440 \begin{methoddesc}[Document]{createProcessingInstruction}{target, data}
441 Create and return a processing instruction node containing the
442 \var{target} and \var{data} passed as parameters. As with the other
443 creation methods, this one does not insert the node into the tree.
444 \end{methoddesc}
446 \begin{methoddesc}[Document]{createAttribute}{name}
447 Create and return an attribute node. This method does not associate
448 the attribute node with any particular element. You must use
449 \method{setAttributeNode()} on the appropriate \class{Element} object
450 to use the newly created attribute instance.
451 \end{methoddesc}
453 \begin{methoddesc}[Document]{createAttributeNS}{namespaceURI, qualifiedName}
454 Create and return an attribute node with a namespace. The
455 \var{tagName} may have a prefix. This method does not associate the
456 attribute node with any particular element. You must use
457 \method{setAttributeNode()} on the appropriate \class{Element} object
458 to use the newly created attribute instance.
459 \end{methoddesc}
461 \begin{methoddesc}[Document]{getElementsByTagName}{tagName}
462 Search for all descendants (direct children, children's children,
463 etc.) with a particular element type name.
464 \end{methoddesc}
466 \begin{methoddesc}[Document]{getElementsByTagNameNS}{namespaceURI, localName}
467 Search for all descendants (direct children, children's children,
468 etc.) with a particular namespace URI and localname. The localname is
469 the part of the namespace after the prefix.
470 \end{methoddesc}
473 \subsubsection{Element Objects \label{dom-element-objects}}
475 \class{Element} is a subclass of \class{Node}, so inherits all the
476 attributes of that class.
478 \begin{memberdesc}[Element]{tagName}
479 The element type name. In a namespace-using document it may have
480 colons in it. The value is a string.
481 \end{memberdesc}
483 \begin{methoddesc}[Element]{getElementsByTagName}{tagName}
484 Same as equivalent method in the \class{Document} class.
485 \end{methoddesc}
487 \begin{methoddesc}[Element]{getElementsByTagNameNS}{tagName}
488 Same as equivalent method in the \class{Document} class.
489 \end{methoddesc}
491 \begin{methoddesc}[Element]{getAttribute}{attname}
492 Return an attribute value as a string.
493 \end{methoddesc}
495 \begin{methoddesc}[Element]{getAttributeNode}{attrname}
496 Return the \class{Attr} node for the attribute named by
497 \var{attrname}.
498 \end{methoddesc}
500 \begin{methoddesc}[Element]{getAttributeNS}{namespaceURI, localName}
501 Return an attribute value as a string, given a \var{namespaceURI} and
502 \var{localName}.
503 \end{methoddesc}
505 \begin{methoddesc}[Element]{getAttributeNodeNS}{namespaceURI, localName}
506 Return an attribute value as a node, given a \var{namespaceURI} and
507 \var{localName}.
508 \end{methoddesc}
510 \begin{methoddesc}[Element]{removeAttribute}{attname}
511 Remove an attribute by name. No exception is raised if there is no
512 matching attribute.
513 \end{methoddesc}
515 \begin{methoddesc}[Element]{removeAttributeNode}{oldAttr}
516 Remove and return \var{oldAttr} from the attribute list, if present.
517 If \var{oldAttr} is not present, \exception{NotFoundErr} is raised.
518 \end{methoddesc}
520 \begin{methoddesc}[Element]{removeAttributeNS}{namespaceURI, localName}
521 Remove an attribute by name. Note that it uses a localName, not a
522 qname. No exception is raised if there is no matching attribute.
523 \end{methoddesc}
525 \begin{methoddesc}[Element]{setAttribute}{attname, value}
526 Set an attribute value from a string.
527 \end{methoddesc}
529 \begin{methoddesc}[Element]{setAttributeNode}{newAttr}
530 Add a new attibute node to the element, replacing an existing
531 attribute if necessary if the \member{name} attribute matches. If a
532 replacement occurs, the old attribute node will be returned. If
533 \var{newAttr} is already in use, \exception{InuseAttributeErr} will be
534 raised.
