Updated for 2.1a3
[python/dscho.git] / Lib / sgmllib.py
1 """A parser for SGML, using the derived class as a static DTD."""
3 # XXX This only supports those SGML features used by HTML.
5 # XXX There should be a way to distinguish between PCDATA (parsed
6 # character data -- the normal case), RCDATA (replaceable character
7 # data -- only char and entity references and end tags are special)
8 # and CDATA (character data -- only end tags are special).
11 import re
12 import string
14 __all__ = ["SGMLParser"]
16 # Regular expressions used for parsing
18 interesting = re.compile('[&<]')
19 incomplete = re.compile('&([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*|#[0-9]*)?|'
20 '<([a-zA-Z][^<>]*|'
21 '/([a-zA-Z][^<>]*)?|'
22 '![^<>]*)?')
24 entityref = re.compile('&([a-zA-Z][-.a-zA-Z0-9]*)[^a-zA-Z0-9]')
25 charref = re.compile('&#([0-9]+)[^0-9]')
27 starttagopen = re.compile('<[>a-zA-Z]')
28 shorttagopen = re.compile('<[a-zA-Z][-.a-zA-Z0-9]*/')
29 shorttag = re.compile('<([a-zA-Z][-.a-zA-Z0-9]*)/([^/]*)/')
30 piopen = re.compile('<\?')
31 piclose = re.compile('>')
32 endtagopen = re.compile('</[<>a-zA-Z]')
33 endbracket = re.compile('[<>]')
34 special = re.compile('<![^<>]*>')
35 commentopen = re.compile('<!--')
36 commentclose = re.compile('--[%s]*>' % string.whitespace)
37 tagfind = re.compile('[a-zA-Z][-.a-zA-Z0-9]*')
38 attrfind = re.compile(
39 '[%s]*([a-zA-Z_][-.a-zA-Z_0-9]*)' % string.whitespace
40 + ('([%s]*=[%s]*' % (string.whitespace, string.whitespace))
41 + r'(\'[^\']*\'|"[^"]*"|[-a-zA-Z0-9./:;+*%?!&$\(\)_#=~]*))?')
44 # SGML parser base class -- find tags and call handler functions.
45 # Usage: p = SGMLParser(); p.feed(data); ...; p.close().
46 # The dtd is defined by deriving a class which defines methods
47 # with special names to handle tags: start_foo and end_foo to handle
48 # <foo> and </foo>, respectively, or do_foo to handle <foo> by itself.
49 # (Tags are converted to lower case for this purpose.) The data
50 # between tags is passed to the parser by calling self.handle_data()
51 # with some data as argument (the data may be split up in arbitrary
52 # chunks). Entity references are passed by calling
53 # self.handle_entityref() with the entity reference as argument.
55 class SGMLParser:
57 # Interface -- initialize and reset this instance
58 def __init__(self, verbose=0):
59 self.verbose = verbose
60 self.reset()
62 # Interface -- reset this instance. Loses all unprocessed data
63 def reset(self):
64 self.rawdata = ''
65 self.stack = []
66 self.lasttag = '???'
67 self.nomoretags = 0
68 self.literal = 0
70 # For derived classes only -- enter literal mode (CDATA) till EOF
71 def setnomoretags(self):
72 self.nomoretags = self.literal = 1
74 # For derived classes only -- enter literal mode (CDATA)
75 def setliteral(self, *args):
76 self.literal = 1
78 # Interface -- feed some data to the parser. Call this as
79 # often as you want, with as little or as much text as you
80 # want (may include '\n'). (This just saves the text, all the
81 # processing is done by goahead().)
82 def feed(self, data):
83 self.rawdata = self.rawdata + data
84 self.goahead(0)
86 # Interface -- handle the remaining data
87 def close(self):
88 self.goahead(1)
90 # Internal -- handle data as far as reasonable. May leave state
91 # and data to be processed by a subsequent call. If 'end' is
92 # true, force handling all data as if followed by EOF marker.
