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1 import string
2 import sys
3 import os
4 from Tkinter import *
5 import linecache
6 from repr import Repr
7 from WindowList import ListedToplevel
9 from ScrolledList import ScrolledList
12 class StackBrowser:
14 def __init__(self, root, flist, stack=None):
15 = top = ListedToplevel(root)
16 top.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close)
17 top.bind("<Key-Escape>", self.close)
18 top.wm_title("Stack viewer")
19 top.wm_iconname("Stack")
20 # Create help label
21 self.helplabel = Label(top,
22 text="Click once to view variables; twice for source",
23 borderwidth=2, relief="groove")
24 self.helplabel.pack(fill="x")
26 = StackViewer(top, flist, self)
27 if stack is None:
28 stack = get_stack()
31 def close(self, event=None):
34 localsframe = None
35 localsviewer = None
36 localsdict = None
37 globalsframe = None
38 globalsviewer = None
39 globalsdict = None
40 curframe = None
42 def show_frame(self, (frame, lineno)):
43 if frame is self.curframe:
44 return
45 self.curframe = None
46 if frame.f_globals is not self.globalsdict:
47 self.show_globals(frame)
48 self.show_locals(frame)
49 self.curframe = frame
51 def show_globals(self, frame):
52 title = "Global Variables"
53 if frame.f_globals.has_key("__name__"):
54 try:
55 name = str(frame.f_globals["__name__"]) + ""
56 except:
57 name = ""
58 if name:
59 title = title + " in module " + name
60 self.globalsdict = None
61 if self.globalsviewer:
62 self.globalsviewer.close()
63 self.globalsviewer = None
64 if not self.globalsframe:
65 self.globalsframe = Frame(
66 self.globalsdict = frame.f_globals
67 self.globalsviewer = NamespaceViewer(
68 self.globalsframe,
69 title,
70 self.globalsdict)
71 self.globalsframe.pack(fill="both", side="bottom")
73 def show_locals(self, frame):
74 self.localsdict = None
75 if self.localsviewer:
76 self.localsviewer.close()
77 self.localsviewer = None
78 if frame.f_locals is not frame.f_globals:
79 title = "Local Variables"
80 code = frame.f_code
81 funcname = code.co_name
82 if funcname not in ("?", "", None):
83 title = title + " in " + funcname
84 if not self.localsframe:
85 self.localsframe = Frame(
86 self.localsdict = frame.f_locals
87 self.localsviewer = NamespaceViewer(
88 self.localsframe,
89 title,
90 self.localsdict)
91 self.localsframe.pack(fill="both", side="top")
92 else:
93 if self.localsframe:
94 self.localsframe.forget()
97 class StackViewer(ScrolledList):
99 def __init__(self, master, flist, browser):
100 ScrolledList.__init__(self, master, width=80)
101 self.flist = flist
102 self.browser = browser
103 self.stack = []
105 def load_stack(self, stack, index=None):
106 self.stack = stack
107 self.clear()
108 ## if len(stack) > 10:
109 ## l["height"] = 10
110 ## self.topframe.pack(expand=1)
111 ## else:
112 ## l["height"] = len(stack)
113 ## self.topframe.pack(expand=0)
114 for i in range(len(stack)):
115 frame, lineno = stack[i]
116 try:
117 modname = frame.f_globals["__name__"]
118 except:
119 modname = "?"