535 \end{methoddesc}
537 \begin{methoddesc}[Element]{setAttributeNodeNS}{newAttr}
538 Add a new attibute node to the element, replacing an existing
539 attribute if necessary if the \member{namespaceURI} and
540 \member{localName} attributes match. If a replacement occurs, the old
541 attribute node will be returned. If \var{newAttr} is already in use,
542 \exception{InuseAttributeErr} will be raised.
543 \end{methoddesc}
545 \begin{methoddesc}[Element]{setAttributeNS}{namespaceURI, qname, value}
546 Set an attribute value from a string, given a \var{namespaceURI} and a
547 \var{qname}. Note that a qname is the whole attribute name. This is
548 different than above.
549 \end{methoddesc}
552 \subsubsection{Attr Objects \label{dom-attr-objects}}
554 \class{Attr} inherits from \class{Node}, so inherits all its
555 attributes.
557 \begin{memberdesc}[Attr]{name}
558 The attribute name. In a namespace-using document it may have colons
559 in it.
560 \end{memberdesc}
562 \begin{memberdesc}[Attr]{localName}
563 The part of the name following the colon if there is one, else the
564 entire name. This is a read-only attribute.
565 \end{memberdesc}
567 \begin{memberdesc}[Attr]{prefix}
568 The part of the name preceding the colon if there is one, else the
569 empty string.
570 \end{memberdesc}
573 \subsubsection{NamedNodeMap Objects \label{dom-attributelist-objects}}
575 \class{NamedNodeMap} does \emph{not} inherit from \class{Node}.
577 \begin{memberdesc}[NamedNodeMap]{length}
578 The length of the attribute list.
579 \end{memberdesc}
581 \begin{methoddesc}[NamedNodeMap]{item}{index}
582 Return an attribute with a particular index. The order you get the
583 attributes in is arbitrary but will be consistent for the life of a
584 DOM. Each item is an attribute node. Get its value with the
585 \member{value} attribbute.
586 \end{methoddesc}
588 There are also experimental methods that give this class more mapping
589 behavior. You can use them or you can use the standardized
590 \method{getAttribute*()}-family methods on the \class{Element} objects.
593 \subsubsection{Comment Objects \label{dom-comment-objects}}
595 \class{Comment} represents a comment in the XML document. It is a
596 subclass of \class{Node}, but cannot have child nodes.
598 \begin{memberdesc}[Comment]{data}
599 The content of the comment as a string. The attribute contains all
600 characters between the leading \code{<!-}\code{-} and trailing
601 \code{-}\code{->}, but does not include them.
602 \end{memberdesc}
605 \subsubsection{Text and CDATASection Objects \label{dom-text-objects}}
607 The \class{Text} interface represents text in the XML document. If
608 the parser and DOM implementation support the DOM's XML extension,
609 portions of the text enclosed in CDATA marked sections are stored in
610 \class{CDATASection} objects. These two interfaces are identical, but
611 provide different values for the \member{nodeType} attribute.
613 These interfaces extend the \class{Node} interface. They cannot have
614 child nodes.
616 \begin{memberdesc}[Text]{data}
617 The content of the text node as a string.
618 \end{memberdesc}
620 \strong{Note:} The use of a \class{CDATASection} node does not
621 indicate that the node represents a complete CDATA marked section,
622 only that the content of the node was part of a CDATA section. A
623 single CDATA section may be represented by more than one node in the
624 document tree. There is no way to determine whether two adjacent
625 \class{CDATASection} nodes represent different CDATA marked sections.
628 \subsubsection{ProcessingInstruction Objects \label{dom-pi-objects}}
630 Represents a processing instruction in the XML document; this inherits
631 from the \class{Node} interface and cannot have child nodes.
633 \begin{memberdesc}[ProcessingInstruction]{target}
634 The content of the processing instruction up to the first whitespace
635 character. This is a read-only attribute.