93 def goahead(self, end):
94 rawdata = self.rawdata
95 i = 0
96 n = len(rawdata)
97 while i < n:
98 if self.nomoretags:
99 self.handle_data(rawdata[i:n])
100 i = n
101 break
102 match = interesting.search(rawdata, i)
103 if match: j = match.start(0)
104 else: j = n
105 if i < j: self.handle_data(rawdata[i:j])
106 i = j
107 if i == n: break
108 if rawdata[i] == '<':
109 if starttagopen.match(rawdata, i):
110 if self.literal:
111 self.handle_data(rawdata[i])
112 i = i+1
113 continue
114 k = self.parse_starttag(i)
115 if k < 0: break
116 i = k
117 continue
118 if endtagopen.match(rawdata, i):
119 k = self.parse_endtag(i)
120 if k < 0: break
121 i = k
122 self.literal = 0
123 continue
124 if commentopen.match(rawdata, i):
125 if self.literal:
126 self.handle_data(rawdata[i])
127 i = i+1
128 continue
129 k = self.parse_comment(i)
130 if k < 0: break
131 i = i+k
132 continue
133 if piopen.match(rawdata, i):
134 if self.literal:
135 self.handle_data(rawdata[i])
136 i = i+1
137 continue
138 k = self.parse_pi(i)
139 if k < 0: break
140 i = i+k
141 continue
142 match = special.match(rawdata, i)
143 if match:
144 if self.literal:
145 self.handle_data(rawdata[i])
146 i = i+1
147 continue
148 i = match.end(0)
149 continue
150 elif rawdata[i] == '&':
151 match = charref.match(rawdata, i)
152 if match:
153 name = match.group(1)
154 self.handle_charref(name)
155 i = match.end(0)
156 if rawdata[i-1] != ';': i = i-1
157 continue
158 match = entityref.match(rawdata, i)
159 if match:
160 name = match.group(1)
161 self.handle_entityref(name)
162 i = match.end(0)
163 if rawdata[i-1] != ';': i = i-1
164 continue
165 else:
166 raise RuntimeError, 'neither < nor & ??'
167 # We get here only if incomplete matches but
168 # nothing else
169 match = incomplete.match(rawdata, i)
170 if not match:
171 self.handle_data(rawdata[i])
172 i = i+1
173 continue
174 j = match.end(0)
175 if j == n:
176 break # Really incomplete
177 self.handle_data(rawdata[i:j])
178 i = j
179 # end while
180 if end and i < n:
181 self.handle_data(rawdata[i:n])
182 i = n
183 self.rawdata = rawdata[i:]
184 # XXX if end: check for empty stack
186 # Internal -- parse comment, return length or -1 if not terminated
187 def parse_comment(self, i):
188 rawdata = self.rawdata
189 if rawdata[i:i+4] != '<!--':
190 raise RuntimeError, 'unexpected call to handle_comment'
191 match = commentclose.search(rawdata, i+4)
192 if not match:
193 return -1
194 j = match.start(0)
195 self.handle_comment(rawdata[i+4: j])
196 j = match.end(0)
197 return j-i
199 # Internal -- parse processing instr, return length or -1 if not terminated
200 def parse_pi(self, i):
201 rawdata = self.rawdata
202 if rawdata[i:i+2] != '<?':
203 raise RuntimeError, 'unexpected call to handle_pi'
204 match = piclose.search(rawdata, i+2)
205 if not match:
206 return -1
207 j = match.start(0)
208 self.handle_pi(rawdata[i+2: j])
209 j = match.end(0)
210 return j-i
212 __starttag_text = None
213 def get_starttag_text(self):
214 return self.__starttag_text
216 # Internal -- handle starttag, return length or -1 if not terminated
217 def parse_starttag(self, i):
218 self.__starttag_text = None
219 start_pos = i
220 rawdata = self.rawdata
221 if shorttagopen.match(rawdata, i):
222 # SGML shorthand: <tag/data/ == <tag>data</tag>
223 # XXX Can data contain &... (entity or char refs)?