120 code = frame.f_code
121 filename = code.co_filename
122 funcname = code.co_name
123 sourceline = linecache.getline(filename, lineno)
124 sourceline = string.strip(sourceline)
125 if funcname in ("?", "", None):
126 item = "%s, line %d: %s" % (modname, lineno, sourceline)
127 else:
128 item = "%s.%s(), line %d: %s" % (modname, funcname,
129 lineno, sourceline)
130 if i == index:
131 item = "> " + item
132 self.append(item)
133 if index is not None:
136 def popup_event(self, event):
137 if self.stack:
138 return ScrolledList.popup_event(self, event)
140 def fill_menu(self):
141 menu =
142 menu.add_command(label="Go to source line",
143 command=self.goto_source_line)
144 menu.add_command(label="Show stack frame",
145 command=self.show_stack_frame)
147 def on_select(self, index):
148 if 0 <= index < len(self.stack):
149 self.browser.show_frame(self.stack[index])
151 def on_double(self, index):
152 self.show_source(index)
154 def goto_source_line(self):
155 index = self.listbox.index("active")
156 self.show_source(index)
158 def show_stack_frame(self):
159 index = self.listbox.index("active")
160 if 0 <= index < len(self.stack):
161 self.browser.show_frame(self.stack[index])
163 def show_source(self, index):
164 if not (0 <= index < len(self.stack)):
165 return
166 frame, lineno = self.stack[index]
167 code = frame.f_code
168 filename = code.co_filename
169 if os.path.isfile(filename):
170 edit =
171 if edit:
172 edit.gotoline(lineno)
175 def get_stack(t=None, f=None):
176 if t is None:
177 t = sys.last_traceback
178 stack = []
179 if t and t.tb_frame is f:
180 t = t.tb_next
181 while f is not None:
182 stack.append((f, f.f_lineno))
183 if f is self.botframe:
184 break
185 f = f.f_back
186 stack.reverse()
187 while t is not None:
188 stack.append((t.tb_frame, t.tb_lineno))
189 t = t.tb_next
190 return stack
193 def getexception(type=None, value=None):
194 if type is None:
195 type = sys.last_type
196 value = sys.last_value
197 if hasattr(type, "__name__"):
198 type = type.__name__
199 s = str(type)
200 if value is not None:
201 s = s + ": " + str(value)
202 return s
205 class NamespaceViewer:
207 def __init__(self, master, title, dict=None):
208 width = 0
209 height = 40
210 if dict:
211 height = 20*len(dict) # XXX 20 == observed height of Entry widget
212 self.master = master
213 self.title = title
214 self.repr = Repr()
215 self.repr.maxstring = 60
216 self.repr.maxother = 60
217 self.frame = frame = Frame(master)
218 self.frame.pack(expand=1, fill="both")
219 self.label = Label(frame, text=title, borderwidth=2, relief="groove")
220 self.label.pack(fill="x")
221 self.vbar = vbar = Scrollbar(frame, name="vbar")
222 vbar.pack(side="right", fill="y")
223 self.canvas = canvas = Canvas(frame,
224 height=min(300, max(40, height)),
225 scrollregion=(0, 0, width, height))
226 canvas.pack(side="left", fill="both", expand=1)
227 vbar["command"] = canvas.yview
228 canvas["yscrollcommand"] = vbar.set
229 self.subframe = subframe = Frame(canvas)
230 self.sfid = canvas.create_window(0, 0, window=subframe, anchor="nw")
231 self.load_dict(dict)
233 dict = -1
235 def load_dict(self, dict, force=0):
236 if dict is self.dict and not force:
237 return
238 subframe = self.subframe
239 frame = self.frame
240 for c in subframe.children.values():
241 c.destroy()
242 self.dict = None
243 if not dict:
244 l = Label(subframe, text="None")
245 l.grid(row=0, column=0)
246 else:
247 names = dict.keys()
248 names.sort()
249 row = 0
250 for name in names:
251 value = dict[name]
252 svalue = self.repr.repr(value) # repr(value)
253 l = Label(subframe, text=name)
254 l.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky="nw")
255 ## l = Label(subframe, text=svalue, justify="l", wraplength=300)
256 l = Entry(subframe, width=0, borderwidth=0)
257 l.insert(0, svalue)
258 ## l["state"] = "disabled"
259 l.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky="nw")
260 row = row+1
261 self.dict = dict
262 # XXX Could we use a <Configure> callback for the following?
263 subframe.update_idletasks() # Alas!
264 width = subframe.winfo_reqwidth()
265 height = subframe.winfo_reqheight()
266 canvas = self.canvas
267 self.canvas["scrollregion"] = (0, 0, width, height)
268 if height > 300:
269 canvas["height"] = 300
270 frame.pack(expand=1)
271 else:
272 canvas["height"] = height
273 frame.pack(expand=0)
275 def close(self):
276 self.frame.destroy()