636 \end{memberdesc}
638 \begin{memberdesc}[ProcessingInstruction]{data}
639 The content of the processing instruction following the first
640 whitespace character.
641 \end{memberdesc}
644 \subsubsection{Exceptions \label{dom-exceptions}}
646 \versionadded{2.1}
648 The DOM Level 2 recommendation defines a single exception,
649 \exception{DOMException}, and a number of constants that allow
650 applications to determine what sort of error occurred.
651 \exception{DOMException} instances carry a \member{code} attribute
652 that provides the appropriate value for the specific exception.
654 The Python DOM interface provides the constants, but also expands the
655 set of exceptions so that a specific exception exists for each of the
656 exception codes defined by the DOM. The implementations must raise
657 the appropriate specific exception, each of which carries the
658 appropriate value for the \member{code} attribute.
660 \begin{excdesc}{DOMException}
661 Base exception class used for all specific DOM exceptions. This
662 exception class cannot be directly instantiated.
663 \end{excdesc}
665 \begin{excdesc}{DomstringSizeErr}
666 Raised when a specified range of text does not fit into a string.
667 This is not known to be used in the Python DOM implementations, but
668 may be received from DOM implementations not written in Python.
669 \end{excdesc}
671 \begin{excdesc}{HierarchyRequestErr}
672 Raised when an attempt is made to insert a node where the node type
673 is not allowed.
674 \end{excdesc}
676 \begin{excdesc}{IndexSizeErr}
677 Raised when an index or size parameter to a method is negative or
678 exceeds the allowed values.
679 \end{excdesc}
681 \begin{excdesc}{InuseAttributeErr}
682 Raised when an attempt is made to insert an \class{Attr} node that
683 is already present elsewhere in the document.
684 \end{excdesc}
686 \begin{excdesc}{InvalidAccessErr}
687 Raised if a parameter or an operation is not supported on the
688 underlying object.
689 \end{excdesc}
691 \begin{excdesc}{InvalidCharacterErr}
692 This exception is raised when a string parameter contains a
693 character that is not permitted in the context it's being used in by
694 the XML 1.0 recommendation. For example, attempting to create an
695 \class{Element} node with a space in the element type name will
696 cause this error to be raised.
697 \end{excdesc}
699 \begin{excdesc}{InvalidModificationErr}
700 Raised when an attempt is made to modify the type of a node.
701 \end{excdesc}
703 \begin{excdesc}{InvalidStateErr}
704 Raised when an attempt is made to use an object that is not or is no
705 longer usable.
706 \end{excdesc}
708 \begin{excdesc}{NamespaceErr}
709 If an attempt is made to change any object in a way that is not
710 permitted with regard to the
711 \citetitle[http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/]{Namespaces in XML}
712 recommendation, this exception is raised.
713 \end{excdesc}
715 \begin{excdesc}{NotFoundErr}
716 Exception when a node does not exist in the referenced context. For
717 example, \method{NamedNodeMap.removeNamedItem()} will raise this if
718 the node passed in does not exist in the map.
719 \end{excdesc}
721 \begin{excdesc}{NotSupportedErr}
722 Raised when the implementation does not support the requested type
723 of object or operation.
724 \end{excdesc}
726 \begin{excdesc}{NoDataAllowedErr}
727 This is raised if data is specified for a node which does not
728 support data.
729 % XXX a better explanation is needed!
730 \end{excdesc}
732 \begin{excdesc}{NoModificationAllowedErr}
733 Raised on attempts to modify an object where modifications are not
734 allowed (such as for read-only nodes).
735 \end{excdesc}
737 \begin{excdesc}{SyntaxErr}
738 Raised when an invalid or illegal string is specified.
739 % XXX how is this different from InvalidCharacterErr ???
740 \end{excdesc}
742 \begin{excdesc}{WrongDocumentErr}
743 Raised when a node is inserted in a different document than it
744 currently belongs to, and the implementation does not support
745 migrating the node from one document to the other.