224 # XXX Can data contain < or > (tag characters)?
225 # XXX Can there be whitespace before the first /?
226 match = shorttag.match(rawdata, i)
227 if not match:
228 return -1
229 tag, data = match.group(1, 2)
230 self.__starttag_text = '<%s/' % tag
231 tag = tag.lower()
232 k = match.end(0)
233 self.finish_shorttag(tag, data)
234 self.__starttag_text = rawdata[start_pos:match.end(1) + 1]
235 return k
236 # XXX The following should skip matching quotes (' or ")
237 match = endbracket.search(rawdata, i+1)
238 if not match:
239 return -1
240 j = match.start(0)
241 # Now parse the data between i+1 and j into a tag and attrs
242 attrs = []
243 if rawdata[i:i+2] == '<>':
244 # SGML shorthand: <> == <last open tag seen>
245 k = j
246 tag = self.lasttag
247 else:
248 match = tagfind.match(rawdata, i+1)
249 if not match:
250 raise RuntimeError, 'unexpected call to parse_starttag'
251 k = match.end(0)
252 tag = rawdata[i+1:k].lower()
253 self.lasttag = tag
254 while k < j:
255 match = attrfind.match(rawdata, k)
256 if not match: break
257 attrname, rest, attrvalue = match.group(1, 2, 3)
258 if not rest:
259 attrvalue = attrname
260 elif attrvalue[:1] == '\'' == attrvalue[-1:] or \
261 attrvalue[:1] == '"' == attrvalue[-1:]:
262 attrvalue = attrvalue[1:-1]
263 attrs.append((attrname.lower(), attrvalue))
264 k = match.end(0)
265 if rawdata[j] == '>':
266 j = j+1
267 self.__starttag_text = rawdata[start_pos:j]
268 self.finish_starttag(tag, attrs)
269 return j
271 # Internal -- parse endtag
272 def parse_endtag(self, i):
273 rawdata = self.rawdata
274 match = endbracket.search(rawdata, i+1)
275 if not match:
276 return -1
277 j = match.start(0)
278 tag = rawdata[i+2:j].strip().lower()
279 if rawdata[j] == '>':
280 j = j+1
281 self.finish_endtag(tag)
282 return j
284 # Internal -- finish parsing of <tag/data/ (same as <tag>data</tag>)
285 def finish_shorttag(self, tag, data):
286 self.finish_starttag(tag, [])
287 self.handle_data(data)
288 self.finish_endtag(tag)
290 # Internal -- finish processing of start tag
291 # Return -1 for unknown tag, 0 for open-only tag, 1 for balanced tag
292 def finish_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
293 try:
294 method = getattr(self, 'start_' + tag)
295 except AttributeError:
296 try:
297 method = getattr(self, 'do_' + tag)
298 except AttributeError:
299 self.unknown_starttag(tag, attrs)
300 return -1
301 else:
302 self.handle_starttag(tag, method, attrs)
303 return 0
304 else:
305 self.stack.append(tag)
306 self.handle_starttag(tag, method, attrs)
307 return 1
309 # Internal -- finish processing of end tag
310 def finish_endtag(self, tag):
311 if not tag:
312 found = len(self.stack) - 1
313 if found < 0:
314 self.unknown_endtag(tag)
315 return
316 else:
317 if tag not in self.stack:
318 try:
319 method = getattr(self, 'end_' + tag)
320 except AttributeError:
321 self.unknown_endtag(tag)
322 else:
323 self.report_unbalanced(tag)
324 return
325 found = len(self.stack)
326 for i in range(found):
327 if self.stack[i] == tag: found = i
328 while len(self.stack) > found:
329 tag = self.stack[-1]
330 try:
331 method = getattr(self, 'end_' + tag)
332 except AttributeError:
333 method = None
334 if method:
335 self.handle_endtag(tag, method)
336 else:
337 self.unknown_endtag(tag)
338 del self.stack[-1]
340 # Overridable -- handle start tag
341 def handle_starttag(self, tag, method, attrs):
342 method(attrs)
344 # Overridable -- handle end tag
345 def handle_endtag(self, tag, method):
346 method()
348 # Example -- report an unbalanced </...> tag.