746 \end{excdesc}
748 The exception codes defined in the DOM recommendation map to the
749 exceptions described above according to this table:
751 \begin{tableii}{l|l}{constant}{Constant}{Exception}
752 \lineii{DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR}{\exception{DomstringSizeErr}}
753 \lineii{HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR}{\exception{HierarchyRequestErr}}
754 \lineii{INDEX_SIZE_ERR}{\exception{IndexSizeErr}}
755 \lineii{INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR}{\exception{InuseAttributeErr}}
756 \lineii{INVALID_ACCESS_ERR}{\exception{InvalidAccessErr}}
757 \lineii{INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR}{\exception{InvalidCharacterErr}}
758 \lineii{INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR}{\exception{InvalidModificationErr}}
759 \lineii{INVALID_STATE_ERR}{\exception{InvalidStateErr}}
760 \lineii{NAMESPACE_ERR}{\exception{NamespaceErr}}
761 \lineii{NOT_FOUND_ERR}{\exception{NotFoundErr}}
762 \lineii{NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR}{\exception{NotSupportedErr}}
763 \lineii{NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR}{\exception{NoDataAllowedErr}}
764 \lineii{NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR}{\exception{NoModificationAllowedErr}}
765 \lineii{SYNTAX_ERR}{\exception{SyntaxErr}}
766 \lineii{WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR}{\exception{WrongDocumentErr}}
767 \end{tableii}
770 \subsection{Conformance \label{dom-conformance}}
772 This section describes the conformance requirements and relationships
773 between the Python DOM API, the W3C DOM recommendations, and the OMG
774 IDL mapping for Python.
777 \subsubsection{Type Mapping \label{dom-type-mapping}}
779 The primitive IDL types used in the DOM specification are mapped to
780 Python types according to the following table.
782 \begin{tableii}{l|l}{code}{IDL Type}{Python Type}
783 \lineii{boolean}{\code{IntegerType} (with a value of \code{0} or \code{1})}
784 \lineii{int}{\code{IntegerType}}
785 \lineii{long int}{\code{IntegerType}}
786 \lineii{unsigned int}{\code{IntegerType}}
787 \end{tableii}
789 Additionally, the \class{DOMString} defined in the recommendation is
790 mapped to a Python string or Unicode string. Applications should
791 be able to handle Unicode whenever a string is returned from the DOM.
793 The IDL \keyword{null} value is mapped to \code{None}, which may be
794 accepted or provided by the implementation whenever \keyword{null} is
795 allowed by the API.
798 \subsubsection{Accessor Methods \label{dom-accessor-methods}}
800 The mapping from OMG IDL to Python defines accessor functions for IDL
801 \keyword{attribute} declarations in much the way the Java mapping
802 does. Mapping the IDL declarations
804 \begin{verbatim}
805 readonly attribute string someValue;
806 attribute string anotherValue;
807 \end{verbatim}
809 yeilds three accessor functions: a ``get'' method for
810 \member{someValue} (\method{_get_someValue()}), and ``get'' and
811 ``set'' methods for
812 \member{anotherValue} (\method{_get_anotherValue()} and
813 \method{_set_anotherValue()}). The mapping, in particular, does not
814 require that the IDL attributes are accessible as normal Python
815 attributes: \code{\var{object}.someValue} is \emph{not} required to
816 work, and may raise an \exception{AttributeError}.
818 The Python DOM API, however, \emph{does} require that normal attribute
819 access work. This means that the typical surrogates generated by
820 Python IDL compilers are not likely to work, and wrapper objects may
821 be needed on the client if the DOM objects are accessed via CORBA.
822 While this does require some additional consideration for CORBA DOM
823 clients, the implementers with experience using DOM over CORBA from
824 Python do not consider this a problem. Attributes that are declared
825 \keyword{readonly} may not restrict write access in all DOM
826 implementations.
828 Additionally, the accessor functions are not required. If provided,
829 they should take the form defined by the Python IDL mapping, but
830 these methods are considered unnecessary since the attributes are
831 accessible directly from Python. ``Set'' accessors should never be
832 provided for \keyword{readonly} attributes.