349 def report_unbalanced(self, tag):
350 if self.verbose:
351 print '*** Unbalanced </' + tag + '>'
352 print '*** Stack:', self.stack
354 # Example -- handle character reference, no need to override
355 def handle_charref(self, name):
356 try:
357 n = int(name)
358 except ValueError:
359 self.unknown_charref(name)
360 return
361 if not 0 <= n <= 255:
362 self.unknown_charref(name)
363 return
364 self.handle_data(chr(n))
366 # Definition of entities -- derived classes may override
367 entitydefs = \
368 {'lt': '<', 'gt': '>', 'amp': '&', 'quot': '"', 'apos': '\''}
370 # Example -- handle entity reference, no need to override
371 def handle_entityref(self, name):
372 table = self.entitydefs
373 if table.has_key(name):
374 self.handle_data(table[name])
375 else:
376 self.unknown_entityref(name)
377 return
379 # Example -- handle data, should be overridden
380 def handle_data(self, data):
381 pass
383 # Example -- handle comment, could be overridden
384 def handle_comment(self, data):
385 pass
387 # Example -- handle processing instruction, could be overridden
388 def handle_pi(self, data):
389 pass
391 # To be overridden -- handlers for unknown objects
392 def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs): pass
393 def unknown_endtag(self, tag): pass
394 def unknown_charref(self, ref): pass
395 def unknown_entityref(self, ref): pass
398 class TestSGMLParser(SGMLParser):
400 def __init__(self, verbose=0):
401 self.testdata = ""
402 SGMLParser.__init__(self, verbose)
404 def handle_data(self, data):
405 self.testdata = self.testdata + data
406 if len(`self.testdata`) >= 70:
407 self.flush()
409 def flush(self):
410 data = self.testdata
411 if data:
412 self.testdata = ""
413 print 'data:', `data`
415 def handle_comment(self, data):
416 self.flush()
417 r = `data`
418 if len(r) > 68:
419 r = r[:32] + '...' + r[-32:]
420 print 'comment:', r
422 def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
423 self.flush()
424 if not attrs:
425 print 'start tag: <' + tag + '>'
426 else:
427 print 'start tag: <' + tag,
428 for name, value in attrs:
429 print name + '=' + '"' + value + '"',
430 print '>'
432 def unknown_endtag(self, tag):
433 self.flush()
434 print 'end tag: </' + tag + '>'
436 def unknown_entityref(self, ref):
437 self.flush()
438 print '*** unknown entity ref: &' + ref + ';'
440 def unknown_charref(self, ref):
441 self.flush()
442 print '*** unknown char ref: &#' + ref + ';'
444 def close(self):
445 SGMLParser.close(self)
446 self.flush()
449 def test(args = None):
450 import sys
452 if not args:
453 args = sys.argv[1:]
455 if args and args[0] == '-s':
456 args = args[1:]
457 klass = SGMLParser
458 else:
459 klass = TestSGMLParser
461 if args:
462 file = args[0]
463 else:
464 file = 'test.html'
466 if file == '-':
467 f = sys.stdin
468 else:
469 try:
470 f = open(file, 'r')
471 except IOError, msg:
472 print file, ":", msg
473 sys.exit(1)
475 data = f.read()
476 if f is not sys.stdin:
477 f.close()
479 x = klass()
480 for c in data:
481 x.feed(c)
482 x.close()
485 if __name__ == '__main__':
486 test()